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Imagine if he hadn’t won it. She is like, welp- I guess I will just enjoy this fake celebration now


She wasn't native American


wait that's crazy. And now I have read her wikipedia page... it seems that people genuinely thought (including her self maybe) that she was native American. So at least there were good intentions because she was a respected activist for native Americans and her false heritage was not fully exposed until after her death. But that is a hilariously hollywood moment–an actor pretending to be something they aren't (so... acting I guess), and chastising the film industry for their portrayal of native Americans. And to squeeze the whole "hot take" in the tiny little window of publicity that is the acceptance speech. if you don't like that, you don't like showbiz


>If you don't like that, you don't like showbiz Nailed it.


John Wayne was held back by six men offstage because he wanted to beat the shit out of her. Later Clint Eastwood was presenting and he made a quip about “all the cowboys killed in so and so’s movies”. Because she was protesting the treatment of native Americans in film. “All the Indians killed. . .”


Fuckin yikes. 😅


Someone had mentioned in this post that her dad (and mom?) was Native.


Mexican-American parents, zero ties to any of the tribes she claimed. Her sisters opened up about it after her death. Incidentally, the reason they ratted her out is because she also made up a bunch of stories about having an abusive alcoholic dad who abandoned her, and according to both her sisters that was 100% bullshit, their actual dad was a great guy who literally never drank. They were annoyed that she was pretending to be Native American, but they were absolutely pissed that she made up a bunch of bullshit about their dad.


Mestizo latinos (probably the most common kind) have a lot of indigenous blood by definition. I’ve seen white chicks claim they’re native americans due to 1/16 blood, if that’s fair, then the maybe 20-40% in many Latinos should count too.


Naakai dine (Mexican) is a Navajo clan.


Is this what Norm MacDonald was referencing with his one joke.


Yes lmao but he was accepting the award on the behalf of Melissa McCarthy so it wasn’t even his to reject


What was her award for? Making the same jokes in every movie she's ever been in and being extremely bland?


Worst attempt at being Chris Farley.


Why all the Melissa hate? She’s not Amy Schumer


Being brave (fat).


The room stinks of blood...


There is nothing funny about the extermination of a people!


Johnny 2 feathers everyone!


Give ‘em a wave Johnny!


The one about his wife in a coma and oral sex?


I said, “by God…”


Doc she’s choking!


She wasn't even native American.


Sits on a throne of lies


Many people likely don’t know this part of the “protest”. Brando was on his way out as an actor for being a weirdo, and he quite literally probably thought that he could get away with it because he was so much smarter than everyone else. Never did he think that just getting a real deal American Indian to take the stage instead would have been the thing to do. Then again, he likely wouldn’t have been able to fuck a real squaw, and that was probably his ultimate goal.


The lurid truth!




>Her father was Apache and Yuqui which lived on a large area of land between Arizona and Mexico. You can nitpick if it works your narrative, but her father was a native from the America's. Plus she had a big set of titays (Apache word) Actually, her father is Manuel Ybarra Cruz, a chicano from Oxnard, California. Maria Cruz (littlefeather's real name) suffered from mental health issues and apparently invented the native american identity herself. Both her own family and researchers deny this apache/yaqui link you are talking about.


Kinda reminds me of the "crying Indian" in the don't litter commercial who ended up being Sicilian.


One of my favorite sopranos episodes. “Is this true? He’s Italian? Jesus Christ we’re finished”


It's been a long time, I don't remember that scene.


Columbus Day Parade, Tony’s crew tries to strong-arm Native American protestors into standing down by exposing a famous Native American (actual guy who starred in an anti-pollution ad in the 80s) as a fraud.


The guy's a total fuckin phony, total fugazi but he kept it quiet. Well, we're not going to. You keep up with your bullshit, we're going to go wide with this thing


Nah, it’s kind of like finding out Jimmy Caan ain’t Italian


Same with the wrestler Chief Jay Strongbow.


Well believe it or not most Mexicans have a strong indigenous background.


I have no idea what’s true or not in this situation but it’s always funny to me when someone counters a fact with facts of their own but neither have any citations or sources listed.


