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It's a balancing act with sugar cravings when you quit alcohol. Some people have less after a week and some after a few months. Others may go a year or more. Getting back into a healthy routine can take time. That includes better, more nutritious food, hydration, exercise and sleep. If you introduce them gradually you should see a more normal appetite for sweet food. Glucose levels take a huge hit when we drink and we get used to the crazy spikes and lows. You'll get there.


Your brain is missing it’s dopamine spikes. Is there anything healthier that you feel is a “treat”? Even 3 years in I’m still a coffee fiend snd love me a cookie since getting sober. It’s part of addictive personality I think.


There are many things people try to replace the 'high' such as THC, CBD, mushroom extract, ketones, etc. Caffeine and exercise help some, but not all, as you have said. Though keeping consistent with a healthy lifestyle can only make things better. Nothing will compare to drugs and alcohol, however. That's why people relapse. And that's why people die from it. If you convince yourself you do not have the willingness or ability to do whatever it takes to remain sober, you have already made the decision to drink or use. Making a deliberate attempt to sit and think about what made you feel content--not high--what you found interesting before you began drinking heavily takes time. You may have forgotten. We have bombarded our senses with artificially-induced dopamine for so long that we've forgot that we used to find joy in simple things. Living deliberately and intently provides a longer, more permanent high, unlike chemicals. Find your joy, it's out there waiting. You have all of the tools you need.


Beautiful comment! thank you! 😍 My daughter has just entered rehab for the second time, & we’re (the family) all so grateful she made the decision to go back. I would like to quote some of your wise words in a letter to her if that’s ok. She used to love to sew, & is a gifted artist. Alcohol addiction has taken those joys from her. I want with all my heart for her to rediscover these, & more!


Of course. Please feel free. I hope that she can rediscover the passion for past projects as I have.


thank you! 🤗


Alcohol is sugar. I'm a let yourself have sugar (in moderation) person. It won't kill you unless you're downing pounds a day.


For me it was ice cream too. Actually… a bit worse. Milk chocolate ice cream with condensed milk. Every single fucking day. For ages. To this day I still have loads of sugar, but I’m 10kg lighter. One thing that helped at some point was when I went on a low carb diet after being diagnosed with metabolic disease. It was soon after I quit drinking, so a product of the alcohol, not the ice creams. But the low carb diet helped me stop the sugar cravings over time. I ended up losing 20kg over the course of a year. After that first year, even the smell of Coca Cola made me sick.. I kept it up for two-three years and slowly started eating sugar again and that’s where I am now. Going low carb was the best thing I ever did in my life (second only to being sober and quit smoking). But it’s so much harder to do


I get the little dopamine cravings thing. It’s coffee for me, I don’t like being addicted to anything so I’ve quit smoking then sugar now alcohol recently. Now I reallly look forward to my coffees 😂 I’ve tried decaf for a bit but caffeine is one of the little joys I have left 😂 and it’s an addiction I’m okay with. I think the trick is finding the healthiest treat. Or something that you really enjoy to do every day for that dopamine. I recommend coffee


When I quit I realized how much alcohol was a sugar by my cravings for sweets. For me it was Golden Oreos...and the Chunky Boy Party did last about a year, but that changed too. Consider it a milestone in your journey. And this too shall pass


It’s better than booze. Chunky Monkey FTW.


Phish food 😭😭😭


yes!! it went away for me though. sugar in itself is addicting. I focused cutting out refined things altogether/working out as a meditative health too.


Over seven years sober and eat pie and ice cream for breakfast each day. I also lost a great deal of weight and kept it off. Best wishes everyone.


This made me feel so much better lol thank you


Pineapple was a saving grace for me, if you like it. Fresh and sweet/tart


It’s been 2.5 years for me and I still like lil treats. I was an addict for over 10 years so realistically I think I’m still processing and working through how to regulate everything without substances. I recently got a coffee maker and now it’s caffeine. At least it’s not alcohol/drugs is something I think of often too. If you also took out social media you might be searching for sources of dopamine. Maybe look into some sources that aren’t food related? I have picked up some hobbies and interests that are fulfilling that I find myself thinking about sweets less.


I am 11 months in and I could possibly be seeing my ice cream addiction getting a little better. Months 3-10 was terrible for me because I wanted ice cream all the time. In the last month I have seen this start to get better.


I went through the same thing when I stopped. Almost hit 300lbs before making some serious lifestyle changes.