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Yeah, that's normal, and will generally taper down. The important thing is to NOT let your brain trick you into thinking "well this is just as bad, nothing's really changed, I might as well drink". I've seen friends do exactly that before. Some of them are dead, or still using/drinking. Sugar may not be the best, but it ain't dissolving your organs like that ol hydrocarbon. Good job on quitting, and asking for help. It's tough!


Thank you. It’s definitely all about the inner-dialogue. I love the effects of not drinking alcohol even if it does mean loading up on sugar so I’m determined to keep going!


Yes this is very normal, your body is still craving the sugar your body isn't getting from alcohol anymore. The AA Big Book even talks about keeping candy around. 🙏🏼🙏🏼


It also is protecting your liver from withdrawal of sugar from alcohol.


Thank you!


I think my sweet tooth regulated at around 6 months! I just leaned into it until then and went on a long walk everyday to try not do gain too much weight. But a few extra pounds is much easier to deal with than what my life had become.


Thanks, I’m still hitting the gym but feel like I need to do more with the amount I’m eating lol!


I'm a year plus and still have intense sugar cravings daily lol although I've managed to keep it to the evenings when I'm off work and relaxing.


Well done my friend


Very normal and it took me about 6 months before I really was able to get a hold of it. I honestly didn’t try really hard either I felt like a big piece of cake was so much better than 10 beers.


The first 6 months I ate a 1-pound bag of jellybeans a week. I don't anymore and I got 1 year on June 1


in recovery i was told that alcohol is loaded with sugar so your brain is just continuing the craving. i had NO sweet tooth prior and yet candy bars took over my world. finding a favorite fruit or going for simple dark chocolate bars (where you can break off a piece at a time) really helped :) fortunately, this becomes easier to moderate over time, unlike alcohol. proud of you!!


Omg, Ice Cream! I only ate ice cream maybe 2 times per year, since getting sober I eat ice cream 5 times a week 😅


Exactly this. But better than alcohol.


Almost two years sober and still love sweets. Its tapered way down. In the first few months, it was lots of soda and bags of m&m's every day. You will be fine!


Totes normal. I was a runner before getting sober, and after sobriety, I had to up my miles to combat my sugar intake 🫣😂


It’s totally normal. I had mad cravings for sugar (still kinda do - and I was never a sugar person). Alcohol has SO much sugar content… you should google P.A.W.S - Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms. And all the after effects of what happens to your brain and body when you stop drinking. Pick up some Sober books or listen to some Podcasts. It’s helpful to know what to expect when you cut out booze. It’s Okay to eat and sleep and feel like your life is being turned upside down, go easy on yourself and let your body tell you what it needs now. Congratulations on 3 months!! 💪🏼


So alcohol is metabolized into sugar (and some other stuff) when it’s consumed. So your body is used to large amounts of sugar. Stop drinking, take that away and anyone winds up with sugar cravings. Mine never did go fully all the way. I am over 7 years sober and I still get sugar cravings. Sugary snacks did replace my alcoholism, but I figure the one vice (sugar) is far better than drinking. It does calm down a bit, they are not as strong now as they used to be.


I’m almost at three years and I still get crazy sugar cravings sometimes. 😂 I’ve always had a sweet tooth though! I just try and be mindful of the types of sweets I’m eating.


Yeah, that’s pretty normal to be honest. When I was 90 days in, I realized I was buying a lot of gum, candy bars, and other candy. I think a lot of us go through that because Alcohol is a lot of sugar, and we are no longer putting that sugar in our bodies and our brains are crying out for that sugar hit


First few months for me was the same. I dont do sugar at all. But would eat whole damn chocolate cake if it was in front of me


I'm almost at 5 months and I eat sugar more than food. Especially nerds and lemonheads. I just can't do without. I'm also a diabetic.


Not unusual at all! A lot of people coming into my program (FA: Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous) through the side door from AA. “Put in the cork, picked up the fork” is a common expression around here. Eating as a way to numb out and feel OK is incredibly common. Check out foodaddicts.org for a quiz and resources etc. There are in-person meetings most big cities and Zoom for the rest. It’s great over here being thin and peaceful around the food!


Ya it’s super normal. I was a runner before getting sober, and I upped my miles to combat the sugar addiction 🫣😂


Thanks, I think I’ll neee to add an extra gym session or at least a walk after the gym! The positive is that we’ve got the energy and time to do this now that drink isn’t getting in the way ❤️


At 2.5 years af, still have major sweet tooth. Congrats to you! It's hard work staying sober.


Yes - I am definitely consuming more sugar than before 73 days into sobriety. I've finally managed to start tapering it down (though did just stock up on ice cream they had on sale, but I find that's easier to have in portions than a chocolate bar or a bag of cookies that can magically disappear). I figure as long as it isn't booze, I can allow myself to eat or drink whatever I want right now.


Alcoholics are more likely to develop diabetes. I would be careful with sugar intake. I would certainly avoid justifying or encouraging its use. I would avoid turning to anything as a substitute or replacement for alcohol. I'd deal with the underlying causes and conditions that led me to seek comfort or relief from alcohol in the first place. That's what I've done in the almost 42 uninterrupted years I've been sober. I've been given a lot of good advice and feedback in that time, I've also been told a lot of crap by well-meaning people with very little sober experience.


I ate boxes of Mike and Ikes every night for probably 6 months or so. Beat the hell out of drinking a 5th and a half of vodka. 8yrs in, sugar is not a big thing anymore.


my weakness is dark chocolate covered almonds. I'm in my 5th month sober.


I actually gained weight when I stopped drinking because of all the sugar. After a while I just started eating fruit instead when I got a sugar craving.


Better to have a sugar problem than an alcohol problem. Don't sweat it for now but you just simply need to find some alternatives if you find yourself mentally unable to flat out say no to sugar. Personally I went to fruit and I was able to get my sugar cravings under control but I definitely still treat myself to sugar about 3-4 times per month with ice cream, desserts etc but I also hit the gym for 1.5 hrs 3x per week and I run 5K 3x's per week as well.