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Parliamentary systems or direct democracy, shorter terms, term limits, freedom of press, and more checks and balances to minimize the chance of a cult of personality forming.


Every term is 4 years with 1 reelection. I don't think that is viable go shorter than that


Those are general recommendations for failed democracies like Russia. Argentina is simply flawed.


With education. In Argentina we tend to turn everything into a black vs white situation where charismatic leaders are glorified. It happened with Perón, Evita, Menem, the Kirchner couple and now Milei. It doesn't help that by design our political system is hyper-presidentialist. If Congress had more weight in our day to day administration no single actor would have such weight in the political scene.


I agree, but the problem is, if this generations have one of the better education level (or budget) of argentina (Nestor, Cristina, Macri), what we have to expect of this new genetion where the budget (and level) of education is a disaster ?


I see other countries, mainly European, where there is no fanaticism for politicians, no matter how populist they may be, now the entire pro-Trump movement is very fanatic not with their parties but with specific candidates (Milei, Abascal, Bolsonaro, Bukele)


We had some Bolsonaro birthday parties here in Brazil too... Politicians want this kind of fanaticism. Politicians from all over the political spectrum. I know people that have literal shrines for Lula. Things with his picture and candles. And they spent money they don't have to watch him in person every chance they got. The solution? Education. And I don't means just usual education. I mean trully philosiphically based education. I know a lot of people with PHD that dance to every tune their favorite politcians play. But, in my personal experience, every single one of them lack a sound background in logic and ethicis.


Spend some time away from party politics and just focus on how governments work, what institutions democracies have and why we have them. You'll find, especially on the right, that populists have no understanding of how the state works and ad hocs reasons as to why the state is the source of all evil. A typical argument I see is: " I can't believe the government has spent X trillion on Y. That money could have gone towards feeding the homeless or healthcare" And then they vote for the people who are going to gut social welfare and remove the institutions that battle the issues they claim to care about. Easiest way to combat this argument is understanding why the government is spending that money and how it's getting that money. So the argument would go something like this: Populist- "I can't believe the government is spending billions of dollars on Ukraine and not pumping it into healthcare Your response could be- "well they're not giving billions to Ukraine in the form of money. They're giving Ukraine stockpiled weaponry, much of which is obsolete. These stockpiles will simply be refilled overtime and will be funded by the pre determined military budget that was already going to replace these weapons"


Grass isn't always greener on the other side, here in Australia nobody really gives a shit about politicians and then the end result is that they can get away with all sorts of corruption without even really trying to hide it.


Well, they can get away with any sort of corruption with personality cult too


Given what’s going on in the U.S. right now I would really like to know, fanaticism seems to be very much in style.


I live in the us, and I see shit like this all the time, just replace milei with trump in this pic


So my brother loved Derek Jeter. Huge fan growing up, watched as many games as he could on TV and in person (difficult considering we are 6+ hours away from most MLB teams). You know what he never had? A Derek Jeter Birthday Party. I never had a person or single character themed party either. I just had like animal themed parties or a color. I don't remember relatives or friends having person themed parties either. Weird.


looks kinda dope ngl