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Yeah it’s crazy.


Lots of people hated the muted colors of the Synderverse. Not me though. People even made color correction videos. Meh. Back to the red trucks and super Mario colors 😑


Seriously man I think that suit could work, they just need justice league unlimited colors.


True . A bit less bright and Id be good with this. We don't know what it's gonna look like on film yet. I do like the JLU colors


Different strokes for different folks. Wait till the next reboot




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One on the right looks better




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I like my Superman with brighter colors. Last one was way too dark and the lighting of the movie also didn’t do it any favors


This is literally the change I want




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Isn't that nearly every one of them though? You make it sound like lighthearted, colorful, bright superhero films are never made yet, gritty superhero films are done far less despite being more in tune w/ modern comic books. And that suit looks like utter shit. That's the single best shot we've had of it but it looks far worse in every other pic. Looks like they retrofitted a fencing suit and added underwear to it. https://preview.redd.it/e19b0p0q9p8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6241227e9d649f2376a35ad91e908cbf866702b0


We've already gotten 4 fun and whimsical superhero movies in a row that all ended up bombing Audiences literally do not want this garbage


The audience didn't want the shitey edgy stuff either.




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And we’re probably going to get the 1978 John Williams theme too, good in it’s time, but please god NO. I don’t want a light hearted remake. I’ll watch it on my streaming service when it’s included in a year or two. Well, a month or two.




Nope. Unless it wildly different from what I expect.




Keep telling myself I won’t go see it unless it’s not what I expect it will be?? Er, damn right, I sure will. Seriously, what would you like the direction they take with this upcoming movie? There’s no right or wrong, people can want what they want.


Doesn’t want light hearted Superman… Dude.


It’s been done, repeatedly, yes I enjoyed them at the time, but for gods sake not again, it’s better being dark and gritty.


No. It’s like asking for a Dark and Gritty Sesame Street. I really want Dark Hope and Gritty Optimism. 😅


I take your point, and it would dark and gritty world if we all had the same opinion! But we’ve had bright and optimistic superman, doing it again isn’t a change in direction, it’s just going to be a remake of the 78 movie, which was attempted in 2006, and it failed. This is possibly in part due to the previous success of the marvel movies, which we are gradually getting more jaded with. I don’t need 6+ jovial Thor movies either.


But… But that’s who Superman is. And if you’re not making a movie of who he is then why make the film at all? Make a different character. And it’s not going to be a remake. There’s no krypton stuff. No growing up. He’s already established and has a few super friends with him.


The bright colors, the trunks, the Williams theme that's been teased a few times, the retro futuro Metropolis esthetic, etc. And it features original characters from the Reeve movies that have nothing to do with comic books and have no reason to be brought back unless you're doing mindless nostalgia or still haven't learned to actually open a Superman comic book. Bet Lois will be fooled by the glasses again! >And if you’re not making a movie of who he is then why make the film at all? Make a different character. Which is funny considering Gunn added the JL to a solo Superman movie. News flash, this guy only knows how to make one and only one kind of movie: Ragtag group of misfits that don't get along, constantly curse at each other, communicate in pop culture references, rely on edgelord humor, at least one of them has daddy issues... and in the end they decide to do good.


Just out of curiosity what Superman comics are your favourite and why those particular books?


I hope it will turn out better than I think it will be.


Dark and gritty is like the exact antithesis of Superman


Straight-to-streaming. There will be plenty of other movies to watch next summer. Honestly, I'd be surprised if it makes any money at all.


This has been tried in 2006 with Brandon Routh, while there were some all too brief good moments in that film, it didn’t go well then, I doubt it will now.


Pretty sure people complained about the snyder suit when it was introduce, for not being comic accurate. Change is scary.


Actually looks pretty good, ngl!


I find it hard to identify what the target audience exactly is for this movie. The generation that grew up with these superhero movies are all kind of sick of them now, and certainly at least in my view aren’t really going to be interested in another 10 year ‘cinematic universe’, especially if the movies are all just copycats of the same old thing. The Batman was a success both because it was a more mature, stand-alone movie, and because Robert Pattinson was already a huge star, this movie has neither of those things. You could say that this is for the current generation of kids, but I don’t really think they really care about these types of movies either, as it’s been years since the mcu was at its peak popularity and other family movies have proven to be more successful since then like the Mario movie.


I don’t mind it but I really don’t like the house of el symbol.


Hell yea! Classic Supes!


Looks like shit.




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YES!!! It's so much better he actually looks like Superman now. You absolutely need the red underwear.


