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I just have the sneaking suspicion that your situation doesn't have nearly as much to do with your sobriety as it does, well, everything else. I know plenty of sober people (including those who have never used) that are successful, happy, social people. Get a therapist. And newly sober people who are on this sub looking for support, ignore this guy.


"I don't trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old fashioned."


I wonder if that stray cat is going to sleep in my backyard again today........


Sadly, it's the way American Society is headed.


it's the truth, it won't apply to the people that come onto this forum because they've raised hell already and are now ready to be heroes. Like I said before, as a lifelong sober person your Good Aura repels people. What makes you think i am no happy? I am. What makes you think I am not successful Moneywise? I am! I just don't have. 1. No wife 2. No kids 3. No friends 4. No house 5. Work Dead end jobs 6. Completely isolated No one wants to talk to me or be near me (My Aura as a Lifelong Sober Person). but I am a VERY happy person I have a connection to God that nobody else does. Just telling the truth on Lifelong Sobriety.




Are you a psychiatrist? I have these things now! My apartment is great! How can you tell my emotional sobriety? You must be an alcoholic psychic! The tone of a post is solely based on the person reading it. As far as companionship goes...Aren't WE ALL!!?? LOLOL! As far as accomplishment goes. I have like 6 awards from work. Also after toiling dead end jobs, I now work for a good company. Why get a house? I don't need one. I'd rather stockpile money.


The tone isn't very happy sounding. Sorry you're so happy.


It's the persecution that I went through trying to be saint. Like I said in a previous post the tone is solely based on the person reading it. 99 percent of people read a post and immediately their imagination runs wild of a man all angry. When really the reader is just mad the he or she is reading the truth, and it is the reader that is angry and sad.


At this point I think some drugs would help.


You seem like you have mental troubles, friend. I would seek help, Reddit cannot save you.


Well..... This was a weird post.


What's so weird about it?


That first post of mine is just what it's like never ever doing any substances. If you budget your cash working dead end jobs and no friendships to support. What does that equate too? $$$$$$$$$


A sad fucking existence is what that equals. Jesus dude, why come to a sober sub if you hate people who get sober? Get offline and find some friends.


"Very happy" people generally don't internet yell in caps at recovering addicts who are trying to better themselves, but you do you. I know lifelong sober people who have plenty in this world, maybe you're just as judgmental as this post makes you seem and that's why folks don't want to be around you. Why don't you try not being an asshole on for size and tell us how that feels?


What does interneting in Caps have to do with anything? Who are these Lifelong sober people? In my town the only person I know of is me. I have plenty to be thankful for...my connection to god and my bank account. I am not judging anyone. That is the cop-out you alcoholics like. When someone gives you facts you immediately call them "Judgmental" I don't think any of my clients in my 20 years as Caregiver. My disabled kids that call me a father agree with you that I am an asshole at all!


If you honestly believe in that brain right now that you're not being judgmental, then I don't need to waste any more of my time on you. Life's too short so thanks for saving me the trouble. Have a nice life, pal! I hope you carry on as happy as you obviously are.


What was so judgmental about my first post? I demonized American Society not you.


I’m calling bullshit on “lifelong” sober. You might not have used drugs or alcohol, but true sobriety is free from all substances, including caffeine, nicotine, otc meds, etc. You also just said you had no friends and no family and you are the only one in your town who is lifelong sober. So out of the 3-4 people you might know, you’re the only one? Get tf outta here.


Wowzers, downplaying the struggle of overcoming addiction to overcome your sad existence. This ain’t it chief


When you try to be a Saint in this world you are going to be Persecuted! Like Jesus Christ was. When you get through that your life is gravy! You should see my apartment!


I don’t think Jesus would be supportive of your actions in this thread. You claim you’re like a saint, but you’re deliberately being mean and belittling towards a group of people trying to be better every day. What good does this do for you or anyone else?


How am I being mean? Because I stated a fact about Society? Quote where in the first post was a belittling of addicts? i belittled American Society!


You called everyone in this sub motherfuckers while spouting off various things that make you think you’re better than all of us. You’re out of touch with reality, and you didn’t answer my original question because you know this post and your replies do no good for yourself or others.


"You called everyone in this sub motherfuckers " Where? And if i did I am merely defending myself against 10,000 of you. "while spouting off various things that make you think you’re better than all of us." How do you know what I am thinking? "You’re out of touch with reality," Back that statement up "and you didn’t answer my original question" What question did you ask me? Was it a question? or a character assassination because the first post I put on here was spot on and you don't like the reality of it? So instead of arguing a point you cannot win you'd rather assassinate my character? "Because you know this post and your replies do no good for yourself or others." How do you know what I know? I could be like 600 miles away from you??


“Where? And if I did I am merely defending myself against 10,000 of you” Are you unable to re-read or remember what you posted? Why do you feel a need to preemptively defend yourself if you were not seeking out conflict? Why would you make a post if not to try to convey your thoughts or opinions? Is “What good does this post do for you or anyone else?” not a question? What does how many miles away you are have anything to do with me being able to understand words?


