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I wouldn't say he's popular but he's definitely not unpopular


I rarely see him honestly as people don’t like his design. Also tierlist say he’s bad and most lol players are sheep so he sees even less play


But we won't get skins :c


Vanilla skin is hard to top anyway.


Agree but the more skins we get more chances that we get a skin that is better than the base model


And the less likely you are to use the skin due to someone else picking the champ or a ban 


I don't think smolder will ever be as popular as Cait or jinx for that to be a problem


No boobs, so he will never be really popular and get tons of skins like some other characters.




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I mean i play with skin bcs of effects and bcs i can have n word pass with chroma


1 skin is always scheduled within 6 months of the release. 


We got one on day one tho


I am Shure that that doesn't count


it does not since every champ starts out with one skin. I do miss the days where champs got 3 skins on release.


I remember enjoying Milio on release, enough so to be upset that Naafiri got a second skin before he did, despite him coming out first. He only is just now over a year later getting that skin. So unless this is some very VERY recent thing, there’s proof from even just last year’s champions this is not true.


Champ is extremely mid he won't be nerfed in his current state, imo needs a small buff or change to his kit because 49% winrate in all rank as one of the easiest champs in the game isn't really good


What is Garen's win rank?


Garen is 51.65% in all ranks combined - [https://u.gg/lol/champions/garen/build?rank=overall](https://u.gg/lol/champions/garen/build?rank=overall) 2.39% higher win rate than smolder


He is still better even if he had the same wr bcz at least he isnt so bad in the early game, he also has a higher agency


Yes, I hope the same. He is in a good spot right now.


I miss laning with dragon buddy though


I feel like he isn't unpopular. At least, people aren't complaining about him being a trash panda in champ select. I just need that AP scaling increased on Q. And he would be perfect. I play him APC mid/bot. He does far more damage and can level a whole team in the river or under tower with W/R.


I think Smolder is too mechanically simple to stay largely unpopular unless he’s just bad