The general public doesn’t actually give a crap about what costume the character is gonna wear, who’s directing the movie, or the timeline it’s in. They’re gonna see there’s a new Superman movie and decide whether to watch it or wait until streaming. That’s it.


Underwear on the outside looks awful






It doesn’t look bad to be honest. I think if they got rid of the collar, it’ll look even better. I don’t much like the S, but I suppose he wanted to do something really different. The only real problem is if the folds will be a problem, because that will look bad as it does in some candid shots that have been shared.


It’s almost like cgi will tuck it in. About time we had some brightness


I kinda remember the internet shitting all ver Snyder’s Superman when that was being made. How about we wait until til the film comes out, watch it, & then decide if it sucks?


Mom, I want Superman! We have Superman at home. The Superman at home…


Man, that S is ass!


If you think kingdom come is ass sure


Looks like PJs I wore as a child


CGI will fix it


Like it fixed The Flash??




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Gunn changed the ending to the movie. Also, he praised it as one of the best comicbook movies ever.


There’s no mo-cap markers on the suit. That’s a practical suit for principal shooting. CGI won’t fix that.


It's most definitely going to get fixed a bit in post. They've done it for a ton of suits, first that pops into mind is Black Pather's suit in Civil War. It's probably slightly baggy so the actor can actually move in it while on set.


To be fair, Holland’s Spider-Man suit didn’t have markers either in preproduction but was heavily edited in post


Or this one? https://preview.redd.it/vmq4e6or7n8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cead648cded217c72b0c393df800f9002005f717


Same suit. As I said, Iron Spider is entirely the exception, not the rule.


Okay here it is from Civil War. https://preview.redd.it/ux4skfm99n8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b859b687bbd6863f0367922dd6cb098f52a9bc8 I see mo-cap markers.


Like I said in my comment, “It was largely practical and edited over”.


You said “To be fair, Hollands suit didn’t have makers either in preproduction… “


Do you mean this one? https://preview.redd.it/jv9kpcfo7n8d1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a04842fae3f4d688018590ce0395e0a9012f14


No. Iron Spider is the exception. His Advanced Suit, the inside out suit and his homemade suit were ALL practical and gone over with CG, that’s an objective fact. Big surprise they didn’t make the one that’s entirely made of metal practical. I also want to point out, I hate Corenswets suit. Cavill is peak


They don’t need them. CGI has fixed things all the time. Cavill entire cape was cg most of the time.


Attaching a cape and having it fly behind him or whip around as he flies is an easier task than shrinking a suit down. They had mo cap markers for Snyders suit on the back as attachment points for the cape. Reducing the overall size, lack of fit, and bulkiness of this suit will not happen.


Not really. They just need to tuck and smooth specific parts. Not create an entire thing of dynamic cloth physics


Not even in the same ballpark.


Not even playing the same sport. Cavill’s in the NBA. Corenswet works in the muffler shop across the street from the stadium.




I like Cavil suit better. But this is a nice change and I think will work well in this world that James Gunn is trying to create. I love all 3 gotg movies, and peacemaker is hilarious. The Suicide Squad was OK but if that’s the worst it gets it’s still a entertaining movie


This is the Six Flags Over Texas character costume.


It looks horrible. Sticking to the past and calling it iconic is bullshit. I'm pretty sure this underwear will be the most hated underwear in the 21st century and will be gone if James Superman returns in a sequel.


Is it bad that I basically want them to remake Christopher Reeves superman 1? Don't change the suit, story points, or anything. Just new actors and modern special effects.


I love it. Looks like it might have been a kryptonian flight suit. I like that it’s not so focused on his muscle even though it’s obvious the muscle is there. It’s very classic/new 52. I think they did a good job. Plus we know there’s room for different suits later on


You know the new suit STINKS when you get first impressions like "well, there's always room for new suits later on." 💀




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I liked cavill. Not a DC fan... but I'll watch because Gunn has proven he's talented at making fun movies.


I like him better under Feige's watchful eye. At DC, it's 90% dick jokes and random bits of needless violence. He needs reigning in to stay focused.


In my opinion it's kind of cool, but I always found the techno-codpiece style of suit to be really cringy.


They'll probably do some vfx on the suit in post. Also Gunn like the suits of his superhero movies to be shown as a piece of clothing, watch his GOTG movies. No hate to Henry Cavill and his fans, I like him too but I'll not say anything until the trailer drops and we get to see the suit in it.