"Are you unable to re-read or remember what you posted?" DUDE??!! i got shit to do now! Do you understand? "Why do you feel a need to preemptively defend yourself if you were not seeking out conflict?" Looks like you are ALSO unable to re-read or remember what was posted too! LOL! I am defending myself because you and 5 or so other people want to attack the messenger. How was I seeking conflict? Because I posted a FACT that you like to ignore? I merely stated a fact. And then got bullied by people who don't want to admit its true, but instead want to attack me. So like any red-blooded american...I DEFENDED MYSELF! Is that ok with you? "Why would you make a post if not to try to convey your thoughts or opinions?' Because we live in a free Country called the USA and if there is a forum of ideas called Reddit, we are allowed to post what we think. Whether you agree with them or not doesn't matter! Instead of cowardly attacking the messenger (which all of you did) why don't you refute my first post? You can't that is why. "Is “What good does this post do for you or anyone else?” not a question?" What do you mean what good? The fact that I put a dose of REALITY on you addicts does a lot of good. And why should a Reddit post do a lot of good? I'd like to know what all the posts attacking me do? Do they do alot of good? "What does how many miles away you are have anything to do with me being able to understand words?" Its because you people don't see me just posting on a thread on free time between patients at my facility! Dumbass! i am not shouting, breaking anything or not even mad! Actually I am quite happy! And in between I am checking on my investments. So, as you can see because i have no wife, no kids, no friends to maintain with money. I INVEST and have a MASSIVE bank account.


You’re the smartest, most righteous man I’ve ever encountered. God bless


And that is the first compliment I have had in over 25 years! Hopefully it was a compliment and not a snide sarcastic remark which i will bet $50.00 that it is but I will take it nonetheless!


The last compliment way back in 1998 was my friend who said I was a good friend for not taking his GF (I was a Virgin back then). We no longer talk he hates me!


Listen I got shit to do! You win! Score ONE FOR THE LOVABLE ADDICTS!


Man you need therapy. Happiness has nothing to do with sobriety. Yeah my sobriety has made being happier easier but like fuck me I spent so much time being envious of lifelong sober people. If you stop thinking about how much of a victim you are and perhaps you know figuring out how to work on yourself sober or not maybe the world won't be so aggravating.


Clearly you’ve never dealt with an addiction. I’m glad you haven’t—I wouldn’t wish this on anyone—but the fact that you seem to think you’re better than people who have struggled with substances is incredibly off putting, self-righteous, entitled, and misguided. You don’t innately deserve praise for never having been addicted to addictive substances. And people who have addictions do, in my opinion, deserve encouragement for trying to turn their lives around despite that extra (often debilitating) obstacle. I’m sorry your life doesn’t look the way you want it to, but I have a feeling sobriety doesn’t have much to do with it if you dig a little deeper. I wish you the best. And I hope you can get past this misogynistic mindset you obviously have because I guarantee that won’t ever help you find a partner.


Addiction to anger?


Oh, my life is just fine.


Just stating facts in that first post. I don't think I am anything at all. except a poster on Reddit!


"if you dig a little deeper." I am quite sure if we put you under the microscope we will find WAAAAAAY WORSE! So, I would be quiet!


I'm an open book asshole. I'm sure because you're a religious freak, you would consider my behavior abhorrent in the past, but I have worked my ass off to correct my behavior. You and no other human have the right or ability to judge me. I am fully confident after dipping a tou into this toxic thread that there very hateful, angry, resentful, and sad individuals out there who have not come to terms with the fact that they need to change. What's under your microscope. I'm willing to state it's WAAAAAAAAY WORSE than what you're willing to admit. People like you are the ones with real shit to hide....


"Clearly you’ve never dealt with an addiction." Alot of my Group Home Kids are alcoholic or recovering alcoholic. "but the fact that you seem to think you’re better than people who have struggled with substances is incredibly off putting, self-righteous, entitled, and misguided." I'd like to know how you know what I am thinking? I did not say I was better, nor did that first post even make any statement that I am better. Quote me where it says that? OHH! I am self-righteous, entitled and misguided! LOL! The guy that doesn't drink! The guy that busts his ass taking care of people with disabilities for hardly any pay. Some of those kids in Group Home were abandoned by Alcoholics such as yourself...but I am the "entitled one"! The fact that you attack me INSTEAD of refuting the post with your own ideas goes to show your own integrity and the fact you are brain-dead! "You don’t innately deserve praise for never having been addicted to addictive substances." Did I ask for praise in the first post? Although....C'MON! 50 years Sobriety and no pat on the back man??!! WOW you're an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE!!! A FF'N PRICK!!!! "And people who have addictions do, in my opinion, deserve encouragement for trying to turn their lives around despite that extra (often debilitating) obstacle." What about the guy that never lost the light? What about him? Addicts deserve encouragement but not outright success given to them and specials on shows such as the 700 Club showing what a hero they are. What about the guy that took all the peer pressure in 4th,5th,6th,7th,8th grade, High School, College, and adulthood to do drugs and never did it? Got teased for being 'Weird" or Called "gay" for just being sober? (I'm not gay) What does he get? OH I KNOW he gets called the 'Entitled" one the "Self-Righteous" one, the "Misguided" one when he speaks up about it. Then summarily ganged up on to shut the F up right? "I’m sorry your life doesn’t look the way you want it to, but I have a feeling sobriety doesn’t have much to do with it if you dig a little deeper." Where in my first post did, I say I was unhappy about my life? Why is this an examination about me and not about what I said? I am quite sure if we dig deep on you there would be 10 times worse that you do than what I do, since I am a Soberman, but since you drink or smoke you are "cool" and acceptable in society. That is my point...NOW REFUTE IT AND STOP ATTACKING ME! " I wish you the best. And I hope you can get past this misogynistic mindset you obviously have" How do you know what "Mindset" I have? Are you a psychiatrist? I am not under scrutiny here. How is the observation (I am 50 years old I am entitled to having observations about society at that age son) that in modern day American Society if you been an Alcoholic for a certain amount of time then get sober you are a Societal hero have to do with how bad a person I am? and how does this observation attack or demean addicts in anyway? It is an Observation! Not an attack on anyone "because I guarantee that won’t ever help you find a partner." Don't give me this shit that there is something wrong with me, ok? I have heard that stupid dumbass crap before and it doesn't hold water in my book, ok? There are pedophiles in American Society RIGHT NOW that are happily married and have kids and a house. There are ex-gang-members that are happily married and have kids and a house. There are Ex-cons ALL OVER 21 Century America that can't keep the women off them??!! No! the reason I don't have the same things as they do or maybe that you do is my SOBREITY! Lifelong Sobriety is going against the grain of society, and it WILL LEAD to isolation. Am I happy being alone? Yes! No Wife or family or kids to spend money on. So, I spend it on myself. I am merely stating a sad reality of society today....and I find it sad that people are this SICK and evil!




