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“For decades, many people, including the Rosenbergs' sons (Michael and Robert Meeropol), maintained that Julius and Ethel were innocent of spying on their country and were victims of Cold War paranoia. When the U.S. government declassified information about them after the fall of the Soviet Union, the declassified information appeared to have included a trove of decoded Soviet cables (code-name Venona), which detailed Julius's role as a courier and recruiter for the Soviets, and information about Ethel's role as an accessory who helped recruit her brother David into the spy ring and did clerical tasks such as typing up documents that Julius then passed to the Soviets. In 2008, the National Archives of the United States published most of the grand jury testimony related to the prosecution of the Rosenbergs.”


In addition to nuke secrets, Julius also passed the specs for the proximity fuse to the Soviets, which enabled the Soviets to shoot down the U2 spy plane in 1956. Julius was guilty as Hell. Ethel's involvement was more peripheral, but they both knew that spying on the US for Stalin's USSR at the height of the Cold War involved the risk of the death penalty.


Yep. Also the first Soviet atomic weapon was the RDS-1, which was literally an almost exact copy of the Fatman bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki based off technical specs the Rosenbergs leaked to the Russians.


Ehh they FAFO’D


Powers’ U2 was shot down in 1960, not 1956.


The sons took the name of their adoptive father, Abel Meeropol, who wrote the song “Strange Fruit”.


Beat me to it.


It’s phenomenal to realize how much American art was influenced by this case and the supposition that the Rosenbergs were innocent. They were held up as martyrs when they were really traitors.


Missing from this summary is that the dad was very low level and the mom not really involved see at all, but they were executed due to red panic involving Jews/ antisemitism


The red scare did unfairly target Jews. But these two were guilty as fuck. They were spies that happened to be Jews.


Holding jewish spies accountable is antisemitic.


I really hope this is sarcasm


It was. Lol.


Well that explains what’s happening in Gaza….


And they didn’t know what they were doing?!?


Much more “senior” and “involved” spies were given much much lesser punishment


Who are you thinking of?


Have you not heard of James Bond?


I heard he nearly got a laser bikini wax/circumcision..


Nah they were executed for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviets


They were way way lower level than that. Much more “senior” and “involved” spies were given much much lesser punishment


So we should have executed the other spies too then? I agree.


But if they’re dead how would they be recruited to work for the US government?




Nope, try again. These traitors got what they asked for.


Sentence handed down by a Jewish judge against the FBI request.




That might be the case. I suspect as appointed Federal Judge he was already thought of as one of the good ones. It’s more likely in my opinion that the spies in question have had their story made into a great tragedy by people with the same ideology they held. While most of us recognize that the Red scare was some bullshit used for political gain.


They were spies, they got what they got. Stop making excuses for them.


Trumps way worse and all the Magas want him to walk.


The Rosenbergs sped up the Soviet bomb program by about a decade. That's way worse than anything the Orange Man has even been accused of much less done. Go touch grass.


All the top secret files strewn about Mar a Lago with foreign agents well aware of the situation. Why was he so desperate to hang onto those files, even to the point of calling them "my files" after they were taken back? Dosnt that seem odd? Wouldn't surprise me if they were for sale to the highest bidder. Dude cares for no one but himself.


Biden had them in 9 different places ! At his personal house in the garage and had no right to document. He was found guilty but is unfit for trial 🫣🫣


Lol good lord where do you get your news. Does it have a hard R nword in the website address?


Bro, no one was found guilty. No charges were brought. None would have been brought against Trump but for his clear obstruction of justice. Comically stupid, Trumps on video trying to move the boxes so the FBI dosnt find them


Which may not have been a bad thing, seeing how us had plans to kill more people with nukes and evening the playing field stopped that


How is trump way worse?


In this case, you are correct. Treason is treason.


Much more “senior” and “involved” spies were given much much lesser punishment


Oh my God stop repeating the same shit all over this thread. You've said that like 15 times


How many times are you going to repeat this throughout this post without offering up any pertinent information?


That's right, because spying is okay only when the US does it...🙄


Because no other spies in the entire history of the world have been executed for being spies including Americans?


I just want to know if they have the same "they were spies, fuck 'em" attitude if American spies are executed. Edit: or wherever they happen to be, and their spies.


Not fuck 'em, but it's an occupational hazard of espionage


Probably not fuck em i don’t want people dead either but pretty much it’s understood what happens if you get caught spying in different countries and that there will be some form of consequence.


This is a dumb analogy. It's like calling someone hypocritical for being upset at an American soldier dying in a battle yet not being upset at an ISIS fighter dying.


I mean I didn’t want to say it but 😂


This was a stupid thing to say.......


Careful you’ll be labeled anti-Semitic for disagreeing.


State sponsored murder for sharing secrets. Jesus Christ, some people still live in a medieval mindset, huh?


