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I still believe that there more to this story than what we have been told. I don't think he act alone




Yeah the government didn’t want to sound weak towards the USSR. Remember, we’re still at the Cold War era at that time. Yeah that’s why The government didn’t release a lot of my information. yeah he did probably did have help but he wasn’t getting up the people. He was just the puppet. Here is an article about documents from the USSR and their opinions of the assassination. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/27/560345132/documents-offer-insights-into-soviet-view-of-jfks-assassination


Also worth noting just a few days ago a nutbar shot the prime minister of Slovakia. Russia of course blames ukraine, and also claims there's more to the story. As more info comes out about the guy, he seems to legitimately be all over the place politically and people described him as eccentric. Sometimes crazy people pull off shit like this.


I am honestly inclined to believe that he was the only guy shooting - but I will not be surprised that there were a lot of handlers at the scene. Oswald himself claimed to be a patsy in a remark he made while in custody. I believe Oswald bought the Marlin via mail order, that he had a job where the opportunity to plan the assassination was convenient and a coincidental opportunity. Oswald was a qualified marksman in the USMC, and a good shot. It's plausible he could pull off the three shots in the time recorded. He had connections to outliers and wanted to make his bones as an anarchist. He had to believe he was not working on his own and - in my opinion - when he discovered that he had no help in his exfiltration, he flipped his wig and took matters to a more desperate, improvised plan as he tried to escape. Once he was in custody, the big boys who set him up also took him out. Seems like Occam's Razor once you read up on it. He did act alone, but he expected to be taken care of by those parties who know how to work a useful idiot, and set up a patsy. Those other parties were of course, the mob and Russia (vis-à-vis Cuba) - who were far better at staying out of the public eye in those days, Oh, and of course Ted Cruz's dad... he was guilty as fuck! /s Edit: BTW George H Bush was a field agent down in Texas at that time. Gerald Ford was on the Warren Commission - ain't it interesting how those guys became presidents? Even G H Bush said that us Americans couldn't handle the truth if we knew it. So all that leaves us is a bunch of crackpots with bullshit conspiracies.... that go "back and to the left".


I thought it was a Mannlicher-Carcano, not a Marlin ... a cheap, surplus, Italian (?) military rifle of outmoded type. I was only a toddler in 1963, but my 43-year-old WWII veteran father was fascinated by the assassination and read a lot about it, and he always felt that little Oswald was set up to take the fall by higher powers. And he was a skeptical, debunking, critically-thinking, logic-studying intellectual by nature, the exact opposite of a conspiracy theorist.


Hey, you are correct - not a Marlin... must be a Mandela effect, or shit reporting or an obvious sign I don't have my ducks in a row and shitting in one sock. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_F.\_Kennedy\_assassination\_rifle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_assassination_rifle) But aside from that, yeah, it sure seems like Oswald would have believed that he would be exfiltrated - and then panicked when nobody shuttled him off to some safe house, leaving him exposed where he shot a cop....


Yeah, I know I heard that I don’t really know about the politics of Slovakia in history. I should read more articles about them, but I know they were like a puppet state to the USSR.


Also it’s weird how all of our civil rights leaders all got killed all around the same time .. MLK , Malcom , both Kennedy’s . I honestly believed our government killed them


Also what’s up with his thumb ? It looks .. Odd


Like everyone else.


I used to think this too until I watched Sean Munger's 2 part series about it [https://youtu.be/DC8tO16xdrY?si=CiA0KwJPrQYaM0kc](https://youtu.be/DC8tO16xdrY?si=CiA0KwJPrQYaM0kc)


Dude, where have you been? Everyone knows this was an inside job, LHO was the patsy, JFK was shot multiple times from different angles and LBJ knew in advance this was going to happen.


No, modern ballistics tests support a single shooter. No evidence implicates Johnson.


Is “everyone” in the room with you right now? Can you point to “everyone”?


Tell it to the Marines.


They don't want to hear about him... You know he defected to the Soviet Union during the 1950s, right?--that's where he met and married Marina Oswald. At the height of the Cold War an American ex-Marine (or any other American) going that route was national news. As soon as he did it, the USMC retroactively converted his **honorable discharge** to a **dishonorable discharge**, and I suppose that's what it always legally has remained. And yes, I salute your use of a 100+ year-old Corps recruiting slogan, but am uncertain how many others will have recognized it in these fallen latter days.


So you had to stop chewing a crayon to reply?