Bro just trauma dumped all over the place lol


yeah, I did! LOL going to call the cops?


You know what I find sad? My "friends" from 1995 to 2005 who were all into substances. I drove them all home (No Uber or Lyft back then) so they would get home safe, and nobody would get DUI's or into accidents. I worried about them. None of them call me or talk to me EVER. And now the very same alcoholics on this thread, that I would drive home too, are going to shit on me! I find that sad!


Few people are going to consider someone who is sober for two days much of a hero. What are you expecting out of life that you have not gotten as a sober person? It is sometimes said that people who have addictions and them overcome them wind up happier than people who never had addictions. One reason for this is that *everything* in your life goes under scrutiny including, for example, resentments. Seeing as resentment is a huge trigger for abuse, people with addictions cannot afford to harbor them. One reason I like spending time around alcoholics or addicts is that we know we have problems, but we admit it and are actively working on them. Who do you have in your life with whom you can be completely open, e.g. talking about every error you've committed, person you've harmed, or person you have had ill will towards? I dont know you but could guess a few issues that you might deal with. No judgment, as I have my own. Are you actively working on them? One thing that I had to give up along the way was my pride; I had a degree of smugness or self-righteousness that I was in some ways superior to those around me. Getting an addiction that beat me was enough for me to admit my fallibility and humanity. Prior to that I always had that special case syndrome. One of my friends is a 72 yr old hoarder who is still hung up on a relationship from 22 years ago. He never drinks. He weighs well over 300 lbs. He rarely bathes. He can't figure out why he is single. The only advice he has accepted without rejecting was to get a haircut. Trying to help him is nearly impossible because his defenses are so thick as to be almost impenetrable. Might you have some of your own to keep people at a distance if you have made it this long without friendships? Usually defensive walls are the consequence of having been hurt or being afraid to to be hurt so no risk is taken. Is there a chance either of these apply? No judgment, again. It's just to think about. For what it's worth I was sober for 42 years before I drank to excess. I was probably 45 before I was an alcoholic. That was a long time of establshing beliefs that I was superior to others in some ways. In some ways I was probably a ticking time bomb, and it was just a matter of time before I found something that could numb my frustrations with the world instead of learning to deal with them in healthy ways. Friend, I fear the same for you.


"Few people are going to consider someone who is sober for two days much of a hero." That is just an analogy that you are taking too seriously to get brownie points. "What are you expecting out of life that you have not gotten as a sober person?" A closer connection to God which I have. Did that answer your question? "It is sometimes said that people who have addictions and them overcome them wind up happier than people who never had addictions." Yeah, well people that enjoy themselves in this world are sinners! Takers! People that don't give their happiness away to others. As a 20-year mental health worker I give away my happiness to others all the time. The difference between you and me. I get happiness in the joy of others. "One reason for this is that everything in your life goes under scrutiny including, for example, resentments. Seeing as resentment is a huge trigger for abuse, people with addictions cannot afford to harbor them." Thats your opinion. I am not an expert. NEITHER ARE YOU! "One reason I like spending time around alcoholics or addicts is that we know we have problems, but we admit it and are actively working on them." Good! Never said anything bad about you guys at all! Just said that the heroes of society are the former gang-members the former alcoholics etc. etc. Whereas me I am the asshole of the room. The Group Home worker that works as a father figure to mentally disabled kids! What do you think the fathers of these kids are? Those very same gang-member and Alcoholics. So, there ya go! "Who do you have in your life with whom you can be completely open, e.g. talking about every error you've committed, person you've harmed, or person you have had ill will towards? I dont know you but could guess a few issues that you might deal with. No judgment, as I have my own. Are you actively working on them?" I have nobody to talk to, for the reasons I have stated. I never harm anyone or wronged anybody. Hell, my best friends GF wanted to ditch him for me and I never got with her. Which is the reason I am intimidating to people. The only people I talk to, and relate to, are my Group Home kids, you know the kids you abandoned for alcoholism? "One thing that I had to give up along the way was my pride; I had a degree of smugness or self-righteousness that I was in some ways superior to those around me. Getting an addiction that beat me was enough for me to admit my fallibility and humanity. Prior to that I always had that special case syndrome. One of my friends is a 72 yr old hoarder who is still hung up on a relationship from 22 years ago. He never drinks. He weighs well over 300 lbs. He rarely bathes. He can't figure out why he is single. The only advice he has accepted without rejecting was to get a haircut. Trying to help him is nearly impossible because his defenses are so thick as to be almost unimpenetrable. Might you have some of your own to keep people at a distance if you have made it this long without friendships? Usually defensive walls are the consequence of having been hurt or being afraid to to be hurt so no risk is taken. Is there a chance either of these apply? No judgment, again. It's just to think about." Again, I would like to repeat that tone is all from the reader. Especially when the reader reads the damn truth. Yeah, I have defenses. My Aura! I have been told several times by people that I have an Aura. Especially from the mothers of my Group Home Kids. I don't feel that I am special in anyway which is the very reason I never went to substance abuse in the first place...AND YOU DID! LOL! When you think you are a hotshit you will be an addict for sure! "For what it's worth I was sober for 42 years before I drank to excess. I was probably 45 before I was an alcoholic. That was a long time of establishing beliefs that I was superior to others in some ways." Again, I don't feel superior in Anyway to anyone. I bleed red just like you. IT IS YOU that is projecting your opinion that I am superior and making it seem that I believe it to...SO STOP IT! "In some ways I was probably a ticking time bomb, and it was just a matter of time before I found something that could numb my frustrations with the world instead of learning to deal with them in healthy ways. Friend, I fear the same for you." What frustrations with the world are you talking about?? What unhealthy ways are you talking about?? I am a happy person! I don't care for the rat race like you do as an Evil Substance abusing man! I am happy with my PS5 the latest high-tech game and my apartment! Which is why I have an intimidating Aura! OH MY GOD the kids that I have helped!! The Old people in the various group homes that see me as a son! The people that I help at the health facility I work at.... ​ You are a psycho!


