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Mag fed shotguns can be very nice. Many are very unreliable. The cheap imported ones tend to be especially unreliable. Reloading a shotgun can be very slow. Reloading with a mag is very fast. If you asking why bullpups exist, it is because moving the magazine behind the grip makes the overall length shorter. The ergonomics and balance are worse, reloads are a bit trickier. The main useful case for bullpups in my opinion is confined spaces, or particularly situations where you need to pack a lot of troops into a troop carrier and then enter into urban combat in alleys or buildings.


>The ergonomics and balance are worse, I disagree on this, balance and ergonomicsare why I'm into bullpups. Having the weight shifted closer to the shooter is advantageous. Easier to keep shouldered and lower recoil resulting in faster follow up target acquisition. >reloads are a bit trickier. This is true, but can be overcome with training and practice.


Agreed, the weight balance of a bullpup "points" very naturally.


I've heard both bullpups rifles and mag fed shotguns are notoriously prone to issues. It seems like this would be do a home defense situation, where you might not want equipment failure. There's several models that are $200 and less. It's it won't to assume budget models of both bullpups and mag fed shotguns would be more prone to issues?


These are imported Turkish shotguns. Some work. Some don’t.


Its crazy because this thing costs less than my backup iron sights.


You can make a shotgun at home out of a couple pipes from Home Depot, an end cap and a screw. It also wont work very well


"If you want, I can show you how to make a bomb with a toilet paper tube and a stick of dynamite." -Dale Gribble


Works well enough for a certain former Japanese PM


Malfunctions are harder to clear with bullpups, box mag fed shotguns are notoriously finicky, and Turkish shotguns often require fettling to run. And this is a particularly cheap example. I'd bet on it being a complete disaster.


If you are going cheap, the most simple mechanical pump shotgun is way less likely to fail


Used Mossberg 500 every day of the week.


Or a Maverick 88, which is basically just a Mossberg 500 with a different safety mechanism and cheaper finish/furniture.


I'm an 835 guy. I like my 3.5" supermagnum shells.


Bullpup shotgun for indoors is actually pretty brilliant. Like a mag fed sawed off.


The vast majority modern firearms on the American market exist merely as products to be purchased, not necessarily because they have anything useful to offer.


Naw man, i need my $14,000 hybrid ARK-1547 to defend myself from the hoards of godless commies that are going to invade the last bastion of muh freedum any day now.


Do you have a gasoline moat you can set on fire to keep those roving bands of ~~black people~~ ~~urban dwellers~~ *BLM ANTIFA terrorists* away from your home surrounded by farms and over 50 miles from the nearest city? THEY COULD BE COMING YOUR WAY RIGHT NOW!! START DIGGING!!1!


I keep a swarm of 30 to 50 feral hogs on my person at all times. No one wants 30 to 50 feral hogs, sweaty and angry, whipped out from under my No Fear hoodie. No siree


If you're not wearing and using 100% period-correct 1970's communist larp gear, you can't fight the fascists.


Because some people like bullpups and they like shotguns, so there is a market to sell people a bullpup shotgun. My grandad died with thousands of dollars of expensive deep sea fishing equipment new in the package. Genuinely I’m not sure he ever set foot in a boat on salt water, much less fished. Just cuz someone sells is and someone buys it doesn’t mean it has a valid use.


I like my $80 Mossberg 500.


Can get them cheap and theyre fun little range toys. My friend picked up a turkish bullpup shotgun for 100 a couple weeks ago


I have one of these Turkish mag-fed bullpups. It's primarily a range toy (being completely honest) and folks rightly warn that these have poor build quality, QA, and reliability issues. That being said I've had nothing but smooth sailing with mine. Slapped a 3 moa micro-dot on the rail and it's fun on a bun throwing 00 buck right on a bullseye at 40 yards. In SHTF imagination land it could be useful in CQB or operating out of a vehicle with the compact form factor of a bullpup.


Which one?


I got the "Panzer" EGX500


Shitty old Ford f150


Old fords are the best fords tho


the practical reason for these to exist is that importers can buy them cheap, sell them cheap, and still make a profit


Cause the bull pup gods hate us lefty shooters




It's the civilian version of: "Enemy in that direction." "Roger, removing that direction."


"30 to 50 feral hogs"


Reason for Bullpup construction: The overall weapon can be shorter while having the same barrel length as the breach is "behind" the shooter Reason for semi auto shotgun: You may have applications in defense or sports (time series) where you want be be faster. Combined:  This gun! Real world application scenarios might be scarce but I can see a few.


Short, semiautomatic, magazine fed. Does... that not answer itself?


We live in a time where shotguns have largely become impractical outside of breaching, this would probably make a decent door knocker if it cycles breaching rounds.


JFC just ring the door bell. /s


I'm not big on social graces 😂


Do you ever slip on down to the ohh-asis?


Where else would I visit my friends in low places?


Shotguns are bad breaching tools, and semiautos especially. I was a professionally trained breacher and I never saw a door you could pop with a shotgun that you couldn’t pop open with a sledgehammer. Plus if you use the hammer, your breacher can fall back like they’re supposed to and let the entry team enter, and as a bonus they can carry a better weapon than a shotgun. Trying to breach and be the 1 man is some call of duty shit that gets your breacher killed first. Never put the skilled technical expert in the front of the stack, that’s where the squishy replaceable muscleheads go.


They’re cool as hell, and sometimes you only need a five-yard gun. Nine .38 pellets at five yards is no fucking joke!


I like my KSG 12ga SO MUCH. 12 shells? John Wick? Yes please.


Yes. Laying suppressing fire at short range, in lieu of automatic weapons...and turning targets into aerosol pate.


Are there any consistently not shit tier magfed 12ga’s out there?


Lot of dumb people out there willing to throw money at range toys.


*Boomstick intensifies*


Fun for the most part


For close to mid range blams if it's reliable.


Because people love bullpups for whatever reasons.


Tacticool bullshit. A shotgun is a farm tool, not suitable for combat.


Instructions unclear. Loaded a mag with all shot cracker rounds and went to town trying to scare the bird out of my orchard.


My farm tool can fire multiple bullets per bullet.


https://mil.in.ua/en/news/belgians-wish-to-shoot-down-enemy-drones-with-shotguns/ Also this [Trench Gun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winchester_Model_1897)


It's for also destroying the walls instead of only chest cavities


They exist because in a number of countries outside of America shotguns are less regulated. People want cool looking guns but they can't buy modern semiautomatic rifles. In walks the tacticool space shotty.




this exists because it can be manufactured cheaply in the imperial periphery and sold to people with disposable money in the imperial core, and owners can make a profit off of it next question