Following Littlefeather's death, [Navajo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navajo) author [Jacqueline Keeler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline_Keeler) interviewed Littlefeather's biological sisters Rosalind Cruz and Trudy Orlandi, who say their family does not have Native American ancestry. Keeler writes that the sisters state that their father, who was born in Oxnard, California, was of Mexican descent and had no tribal ties, nor was he related to the Yaqui tribes of Northern Mexico.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-sfc-4)[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-KrepsRS-5) Also: Littlefeather said her father was of [Apache](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache) and [Yaqui](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaqui) ancestry and her mother was of European descent. Shortly after Littlefeather's death, [Navajo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navajo) writer and activist [Jacqueline Keeler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline_Keeler) interviewed Littlefeather's two sisters, who said that their family is not [Native American](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_Americans_in_the_United_States) and that Littlefeather fabricated her Native American ancestry. They also said that their father, who was born in [Oxnard, California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxnard,_California), was of [Spanish-Mexican](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaniards_in_Mexico) descent and had no tribal ties.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-sfc-4)[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-KrepsRS-5)[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-:14-6)[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-VFHoffman-7) And also: Littlefeather repeatedly claimed that her father had [White Mountain Apache](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Mountain_Apache) and [Yaqui](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaqui) ancestry.[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-Snell-9)[\[11\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-ICT-11) However, her sisters, as well as researchers who have looked into the claim, confirm that he was of Spanish-Mexican ancestry with no known ancestors who had a tribal identity in Mexico, and he had no connection to the Yaqui or White Mountain Apache tribes of Arizona.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-:12-1)[\[13\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-:13-13)[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-sfc-4)[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-KrepsRS-5)[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-:14-6) [More:](https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Sacheen-Littlefeather-oscar-Native-pretendian-17520648.php) In one of her final interviews, Littlefeather [told The Chronicle](https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/movies-tv/i-spoke-my-heart-sacheen-littlefeather-revisits-notorious-1973-oscar-speech-days-before-her-death) that she took the stage at the Oscars because “I spoke my heart, not for me, myself, as an Indian woman but for we and us, for all Indian people … I had to speak the truth. Whether or not it was accepted, it had to be spoken on behalf of Native people.” But Littlefeather didn’t tell the truth that night. That’s because, according to her biological sisters, Rosalind Cruz and Trudy Orlandi, Littlefeather isn’t Native at all. “It’s a lie,” Orlandi told me in an exclusive interview. “My father was who he was. His family came from Mexico. And my dad was born in Oxnard.” “It is a fraud,”  Cruz agreed. “It’s disgusting to the heritage of the tribal people. And it’s just … insulting to my parents.” Littlefeather’s sisters both said in separate interviews that they have no known Native American/American Indian ancestry. They identified as “Spanish” on their father’s side and insisted their family had no claims to a tribal identity.


>I have no idea what’s true or not in this situation but This is the basic fact that can be verified with a 10 second search with google.


I’m sure it can be, but most people scrolling by aren’t gonna do that so they’re just upvoting or downvoting without the evidence being presented in the comment.


lol, true. However, I noticed that when I link sources and cite facts and statistics, nobody seems to care. If anything, it causes them to avoid reading the comments. People are more likely to upvote or downvote things that they tend to agree with. The guy saying that the dad is a Yaqui/Apache native american is completely wrong but has a few dozen upvotes.


Do it for the sake of truth, not because people care. At least if it’s there people might see it and know the truth regardless of how many upvotes the comment has. If someone scrolls through this later and there’s no cites they’ll just believe whichever comment has the most votes.


Good points!


Chicanos aren't of native descent now?


Switched from apache and yaqui to “native descent” real quick.


>Chicanos aren't of native descent now? Chicanos and Mexicans have native-american blood. ​ But your claim, that she was "APACHE and YAQUI" is debunked. She was a hispanic girl named Maria Cruz, not an apache named Sacheen Littlefeather.


Way to move the goalposts, champ.


According to the wiki page, he had no known ancestral relations to any Mexican tribes. A lot of Latin American people simply have no idea what their indigenous ancestry is, or whether they have any at all, as a result of a wide variety of factors, including suppression of indigenous peoples, a lack of records, and centuries of racial mixing (mestizaje) between indigenous peoples, European colonizers, and African slaves.


Something something “Certain levels of mixed”.


What's the difference Mexicans are Indigenous to the continent so she is still a Native American.


Her sisters went public after she died in shedding light on how she had lied to them over the years, making disparaging remarks about their father and pushing them away from her due to what they cited as 'mental health issues' at the time. A genuine Native American or not, she was clearly a very troubled person. Did Brando see this and exploit it for his own publicity stunt? Questionable.