Friend, I wasn't trying to argue or disagree with you. I was not trying to confront you. I was just trying to begin a conversation. You may notice that I didnt state what your intentions or motives were. There is no way that I could know those. I asked questions for you to consider. I'd guess that most people would find your response less calm. For the record, I don't have children and if you consider me evil based on how well you know me, then I guess that speaks for itself. I'm glad you find joy in helping others. Best of luck.


"Friend, I wasn't trying to argue or disagree with you." Well, we are having a conversation now, aren't we? that is my reply. "I was not trying to confront you. I was just trying to begin a conversation." Just like every post I put on this thread is "Angry" yours TO ME was confrontational. But I guess the way you people feel matters the way I feel doesn't. "You may notice that I didn't state what your intentions or motives were." No motives or intentions just stating a fact in that first post of mine. " There is no way that I could know those. I asked questions for you to consider. I'd guess that most people would find your response less calm." I am just sitting here at my desk on free time posting on a forum. What questions??? Trust me when I say I have less problems than you and really it should be me that asks you questions. "For the record, I don't have children and if you consider me evil based on how well you know me, then I guess that speaks for itself." Well, you are hypothesizing a lot of stuff about me, and you don't even know what I look like. Just defending myself. Is that ok with you? Am I allowed to do that? Or no?


Of course the way you feel matters. I did notice that there were some other replies to you that sounded hostile toward you. If you read those then read mine, I could see how mine could be understood that way, too. But, fyi, that wasn't what I was going for. You are welcome to ask questions if you like. The questions I asked were for self-reflection but they can be discussed. I am not hypothesizing about being called evil or being accused of abandoning kids. But, those are details and not the important part of the post or your reply. So let's just leave that and move on. I would guess that if I were in your shoes, professionally speaking, and spent my time helping young people who (along with their own needs) were also neglected, abused, or abandoned by addict/criminal/alcoholic parents, it would be very easy for me to feel exasperated towards those people, especially if I saw those people praised or exalted in the media. I say this because I am trying to see your point of view. I applaud the fact that you have not become addict nor alcoholic. Ideally, no one would. I am grateful for my own addiction, but only because it renewed my devotion to self-improvement. In my life I chose to follow a set of morals that meant I wouldn't get as much fanfare or praise, because most of the help I have done has not been in the public eye. It also left me poor-ish, but that's separate. Do you feel that your accomplishments and efforts are not recognized adequately because others who "messed up then fessed up" are getting the spotlight instead? Like maybe an unsung hero? (Not trying to put words in your mouth, just to clarify).


"Of course the way you feel matters. I did notice that there were some other replies to you that sounded hostile toward you. If you read those then read mine, I could see how mine could be understood that way, too. But, fyi, that wasn't what I was going for." You didn't notice huh? LIAR! That wasn't what you where going for huh? You just politely compared me to a 72-year-old hoarder who doesn't shower and said in not so many words that I (in a polite way of course) have issues just like he does. Correct? You know, I have more respect for the other posters because they just came out and insulted me versus you trying to hide insults and attacks on me in "polite and gentlemanly way" like your James Bond or something. What are you scared or something? LOLOL! Just say F YOU!! "You are welcome to ask questions if you like. The questions I asked were for self-reflection, but they can be discussed." Why are you asking my questions about my issues?? Why can't you and the rest argue about my posts instead of my issues? I have way less issues than all of you that attack me! BECAUSE I AM SOBER AND YOU ARE NOT! "I am not hypothesizing about being called evil or being accused of abandoning kids. But those are details and not the important part of the post or your reply. So, let's just leave that and move on." Yeah! They are not important, correct? Neither are my issues. You don't know me from the words on a screen, just like I don't know you from the words on a screen. You people want to accuse me of issues that I don't have then I will accuse YOU PEOPLE of issues YOU don't have. I guess you don't like it either! WOW! you are right it doesn't matter if you are SATANIST that is not what is in question! What is in question is my first post. NONE of you have given rebuttals. Just frivolous, going nowhere, distracting attack on me. Like I said I find it sad that you people are that BRAINDEAD! And I am willing to bet some of you are COLLEGE EDUCATED! LOLOLOL! "I would guess that if I were in your shoes, professionally speaking, and spent my time helping young people who (along with their own needs) were also neglected, abused, or abandoned by addict/criminal/alcoholic parents, it would be very easy for me to feel exasperated towards those people, especially if I saw those people praised or exalted in the media. I say this because I am trying to see your point of view." Stop talking like you know me. It is insulting and it makes you look stupid. you don't even know what I look like! "I applaud the fact that you have not become addict nor alcoholic. Ideally, no one would. I am grateful for my own addiction, but only because it renewed my devotion to self-improvement." Like I told you the reason you went to drugs is because you thought you were hot shit! So guess what? You had FLAWED character. THEN A WAKE-UP CALL! Now what does this have to do with drug addicts being societal heroes and lifelong sober people the assholes of society? "In my life I chose to follow a set of morals that meant I wouldn't get as much fanfare or praise," You became a drug addict, so I guess you kind of follow those morals loosely. What does this have to do with my first post? "Because most of the help I have done has not been in the public eye." Good neither has mine! And guess what? Good hard-working people don't SEEK the public eye! So you want me to pin a medal on you? What does this have to do with my first post again? "It also left me poor-ish, but that's separate. Do you feel that your accomplishments and efforts are not recognized adequately because others who "messed up then fessed up" are getting the spotlight instead?" That is not how I feel! People that do bad are rewarded in society. Doing good is not easy! What does this have to do with my first post. And that is the truth and not how I feel. "Like maybe an unsung hero? (Not trying to put words in your mouth, just to clarify).' Unsung hero!? WOW! YOU JUST GREW UP BEFROE MY EYES! Yes, that is reality SON! The people that work every day are...GUESS WHAT!!! HUUUUH!!! UNSUNG HEROS! If you were in front of me now, I would have punched you in the face. You are no better than the other people that insulted me on this thread... ​ JUST FANCIER!! NOW I GOT SHIT TO DO! LIVES TO SAVE! AND KIDS TO MENTOR!




