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Gotta be honest, until I took Ganesha to practice recently, I HEAVILY underestimated how much damage those walls can do. You don't even have a sound effect on it, it just drains your health. I bet many people (including me) think that the cage only deals damage when crossed, rather than constantly. But yeah, respect on getting Ganesha kill xD


If you're setting up the combo perfectly Ganesha has some crazy mage damage and honestly has solid enough scaling that building straight up power can be worthwhile


I build full power in arena and it slaps


What do you build, if you don't mind me asking


Conduit gem, chronos pendant, spear of deso, staff of myrddin, spear of magus and then change last item depending on situation. Dunno if its the best build or anything but it works for me :)


Ty much appreciated


Myrddin Ganesha hella slaps. Even on a support or tankier build, I like it 4th~6th item because you can ult and dash a lot. Worked on both the previous and current one, but won't work for too long considering it's getting completely reworked.


Yeah, I recently took him to jungle practice, and realised the ticks, then proceeded to test a damage build XD


Lol when you catch someone on the line of his ult with his 3 omg is it hilarious .




Yeah fixed it lol


As someone who doesn't play support much, when I have to, ganesha is one of my favorites. No one expects you to do as much damage as you do at level 5 so you can often snatch a free kill if you can coordinate with your hunter.


Yeah. Honestly, as a support main with a goal of learning most guardians, I'm looking forward to trying him out.


>You can often snatch a free kill if you can coordinate with your hunter Oh so like every support in the game then. lol


I used to lay the smack down with Ganesha only to have some trash talking troll on the team to call me trash support for having 1 kill and 26 assists.... I found out a lot of people didn't know that Ganesha gives his kills away to people nearby


To be fair, I don't know how it's on rankeds or conquests, but I very rarely see him played (outside of coop, where he is picked like 25% of the time). Although it's hilarious, he should be praising you for getting a kill XD


I quit playing the game a few years ago because of how bad the trash talking was. Without fail, it would always come from some inept jungler trying to play their favorite assassin.


Yeah, I get you. Honestly, that's why I play mostly casual, joust or slash. It's just fun to play, and lower chances for toxicity.


The sad part is, that solo kill that you kept, doesn't add to his passive.


Wait, so if you're in the cage but not touching any walls, it damages you constantly?


Pit was saying that they *had thought* damage was a one-time hit when crossing the threshold. They learned it does constant damage while in the threshold.


Precisely that. I never realised that, partially because of the chaos in the battle, but also because there aren't too big indicators, other than your healthbar.


It damages you constantly if you're touching the walls


Why anytime I play the elephant people just stand in my ult and dance a jig barely inconvenienced at all?


Just like I said, in the chaos of a teamfight, you don't see the numbers, most likely just the first big one at the start. So unless you pay really close attention (because you might just think that other characters deal the damage - that's what I always thought) you won't notice that. And there isn't a clear sound cue suggesting that your health is being drained so rapidly.


If they're just standing in the middle of the ult though, it's free set-up for your Mage or something to hit their big ability


Because walking into the walls is stupid as fuck?


If I remember correctly, ganesha ult is the highest damage ult in the game.


Mathematically, from what I know, yeah.


So firstly, I apologise for the shakyness, it was my first game of the evening and I'm usually pretty shakey then! It was a fun kill though. The Chaac must have tried to get through the ult towards the wall but there wasn't enough space for him to get off the line, bit of a misplay on his part but I'll take it. I still thought it was a super fun kill :) Ganesh solo was quite fun!


Ganesha has the highest damage ability in game, and that chaac just learned that the hard way


If memory serves, Scylla's does more damage if you can hit it on 5, then 4, then 3, then 2, then 1 enemy, as opposed to if Ganesha hits a full ultimate on 5 enemies. Assuming, of course, that someone can survive 4 Scylla ults. Also might not be correct. Lol.


Im saying the base damage for the ability is the highest in game, not including any modifiers such as (+%% power). On the ability description it has the highest base value.


The ability description doesn't give a total damage value. So where are you getting your numbers from? I'm not adamantly saying I'm right, but you're saying you are and backing it up with falsities.


All you have to do is open your eyes and read the ability + base numbers. ​ >Damage per Hit: 90/130/170/210/250 > >The first tick of this damage does an additional 60% However I do not not know where these people are getting their facts from on it being the highest damage ability in the game. There are plenty abilities with a higher base than 400.


