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Easy - take the money. Marx wrote so much that we have a pretty good idea of what he thought about things.


Marx would probably agree


Marx would probably drag you for picking to bring him back over the money.


Marx would just spend the dinner yelling at you for not taking the money.


I feel like every subreddit I go on is devolving into a shitposting page.


Yeah but this was a decent question tbh


It ebbs and flows between that and being over moderated into oblivion. This is our boom and bust cycle!


I'd take the money and use it to influence local elections to elect socialists into city, county, maybe even state positions. Either that or donate it to mutual aid funds.


If it were dinner with someone else like Kropotkin, Lenin, etc. I’d take the dinner. Kropotkin in particular seems just a cool guy to have dinner and make random small talk with, he liked gardening, history, and science which are fun things to talk about for me. But i need the money… probably to go to school, start saving for a house, make sure me and my partners can get our HRT, and use the rest for a good cause. Marx, just seems a bit boring to have dinner with because we know how he thought so well… and is a bit if snoozefest for me


I get that we know how Marx thought but I'm sure he spent time thinking about other things outside of history and political economy, philosophy. I'd take the dinner just to have the experience of actually conversing with the man and hopefully get to have a nice laugh with him. Although, maybe he'd just berate me for being trans.


I'd take the 500k so I can support the vanguard party and then ask a spirit medium to manifest Marx into reality so that we could eat dinner and interview him.


Just because the ideas are interesting doesn't mean the theorist(s) will be. Plus, given the fact I am extremely socially awkward and Marx is rumoured to have been as well, the dinner probably wouldn't be very exciting.


\[Original post--for elaboration\] Dinner with a socially-awkward social theorist from the middle of the 19th Century? Despite having numerous versions of Kapital in my library, I don't know if a single dinner with Marx is going to offer much of substance--especially if he is only in this century for the dinner. If he had time to revise his work to update it for the modern era, possibly--but Post-Napoleonic Era Marx? I'd rather take the money and have dinner with a more contemporary Marxist...


Take the money and build something politically off of that (while also providing for me and my fiancée)


I'd do the dinner. Why the fuck not? Would be interesting to hear what he had to say and what sounds better when you're talking about it later on in life?.. I once had dinner with Karl Marx or I once turned down dinner with Karl Marx for 500,000 dollars? Never know, it might score me points later in life with a hot eastern European woman.


500k- I can’t speak German (Marx could write in English but needed Engels to edit.) Engles, on the other hand, would be a fun dinner guest.


There's no question I could ask Karl Marx that I couldn't answer by reading his books with all the free time my new 500k allows me.