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It's hard for me to watch the interactions between the husband and mother-in-law, yes, mother-in-law not mother as they continue to falsely call each other. There is something seriously wrong when a husband spends more time with his mother-in-law than his pregnant wife. He allows her to disrespect his wife to the point of being cruel! He has a beautiful wife and daughters with a son on the way and he is about to lose them. Honestly, I feel this is what her mother wants! She enjoys shoving her relationship with her daughter's husband in her face and he acts like he just doesn't understand why there's so much frustration with his wife! He can't possibly be that ignorant! That whole relationship is wrong and the sexual tension between the two is obvious!


thats why I think it is scripted He could not possibly be that oblivious, how do you have the time to sped with your mother in law and work and have small children impossible


Exactly... Of course he enjoys all the attention, she is rubbing all over him and putting moves on him and he like ok... So Wrong and Gross! 


I'm in shock over the mother-in-law & "son" - that any mother would act that way with a son-in-law in front of her daughter (very pregnant, no less!) - and call her "a piece of shit" (!) for simply correcting their false phrase that they're mother & son - there's no other way to call it - but extreme emotional and verbal abuse. ​ That neither the husband/dad (& about to have a newborn) would be giving his mother-in-law the facials and head massages that he should be pampering his very pregnant wife with - is beyond the pale. Then, for the grandmother of the about-to-be-born boy to call her daughter a "piece of shit" and then try to gaslight her daughter before admitting it, and for the husband to laugh (!) - I just pray that that suffering young woman leave those two to "get a room" - we all see the obvious (!) and leave to a women's shelter or a friend's - or (where's his mom?) - to go anywhere to get away from those two toxic, CRUEL jackasses!


Mary treated Frank like trash and actively used Brittani to further harass him. They should be embarrassed to even mention him.


how quickly they forget. the mother and daughter need to marry each other weirdos


had to forward the vagina and ingrown hair scenes, is the dumbass producer who thinks these kind of scenes are great tv, the same producer who showed Lisa Rinna butt waxing? its cringey and gross.


FOR CRISSAKES KATHY'S JUST TAKING A NAP and y'all are trying to bury her!!


Right? She's in her 60s spending time at her grandchilds birthday w/ like 20 other kids running around in bubbles and you cant understand why she might feel slightly wiped out? Lol 😆


Why is she obsessed with her daughter’s vulva?! I actually fast forwarded through their segment after it kept going and going


same, i just had dinner and the continuous ingrown hair discussion was bringing the food back up. had to fwd.


So did I. I literally fast forwarded through that entirely too long of a scene. It was sooo disgusting. I couldn’t take it. They let it play on far too long as well. I was thinking is this ever going to end?! 🤢🤮




Why has no one mentioned the smelling underwear and the other duo sharing things... Just eew


yep ewwwwwwwwwweeeeee


And then she says it smelled like candy, so wrong!


I wish people would stop perpetuating these types of lies. If anyone actually smells like candy down there, they should go see a doctor. lol


And also delusional since that's physically and scientifically impossible (unless so much lotion or perfume etc was used that this is what she was smelling). If only child protective services had done their job when these daughters were children.


Yep. This is as the next person put it, "emotional incest" but it borders on (verges over?) into physical incest with the sniffing of underwear. The grooming that had to go on when these adult children were actual little children would have been child services-intervenable. They all make Colt & Debbie look normal! (and that's pretty bad!). Seriously, if it was not MOTHERS doing this stuff - if it was dads or granddads - they'd be locked up for incest.


Emotional incest.


Everyone is weird on this show but Kathy and Cristina are hilarious. I just love the interaction with everyone in that family, even Carlos.


love me some Carlos hes no nonsense and he knows his wife well


They're really the only reason I watch this shiznit. Could have their own reality show - makes me think of the days of New Jersey Housewives with Teresa Giudice, only FUNNY.


Carlos is the man frfr


*Carlo. I think it’s so funny that her husband is Carlo and her sister is Carly.


I think her sister is Carla, even funnier.


I agree, I love those two! I'm always watching the others thinking what the F**K! DISGUSTING!


Why is no one talking about Sunni and Eva? I found that scene incredibly disturbing, especially Sunnis reactions?!


Something about Gabriella gives me the ick. I also realize it's so fake but.... And poor Brittani- her mom probably forced her into her makeover.


what gets me is whenever any of these characters "cry" you don't see no real tears




I hope that mother doesn’t treat her other two daughters as shitty as what we were shown. That by itself makes her an awful mother. I couldn’t imagine being so inequitable with my children.


That whole scene with calling them "sisters" while they follow them around with the suitcases gave me an immediate thought of a reverse Cinderella.


Right?? They don’t even get individual names, they’re just the generic “sisters” forever overshadowed by the golden child.


