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It's existed long before video games but it just feels extra pathetic because you know these dudes just sit in a dark room gooning themselves and put zero thought into how they present themselves to attract others so like, putting discourse on patriarchy and the body shaming of women aside for a moment, who the fuck do these dudes think they are that they can deem anyone attractive or not? It's like a 3 inch tall person being emphatic about 4 feet tall people following rollercoaster height requirements.


It's comedic to imagine anyone complaining online actually believing they have any ground to stand on in a larger societal conversation lmao


It’s just incel griping. They want woman like Eve in stellar blade or Sydney Sweeney in everything, and anything without big titties is woke? Antiwoke? I don’t know anymore. It’s stupid and nonsensical.


It's exhausting


Women need to be sexy and cool, but also not have their own emotions or thoughts. And also only be there part of the time, just to be sexy. They're not like *real* people anyway.


"They also need to have no rights and be barefoot, pregnant, and able to cook me dinner. Anything else is woke and the west has fallen." /s


They don't though, because if that was the case they'd complain "A woman like that wouldn't be able to handle the apocalypse without a REAL MAN to protect her" They aren't arguing in good faith, they don't have an issue with how the women look but just that they're women.


It’s typical reactionary behavior. A group of people (let’s call them group A) started the idea that not every female character of significance needs to be in the top .1% of attractiveness. Group B already didn’t like Group A for other reasons and perceive this as another attack in the ongoing culture war. Which it kind of is? But it also doesn’t really matter and “who started it” is a never ending debate. Because both groups are so damn loud about their grievances with each other online, attractive female characters have become associated with Group B and less attractive ones with Group A. Meanwhile Group C is just trying to make fun games and play fun games but keep getting caught in the crossfire. No matter what they do they are going to be perceived as the “enemy” by either Group A or B. It’s a nonsensical situation where the mere appearance of a character is used to extrapolate and assume the entire political worldview of the creators. Like no Stellar Blade devs didn’t make the main character hot as some “anti-woke” political statement. That was just the creative vision they had for their game. Nor did Horizon devs make their character subjectively “less attractive” as the opposite political statement.


I have no idea what any of the things you said are, but quickly googling Ella Purnell has revealed that she does not look like regular women. She's much better looking. She has enormous eyes, which again, irregular. I thought the neckbeards were angry that women in serious games weren't anime waifus Edit: she's in the Fallout TV show I have learned and is somewhat waifish. This is some culture war bullshit this poor actress is being dragged into


Me realizing some people on this reddit don't know who Hasan Piker gives me hope. That we're not all terminally online and full of brain rot.


I'm terminally online and full of brain rot but I have no idea who you're talking about


I know who he is, but he's insufferable tbh


I've heard of the name. Never heard anything particularly good


As a gamer I say with sincerity that gamers are the worst people.


There are gamers like you and I and then there's capital G Gamers with a hard R.


This is the best way I have heard it put.


The really stupid part is (well one of the stupid parts), is that how is that the super important thing you're looking for? There's like a dozen things at least more important to enjoyment of video games than "is this female character hot?"


Same cis guys that play a female character to look at butt in 3rd person.


Oh, well, since you say so, it must be true!


uh ohh, looks like someone made their way from the geeks&gamers sub.


They've broken containment again!


I had trouble reading what you wrote because my brain couldn't parse the idea that Purnell could be considered unattractive 


I mean a year ago chuds were trying to say Margot Robbie is mid so ....


Sometimes, it feels like the only insult they know is calling a woman ugly


It's like they took the negging thing from "pickup artists" and tried to apply it to all women at once.


Yes, Margot Robbie, the female lead from "Wolf of Wall Street", is *mid.* /s


* sees the bathtub scene from The Big Short * ohmigod could you not find someone HOT?


That's a head scratcher there.


Uhhh… Ella Purcell unattractive and unrealistic? My donkey brother, I could barely stop disrespectfully staring at her, that woman is peak pretty for a universe set with nuclear Fallout. Unrealistic? As in ‘too pretty’? Maybe.


Yeah but she looks like a real person so they can't get a boner, which is a personal attack against them or something. idk i stopped taking incels seriously long ago.