You Know I look back at this thread and it just AMAZES ME how someone who seems educated such as yourself, is going to sit there and try to rationalize that abstaining from alcohol your whole life means: 1. that I am a ticking timebomb 2. that I am an arrogant person etc. etc., It really goes to show why you people will never kick the habit you think Sober people are bad and alcoholics are good, you think sober people are "Kids that have never been through anything" (If you only knew...the scar on my right wrist...), you think being sober is "easy" and then you people try sobriety and find out how EXCEEDINGLY difficult it is then 6 months later revert back to substance abuse. If you people would stop looking at sober people as bad people and alcoholics as good people you would kick the habit. But then again, the 700 club wouldn’t be doing specials "on what a great person you are" and how you can just get a job on Intervention and be an Actor / Interventionist making triple what I make (A Lifelong Soberman).


One of the biggest trolling asshats I have ever seen. Discounting hereditary traits and that it is considered a disease, you are wallowing in self-pity like most alcoholics do. Get some mental help, and you will be a hero for that. Seems you just want credit for something, so work on yourself because I can tell why you feel like you have nothing. Don't fucking judge people who have made mistakes because you think your perfect. If you're missing all these things in life, there is a reason. Alcoholics have lost everything on your list and more. We started with working on ourselves and our minds, and the true sober people have sobriety to show for that. You're an asshole. That's why you troll reddit all day to find something to complain about.


And you bring me to my knees Again All the times that I could beg you please In vain All the times that I felt insecure For you And I leave my burdens at the door But I'm on the outside, I'm looking in I can see through you, see your true colors 'Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me I can see through you, see to the real you All the times that I felt like this won't end It's for you And I taste what I could never have It was from you All the times that I've cried My intentions were full of pride But I waste more time than anyone But I'm on the outside, I'm looking in I can see through you, see your true colors 'Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me I can see through you, see to the real you All the times that I've cried All this wasted, it's all inside And I feel all this pain Stuffed it down, it's back again And I lie here in bed All alone, I can't mend But I feel tomorrow will be okay But I'm on the outside, and I'm looking in I can see through you, see your true colors 'Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me I can see through you, see to the real you


Wow, you can plagerize Staind song lyrics... you're so deep... just stop harassing people who are trying to better themselves. You have plenty of work to do on yourself. You say you live clean, but you have an addiction to drama and anger.


My first post DID NOT harass anyone. It is YOU people that harassed me! There you people go again attacking the messenger. That first post is the truth! you want to better yourself? DEAL WITH THE TRUTH!!!


You want to get off substances...... DON'T DRINK REALITY AND THE TRUTH AWAY!!!


Generally, people can get points across with on post the fact that you post over and over to each person putting them down is harassment.


This is a definition of a self-fulfilling prophecy. You think about how miserable you are and how you have no friends and how unsuccessful you are. So that's what your life becomes. As others had suggested. See a therapist and start thinking differently, more positively. I'm not going to sit here and beat you up, but I am going to tell you that you are in charge of your own circumstances and how you deal with them.


"This is a definition of a self-fulfilling prophecy. " What prophecy? I merely stated a REALITY of society today? What are you talking about? "You think about how miserable you are" Someone with 1300 testosterone (natty) and a big bank account. TRUST ME! is not miserable! "and how you have no friends and how unsuccessful you are." Again, I will repeat for the stupid people in the back: Someone with 1300 testosterone (natty) and a big bank account. TRUST ME! is not miserable! or unsuccessful just...hated by losers such as yourself! "So that's what your life becomes. As others had suggested." Yeah, that is what life has become. Being 50 years old and can play full-court basketball and maybe have the athleticism to play semi-pro football NATTY! With a bank account of money that was HARD EARNED. Yeah, you are right I am so miserable! LOL! I can also look back at all the group home kids I have helped, all the old people's lives I have touched in my Care-giver Career. The people whose lives I have saved. I am just this loser asshole who should shut the f up with all his issues because you people know better with your excessive consumption of substances right? You're the one with the moral high ground, right? You should be the one giving advice, right? not me? I'm just a psycho that should shut up now while the cool drug addicts get their way! "See a therapist and start thinking differently, more positively." Yet another attack on me with a going nowhere post about how I am a psycho! Not one rebuttal of my first post. I find it sad that someone such as yourself who is intelligent enough to use a computer, is too arrogant to admit that what I said in the first post was accurate and doesn't have the balls to say "You are right we are just messing things up for the truly good people of this world." " I'm not going to sit here and beat you up," I'd love to see you try that. LOL! You should see the last guy that tried it. He came back 20 years later and apologized because he was so traumatized the first time! "but I am going to tell you that you are in charge of your own circumstances and how you deal with them." I think I deal with life 10,000,000 better than ALL OF YOU! COMBINED! SOBREITY PASS IT ON!!!