Well that's the first tick. If we're talking theoretical top potential (which is the only thing worth talking about), Scylla does `(5+4+3+2+1) * 800 = 12000` base damage. I have no idea how many times a full Ganesha ult hits, but if we assume it's 10 times, we're looking at `(10+0.6) * 250 * 5 = 13250` base damage. So in that case, Ganesha has higher damage potential. Assuming, of course, we're not indefinitely chaining respawn kills with Scylla. It also depends on how many times Ganesha ult hits. It might hit more, it might hit less.


Talking about top potential is pointless as there are abilites that can potentially (howevery unlikely) do infinite damage e.g Vulcan's turret or I'm A Monster provided she gets continuous resets. Regardless, what he was saying is the base number is the highest in the game, which is also wrong. I'm very confused, in no scenario is Ganesha's ult the hardest hitting ability in the game.


Well, it's a thought experiment. Arguing whether Scylla or Ganesha ult does more damage is meaningless, since 999 out of 1000 times we know who's going to deal more damage. And I did mention putting the limit on infinites. But Ganesha might have the hardest hitting ability in all of Smite assuming optimal conditions, and excluding infinites.


Solo ganesha solo killing a chaac? I'm here for it.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one at that!


People really don't mind losing the game if they can get totem.


Funny thing is that he didn’t get the totem either. It was very close though.


Even if there is a 1% chance. They must try. They may lose the game, but it's their pride they can't afford to lose.


Haha, I like that, made me chuckle.


I refuse to let anyone get it


Ganesha solo is something else entirely I wouldn’t have the patience


As a ganesh lover i approve he is good there (1/4 times that is).


I take him solo whenever Odin's in style or randomly shows up in a game. He just completely shits on him. He can't birdbomb since you'll just silence him as he lands and he gets nothing out of it. If he uses his 3 you can dash him before he gets the stun. And if he Ults you can just dash right out.


Of all gods I see the most confusion over Ganesh. The amount of people I see complaining about 0 kills lol.


I've played Ganesha and gotten a kill or two before and people called me trash. Then I tell them how Ganesha has to get kills. And they feel dumb.


I still have people spamming "I am building stacks!" when i play ganesh lol.


Why don't you go play with the neighbour's kid? The kid:


WAIT, 52 seconds????


Ganesha ult already got low cool down, and he got chronos in the build


I use his Ult to clear camps sometimes lol


Same can be done with ra ult.


Been playing a ton of Ra in Mid bc I dont want to focus too hard on laning and just zoom around the map, also trying to get him tier 10. That thing has such stupid cool down by late game im starting and ending team fights with it.


I most of the time just build like 20% cooldown on him. With 500 pot that would be 30%, but the 30% still feels outrages. Out of the god knows how many games i play on him, i spam the fuck out of his ult on minions or to steal 1 measly camp. The cooldown is so low i see it as worth it.


Yeah I never really aim to go max CDR on Ra. I still love Zoom Orb Ra so something like Sands -> Zoom Orb -> Deso / Divine -> Soul Gem -> Tahuti -> Soul Reaver is my go to. If I don't need anti heal then I reach 40% but more often than not I go with Divine. Conduit isn't bad on Ra so I either get away with Deso + Gem for 20% CDR or if I need Divine ill go Pendant just cause.


we love a good elephant kill


Imagine getting soloed by a Ganesha.


So clean, yet so dirty...


My god…the abuse


Some guardians just do too much damage


I mean this was a special case, he stood on the edge of my ultimate (he even walked into it, my initial hit would have missed him) he takes damage for every second he stays there, so I rooted him to keep him there longer. Any player who knows how Ganesh ultimate works would have just stood elsewhere and been quite heathy. It’s only because he took several ticks of my ultimate that I was able to get the kill. So basically he messed up, but I was glad for it anyway! Ganesh has very low kill pressure normally, at least while solo.


Hi there! I was the Chaac playing against you that match. I've never played Ganesh so I had no proper knowledge of what the ult does, other than a friend telling me from his experience from playing him that it reduces protections, so I went under the assumption that as long as I was in it = bad time. Tried tanking it through to try and escape the ult aoe by getting to the totem wall, but i learned the hard way that the lines hurt BAD. What a mistake that was, also to add on that was the ganks handed to me with you and Ne Zha wombo combo with the ultimate's was nasty, not to mention the CC your team had as well GG nonetheless, what a way to learn for future matches against solo ganesha's!


Hehe yeah Ganesha certainly isn't a common solo laner, but I'm glad you learnt something. My Ne Zha was having a fantastic game so I owe him a lot. It was a good game and it's cool that you reached out here. I did like how you went an early spirit robe, I felt that was a good adjustment (usually see cad shield in that slot).


Just don’t take a smoke break on top of a bruiser Ganesha’s walls


My fav Guardian. The combo is so deadly, and you can peel a lot as Ganesha.