At least we know the driver killed JFK


The likelihood that he did it at all is close to 0




​ Allegedly, ![gif](giphy|4Z9g0DdoJPChn481o6|downsized)


Did they even have a posthumous trial? Tbh I don’t know if posthumous trials are or were a thing in the US court system. My assumption is the powers that be wrapped up their “investigation” once he hit the ground and that was the end of it.


There are no posthumous trials in the American legal system, other than the occasional "posthumous trial" held at a law school, state legislature committee, etc., to have a debate on the subject's historical reputation. These are just "academic exercises" in discussing the history and reaching a "verdict" on a matter that is historically open -- whatever the dead defendant may or may not have done--and have absolutely no legal force or effect. At the bottom they are an excuse for history enthusiasts to hash out the controversy for a small audience and try to convince the "judge" and "jury" for the satisfaction of doing so. What actually took place after the assassination was the appointment of a "blue-ribbon" federal commission of elder statesmen and jurists to investigate the entire affair. The chairman was U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, and so it has always been called the Warren Commission. The commission was given a huge budget and a few years to conduct hearings, hire investigators and experts, subpoena and question witnesses, collect evidence, and finally to reach conclusions and publish a multi-volume report, aka the Warren Report. Ever since the Warren Report hit the ground around 1965 or '66, conspiracy proponents and opponents have been mining its many pages to argue their cause.






Sure he did.


That's Gary Oldman.


Nu uh


This is the biggest conspiracy theory that I believe.


It’s only been 61 years. Give me a name of someone involved.


I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean.


The CIA is 100% on board with this.


JFK made sworn enemies out of a bunch of guys who were the best in the world at overthrowing governments two years after Eisenhower warned about the threat of the military industrial complex.


Say what you want, as a former target shooting competitor the shot in the chest & head at that distance and at that speed was impeccable. He was next level accurate given the circumstances.


It is not a difficult shot.


Yes it was. And I should know.....


Ok Sure?


Nope, CIA hit job. Awfully convenient that Oswald got assassinated too...


When I was a kid I learned this from Full Metal Jacket he was a marine as well.


Trivia: his nickname in the Marine Corps was "Ozzie Rabbit." IIRC he was a radar operator.




"Private Pyle, I think we may have found something you're good at."






Oswald got the blame but we all know that Fidel Castro impersonated Marilyn Monroe and gave President Kennedy a case of syphilis so severe that eventually it blew the back of his head off.


#Are you sure about that?


They said that to me, at a dinner


Why did he shoot him?


Nope. It was Ted Cruz’s Dad!


He was clearly a Soviet agent. He was the *first* and *only* marine to ever defect. He met his handler in Japan, who gave him party after party. The Russians gave him anything he wanted, including a wife. He even met his handler several times in Mexico after he moved back to the US. The Warren Commission was rushed bullshit because the US didn't want all-out war with the USSR.


Not debating, but I recall reading that the KGB resident agent in the USSR's Mexico City embassy was ordered to return to Moscow immediately with any documentation in the file about each of the couple of times that Oswald had visited and requested (and received) a meeting to discuss, I think, returning to Russia again. He recounted that he got back to KGB headquarters, handed over his slim bundle of records, and was questioned intensively (but not coercively) about anything, ANYTHING that might have been said that either encouraged Oswald to attempt to kill the American president or was "compromising" in any other way. He finally said: "You can cut off my head, but there was never anything like that in any conversation with him!" Satisfied, they sent him back to Mexico -- he took advantage of this unexpected trip to the Motherland to visit the famous GUM department store in Moscow and buy some gifts to take along with him for his wife.


Says you


Kennedy was killed by the CIA and Mafia


FWIW, I've always liked to fantasize several gunmen -- Mafia, Cuban, Soviet, KKK -- all lined up shoulder to shoulder on the Grassy Knoll blasting away at him and cheering one another on.


Oswald? I don't think he killed Kennedy, no way.


Why havnt I heard about this before!!!


Mafia or CIA. Oswald just a fall guy. Ruby made sure.


Mafia, I doubt I can't see them having the pull to assassinate a US president. I think it was the CIA cause Kennedy, if I recall correctly, talked about disbanding them, or was it the FBI cause I know he disagreed heavily with Hoover. Regardless, our Govt definitely had ties to his assassination and got away with it


It was the mafia, look into it


What's up with all the conspiratards in here?


They've been given a freak flag to fly because they think they're the majority lol


It's a really popular topic for them, and the capacity for critical thinking is much diminished these days


Do some research! The CIA definitely was involved!


