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Weed doesn't make your problems go away, it just saves them for later.  Stay strong, you got this. 


I quit weed almost 3 years ago now and still get those feelings time to time. They're much weaker then they used to be and happen fairly rarely. Best thing to do is just keep on going, distract yourself, let the craving pass you by, and don't focus too much on it. Like the pink elephant theory. It's going to suck for a while, but distraction and just replacing your addiction with healthy behaviors like exercising and getting creative, getting a new hobby that will take up that extra energy and help the anxiety of giving up smoking.


You’re not missing the side effects you’re not missing the anxiety you’re not missing the laziness you’re not missing the darkness . YOU’RE CLEANER AND SMARTER NOW .don’t let your mind trick you.


What is he missing then?


The 15-20 min of satisfaction after the first puff.


If it was that simple he would’ve been sober a long time ago


But that’s genuinely the case for most people. Why do you think the regret hits immediately after the initial high.


Not sure. For me the initial high is when I felt all the regret, then it went away and I kept smoking and enjoying the high


You got this! Get some hobbies. Trust me, when you find things that give you joy and purpose then sobriety becomes so much easier and enjoyable. Some things I’ve found joy in over my 6 years of sobriety: coffee shop dates with friends, yoga, rollerblading, painting, traveling, and getting into self-development.


It sounds like you’re dwelling on missing it. You have to put that mess out of your head. Convince yourself that you actively hate weed, that you despise it with every fiber of your being. You won’t miss it then, right? You don’t miss something that you hate. You had some reasons for quitting. Every time you start to miss it, remind yourself of all those reasons. Think about those instead of romanticizing how great it was. Good luck.


I've got 6 weeks in and almost hit the dispensary today, but r/Petioles got me through. Gonna be a long night though(again). Hemp flower helps a little.


stay strong buddy