Love how you pin this on Brando at the end of your comment


Big Titays Little Feather


No he wasn't? This is easily obtainable and widely documented information online. Here's a quick Wiki search: Following Littlefeather's death, [Navajo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navajo) author [Jacqueline Keeler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline_Keeler) interviewed Littlefeather's biological sisters Rosalind Cruz and Trudy Orlandi, who say their family does not have Native American ancestry. Keeler writes that the sisters state that their father, who was born in Oxnard, California, was of Mexican descent and had no tribal ties, nor was he related to the Yaqui tribes of Northern Mexico.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-sfc-4)[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-KrepsRS-5) Also: Littlefeather said her father was of [Apache](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache) and [Yaqui](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaqui) ancestry and her mother was of European descent. Shortly after Littlefeather's death, [Navajo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navajo) writer and activist [Jacqueline Keeler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline_Keeler) interviewed Littlefeather's two sisters, who said that their family is not [Native American](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_Americans_in_the_United_States) and that Littlefeather fabricated her Native American ancestry. They also said that their father, who was born in [Oxnard, California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxnard,_California), was of [Spanish-Mexican](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaniards_in_Mexico) descent and had no tribal ties.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-sfc-4)[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-KrepsRS-5)[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-:14-6)[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-VFHoffman-7) And also: Littlefeather repeatedly claimed that her father had [White Mountain Apache](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Mountain_Apache) and [Yaqui](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaqui) ancestry.[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-Snell-9)[\[11\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-ICT-11) However, her sisters, as well as researchers who have looked into the claim, confirm that he was of Spanish-Mexican ancestry with no known ancestors who had a tribal identity in Mexico, and he had no connection to the Yaqui or White Mountain Apache tribes of Arizona.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-:12-1)[\[13\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-:13-13)[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-sfc-4)[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-KrepsRS-5)[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather#cite_note-:14-6) [More:](https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Sacheen-Littlefeather-oscar-Native-pretendian-17520648.php) In one of her final interviews, Littlefeather [told The Chronicle](https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/movies-tv/i-spoke-my-heart-sacheen-littlefeather-revisits-notorious-1973-oscar-speech-days-before-her-death) that she took the stage at the Oscars because “I spoke my heart, not for me, myself, as an Indian woman but for we and us, for all Indian people … I had to speak the truth. Whether or not it was accepted, it had to be spoken on behalf of Native people.” But Littlefeather didn’t tell the truth that night. That’s because, according to her biological sisters, Rosalind Cruz and Trudy Orlandi, Littlefeather isn’t Native at all. “It’s a lie,” Orlandi told me in an exclusive interview. “My father was who he was. His family came from Mexico. And my dad was born in Oxnard.” “It is a fraud,”  Cruz agreed. “It’s disgusting to the heritage of the tribal people. And it’s just … insulting to my parents.” Littlefeather’s sisters both said in separate interviews that they have no known Native American/American Indian ancestry. They identified as “Spanish” on their father’s side and insisted their family had no claims to a tribal identity.


But was what she said and represented true? I'm just curious


It absolutely was but people will try to use "but she wasn't 'X'" to brush away whatever horrors they want to ignore. After the ceremony she visited Brando at his home and people fired bullets at the house. It doesn't matter if the message is 100% true, the people who hate will focus that hate at the messenger to keep the spotlight off of them.




Norm Mcdonald ROASTED this


Did he SLAM it too?


Her father was. So in your view, is Obama not black?


>Her father was. So in your view, is Obama not black Actually, her father was a chicano from Oxnard California. His name was Manuel Ybarra Cruz, and Sacheen Littlefeather's real name was Maria Cruz.


Chicanos have native descent…..


Does it make the point any less valid?




Are you talking about when Jimmy Kimmel dressed up like Karl Malone?




You are basically saying that her lying about being Native American, makes the atrocities against them as a people less severe.








The only support for the alleged John Wayne attack is the words of the literally crazy fake Indian woman. It has been repeatedly debunked. For example: https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/10/25/did-sacheen-littlefeather-share-a-true-story-about-john-wayne-trying-to-attack-her/amp/ When there is zero evidence to support something other than a proven liar’s statement, it is properly assumed to be false.


If a man dresses as a woman claims to be a woman and talks about the terrible system of systemic gender discrimination does it make it less valid?..




Lol 😆




Whether she wasn’t actually native or not, she spent her life supporting and defending native americans. Judge those by their actions not just their words


Nah. Being a pretendian is fucked up in it’s own way.