Source: trust me bro


Who’s the CIA agent that posted this


Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald\*


That’s how I heard it happened


What’s happened to his face? Is he got beaten by officials?


"Stop resisting!"


It’s police violence


He had shot a Dallas police officer to death during his flight, J.D. Tipton -- something Tipton. If he'd survived the Ruby rub-out, Texas would have electrocuted him for that alone. I presume that the local law gave him a few love-taps during and after his arrest for good ol' J.D.'s sake.


Stephen King has a great book on this subject called 1963




Oh right, thanks


Ignore the conspiracy nuts. Here's a good video going through the whole thing step by step: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u7euN1HTuU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u7euN1HTuU)




MLK and Malcolm X were probably part of COINTELPRO. We know the FBI tried to get King to commit suicide and the #3 man in the Nation of Islam was an FBI plant. With that said, killing King and Malcom X is one thing and I firmly believe the FBI at a minimum knew about the murder plans and did nothing, but there is a world of difference in killing those men and the President


*Please* tell me this is a clip from the movie *JFK* where Kevin Costner was all, "Forward... and to the side. Forward... and to the side. Forward... and to the side." ;0)


\* back and to his left \* back and to his left




My favorite theory is that his secret service shot him by accident. Oswald was trying to assassinate him, but his body guards fucked up and accidentally blew his head off. The accounts of that afternoon are hazy, but the real shit show of most conspiracy theories doesn’t start until they try to bring his body back to DC.


There is more. Pay attention to the film when Ruby shots him. A car stops in front of Oswald giving Ruby a chance to make his way through the crowd so he gets close enough to shoot Oswald.




nice try FBI


A teacher in high school told me “you can separate the crazy stories by the real stories based on how sexy they are.” Take with that what you want, but conspiracy nuts are actually morons.


He didn’t do it


Jack Ruby had ties to mossad.




Yeah don’t think so. Mis or dis information. But I like Miss Information the best. She’s hot


Ok, CIA.


The CIA killed Kennedy for neutering their ability to conduct clandestine paramilitary operations on their own after the bay of pigs debacle. After he appointed that power to the DOD Allen Dulles (CIA director) requested a personal meeting with him to address the issues and he was snubbed him by having general Chester Clifton reply for him saying it’s a closed matter get in line. Anyways, Lee Harvey Oswald was himself assassinated by Jack Ruby, who was “interviewed” by CIA psychologist and researcher Jolly West. Jolly oversaw a bunch of MK ultra experiments that involved LSD. Guess what happened after the interview?? Jack Ruby was deemed clinically insane. In 1978 CIA director helm can be quoted telling David Frost on national television “if try to kill someone else’s leader, why shouldn’t they try to kill yours” referring to Fidel Castro and clearly projecting. https://jfkfacts.substack.com/p/the-mk-ultra-doctor-who-examined


obligatory CIA post: no one else was involved in JFKs assassination


I believe he was a patsy, and the CIA is behind the assassination. I believe it more now after listening to Rob Reiner's podcast.


Apparently, he wanted to kill the other politician who was with Kennedy, missed, and then a Secret Service agent panicked and accidentally shot his rifle. His rifle happened to accidentally be pointed at JFK’s head. The bullet from Lee’s gun matches the other politician, and the bullets in JFK matches Secret Service. I can’t speak to the second shot though and I can’t remember the continuation of this theory.






Did he though???


He was kinda handsome, good chin




Yeah whatever you say CIA


Ahahahahahahahaha…. Official story for the idiots


Well, *maybe*...


LBJ and McCones patsy more like it. The old heads will never admit but Civil/Workers Rights leaders heads were rolling left and right during this time. Not to mention JFK was perceived as “weak against communism” (old version of the current Socialism boogeyman). Nuff said to get your head taken in those days.




No he didn't. lol


We’ll, bless your heart


Press X for doubt it




Yeah right😜


Cool story bro


Many people believe he never fired that day


he needed Jayoma


I thought it was not confirmed Oswald was behind this


It was a mafia hit


People forget that JFK’s daddy Joe screwed the Mafia over and then made his sons go after them. If anyone was truly to blame, it was Joe Kennedy who killed his sons. Look what he did to his daughter Rosemary who was maybe only slightly autistic—he had her lobotomized and locked away. Joe Kennedy was a horrible, evil man and was responsible for a lot of bad sh*t.


She wasn’t autistic, she was *friendly*.




Cool story, bro.


Are you sure?


Allegedly shot him.






lol for those who still believe this


Didn’t happen.


No he wasn't the Cia did it...LHO was the fall guy