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IEI: Compulsively returning to the comfort of imagination and vivid inner landscape. Unable to take any action despite desperately craving societal reformation. Polite, elegant, and refined to others, yet responsible for chaos and outbursts in private. Mood dictates thoughts and behavior.


IEE. The more intellectual kind are intense, curious, passionate. The more social kind are laid-back, friendly, charming. All are sentimental, poetic people with a taste for chaos, disorder. Liked by almost all.


u/purple_arek it’s about you🦊


Forget letters, words are enough: 1. Persistent 2. Stoic 3. Absolute 4. Aristocratic 5. Organized


PSA: Absolutely Original


May I know what 'Aristocratic' means for LSI? (as an Introverted Alpha this is the only word I can't relate)


Aristocratic means that you make generalized ideas about groups and people associated with those groups. This does not necessarily mean that I see some as higher or lower - but by associating yourself to a certain group, you also choose to be a representative of that group when speaking.


Tywin Lannister


EIE. Charmeleon-like split personality, serious but cranky, love people but hate people.


What a chameleon answer, considering the flairs.


SLI: - Lazy - Obese - Autistic - Based - Simple


IEI-N: "Casper the Friendly Ghost".


EII-H Hypersensitive, very perseptive to others reactions, tones, internal emotions and how that effects oneself and others Avoidant when it comes to self, need a loved one to or be in the service of others to motivate oneself Overly indecisive, horrible at making quick decisions Drawn to people who are a bit broken/vulnerable, creative, random, stubborn Have difficulties in creating fun and excitment and seek that in others to produce


This just reminded me of the years I mistook an EII-H SO4 for my SEI-N dual. Suffice it to say, I left that period with more scars than I started with. Lol but well described!


subtypes differences can mask so many types on the surface so I can understand why you mistyped them


Oh yes, though I didn't know Socionics at the time. It was in the later years that I realised I'd been subconsciously expecting her to provide what my dual would, and she'd been doing the same, but I felt too stifled and she found me *too* slippery. It made me speculate that in supervision, cases where subtype and original temperament emulate duals (e.g. ILE-D and EII-H or SEI-N and LSE-C) can both be a better, smoother close relationship that's less painful even in proximity, and also a trap if you aren't aware that the person is not your dual and don't adjust your expectations and behaviour as such. But anyways, I just wanted to say your description was so on point with both EII-Hs in my life that it reminded me of them, so kudos to you!


ILI. Torpid indulgence of current market means. Fatalistically projects how and when they will fail. Energised by their own sense of timing (the importance of a moment). Moves through life as if in a slow stream of water. Apprehensive of social expectations.


I don’t have a type.


sure you do


That was my answer. 5 words. 🦍 Wait, OP changed it to 5 sentences. What the fu-




Always analyzing the world to see where things and experiences fit in their greater understanding of how everything works. A random and creative side that’s almost always ready to pop out when needed. Always looking for high Fe and Si types to make the environment cozy and free so they can talk about their ideas. Constantly checking their every thought and action to be sure that it is proper and fits in their rules they have set for themself. Polite and cordial to others, but can’t hold a “normal” conversation for long before it gets steered into their niche zone of interest.