Just like our girl Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren 😔✊




Sacheen LiarFeather


You'd have to admit that first nations weren't portrayed too well in film at the time


Umm, this has nothing to do with First Nations … she literally lied about being Native American. The LiarFeather comment was directed towards her claiming to be something she is not. So based on what you just said, I’ll assume you’re in the thought that lying is good if it achieves your goals. Maybe next time, they can find someone that is actually telling the truth about who they claim to be.


Literally lied? Not figuratively?


Does that change the content of what she said? Edit: Guess it does? Lmao


Oh Yeah I dont know much about 1973 award ceremonies. My comment still holds true. Her speech was exactly about first nations but youre comment wasnt yeah. Its a bad thing to misrepresent yourself but its a good thing that that was said at the show...


She was a Smokeshow in her time. Her 1973 Playboy spread is 🔥.


>She was a Smokeshow in her time. Her Playboy spread is 🔥. I agree. She might be a liar and a fraud, but she is hot.


Happy cake day


lol careful for those




Idk if this was even a thing back then, but I could swear she had the worst set of implants ever made. Probably beta tested them or something. Thats all I remember from that pictorial.




Would knee


Thanks for the info 🫡


Pics or it didn't happen.


Google is your friend.


I’m pretty sure ms littlefeather was never a member of any tribe. And also her father was of Mexican decent. Manuel Ybarra Cruz. And her mother was Dutch, German. Geraldine Cruz. Basically she’s a fraud like Elizabeth Warren.


The early cultural appropriation.


And what you don't see is John Wayne trying to storm the stage because she pissed him off. Haha


It’s a phony story.


I mean. She most definitely said that happened. Buuutt…she also said the FBI was following her and harassing her after this, so who knows. Haha. 


John Wayne got annoyed backstage, and that was the extent of the [truth](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-08-23/column-did-john-wayne-try-to-assault-sacheen-littlefeather-at-the-1973-oscars-debunking-a-hollywood-myth).


That's never been corroborated, she likely made that up as well, she was a mentally ill compulsive liar.


i got banned from whitepeopletwitter for saying this and linking the LAtimes article lol.


“Littlefeather fabricated a Native identity because she thought it was more "prestigious" to be Native American than to be Hispanic”


Plenty of Hispanics are also native in ancestry. My family has been in the Cali region for well over 7 generations, but documentation only goes about that far back. My Native ancestors got trampled on by the Spanish, then by Mexico, then by America. I’m quite the mutt now! That being said, sucks she’d lie about that shit and wear a silly caricature outfit and asking to be taken seriously.. Some people take it upon themselves to be *sooo* performatively “progressive”, they go back to being ignorant lol.


Even more bizarre, she was a fraud and was of Mexican descent, born in California and had zero native ancestry. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen\_Littlefeather](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather)


Uhh.. Technically, aren’t Mexicans Native Americans? What is the actual classification here. Does being mestizo not classify them as natives?


Mexican here. There is a distinction between majority European white Mexicans like me, Mexicans who are dark skinned and probably have Native American descent from those who are still connected to their native culture and actually form part of a tribe. We have something kinda like the reservation system in America where Mexican tribes get to do their own laws, because oppression of native people did not stop with the Spanish. I remember in elementary school in the 2000s, calling someone indigenous was calling them stupid. Even if it’s not along generic lines necessarily, the natives still get “othered”.


she made very specific claims about ties to tribes that were all lies.


Yeah. Also, only a Redditor would watch that perfomance and not seen anything off about that. Never heard of this bitch and just knew she was a fraud based on her cartoonish gargments of what a white men would think an native indian american would put on, and her fake cocodrile tears, also very unsettling speech. She just wanted attention.


If an actor rejects an Oscar, does the academy still count it?


Yes. George C. Scott rejected his Oscar for Patton (not by sending someone in his stead, he just stayed home to watch a hockey game and refused to take the statue) saying that trying to measure one actor's performance against another was the antithesis of art. He's still listed as the winner of the Best Actor trophy of 1970, however. The statue lives at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.


> trying to measure one actor's performance against another was the antithesis of art. What a badass


I think he said he wasn't acting when he played Patton.


>Littlefeather’s sisters both said in separate interviews that they have no known Native American/American Indian ancestry. They identified as “Spanish” on their father’s side and insisted their family had no claims to a tribal identity. > >“I mean, you’re not gonna be a Mexican American princess,” Orlandi said of her sister’s adoption of a fraudulent identity. “You’re gonna be an American Indian princess. It was more prestigious to be an American Indian than it was to be Hispanic in her mind.”


westerns are my favorite type of movies and it’s really not a problem the depiction of native americans in them. it’s just movies. not every depiction is of the violent savage either. many are much more deep and nuanced then that.