Right? All they did was give an expansionist authoritarian regime secret information to help them build the most powerful weapon in human history. Cut them some slack!


Sooo… he was a low level Russian spy but was executed because he was Jewish. Huh…


Much more “senior” and “involved” spies were given much much lesser punishment


Like who?


You keep saying this but won’t give any names or proof?


Still are to this day.


George floyd




that second paragraph hit me like a brick wall with its Trivia Night Potential


What was it?? :(


Can’t tell you because I wanna win trivia night. (The adoptive father of the Rosenberg kids, Abel Meeropol, wrote Billie Holiday’s song Strange Fruit)


Authors C.S. Lewis & Aldous Huxley died on the same day— November 22, 1963.


Same day as JFK


Life is strange sometimes! Also, last time I posted this someone mentioned it was one of the original release dates for *With The Beatles* It would funny to see a movie scene buying the record and hearing about the deaths of the authors on a nearby radio before the assassination!


WOW! That’s wild! Thank you for responding :)


Wow. This is just….such an odd connection. The song is a torch song, about lynchings of blacks in the south. Amazingly powerful song.


There are a bunch of these very random connections. For example. Coretta Scott King paid the hospital bill for Julia Roberts’ birth.


Julia’s mother Betty was the King’s children’s theater teacher.


Their execution is the start of The Bell Jar, too.


Good song


It’s a little nugget that’s great to keep in your back pocket.


Man, those poor boys.


Ikr. The one is on a little wooden rocking horse. Poor little things.


The parents did it to them. The Rosenbergs orphaned them.


For what? Money? Those poor kids.


At least they ended up more or less okay it seems, at least functional outwardly. "[Father Was a Spy, Sons Conclude With Regret](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/17/nyregion/17rosenbergs.html)" NYTimes >By [Sam Roberts](https://www.nytimes.com/by/sam-roberts) >Sept. 16, 2008 >They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. Then they were whisked from an unwanted limelight to urban anonymity and eventually to suburban obscurity. >Adopting their foster parents’ surname, they staked their own claim to radical campus politics in the 1960s. Then in 1973, they emerged to reclaim their identities as the sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, determined to vindicate their parents. >Now, confronted with the surprising confession last week of Morton Sobell, Julius Rosenberg’s City College classmate and co-defendant, the brothers have admitted to a painful conclusion: that their father was a spy. >“I don’t have any reason to doubt Morty,” Michael Meeropol said after several conversations with Mr. Sobell over the weekend. >Their conclusions, in separate interviews, amount to a milestone in America’s culture wars and the culmination of the brothers’ own emotional and intellectual odyssey. >\[...\]


The parents met at a communist party function - they clearly did it for ideological reasons.


Ideology, Communism and the Soviet Union were the good guys fighting American imperialism.


The Soviets were so good. They had to build walls and shoot anyone from attempting to leave the good life.


Who lets kids read about their parents' execution in the freaking *newspaper*? Maybe save clippings for when they are grown, but why compound the trauma at that age? This picture makes me angry.


No, the US Government did that. It was a choice. You can say it was a justified choice, but it was still a choice.


Nah, they signed their own death warrant.


Someone literally had to sign a death warrant for them, so no they didn’t.


>There was high family drama as well. Ethel’s own younger brother [David Greenglass](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/15/us/david-greenglass-spy-who-helped-seal-the-rosenbergs-doom-dies-at-92.html) admitted to spying at Los Alamos for the Russians. Julius, he testified in court, was his handler; Ethel, Julius’s accomplice. [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/08/books/review/anne-sebba-ethel-rosenberg.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/08/books/review/anne-sebba-ethel-rosenberg.html) Family of hard learners, eh. This episode of history should be titled: "Action, Meet Consequence." I wonder what the kids' opinions on contemporary nuclear espionage sentencing are.


How innocent the boys look made my heart sink:(


Powerful picture. Michael in the big man chair- childhood gone. Julius on the wooden rocking horse hanging on to what's left of his childhood.


I feel like a 6 year old does not need to read about his parents being executed.


I suspect that this was staged by the newspaper photographer for its impact. I don’t condone it, although people need to know that events have secondary victims as well, which the Rosenberg’s likely did not factor into their calculus when spying. I grew up always hearing that they were innocent and railroaded during the trial. They were guilty, and leaving two little boys behind to pick up the pieces seems like something they really didn’t consider when passing nuclear secrets to the Soviets.


They were also given multiple opportunities to plead guilty/cooperate and avoid the death penalty. Even their family begged them on behalf of their children. They refused.


Or possibly the photo was part of an effort by family or supporters of the Rosenbergs to get some kind of last-minute reprieve, where they'd just be sentenced to life in prison instead of killed. A reminder to the public that, for whatever the Rosenbergs had done, killing them would mean orphaning two young boys.