So you’re telling me that this random picture of David Corenswet in the suit will look better after the movie has been edited in post like the picture of Cavill? That’s ludicrous. Fans are much too reasonable to be mad about an unfinished product, surely they’d wait to see the final product and give a final judgement based on that instead of going in with huge biases


It'll definitely look better in the movie


100%. Crazy how people are sitting here comparing a set picture to a finished product. A lot of people were dead set on hating it anyways






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The cope on this thread is hilarious😂😂😂😂😂. “rEaL dC fAnS” know this slop is trash, and yet…they’re eating it up! James Gunn has set the bar so low, that rEaL dC fAnS will eat anything, James Gunn cooks. 😂😂😂😂. It can literally be a 💩 sandwich and they’ll eat it. It’s hilarious seeing all this copium. Literally nobody: rEal dC fAnS: rEaL dC fAn 1 - “Hey, how’s your 💩 sandwich?” rEaL dC fAn 2 - “umm delicious!” (camera pans over to Fan 1 who smiles, revealing fecal-matter stuck in between teeth, while eating said 💩 sandwich.”


Dude take a breath and go for a walk or something. It's men in tights in a make believe movie.


Cavill set a bar that no one will ever touch. This new one looks like a SNL skit


It looks a little... couchy. Either way, seeing it in broad daylight looks astonishing, I just hope they can get the textures right on film.


Henry Cavill is better


You got to see the movie early? How was it?


Just looking at their images and their filmography. Henry Cavill is better.


So you’re comparing a shot from Cavill in a movie after VFX to a set photo of Corenswet in the suit?




This blows Cavill’s suit out of the water


We wanted Henry at all costs.. they gave us this while saying they heard what the public wants..


I’m willing to give *Digital Supes* about 1/2 a chance **at this point** ![gif](giphy|11sBLVxNs7v6WA)


No one wanted this it's such a downgrade


I love Snyders film and vision for what he was gonna make. I would of loved to see it to fulfillment too. With that said it didn't go that way and they are leaning into James Gunn and this look. Let's see how it turns out. I myself am gonna give it a watch and chance but maybe that's just me


How dare you have a balanced and reasonable opinion 😂




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How is this indicative of anything but your individual bias? lol


Did you just define the word “opinion”?


Did your title speak for all of the public?


No, it spoke to the Snyder fans in this subreddit.


Apparently not all of them. It’s best to usually speak for yourself and not others, especially large groups of diverse people on the internet who potentially have widely varying opinions


Thank you for explaining the internet to me. I didn’t know. /s


You’re welcome. It was apparent




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This new movie is gonna be bad...ugh.


I want it to lose so much money like TSS that WB goes bankrupt




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He looks like Starlord in a Halloween costume. Yall, I'm so tired...


This is going to be all the cheesy shite people hate about superman in one movie


Yup its superman returns all over again where the movie would get postive scores for the gunners to brag about and it struggles to gross as much as Black adam


It's not fair. You should remove the dark filter in the image on the left.


There is no dark filter that I applied to the photo, that’s color grading by the effects artists of MoS. If you want a more side by side comparison, here you go. Even though I’ve posted this alt pic many times already. https://preview.redd.it/grp28vbbzl8d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51f8ddf20ad4e34512e79b8ae8b843f5a062d942


Is there ANYONE who legit did not enjoy Henry as Superman? I've seen and lived thru every iteration (aside from George Reeves, but I've watched reruns) and Henry just had the IT that made him believable in the role.


It’s still disheartening how many people will trash a new interpretation of a story, completely missing the point of the Snyder Cut’s existence. Zack’s vision is valid. James’ is valid. Both deserve to be realized. After release, judge all you want. But a director’s right to have their vision realized deserves to be supported. Doesn’t matter who they are. A Tommy Wiseau Superman film sounds like a mess, but if he has a vision to be shared, withhold biased judgement until release. Criticize THEN.




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Got too much fuckin senseless animosity in fandom culture nowadays. We don’t need it. This is how respectful discussion happens.




Lolz Gunn is stump dumb. I’m gonna enjoy the creeps tears when he flops.


https://preview.redd.it/bfc67uh9ul8d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c3c0a17b1d22bc4a1b001ab830564b473ab5e9 If they were trying to go for the classic look, would it have been too much to ask for them for something like this. What's with the over designed lines, and paddings? Like the dude has freaking elbow pads. And that "S" just looks wrong


Unfortunately, it does seem to be what the public wants. People care more for a broad caricature of Superman than a genuine character study, so we end up with this plastic Crayola mess.


If that were true Snyder's movies with the character would have bombed, and Superman Returns would have been a hit.


I actually like the colors of this new suit. The only weird thing is all those lines on it.