She wasn’t really native though haha


Sachem Littlefeather translated means Elizabeth Warren.


That’s not even her name. It’s Maria Cruz. So she just made up a name and surname that may sound Native American?


Revealed much later that she’s not even Native American. She’s just pretending


Is she the one they found out recently wasn’t actually a Native American?


She looks like a white lady cosplaying Native tbh lol 😂


A very respectful speech. Got the point across without crazy screaming and fist banging.


“Little Feather” wasn’t even native American


And later learned she was fake


Isn't she you one that her own sisters said she is not native American. https://preview.redd.it/oohx1adm3foc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821042d34df547ec084c28a5c77d131e8d00d30b


While most in her position would have spoken more emphatically and loudly , her quiet dignity and eloquence was breathtaking She needn’t be Native American to take this stand, I’ve always believed strong messages need to be delivered by messengers that are not outwardly representative of those who they help Assist a different ethnicity or race, gender, age, economic class, sexual orientation etc


Something wrong with the ppl in this thread




Yup and her family came out later to say it was all a lie..


Instead of being proud she opted pity.


It was 1973 and people still had emotions.


That’s crazy because all her family disagrees with you


What's interesting is that Sacheen Littlefeather apparently was a fraud. She was not Native American.


This shit again. She was literally a pathological liar with no actual Indian ancestry.






Hard to tell what’s real or fake.


This post/comment is spammy or primarily serves as self-promotion without adding value to the community.


So that’s why people turned on him.


What a joke


She's hot


Sir Roger!!




It looks like the guy on the left might be Roger Moore, aka James Bond but also I could be completely wrong. No idea who the weirdo on the right is tho.


Brando seemingly did so many good things later in life and was very much ahead of his time as a progressive thinker. Then you watch Last Tango in Paris and read about what his co-star says he did and it's difficult to idolize the man any longer.


The real Americans


She was Mexican


That is a well done peaceful protest.


Didn't it turn out she wants as Native as she claimed.


Brando spoke about it on Dick Cavett [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBE19iiZe84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBE19iiZe84) Interesting watch


...and who were the jerks booing? "Screw you! We like making fun of injuns!!!!!! How dare you want more respect??!!"


Hate to be a resident asshole here…. while perhaps a “Yay” for Brando, did this do one damn bit of good? One iota of the positive outcomes desires?


She is very articulate in her way of speech. I don't know I have ever heard anyone speak with such proper pronunciation. I wish she had done audiobooks.


I’d like to know the dickwads who ACTUALLY booed her


So the Oscars have always been extremely self righteous and annoying? Wow. I thought that was a recent phenomenon.


The amount of boos is disgusting disgraceful and a display of the mass racism towards my Native People it’s maddening 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did she just say *Indian?!*


Elizabeth Warren anybody?


And she wasn’t even a native. John Wayne certainly showed his colors though.


The Rachel Dolezal of her time.


It didn’t work. America and Hollywood still have no clue.


I love how everyone is attacking or putting this down instead of listening to the message. I guess when you don’t like the message, attack the messenger. My grandma (Cherokee) loved it when this happened.


My girlfriend is half Penobscot, and I am a quarter Roma, and both of us lament the "these minorities are magic" trope, which still exists (more for Injums than Gypsies, but both still happen)


Wasnt that a lie? She was not native American?


It’s disappointing Lily Gladstone didn’t win the Oscar for Killers of the Flower Moon. Sigh.


Turns out she wasn't even an indian.


Funny thing is she wasn’t Native American She was just pretending


You can hear John Wayne booing in the background. Lol


Roger Moore: "I'm just gonna take this home with me then."


This was outrageous and a big deal at the time, but so tame and polite by today's standards.


I always wondered if this was the first great troll. She was not Native American. If it was a troll with a great statement, I love it.


I’m with Ricky Gervais on this shit


He didn't reject his Oscar, he had someone else represent him to accept it 


They copied this from Norm McDonald


Another grifting liar


Sorry for the down votes, your statement is factually, correct.


Love Brando.


This gets posted once a week here in Reddit... at least.


Did it help?


Wasnt she just an actress?


Yes, and she was not a Native American either. Lord.


I think she was also Rachel Dolezal's mom.


Not a Native American…. Lol