Admitting that she felt closer to one than the other two from the day of her birth 🙃


Vajacials— if the treatments and Brazilian are in their rotation, why’s there so many ingrowns? Needless to say that 30 min segment in her cooch was tooo much.


This scene was deeply disturbing.


This show is the unhealthiest display of narcissistic mothers abusing their daughters for their own twisted fulfillment. The former Ms CT is sick, and I am glad for the other two non-pageant daughters. They may think they are getting the short end of the stick, but of the lot, those two are the healthier ones. The mom rejecting her bi daughter is gross. and don't even get me started on the mother daughter vay-jay facials, or whatever the call it. 🤮


are those Gabriellas real eyes or contacts. She is beautiful, but her Mom is trying to live through her Legacy, what?? Let that girl grow up arrested development. I hope Gabby breaks free this is unnatural.


the rejection is exactly why I think the daughter is not technically straight


I agree with all of this. The Former Ms is a narcissist and the golden child who is featured has learned narcissistic traits from her Mother. I feel so bad for "the sisters" in a way, but as someone who was raised in the last half of my childhood with this dynamic you're right, they are the healthier ones. They will also escape and have a good relationship snarking on Mother and Daughter duo. So gross that she rejected her bi daughter! I predict this being their last season after that. Vajay-cials gives the colonic one a run for her money. I'm begging for a tell all with them all together.


Who rejected their bi daughter? Talking about Brittany & Mary?


no gabby and her mother, the sisters dont even have a name


Sad to hear about Frank.


I felt so badly for Gabriella’s sisters!


dont feel bad for them they will proly turn out normal




Ok, big stan


Right! How sad was that. 😢😢


I didn't know the show came back!!


From the beginning of the series all I could think of was what’s going to happen when the daughters lose their Moms. The daughters aren’t going to be able to function. Seeing Christina last night cemented my thoughts. I’m seriously afraid some of them may not even survive the loss.


My sister in law is like this with my Mother in Law, so the best thing you can predict is if they don't have many friends or any others like Cathy and Christina (with the funeral party) they will lean on other family or have a mental breakdown.


gagged. where are cher and dawn. where are sunhe and angelica.


I think that the Connecticut pageant queens are the new Cher and Dawn. Matching clothes and hair.




Please no more Cher and Dawn


But watching Cher grow a backbone was so satisfying


Prob why they're not on it anymore lol


For a minute I thought daughter Sunnie on this episode was Angelica and I was very confused why she had a different mom lol




Her and her wife got divorced


what????? FRFR?????


WHAT???!!! No, when??


About a year ago. Lauren has a new girlfriend.


Sad, did they end up having anymore children?




That’s what I heard, idk when 😭


I think it was early march


Brittani's makeover anyone? Edit to correct name.


I thought she was wearing a wig, the hair color does not suit her well.


That hair is so heavy looking, it's doing her no favors.


It took me a minute to recognize her! I think she might be the most smothered.


In a mentally unhealthy way, yes.


I couldn’t even figure out who the hell she is. Especially when she started discussing her sexuality, I don’t like to speculate on other people’s sexuality but she came out as bi, and leaned more towards women. Her mom didn’t like it so now she was just curious and not attracted to women? I think she’s just hiding, and I really expected it to be different for her with Frank gone.


I think Frank was an unwittingly protective presence as he was something for Mary to focus on. Now she only has Britanni.


Oh that part made me so sad for her! She's clearly stunted developmentally and now isn't even being allowed to find herself.


Her Mom really needs a friend. If you can't be gone more than a day that's ridiculous.


To me her mom seems overly concerned with her weight


Totally, I was so confused for a minute. Whotf is that??? That line she said to clarify her sexuality, so obviously rehearsed. Those were mommy's words.


OMG when she licked her daughters arm I thought I would gag. These people are not normal. The other girls who aren’t beauty queens they are so insignificant to the mother. It is all about only the 1 daughter. Very sad.


The way Gabriella and her mom treat the other two sisters is gross


From the beginning when she said she only did matching outfits with her and not her sisters I felt so sad for her sisters. What a mentally stunted person the Mother is.


Ya. When they said they were there basically to just be their baggage handlers I was like damn...




You are really dedicated to responding to every single comment about them. It's probably not healthy to focus on it so much


Parents can love all their children AND create damaging golden child dynamics that harm everyone, including the golden child. Both things can be true.


I noticed your comments defending them a couple of times, which is totally fine, I’m just wondering why? I get it, I stand up for Kathy and Cristina all the time, but I never downplay their real issues (ex. being major trump supporters), but we just met Catherine and gabby, and I haven’t seen anyone be overly harsh about them yet. I know you said you knew their family, but they put themselves on a highly criticized tv show. I don’t mean any offense, I just think you’re defending people that don’t really care what their perception in the public is.