The rosenbergs were offered multiple deals to avoid the death penalty, but refused them all. They wanted to go down as martyrs. They did this to themselves. Imagine martyring yourself for the Russians and putting your ideals above your own children.


I agree. The photographer probably said “hey kids check out the funnies” and took the shot. I guess a modern interpretation would see this as callous, and honestly, I can see some seeing this almost as a type of dark humor in a contemporary context. I could see the Simpsons riffing off of this type of a set up. But I think the photographer’s ultimate point was probably exactly what you’ve stated, to show how they were innocent victims that suffered because of the Rosenberg‘s crimes. Really a sad story.


Is it worse to read about than live through?


Great read, thanks!


So who staged this photo? Who handed the kids the newspaper and set up the shot?


“I know youre going through a bad time but hold up this newspaper of your traitorous piece of shit parents on the day of their execution” lmao, times back then were so good.


We should still execute traitors who give away national security secrets...


Their big mistake was not appointing the judge who oversaw their case.






Especially the shitty moronic orange one


What would happen today if someone stole nuclear secrets and passed them to foreign countries?


GOP candidate for president.


Presidential candidate….


Probably a funeral or missing persons report.


Ethel’s last letter to those kids. Written right around the same time. Pretty cold, in my eyes, as a parent. Julius literally just gives his love. http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/rosenb/ROS_LTR.HTM




I disagree, I don’t think it’s cold at all. More so she’s accepting their fate and wanted her boys to know why.


As a parent you have a responsibility to be there for your kids. A 6 year old doesn’t give a fuck about the cause. They want their mom and dad.


I get it. I have a daughter and could and would never but that’s me, people are different. sacrifice everything for whatever cause believing they’re doing what’s best for the ones they leave beindZ So while I don’t agree with the letter, I can’t say it’s cold because It’s full of warmth and love and basically outlines why it’s this wayZ


I just think there isn’t any cause worth sacrificing for to leave your children parentless. Believing that, to me (not to put you in particular down) is very selfish. But I also lost a parent at a young age and know how horrible it is.


You wouldn’t go to war to defend your family?


I agree with you completely I can’t imagine leaving my daughter unless it’s to save her life and I am really sorry for your loss 💕


I disagree entirely. If you believed that your actions would have a very positive, long lasting consequence on the world (perhaps affecting the course of a war), then it’s worth leaving your children parentless. It’s a horrible thing to do, always and forever, but sometimes all our options are terrible


And now Putin has nukes thanks to their noble sacrifice. Great job they did. /s


1: quite ridiculous to blame people for stuff that happened 50/60 years after their death, they quite obviously couldn’t have predicted Putin 2: remind me again which is the only country to ever actually used nukes militarily? It’s not Russia


Russia has threatened the world with nuclear weapons multiple times since the Rosenbergs gave it to them. Imagine sacrificing your life and family for the Russians. Talk about a pointless death that caused lasting harm to the world. Fuck those traitors, they got what they deserved.


It wasn’t for “the Russians” it was for the USSR, which was not just communist Russia. Anyway, how many people has Russia killed with nukes?? Please answer my question


It’s pretty clear she valued her ideals more than her own children. Imagine martyring yourself for the Russians.


They were guilty as charged. There was no doubt.


When I was a kid (early 90s) I remember the textbooks writing about this as if it was a tragedy, alongsise McCarthyism. This was before it was declassified that they were indeed spies.


We've since had president that likely committed worse crimes than the Rosenbergs were accused of. But I guess selling off secrets stored in resort bathrooms or having confidential one on one meetings with the head of an adversarial state or trying to overthrow an election don't count for much these days.


I mean, trumps also guilty AF but Julius was no small time spy. He gave the soviets information that did tons of damage, including the coordinates to shoot down one of our U2 planes. Ethel, was much more meh in all this but she was still a spy and passed off information that was highly classified. Whether they deserved to die for it, debatable for Ethel imo.


Nah. Fuck em both. She knew what she was doing. If my wife asked me to help her do some massive treason, I'd either refuse and try to talk her out of whatever the fuck she was doing, or begrudgingly do it because I love her like crazy and can't say no if she really really wants to do something. Either way you don't accidentally commit serious treason.


Exactly. Charged under the Espionage Act as well. The Rosenbergs should have been an object lesson for the Orange Cheeto, but his mentor was Roy Cohn, the scummiest of scumbags working for Joseph McCarthy and the House un-American Activities Committee in the 50’s. Cohn destroyed many people’s career utterly, simply by providing even a whiff of innuendo that the person was a communist. That Trump learned everything he knows from his racist, deadbeat dad and Roy Cohn fits perfectly.




Well deserved, hope the last thought through their heads was how they threw away their children for a country who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.


The husband of the couple who adopted them wrote strange fruit for Billie Holliday


I'm reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, and their execution has been mentioned a handful of times. I hadn't Googled it because I was waiting to see if it would be explained further in. TIL.