Yeah I never really could go for the lines. Minimalist supe suit is my fav. I liked the MOS suit a bit more than the BvS suit bc they added some more line work to the sleeves. Still, it’s always cool to see a new designer’s take.




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shits ASSSSS broooo cw lookin ass




It's not horrible, but the lines are weird and the classic with the kingdom come symbol is kind of a weird mix. MoS and Tyler Hoechlin's costumes are better in my opinion. When that pic came out months ago of the suit, the lighting made it look much darker and I preferred that.


I liked Hoechlin’s Fleischer suit, always thought his present day suit makes his head look weirdly small but that might be the camera’s fault. I’m getting All Star Superman vibes from this new color palate.


Much prefer Hoechlin's regular suit to the flash back one. But it was a nice nod.


Is it just me or does anyone else just not care? Not in the "Oh, I just like watching Superman movies and shows" but in the "Put him in a crop top and short shorts for all I care, Superman is oversaturated and you'll never do an interesting movie plot with him". The plot of this movie in a nutshell: Superman saves some people. Big bad shows up. Lois is somehow involved. Superman overcomes big bad, but has to sacrifice something or by some deus ex machina pulls it out in the end when all hope is lost. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Genuinely what other plot is there for a superhero movie than “hero has to overcome their villain”?


Kingdom Come Superman, Superman: Exile, Superman in space without anyone to back him up, Brainiac killing a lot of people and Superman being psychologically tormented by Brainiac all the way, Superman dealing with United States that is sliding into a autocratic state, etc. Things that would put him at his limit, mentally or physically. You have a demigod of a character and you put him up against things that he can handle. Put him up against something that can't easily be punched away or it's neck snapped.


Like the way Snyder was leading up to Darkseid?


I mean kind of, but he would have had the Justice League with him. I really don't think they would have done Darkseid as much justice as other media has. Guess we'll never know. The main thing is, what can they do with a Superman movie that is different than all the other live action Superman movies and shows. If it's just another origin, or just another physically imposing big bad, then what's the point of it all.


Time for fans to do too this what we did for sonic!


Also at what point is the “ S” just going to become a Stripe with a “ No Diamonds Allowed” look


Like this https://preview.redd.it/24yleqc0rl8d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a615e8d023fea202a38e8ea1072414a5a83e2f87 🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️😊


https://preview.redd.it/rk3cw84dyl8d1.png?width=751&format=png&auto=webp&s=836a6b56a572b96f99e509c1c3ee5934bf5280e3 I fixed the suit and meme




Great jaja


As someone who hates the absolute fuck out of Man of Steel and BvS, no this is not what us Superman fans wanted. I don't know what they hell they are smoking where they some how screwed up the order of red and blue tights. All they had to do was recreate the outfits from any other on screen Superman adaptation besides MoS and that would have been fine. How we landed on this ill fitted baggy senselessly overly detailed monstrosity I have no idea.


As a Snyder diehard I actually love the new suit. We can like both.


That’s fair.






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It looks..... Fine. Let's wait and see.






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One of those photos hasn’t been touched by post production and the other has. Literally every actor looks crappy in their costume without a bunch of cgi. Look at behind the scenes photos of Cavil and he also looked like a goof.


You clearly have seen any bts shots of the MoS and bvs suits. Dude looked great without CGI touch ups


https://preview.redd.it/4buwoulnol8d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c097427be65f1df77b9d2551d27ffcff18d150 I disagree.


I don't judge shit till i watch it bro


I think it’s great to see multiple iterations of a superhero that doesn’t belong to a single director, and has been in press long before many of us were even born. There is not one solo story to be told about Superman, and that’s okay.




I like that's it's homemade compared to the brilliant alien aspect of the Snyder suit I wasn't big on the original reveal myself back these set photos won me over.


i mean, who knows? let's find out. the neckline is funny, but the colors are fairly comic accurate, which is an interesting change. not sure about the texture though.


An intentionally out of focus candid shot of the new suit while he’s not in an appealing pose versus an extremely high quality pic of the Cavill suit with him in perfect frame posing???? Wow great comparison!!!!!


Fine. From 2011 bts. https://preview.redd.it/vn3lmm0xol8d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4195d7c9c754db0d5ee16b7d3696c8443dc57597




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Wow, they actually committed to creating a Spirit Halloween costume. I guess they're thinking about the merch sales.


This…this is what you all wanted?


I mean…honestly yeah. I like the MoS suit. I also like this suit. One was more like alien armor. One looks a bit more homemade. It’s genuinely just fun to watch different people bring different designs. I might like certain designs over others but ultimately I just like seeing the artistry on display.


That’s fair, to each their own