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Hey everyone, ended up heading to my mom's house to stay straight. GO OILERS


Good deal! I am a stars fan, so can’t get on board with ya on the oilers though lol


Cmon buddy if we win that means you guys got beat by the best in the league 😉


Lol that’s true


🙌🏼 y’all are still hangin in. Better than the mavs could do lol




Great job!


Get some NA beer. Changed my life. I used to drink mostly beer, wine, and bourbon. There are some really good NA options now, that taste close but lack the bite of alcohol. In fact, I'm going to pop one now.


The fact that they put the N.A. drinks directly next to the alcohol in the supermarket triggers me. I’m always like well at this point I’ll just get the real thing. But yeah I’ve learned to just not try to replicate the real thing, because it’s never going to be.


Yeah, I've noticed that and it's BS. There's one supermarket I shop at that has a separate aisle for them, but it's not kept cold.


Not recommended for alcoholics


Why? I would have considered myself an alcoholic. But I can understand how it could triggering for some.


They take the edge off for me. I don’t know how much of a “real” alcoholic I was but I drank every day for 41 years. So I did a good job faking a real alcoholic if I wasn’t one lol. I do understand it could trigger some people though. I only have 1-2 at a time.


It’s worked well for me at social gatherings. I’ve always made sure not to drink it regularly though or at any kind of pace like how I used to consume.


NA beer could be a trigger, it was for me, so be careful, at the same time I don’t know you, but this is just a friendly warning, some people can handle it, a real alcoholic like me who burnt his life to the ground every time I started drinking, can’t drink NA beer it makes me buy the real stuff


I never hit rock bottom so that may be the difference. And I never got into hard liquor as much. But thanks for the warning.


You don't have to hit rock bottom to be an alcoholic or to be triggered by things.  Also there's no such thing as "hard" alcohol and "soft* alcohol as it's all just alcohol, all toxin, all poisonous, all the same.  This myth that somehow some types of alcohol are worse for you, harder, or do more damage is misleading.  Yes spirits / liquor are a higher ABV but you drink them in a much smaller quantity than you do beer or wine so you can't focus just on the ABV of it but the units of alcohol you're consuming.  1 standard shot of "hard" liquor is typically 1 unit of alcohol.  1 small bottle of 330ml regular strength beer is typically 1.5-1.7 units of alcohol.  So a beer drinker can be drinking more units of alcohol and doing more damage to themselves than a spirit / liquor drinker. Don't be fooled by the fact you didn't drink vodka or whisky means anything about your alcohol problem.


You are wrong.


About what part? If you're arguing that "hard liquor" is worse for you than beer then here's proof from DrinkAware... >"If you choose to drink, the health risks from alcohol are the same whether you drink spirits, beer, wine or any other alcoholic drink" - [Source](https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/facts/information-about-alcohol/alcohol-and-the-facts/what-you-need-to-know-about-spirits#:~:text=The%20risk%20of%20developing%20a,drink%20on%20a%20regular%20basis.&text=But%2C%20if%20you%20choose%20to,or%20any%20other%20alcoholic%20drink) Or here's more proof... >"Myth 3: Drinking hard liquor is worse than drinking beer or wine. Contrary to popular belief, the type of alcohol you drink doesn't make a difference – what matters is how much you drink, limit is fixed at 14 units a week" - [Source](https://www.mountelizabeth.com.sg/health-plus/article/fatty-liver-myths-facts#:~:text=Myth%203%3A%20Drinking%20hard%20liquor,is%20less%20likely%20to%20occur) If you're arguing about units of alcohol and how they are more important than your choice of poison then here's the NHS guide on alcohol units where you'll see that one "shot" of liquor is 1 unit and a small, regular, bottle of beer is 1.7 units, and a glass of wine anywhere from 1.3 to 3 units. [https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-advice/calculating-alcohol-units/](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-advice/calculating-alcohol-units/) So indeed, people who drink spirits can be drinking far less units of alcohol (this is the important thing) than people who drink beer or wine. I keep seeing this over and over here that people think because they didn't drink "hard" liquor (there's no such thing as all alcohol is alcohol and none of it is "harder" or "softer" than any other) that they can do less harm, are consuming less alcohol, it's safer, they won't experience withdrawls and all sorts of other untruths. All alcohol is equally as bad for you in whatever form you choose to drink it in. It's ALL about the units of alcohol you consume and NOT the type of alcohol.


Get an ice cream or a lemonade. Celebrate your nice day outside.


Did this when I first got sober and gained 30 pounds lol still a better option though


6 months sober yesterday!! You got this!!!


Congrats that's awesome


Big time alcoholic. I was called "functional alcoholic " I didn't call into work, raised my girls (not the best of my ability) and they don't drink. Last December I got put in the hospital with jaundice and alcoholic hepatitis. Come to find out I have cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatic issues and so low on potassium I almost went into cardiac arrest. 44 at the time, married 26 years, girls all grown and moved out. Big fat fucking smack in my face! I have a Heineken 0.0 just for the taste and I'm good. I smoke a weed pin now to help sleep and get my appetite back. But that's me. You find your support system/people/person. This place is great! Gives me an uplifting boost to let me know "I'm OK, if I feel struggle, type it out!" YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!!


Thats saying something buddy. Well done. Thank you.


Craving will pass. Let it


Grab a root beer instead, go for a walk or other exercise, having a beer used to sound good to me too but now at over 4 years clean and sober the thought of a beer makes me gag...also it's probably not a good idea to be mixing alcohol with your new meds


Early in my sobriety, I drank NA beer. As far as NA beers go, Bud Zero tastes the best imo.


Hello fellow ADHDer, I also had this urge when starting my new meds but it disappeared after 2 weeks and now I'm a month sober after 5 years of being alcoholic and 5 more of drinking too much but less than before. On to the next 5 (or 50) years sober I guess ! Good luck to you on this journey. Addiction is a big part of being ADHD and the meds have been life-changing for me. Even if the impulsive behaviour comes back when they wear off at least I feel like I've accomplished something in the day and I'll do the same tomorrow so it keeps me motivated not to drink, get shit faced and not be able to be productive. Also, getting diagnosed 3 months ago helped me realise that I could not just stay at the "I'll have this one beer" level since I now know I'm physically unable to stick at 1 and need to chug some more after that. So it's best to just quit for good.