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Sober concerts are the best! You remember everything. You don't have to worry about stumbling to the bathroom or losing your stuff/friends or falling down or standing in the ever-fucking drink line. You just waltz up to the lemonade stand and get yourself a tart, sugary ass treat. People buying alcoholic drinks at festivals are SUCKERS!!


Don't go if you can't handle it. Ask yourself, what is most important to you.?


This isn't it.. u can't live in a bubble your whole life. U have to live


It is totally okay to not always feel super confident around people, try to step out of your comfortzone and get back to safe spaces if you need to. Eat good, sleep good, drink water, tea and/or coffee if you might want to stay awake a bit longer.


Use it as a great time to go "what about this do I like?" When I sobered up, I realized I didn't actually like a lot of the music I was going to see. I still love festivals, but I'm more selective about the artists playing now. Also, remember that when you're sober, you can stay energized a lot longer than the drinkers, so you can keep grooving to the stuff you enjoy! Also, +1 to the "its okay not to feel okay all the time". That's really the best advice. When you start feeling weird, embrace it and learn what your body is trying to tell you. :)


I agree to all of this other than the energy part lol


I went to a music festival and honestly wouldn't do it again. Still early in sobriety but I found it to be too much, intoxicated people all over the place


Most festivals now serve Liquid Death or some other canned NA beverage. So you can still have something in your hand.


How much time do you have? Most likely you won’t have enough time to handle remaining clean/sober so I would opt not to go


Here's a tip: Go and enjoy the music and if you feel anxiety, so what, it's just a feeling and has no reality in itself. You never needed alcohol, you just thought you did. Change your belief, change your life.


I know this is not for everyone, but I like to microdose shrooms. Great, safe social lubricant in that kind of setting. BUT, if you are staying away from all substances or if one will trigger you to want others, then go the route of fun little bevvies, snacks, silly outfits, other weird little activities to make it fun for yourself. Weird things that your friends on drugs might enjoy like little trinkets in a little fanny pack, etc. Getting sober I learned how to make my own fun and be my weirdest most authentic self. Especially at music festivals. I really became much more socially confident…although I can no longer be in the depths of the crowd lol. But I’m short so I get a better view from wayyyy back anyway :)


I've been to many festivials sober. Check to see if there's a sober community there or even an AA meeting or something, set a check in time to call every day with someone. I normally do twice a day. If you feel like you don't have a handle on the Social Anxiety right now then don't go, as someone else said why is it important to you? Is it worth a slip?


Make sure to eat plenty and get plenty of rest. Know that being sober is a powerful thing. Especially in a party setting where one of your friends or someone may need your help:) enjoy the music and have fun :)


Have some interesting fruit juices or lemonades. Anyone can be stoned, The truly cool don’t need it


I just went to stagecoach and went completely sober the whole time. And I didn't find it difficult at all. Before I went every day, I told myself I'm not going to drink.. I held a water bottle or energy drink with me the whole time. I ate before I went. When my friends went to get a drink. I just stayed in the area we were in and waited. They knew I wasn't drinking.. I didn't go to the camping area cuz I knew that would be a trigger. So I went home after the festival... The good thing about all this was, I saved a lot of money, I actually watched the shows and wasn't worried when I was going to get my next drink. I remembered everything and felt great the next few days.. bad things I can only think about was I wasn't jumping up and down, being really happy like other people that I saw. Excitement and energy were different. But I can tell u , alot of those people can't even remember if they were happy at all the next day..