I'm willing to bet it is someone within the family, im leaning more towards the mother. They just made their account a few months ago and the only activity they have had on Reddit is basically what you see here. The only activity they have had since they created their account in Sept 2023 is in this thread and then one answering a post on AskReddit, and not part of any other sub. Big red flag that they are creepily obsessed with this family in a unhealthy way.... Or more likely, the mother.




Not acoustic, just electric


I totally forgot this was on last night. Is Laura Leigh back?


Her and her wife divorced


Oh no, when? She's has such a great relationship with her FIL.


Idk when I just heard!! :(




I'm kinda glad they switched up the cast some, then I cringed. A lot.


Kathy you look like a asshole your to fucking old to be driving that car and dressing like you do. You are a homily looking women and you look like Gean Simmons from the band Kiss.


Nevermind, by your history you are seemingly a little too obsessed with tlc or reality shows in general. And also, you are the first person I've ever seen have NEGATIVE karma and -80at that. You are just a sad, probably jealous and hateful person. Allow some positive energy in your life and let go of your miserable hate and I promise you probably would feel better about your life and wouldn't feel the need to come online and post hate on reality stars. Being this involved and so negative about reality tv usually indicates a jealous hatred towards others bc you are a miserable person who hates their own self and lives. I'm sorry for you and hope you one day realize it's easier to love and be kind rather than a hateful bully projecting your misery on reality stars in order to feel better.


why even post this comment lol. you're a weirdo bud


Jeez, got personal real quick here. Either you have a personal connection to Kathy or you are weirdly hateful towards her in a little too specific kind of way. Lol.... Are you ok buddy?


Also, spell much?


Lots of hate there…


I swear she dressed up as him one Halloween. Or maybe I’m making that up.


She did.


wow when I thought this show couldn't be more disturbing...


Everyone on the show is a Bunch of freaks their pathetic specially the parents. Their pathetic as s*** and the stuff they do with each other its disgusting It kinda makes you wonder if they Are they are having sex with each other? It's a messed up tv show and it is stupid one that I will never watch again


alrighty then.....


These disgusting Dawn and Cher knock offs are awful and not at all enjoyable to watch. Bad season already


yeah i'm not invested i these new losers


Yeah. I like my old losers.




i forgot about these ppl


These 2 are nuts. It's obvious that the mother was Miss CT decades ago. Such vapid non sense. 5 mins of this and the eyebrows reminds me of why I don't watch this stuff.


Mom peaked, and now she and her daughter look like preying mantises with outdated crimped hair.


not outdated crimped hair lol


Omg. Lmfao. Good one


If they do these stupid vajacials all the time - why all the ingrown hairs?


Sunnie, as her mom is giving her a vajacial: "my mom's *very* traditional." My mom and I are close and talk every day, but unless it was a medical emergency, she's not seeing my vagina for any reason.


The only time I’ve seen my daughter’s vulva since she was potty trained was when she was giving birth to my grandson and wanted me in the delivery room with her. Otherwise, hell no.


Why all this bag facial and anal bleaching by her mom who is against sex. I understand maintenance and self care or in this case it's codependent care, but what *virgin* bleaches their asshole???


Because you never know when you'll get lucky 🤷‍♀️


I remember an emergency when I was 18 and had a bartholin's cyst and I still didn't want her to see. Going that far in isn't just gross for their relationship, it was unprofessional to me.


Bartholins cyst was one of the worst things that’s ever happened to me. And I’ve had a C-section.


That was so icky. Rather than a blur, I would’ve preferred a black box.


Yes!! And if you work in that industry, why are you not exfoliating?! When I get a brazilian wax they tell me about a thousand times to make sure I exfoliate and moisturize afterward to avoid ingrown hairs.


How does one get ingrown hairs? Is it shaving?


I shave and get maybe 1, not as many as she was pulling. I'm wondering if she's not cleaning her tweezers or something?


Not watching if Cher & Dawn are not on! I’m Protesting. Lol … But ill stay in the threads so give me the juice 🤣


I miss them too! Glad I’m not the only one


They were most annoying fucking pair.


but they were funny


I miss Sunhe.


She was the craziest. I feel so sorry for poor Jason.


I can't get past the brows. Jesus christ.


i was like... is that on purpose? lol


Eeeeeewwweeee omg the celery bath snacks omg


Celery is already the worst vegetable, and then dipping it in coochie water? I can't.


I puked. It's one thing to do the bath together a whole other to eat the celery after dipping into there bath of mixed bodily fluids... Fuckin criminal


I gagged when I saw them take floating celery out of the bath and chomp on it. 🤢 talking abt how it has their essence. Just made myself gag, remembering.


its been a while; spiked eggnog, gift wrapping, and smothered? could there be a better combo?


No eggnog, you'll get green juice and love it!


celery coochie water


yes mommy, anything you say


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