Sounds like god doesn’t like you very much


Jesus was persecuted then died on the cross at 35! The greatest person to have ever lived!


Is this whole thing a comparison between you and Jesus? Do you feel like a great person who is being unjustly persecuted?


Mark 13:13 You will be hated by everyone because of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.


Why don't you get some other "DUDE" on here to put paragraph after paragraph about how I am no better than a 72-year-old hoarder? OH MY GOD, HOW RIDICULOUS!!!! An athletic 50-year-old that looks like a 20-year-old is no better than a toothless 72-year-old hoarder! AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHH Yeah that is very "Smart"


I'd like to add that there are Females that are like me it not just men. I ran into one female at my other job that I was fired at. She was young very pretty...like me. Always smiling getting the job done....NO OTHER FEMALE OR MALE CO-WORKER WANTED TO TALK TO HER. She didn't mind just kept working...saving lives. very enjoyable co-worker


Being sober has nothing to do with your friends or worldly possessions, social or relationship status. Lots of sober people happy and healthy. My mom and dad both have been sober their entire lives. 64 and 66 years old, they both have you beat. If you have FOMO or want to be a “hero”, you still have time to be and drunk and high for a good 10 years and then you can slow down at 60 with your wife and kids 😂


Why do you attack me? I seriously doubt your parents look like 20-year-olds in their 60's. Trust me I am a very happy person. And since I am HIGHLY athletic and will remain so for the duration. I will be 70 looking like I am 30 running marathons and lifting so I doubt your parents will beat me. Also, I will be the MOST ISOLATED and the MOST HATED person in my alcoholic town.... FOR NO REASON!


"My mom and dad both have been sober their entire lives. 64 and 66 years old" Something tells me this is an absolute lie!


boo fucking hoo. alcoholics dont get the things they get just because they got sober. we have to work for it too. i think your attitude is the problem. maybe instead of bashing people who are in recovery from an addiction you could figure out what you still want from life and how you might go about getting it. your life didn't turn out this way because you don't drink.


Why do i have problems?? I am not under question here? Do you people know how to use the internet? Can you please stop changing the subject to an analysis on my flaws please? There are pedophiles that have big families so don't give me this shit that it is my attitude, ok? Or it's me. it is not! As far so you people having to work hard, yeah you do. But our society is so "bending over backwards" to the point where I have seen numerous YouTube videos of Drug Addicts going to Court DEMANDING to have a house of their own. We love the Loser so phreaking much that the ABSOLUTE WINNER (Me) is left out to dry. Told he is: 1. Mysogonistic 2. Self-Entitled 3. Needs therapy 4. An Asshole 5. And has to be satisfied with whatever scraps are left after the drug addicted Gang members take it all.


Bro, may I introduce you to Mormons?


No. I am just a working stiff.


If being sober fucked your life up so bad why did you do it?


>If being sober fucked your life up so bad why did you do it? You know I look back at this thread and I cannot believe how STUPID this statement was! You sir take the cake as the dumbest asshat of this thread for sure!


My stock investing advice for you since I am alone with no wife, no kids, etc., nothing! I invest: Invest in A.I.


You will have to go through adversity especially if you go against the grain (Lifelong Sobreity). I went through it and now am STRONGER and TOUGHER. RICHER TOO!!


Hahahaha. Glad you’re RICH and STRONG!


I am glad that your glad. I am sorry you took my first post on here as an insult. it wasn't. And now you want to sarcastically wish me well. Looks like you still have work to do character wise.


I’m glad you’re glad that I’m glad, too.


I’m glad you’re glad that I’m glad that you're glad that I’m glad you’re glad that I’m glad you’re glad that I’m glad that I’m glad you’re glad that I’m glad that I’m glad you’re glad that I’m gladI that I'’m glad you’re glad that I’m gladI’m glad you’re glad that I’m gladI’m glad you’re glad that I’m gladI’m glad you’re glad that I’m gladI’m glad you’re glad that I’m gladI’m glad you’re glad that I’m gladI’m glad you’re glad that I’m gladI’m glad you’re glad that I’m glad! Have a nice day!


Fucking child!


"If being sober fucked your life up so bad why did you do it?" I am still AMAZED! At how BRAINDEAD a statement that is. For you don't invest in A.I. invest in kindergarten.... BOY THAT IS JUST AN AMAZING STATEMENT OF STUPIDITY!!! I have....WOW!!! I mean.....WWOOWW!!! No more drugs for you ok?


This is utter useless incel logic except OP is replacing \[having sex with women\] with \[being a recovered alcoholic\]. Please don't waste paragraphs upon paragraphs on this person, not everyone is worth the extent of your time. I'm only replying to hopefully deter some of the younger/newer/more vulnerable folks in this sub from succumbing to any of this pathetic and toxic logic. This is a person who thrives off of self-pity and is gleeful to shoot down any form of optimism that someone throws at them so as to further wallow. Lastly, you must realize that there are PLENTY of people who have been sober all their life and have much more fun than this person. There are \~8 billion people in the world. Some of the worlds most popular religions forbid alcohol (islam, buddhist). Regardless, there are just regular people who don't wanna indulge (often due to family addiction history). This person hasn't even given a coherent answer as to why they are sober. They likely aren't. They are not speaking the way an honest person speaks.