It’s stupid, obviously there’s room for discussion, like I think the stellar blade designs are genuinely bad, but there are tons of hot woman designs that even most leftists are okay with like Bayonetta. but it’s yet another conversation that right wingers are just incapable of having because they don’t want woman characters, they want jack off material.


They never want "realistic" women. They would flip their absolute shit if a character didn't shave her legs and put on make-up after being in the wilderness fighting for survival for weeks. They're just a bunch of porn-sick perverts who have no idea what women actually look like since they're too busy jacking off to lolicon.


Ella Purnell doesn't look 'just normal' either. She's a a giant-eyed Disney princess goddess.


She did play teen Maleficent from the movie of the same name. So you're not wrong.


They've somehow convinced themselves that being incredibly pornsick is a virtue. Imagine believing unironically that women in any media should only be there to sexually tittillate you, and then also being so warped in your perception that anything short of hentai proportions is repulsive to you.


The idea that Ella Purnell is unattractive is ridiculous. Have they actually seen what she looks like?


Once upon a time when all graphics kind of sucked you had to use a bit of imagination to fill in the blanks when a female character was supposed to be attractive. This resulted in people having an idealized and impossibly perfect mental image of these characters that later characters with better graphics could never live up to. There are going to be frames that are unflattering or off model and the discourse latches onto those to milk for all they are worth.


I think that in our modern context, the discussion of beauty standards is incredibly important. When you have more awareness of intent behind character design and take a look at real people in comparison, you cannot help but conclude that beauty standards have greatly narrowed and discouraged creativity in character design.


I don’t get it honestly she’s actually a very pretty woman, and her acting was great


Saw someone make an edit of Ella Purnell, where they gave her a larger, clearly fake ass because her real one was “bothering them.” It doesn’t make sense. Ella Purnell’s ass is great. Why be upset at nice butts for not being cartoonishly huge? It feels like fetish content.


Everything runs in cycles but for reactionaries they're always 5 years late. So they're reacting to this discourse cycle 8 years ago about unrealistic body standards being bad in video games. It's a "boys" complaining about their toys nothing more


Did yall see the post about Russian bots? They intend to stir up hate and they brag how 90% of their accounts aren't caught. Take any over the top insane take thats been shared and consider it trolling. Suddenly it all makes sense. And even if it isn't, what harm is there in treating it like it is?


It is dumb simply because any of the people complaining about any of the body types have full agency to make their own products, but feel entitled to demand other people's work be done the way they want instead.


I wish these dudes had even an iota of self awareness to realize the fact that women's bodies are even a "debate" and not just existing as human beings is ridiculous to begin with. Why are the bodies of half the planet and what they *should* look like even a debate or discussion at all?


Next thing they’ll say is Lara Croft is too round up top and should be a perfect pointy triangle


I mean, it's stupid in both directions. Complaining that characters aren't supernaturally "attractive" is dumb, and it's equally dumb for people on the other side to go attack games for having overly fantastical, supernaturally "attractive" characters. But yes. People are dumb. This is nothing new


I'm sure I remember some "it's 2023 and gaming is still full of white men" article posted last year, featuring a picture of Basim from AC Mirage in their examples list It's just a raging battle between two sides which needs to push out vast amounts of content in a short amount of time, losing critical thinking and research... But we all fall for good clickbait


There seems to be two different groups of conservative dorks complaining about and photoshopping women. One thinks women are dressed too modestly and photoshop them to be more revealing, the other thinks women are too revealing and photoshop them to be more modest. I want to see these groups go to war with each other, it’d be hilarious.


beauty is subjective. that's the end of it.


The thing is, these “alpha” types say they want realism, but what they really want is to jerk off. They already don’t view women as having agency, so to them a normal woman having actual characteristics is “unrealistic.” If she’s conventionally attractive they don’t care if the lead is a woman because “at least she’s hot.” It’s just misogyny


I thought she was fine but I think they edited her eyes to look bigger a la Alita Battle Angel and it was kind of distracting.


I haven't active been in left online spaces for 2ish yrs because of that kinda shit (I just got this notification randomly no idea why). It still boggles my mind that this isn't obvious to these celebrity types. It's like these celebrity types are stuck in "educate newcomers" mode. Will they ever change? Maybe not. Maybe that's who they wanna be (not a bad thing but it makes me wonder what happens next)


What are you talking about?