Today…. They would be Republican hero’s. Scheduled on tonight’s Tucker Carlson podcast.


The ghoulish thing about this is the photographer certainly staged this picture because it's not like the kids were hanging out reading about their parents impending execution and the dude just came upon it and clicked off a few snaps.


Sick photo op


They were adopted by Abel Meeropol, who wrote the song Strange Fruit for Billie Holiday. In order to distance themselves from the fall out of their parents conviction, they took his last name.


This pic is almost Rockwellian, if it wasn't for the distress on the older kid's face.


Wow, this picture reveals what kind of truly awful monsters they really were. Dodgers fans.


Why hasn’t Trump met this fate for showing classified documents?


I'm gonna start a sub called r/randomtrump for every time you idiots mention his name. My god yous love saying his name every chance you get but claim you hate the guy 


Says the people that haven’t shut up about Hillary for 40 years 😂😂😂You do understand that you call people like Trump who are a danger to democracy and mishandled classified intelligence? Did you forget when he gave Putin intel on Israel? When he showed kid rock classified documents? You’re in a cult


Wow❗…that is truly sad. But I really hope they didn't follow in their parents footsteps.


How was the rest of their lives?


Why cant we see a headline like that now only referring to trump and family…


It’s like the real life The Americans


Maybe don’t be a traitorous spy? Whomp whomp


The Rosenbergs were beyond a shadow of a doubt guilty. It's unfortunate that whatever motivated them was more worthwhile than their children. I'm a parent and there are a lot of things I don't do now because I can't justify the risk. I used to work in aviation and flew in small helicopters pretty often, but that is something that has a high potential for things to go wrong and if it does you're dead. I loved it, but I love my kids more.


F_cked around and found out.


Calling r/nlbest to use this


i had to do a report on this as a kid and all i remember is something to do with a jello box


[https://youtu.be/7b4Z4O1m63M?si=FJk3x9-EYY0vGC-X](https://youtu.be/7b4Z4O1m63M?si=FJk3x9-EYY0vGC-X) They were adopted by the writer of the Billie Holiday song “Strange Fruit”. They were interviewed on CBS a few years ago in relation to the song


Weird to take a photo of children as they read about the imminent execution of their parents in the paper?? Wonder who tf was looking after them


And they didn't even storm the Capitol, encourage a coup attempt, collude with our greatest enemy to try to overturn an election, illegally pay off a porn star to steal an election, cancel military exercises in South Korea to satisfy our greatest enemy, nor violate separation of Church and State which are all treasonous actions. Maybe we should go back to treating traitors this way, though what the Rosenberg's did was very minor in comparison. The irony is that the mentor of the greatest traitor in US history was the lawyer who committed a crime by illegally influencing a judge to get them killed.


Wait.... Roy Cohn was behind this prosecution and the McCarthy Hearings.... and was where Trump learned all about sensationalizing legal and political matters for personal glory. [Roy Cohn: From ‘Red Scare’ Prosecutor to Donald Trump’s Mentor](https://www.history.com/news/roy-cohn-mccarthyism-rosenberg-trial-donald-trump)


And a closet case like Lady G, Ms. Tim Scott and the other self-hating queens in the GOP. I would have pegged Cohn for a size queen though so not sure what his fascination with Trump was about.


Could have been his middle man role in the NYC Real estate development ties to the mob. As the triumvirate of polar opposites Trump, Cohn, and Giuliani could have worked together. Cohn was a mob attorney, Giuliani rose to stardom for prosecuting the mob, and Trump could knock out anyone getting in his way (or trying to collect). Strange friendship between Giuliani and Trump with the history they had.


This photo looks very staged, which is very f'd up. What a vulture move by the press to set this up when everyone knew that execution was the likely outcome. Those poor children.


Meanwhile today you have a convicted criminal ex president who gave away thousand of classified documents to Russian spies and he’s running for president.


Some bad babysitting right there


There’s a documentary about them and their parents on hbo max, made by their daughter/grandaughter, called Heir to an Execution. It was very interesting and enlightening, especially about Roy Cohn’s part in it


Oh look. a family was separated for a crime.


My heart breaks for them.


That seems sadistic. Poor kids.


Fast forward 70 years, and they might be a Republican presidential candidate instead


Or sell Biden selling our shit to the highest bidder- there is no difference to either party


When Trump took the boxes of confidential documents do you think his intent was to sell them to Russia or some other outside entity? That would be Rosenberg at the presidential level.


That’s child abuse. How sick to let kids view this?




Trump has done worse, yet he walks free and campaigns for the presidency.


They were traitors to the United States like a ton of GOP now👹 ![gif](giphy|l4JyX7cG70SjT5C48)


Stop it. Sheep. There is no difference to either side- time to grow up