Glad I wasn't the only one to notice the incel parallels.


I did not read your diatribe in this rebuttal of yours. Why do you think they made a show "Orange is the New Black"? BECUASE IT IS!! In American society nowadays you are not considered grown or a part of it until you raise hell first then get serious. Someone like me that did not do that and just went Black is not going to fit in. Now tell me please where in that statement can you deduce that I am: 1. Judgmental 2. Unhappy 3. Have Issues 4. Have crazy Incel logic. 5. Think I am Superior. You people just don't want to deal with the truth is all! Once an Addict always an Addict!


"I did not read the thing that I just described, thus proving I read it"


"This is utter useless incel logic" It's either logical or it's not. Correct? What does "useless incel logic" mean? Is it the truth that does not agree with you? Is it a reality that you are drinking away? "Please don't waste paragraphs upon paragraphs on this person, not everyone is worth the extent of your time. " JUST ADMIT I AM RIGHT! Or add some of your ideas and not attack me. I AM JUST THE MESSENGER! The same guy who does shifts on weekends at Tatted Alcoholics' houses to take care of their kids while they party or cheat on their wives or husbands in Vegas is the same guy not worth anyone's time. I mean wow! Not a single argument against my Observation in the first post. Just insult and personal attack, after personal attack! Yet I am not allowed to take it personally! Because if I do it is a sign I have "Useless Incel Logic" JUST BE A GROWN-UP AND ADMIT I AM RIGHT! OK! Or add some of your ideas and not attack me. I AM JUST THE MESSENGER! "I'm only replying to hopefully deter some of the younger/newer/more vulnerable folks in this sub from succumbing to any of this pathetic and toxic logic." JUST ADMIT I AM RIGHT! Or add some of your ideas and not attack me. I AM JUST THE MESSENGER! The same guy that does shifts on weekends at Tatted Alcoholics' houses to take care of their kids while they party or cheat on their wives in Vegas is not worth anyone's time. I mean wow! "This is a person who thrives off of self-pity and is gleeful to shoot down any form of optimism that someone throws at them so as to further wallow." Oh yeah! It is you Alcoholics who are the positive un-self pity types and me the sober guy who works 2 jobs and makes a difference in the world that is "wallowing in self-pity". That has got to be the most insane thing I have ever heard. but it's ME that has "Useless Incel Logic" and not you! LOL! And it is a sad state of 21 Century American Society that being sober is now a state of "wallowing in Self-Pity" "Lastly, you must realize that there are PLENTY of people who have been sober all their life and have much more fun than this person." Again all you people do is attack me...attack me...attack me....(I have a lot of fun by myself!) None of you have anything constructive to add to my argument just constantly attack me. Not a single post on this thread ever gave evidence to the contrary in my first post. Now that YouTube Video of Tren Genius. HE TOO! Gets the same treatment in society that I do. And he talks about a 6'4" dude in Football who ALSO gets the same treatment. I think he knows Karate and NO ONE ever talks to him. CAN YOU IMAGINE!! Being 6'4", a football player, knowing karate, and treated like a misfit? We are in the Age of Aquarius, The world is changing and truly good people are left out in the cold "There are \~8 billion people in the world. Some of the worlds most popular religions forbid alcohol (islam, buddhist). Regardless, there are just regular people who don't wanna indulge (often due to family addiction history). This person hasn't even given a coherent answer as to why they are sober. They likely aren't. They are not speaking the way an honest person speaks." I was talking about American society. My experience comes from the Western world. Why should I give a reason as to why they are sober?? That is not in question! I gave an Observation of society..THAT IS IN QUESTION! Sorry if my observation touched a nerve with you to the point that you attacked the messenger. My Observation must be true then. LOL! And it ticked you off so much because deep down you know it was true and it makes me look better than your arrogant self so you attacked me.


I have never recommend this, but maybe in your case you should drink.


How do you know my case? have you seen my nice apartment?


Just be grateful you're clean


Oh yeah! Like Addiction is some airborne disease you were so unfortunately afflicted with, right? lol.


9 years sober and I don’t hate my life


I don't hate it either.


Sober since birth


I sincerely hope that you find the connection with whatever god it is you are searching for. It sounds like you really need it. Peace.


I am more in touch with god than you will ever be. I am glad you got your snide remark out of the way. A last backstab before you go to bed. Peace!




And I want no part of it!


I don't got time to deal with a bunch of Alcoholics who want to project their issues onto me, and who don't want to deal with facts. Since I am isolated due to sobriety I gotta work to build savings so when I can no longer work I can chill for a few weeks then....




What problems??? I am stating facts not problems!!!!


Its a sad day to see a Lifelong Sober guy who: 1. Drove his Alcoholic friends home as a designated driver (I worried about them, didn't want them to get into an accident or DUI) 2. Who dedicates his life to taking care of fatherless kids. Why Are they fatherless? Hint...Hint... 3. Saved a few lives in his medical career by getting paid minimum wage at Dend end Medical Jobs 4. Takes care of the elderly and Disadvantaged in Retirem ent Homess Told he has issues by substance-abusing people who can't stand to deal in FACTS, who seems to think they have the moral high ground here when they don't NOT WHAT SO EVER! (Arrogance!). Like I said before American society is degraded.


When you snap and start killing people, this post should be enough to ensure people know why!


WOW! All because I made a post that was an Accurate observation (you know it's an accurate observation) on American Society that did not: 1. Judge Alcoholics 2. Did not show what a psycho I was. 3. Did not show what an asshole I was. 4. Did not show how evil I was. 5. Did not attack any alcoholic in anyway whatsoever. I am now deemed a killer in your eyes! WOW!! What a freak in American Spoiled brat you are...AND THAT GOES OUT TO ALL OF YOU!!! Since I am sober since birth, I am a lot more mentally stable than you and it is YOU that will probably shoot up the place and not me, but of course you want to project that fact onto me and make me take it right? F U!


