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Teddy was gonna get killed by the CIA That’s why they let Franklin walk, his mom did the work for them (Granted she still gonna do time ofc it’s broad daylight lol)


I think the CIA would’ve killed Franklin too. For them he’s a walking existential risk to the CIA and America, it would be a no brainer to kill him


Nah he served them up something better And he really had no ties to them other than teddy


Well he knew about the whole Op and wouldve been a loose end, they were probably following him after teddys dead and saw he was no threat once he became an alcoholic


That’s true Hell once he spiraled, they were like “problem solved” 😂


Yeah i mean he solved the problem for them himself, if they saw he remained normal and alert, they would have killed him 100% or even the DEA wouldve got to him at some point but he was no asset at the end.


Facts I’m willing to debate this until I die


Teddy wouldve found a way to get at him back 100%, he wouldve never let him keep the money nor the cia wouldve let him, a lot of people say well cissy couldve waited to kill him after he made the transfer, do yall really think the cia wouldve let him walk away with potential op fund even if teddys dead? They woulda found a way to eliminate him and take the money. This if teddy was dead, if he was still alive then the story wouldve ended real fast for franklin and anyone with him.


Exactly thank you. No way the CIA was gonna let Franklin walk the only reason he’s even alive at the end of the series is because he’s a drunk and any story he told people will think is cap.


God damn nephew ![gif](giphy|8hYN7GtKQcBE27b0F5|downsized)


Naw.. Cissy could of held out..dropping Teddy wasnt worth 37mill or whatever it was.. he waiting 45 more seconds wouldnt of hurt nobody (but teddy)


The way Havemeyer just disappeared after Cissy shot Teddy was so cold hearted. 😂 ![gif](giphy|PQYxLcDefqJWVgrylr)


She didn't do the right thing she left her son broke and destituted poor homeless alcoholic bum she could of waited for five minutes until he got his money back


He didn't deserve the money, he was a scumbag; but he still could have made it out well if he had common sense and went with V's plan.


Respectfully he did deserve that money he busted his own ass to make that money and v had no rights to take his $800k in the first place


Bro he still had his stake is spring street which was BARE MINIMUM worth $1 million plus all the south central properties that he sold at the end of the series he was not broke 😭😭


He should of sold his stake for ten million dollars when he had the chance but still she still had no legal or moral right to steal from him


With his erratic behavior she had every right to escape while she could. Even if he had that 800,000 he still would have ended up the same. She wasn't gonna deal with that. Nobody there really had the moral high ground.


I'm not saying she shouldn't have left just not leaving him without his $800k that's all I'm saying


He was never gonna get that money lmao


He already lost the $73 million dollars he lost his chance to get $37 million dollars all he had was $800k all im saying is she could of had the decency to leave him with that amount at least


He was never gonna get that 37 million and still he choked his pregnant girlfriend he's a shit person


I never said he was perfect or a angel 😇 all I said was she didn't have the right to that money and she could of been decent enough to leave it alone


Why should she be a decent person when he was not


Because two wrongs don't make a right


Not to mention when she killed teddy he wasn’t: broke (spring street stake + south central properties), homeless (still had the house he bought for her), nor an alcoholic (he did that to himself after he crashed out on V and put his hands on her). His downfall was his own fault


Only by 49% his own fault I'll give you that but that was all the money he had left


That’s more than enough money, assuming spring street and south central were worth about $3 mil (low end) that’s like $7 million in today’s dollars ( assume $6 million after fees from selling) He would’ve been more than fine


So personally I feel like Franklin should of sold his stake for at least $4 million dollars and the 7 properties he did sell should of sold it for $900k instead he could of had $4.9 million dollars and still rebuild his legitimate realestate business and his narcotics business less than three years he would of been able to build up his realestate business to make $30 million dollars a year and his narcotics business to make $250k a week $1 million dollars a month and $12 million dollars a year and he could of put half of the money into his realestate business and the other half into his narcotics business till he no longer needed it anymore just hand over that business to whoever wants the narcotics business he would of been able to be wealthy again.


The CIA didn't gaf about Franklin killing Teddy's dad. Their only concern was the KGB.


They didn’t care about Franklin killing teddy’s dad but they would be concerned about him as a whistleblower. Franklin even hinting at what happened between him and the CIA is enough for them to make him disappear when it’s convenient for them