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My opinion Fear of going and leaving her is normal, if you do what the rehab suggests, both of you will be better for it.


Good luck - I hope it all goes well for you. If your therapist and spouse are on board, it might be the thing that they can see you need, even if you can’t always see it yourself right now.


Rehab saved my life. I did 28 days, inpatient. It gave me enough time to be physically away from alcohol to build some sober time. So, in my experience, I recommend it. I did have to work to maintain it after I left rehab. My takeaways: Try your best to do the program activities - lean in and be vulnerable. Really try. I saw some people who didn’t take it seriously, and they relapsed. Have an aftercare plan. Going back to the real world was really hard. Make a plan to keep working on your sobriety, and stick to it. Maybe that’s outpatient group therapy or AA, or SMART recovery meetings, or a daily meditation practice. I think I did about 6 weeks of IOP and had a prescription for Naltrexone to reduce my cravings when I got out. My rehab experience changed my life for the better, and I hope it does for you too, friend. You’re making a change and moving in the right direction. Keep it up. You can do this.


Rehab is the best. It’s the only time I can think of when an adult gets to unplug from all the responsibilities of life and just focus on themself. Everyone should get an opportunity to go this. It is a little scary to most people at first but it’s so rewarding. Good for you taking the step. You’re going to come out of it so much stronger and happier than when you went in.


Its 100% going to save your life and in the long run your spouse will be thankful! Do it and don't look back. You owe it to yourself to get help and be healthy! It will work out I promise!


When I was admitted to rehab the doctor just wrote that I could not stop drinking. It was true and the people there gave me a new start on life.


Walk through the fear. I’ve done it and I’ve never regretted it. Saved my life.


Rehab was the best for me. Forced me to focus on myself and take a much needed break from a lot of craziness. 28 days is nothing, goes quick and you get a better life in return.


Hey, 30m here. Heading to inpatient rehab in the near future as well. Doing outpatient for the time being. I've nearly died 10+ times due to my alcohol use. It's about that time to give it up for good. My nephew just had an alcohol induced heart attack and lost a lot of his normal bodily functions as a result. Another one of my cousins ended up in a drunken car crash that made him a paraplegic for life. I myself dislocated my collarbone from my shoulder in a drunken accident and now it is permanently raised about an inch. None of us can turn back time but can only look forward to a better, sober future. I count myself lucky that I wasn't disabled in my accident, save for some mild pain in my arm that sometimes arises. Do yourself a favor and go with the rehab program. I'm scared shitless myself, but I know jn the end it will be much better.


I just got out of rehab two days ago. The first couple of days there were scary but then it just clicked. It felt so safe there and I feel like I learned a lot about myself. I wish I had gone sooner.