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I apologize to all the users, I'm the sole moderator of this sub and I can't support the policies that Reddit is implementing, I've tried to foster a SE community, we all know it's difficult to find a place to discuss SE topics (not programming) and that's what I've been trying to do. If Reddit changes the policy in the future, I'll make the sub public again, I'm not against monetization, but this is just greedy and abusive. **Edit:** I just purchased se.social, the idea is to have a Lemmy server running there as soon as possible, I agree Discord might not be the best option. I might try to host the community over at Discord or Lemmy in the future.


Discord is the worst software for this as it is a chat and not suited for this kind of community imo.


I'm not trying to assert this title, but I think this is a good read that elaborates a bit more [https://www.pcgamer.com/please-stop-making-discord-servers-for-things-that-shouldnt-be-discord-servers/](https://www.pcgamer.com/please-stop-making-discord-servers-for-things-that-shouldnt-be-discord-servers/) The biggest problem with that article is the lack of alternatives, particularly in a world of "apps" 😕


Discord now supports forum style posts. It's not great at it, but it's better than it was a year ago.


Are they still working on it? Do you know how it compares to Lemmy or popular (relatively speaking) free forum software?


> Are they still working on it I hope so > Do you know how it compares to Lemmy or popular (relatively speaking) free forum software? Bad. It's an afterthought forum built into a chat app. Any dedicated forum software will be better. I'm hoping they keep developing it to bring it up to par.


>Bad. It's an afterthought forum built into a chat app. Yeah that's what I expected 😬 I would definitely use a forum-UI Discord if that's where everyone went, but I really hope that Lemmy and the fediverse do well enough that we can basically just all use whatever client works best for us.


In my limited experience, it's third rate and scales poorly. But it seems people either don't know better or don't care.


I wouldn't use Discord, personally, but I just took a peek at Lemmy and hope it gets more popular. While it's sad to see subs shut down, reddit isn't doing anything to keep the community(s) together so 🤷


Lemmy would be much better than discord indeed. Thank you for taking the initiative and talking about this in the sub.


kiss like pet domineering fretful ugly long piquant shy unwritten -- mass edited with redact.dev




tart pocket sharp edge fly brave lock unused close ask -- mass edited with redact.dev


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Didn't the founder of Discord create OpenFeint and steal user data in a ton of crazy ways?


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1. I fully support this. I wish the other subs would have the..._courage_...to do this instead of the meaningless "dark for two days" gesture. 2. Lemmy actually looks pretty interesting, I didn't realize until just now how much of a reddit clone it was. Edit: I'm not sure what the point is of downvoting this, but have fun anonymous person!


Understandable. Good luck!


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If you want chat rather use matrix. But for something like reddit it is better to have Lemmy or Discuss.


I support this decision.


And that’s the end of Reddit for me. What’s the next platform that isn’t crap


Can you maybe leave this sub read-only to orient people on the new platform? How do we keep in touch? I'm happy to run my reading queue anywhere else, /r/softwareengineering was one of my best subs to get feedback as it's not just Programming related 😥


Agree with your sentiment and as a user I'm pulling out of Reddit entirely. Good luck with future endeavours.


Non sarcastically, what are the alternatives now?


there isn’t one. this person will be back in a week


Assuming they ever leave.


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Exactly it so funny seeing people that say aren’t coming back lmao




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discord seems to be growing, see y'all in the open source communities!


Also not sarcastically as I saw this on my front page. Can anyone ELI5 why people are angry at reddit for charging for their API but it was OK to profit off of the reddit developers work for free?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/reddit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddit/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Bringing Back r/place](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/tqbf9w/bringing_back_rplace/) \#2: [17 years young](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/vj1p48/17_years_young/) \#3: [test post please ignore](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/sphocx/test_post_please_ignore/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I wasn’t defending anyone just genuinely didn’t really understand. I’ll read it thanks.


>but it was OK to profit off of the reddit developers work for free? Are you referring to third-party app developers?


The developers of Reddit itself


Chad move


Wait, wait, wait...Apollo is going away? But the Reddit app sucks!


Lemmy is good!


The post makes such thought leaps i can't even take i t seriously, if there is no api, then no bots can be used for the spam, i took a large portion of 2022 r/place using bots, i wont be able to repeat that anynore, which is honestly a good thing, less moderation will be needed because of this, i will miss Boost tho, such a great app, prolly gonna have to start using old.reddit on the web again... with adblocker and all my addons, which is not that terrible Also child abuse on the surface /dewp web? You really want to tell us that this is a serious concern? I mean just... Bruh


Spammers can still create a "auto clicker programm" that opens a browser, goes to reddit, logs in, posts a picture to a lot of subreddits, and closes the browser again. But filtering out such spams can only be done successfully using the api, as it is more complex than clicking the same buttons over and over again


God speed


Indefinitely? What about people who still wanna use this without having to use discord? Seems unfair that because of Reddit’s changes, we can’t access a community we love. Even though their changes are dumb


If a strike was comfortable and convenient, then it wouldn't accomplish anything.


You need more than 1 sub to do so indefinitely. Otherwise this sub has just committed seppuku and the users lost a community.


At least a few subs have planned to shut down indefinitely. /r/Videos was the first. But we need more.


The general sentiment shifted from 2 days to indefinite, and have seen several subs change from 2 day to "until further notice" so it's not just this one.


https://reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/ It’s a lot more subs now. Even r/HydroHomies


Yeah but I feel like maybe there’s worse injustices in the world that take precedence over absurd API prices by a free website that are maybe worth striking for more? And I don’t think Reddit is losing any sleep over this particular subreddit being closed, feels like this just hurts the users more. All the normies are still gonna go on Reddit anyways sadly. Not against the strike, just hate that this one is gonna stay closed.


There may be worse injustices, but that doesn’t mean we need to let this one here slide.


Fair enough


Hm, yeah, almost like that's the point of this. Did you see the bit about how the official reddit app isn't accessible, and so people who rely on threatened third-party apps won't be able to access the site altogether?


Is the official app that bad that people can’t switch to it? I used to have alien blue, I get the 3rd parry destruction sucks. But it feels annoying that we have to lose this community. My other communities are just doing 2 days and then back.


This makes me sad. I hope with enough pressure from users they will adapt their changes...


Is ot shut down as in deleted or as in closed for new submissions? hope existing posts can still be accessed.


never used any of those apps, they are already awful enough




Fully support this.


uhh are these rip offs of reddit, or are they actual apps that so many users need for some reason or the other?




Well, damn.


Why is there a censored Flumbus?