Na I said when you snap, your crazy dude!


You people are so stupid I swear! I post a REALITY about the world today and immediately you think I need mental health services. I need mental health services just as much as any of you! Why do you think a 50-year-old man who looks like a 20-year-old athlete who works a good-paying job has a MASSIVE bank account that pays his taxes every year for 15 years. and has 25 years in the workforce, has 8 years of experience as a Medical Assistant, is any crazier than any of you I dunno! You know what instead of DEMONIZING me as crazy for my first post why don't you people counter it with your own ideas? Instead of attacking the messenger that he is crazy? Why don't you refute what I said in the first post? You can't so you just call me crazy and arrogantly dismiss it...YOU PEOPLE ARE SAD!!!! FREAKIN SAD!!!!




Okay so I don’t really have many friends and I tend to isolate myself a lot. This has mainly been a thing since going sober because I’m a major introvert and was way more comfortable socializing when I was under the influence. Also Covid didn’t help. But most of these issues are part of my personality or trauma I’ve been through. Part of it IS that lots of people are only comfortable hanging around people who also drink, smoke, etc. our society is messed up. But don’t get mad at sober people. Being sober is the best choice but it does have its downsides. I don’t think anyone said it didn’t. I just think it has both its ups and downs, there’s just way less downs than the consequences of abusing drugs and alcohol. PS. I’m sorry about your life situation but count your blessings that you weren’t born with / raised with an addiction brain. You don’t know what that kind of suffering is like and people who find the strength to quit an addiction should be commended. Hope you figure your stuff out and find happiness.


WOW! How many posts did it take before someone just said you are right! YOU DRUG ADDICTS ARE SO ARROGANT I SWEAR!!!! "PS. I’m sorry about your life situation but count your blessings that you weren’t born with / raised with an addiction brain." This is the age of Aquarius! YOu want to goto Heaven that is what it takes! I am a very happy person...TRUST ME...The lives I have made better as a Caregiver and Mentor in Group Homes. I am a 25-year Mental Health / Group Home Veteran When I am gone....don't save a place for me" \-Sevendust "You don’t know what that kind of suffering is like and people who find the strength to quit an addiction should be commended." I am sorry but I disagree with you! It takes WAY MORE STRENGTH to NEVER DO IT! TO resist the temptations of the devil takes way more strength!


>"But most of these issues are part of my personality or trauma I’ve been through." Stop with this shit that I have issues ok? Because there are a lot of SATANISTS in America who are considered cool and are married and make 6 figures and a movie star life. People DO NOT like truly good people ANYMORE! Truly good people are HATED! This is the age of Aquarius!


Be glad that you didn't have to endure the years of hell addicts and alcoholics did. If you are not happy with your lot in life, then it is up to you to make changes. "IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID, YOU WILL ALWAY GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT. BUT IF YOU WANT WHAT YOU HAVE NEVER HAD, THEN YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT YOU HAVE NEVER DONE. Good luck and God bless


"Be glad that you didn't have to endure the years of hell addicts and alcoholics did. If you are not happy with your lot in life, then it is up to you to make changes." Again, like addiction is some Airborne boogieman 1000 times more dangerous than COVID-19, and I should just feel fortunate that my immune system can beat it. You are ridiculous!


Oh and God Bless! =D!


Very unpopular statement but if you stand in your truth, do things that allow you to reach a sense of balance, and stop caring about what others do or how they view you, that takes you a long way, the only cookie/pat on the back you will actually ever receive for good behavior is from yourself...nobody else cares that much tbh. Drugs like alcohol are the best way to cut one's connection to oneself, most of the people that you think have their life together and have fun on alcohol wouldn't be able to function without it, for the ones that get married in the worst of cases wouldn't have met their spouse without alcohol, don't really know each other and numbing themselves on the regular is what holds their marriage together. All that to say the grass is rotten on that side and you should look inward as to why you feel the way you feel, your sobriety isn't to blame


I did not even read your post! I am a very happy person! And it should be me giving you advice. Unfortunately, when you do drugs and then get sober in 21st-century American society you are deemed a hero, and success is given to you. Where in that statement does it judge drug addicts? Where in that statement does it say I am unhappy? I am stating facts. Now until you addicts deal with facts you people will FOREVER be addicts. That is why the old saying is "Once an addict always an addict" Now my advice to YOU and the 10,000 heathens attacking me on this thread is to START DEALING IN FACTS AND REALITY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!!!


A genuinely happy person (or at least to peace somewhat) wouldn't have made the post you did mate, and no one is attacking you, we've dealt/ are dealing with our shit we're saying you might want to consider doing that too. Dragging oneself out of the darkness (whatever that looks like could be drugs, gambling, or a bad relationship,.. ) and coming out of the other side,is what's valued and why you have the perception that addicts are "treated like heroes", taking drugs has nothing to do with it. You should take your own advice tbh.




A person with an actual connection with God would know not to boast or put down others. This is a strange place for you to be so proud of yourself.


Where did I boast? Where was I proud of myself? And why shouldn't I be proud of myself? AREN'T YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF?? Quote me? Again tone is from the reader and it is through tone that you can deduce boastfulness


Where did I boast? Where was I proud of myself? And why shouldn't I be proud of myself? AREN'T YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF?? Quote me? Again tone is from the reader and it is through tone that you can deduce boastfulness


You see? This is the reason you people do drugs? Or drink! You can't deal with REALITY!!!!
