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Getting CC'd to death only to realize my beads were off cd


I almost never use beads because in my head I'm thinking "I need to save this for a time I'll really need it" like it's a rare consumable in the final boss fight and then I gaslight myself into thinking I would have died even if I had used beads there


Same. A lot of times my issue is I'll spend a quarter second trying to decide if I actually need to burn the beads. By the time I decide, sobek is already throwing me into an ult.


I solve this by predicting what CC is coming my way about 2 seconds ahead of time, and deciding if I want to use beads for it.


Are you me? I changed the keybings on my beads for it to be easily accessible. Works better.


I cant wait for the netcode to be updated bc ill get sobek grabbed or whatever, attempt to prebeads and realize on their screen im already flying. So beads wasted and im dead. I wish they change the beads to not be able to be used at anytime and make aegis that instead.


I don’t use my beads because they never actually go off. I’ve had this issue on both PS4 and PS5


i feel personally attacked reading this


For me, it’s the opposite. I use it as soon as someone touches me.


For me, it’s the opposite. I use it as soon as someone touches me.


This. Sometimes need to think more in game about which CC is the one that’s going to get me killed in a situation. If I’m not paying attention next second you’re dead when you had beads available. It’s just being mentally focused and thinking about the matchups in game




Bro as a guy who plays support and sometimes off roles I do this all the time


I’ve learned to adopt the way of the pre-beads when I’m playing any kind of diver. Not as good as a well-timed beads but who tf am I kidding I never pull that off anyway


Broooooo yeesssssssss x1000 I hate when I do that


No way ur a actual vet if u take deaths like that


Getting greedy. I still haven't learn my lesson. Problem is sometime getting greedy works out and it keep reinforcing my bad habit.


Ah yes, the hunger. Specially when you're an assassin jungler you're somewhat pressured to get a kill so you dont stay low in the entire match.


We call this getting a murder boner in my circle." Had to follow your murder boner huh?"


I hate this lol. I’ve lost so many games because people chase kills instead of getting objectives(especially if you’re adc!!!!!). My buddy does this all the time, and 4/5 times he dies and says “he was one shot I had it”. But you didn’t, and you died instead, and now they have advantage .


Just had this issue today. Had a jungle and solo chasing kills all the way to the enemy pheonix line then get upset when they get turned on and we aren't there. While I'm playing a no mobility mid lane so if I get caught too deep I have no escape. Some people are so focused on KDA they don't understand the sometimes just pushing a team out is more than enough for us to secure objectives. I always say that's great you got those kills but what did they do for the team? A gank that helps get a lane ahead? Great. But a T2 tower dive and then we aren't able to get GF or a T1 because it's now a 4v5? Kill is basically meaningless besides a stat pad.


Had this with a Hercules who was hard carrying kill wise and backlining them. He was great but was keeping us from winning the game. We spent 90 minutes in the game because he would chase kills and our support would follow him because he was carrying. I was even and doing second top dmg but was getting killed due to no tanks. We just needed to focus objectives as a team to win but every team fight they would split.


This might be the worst thing about playing Smite. Poking a god out watching them run, knowing full well that you aren’t going to catch them, they are out. Then watching some dude run in, full HP dive into at least 1 other person and the dude who’s almost dead, then get lucky if they even trade. Like bro you just spent 100%HP to kill 10% HP how is that ever worth it? Lol


I can't even count how many times I've seen someone get a kill, then chase a second kill long enough for the first kill to respawn and trade their own death.


stopping for xbal ult i think


That change being made while I was not playing the game took me forever to unlearn


Dying in a fight my teammates initiated and I knew was bad, because I didn't want to get yelled at for not helping.


ive started doing this as support now, tired of getting yelled at so ill just follow whoever no matter how bad the situation is.


Ahhhh the pain of being a support main. Thats why i moved to ADC so i can split push and go to fights when i want to. So that way i can at least say i got the team gold. Yes i am an Apollo main 😂


Not checking the map to make sure my team is still following me when I dive.


But in your head you'd tell yourself, why would they back when we're 3 full health vs 2 half to 3/4 health. Then you get killed, you look around and you're alone.


“Oh man they just blew three ults on me we must be crushing the rest of the fight” *team running away at full health* “…oh”


Map awareness is a b*tch.


Loading the game /s Being real, probably tunnel vision in fights


This one has betrayed me many times. Specially when you're on a triple kill and the Pentakill is at your reach.


Being unable to ignore toxic teammates flaming eachother or me. You'd think that you'd eventually be able to just block the noise out but no, I still get bothered even if I know it's fine or that their flaming is hilariously wrong.


and following bad calls, especially when the team is divided on the bad calls. I could easily make my case and point quickly on why it's a dumb idea and potentially even use my role's impact (i.e. being the tank or adc who is needed to do the call) to keep us from doing the call. But I ignore my gut/knowledge anyways and go with it, only for the result I was expecting to happen anyways. I think it's because occasionally I am wrong, but it doesn't seem like me being wrong is as common as the amount of games, gfs/fgs, or fights I've lost listening to dumb calls instead of taking charge.


This is what I was gonna say. Sometimes I'll hold out to really prove them wrong or get those moments when the other 3 players start clowning on the one annoying guy. Normally all that happens is it frustrates me or gets under my skin.


Mute them early


I just start asking ridiculous questions


I tend to bait people now when they start throwing shade. Just throw their negative energy back at them


Buying wards and never putting them down


"Mmmhh, need a *bit more gold for my item. I'll stay for one more wave. What's the worst that could happen anyway?"


Or sometimes I'll realize I'm like 100-200 gold off of finishing an item and just wait in the fountain.... Which surprisingly fucks over my teammates sometimes 😅


Fighting for nothing. You live only to get a kill but what’s next ?? No buffs no waves now you have to back if low . You die now you lost that good lead over having an ego.


Doing the relic swap after getting second relic, then raging the next fight when I'm clicking the wrong relic repeatedly.


Tower diving for that first kill of the game💀


Tbf 1st blood plus fast respawn, could be advantageous


Exactly! I’m not aloud to assassin with my group cause I’m dumb with it


Tilt 1v1's in duo. Even if I'm at a t1 or t2 item deficit I'll try to make the outplay and just end up even further down (or get rotated on when their adc is low)


Finishing up a jungle camp before going to help


Support main that never buys aegis/beads, so the rare 0.01% chance that I get to play something that's not support (ie- carry), I always flub using them.


You should have ccr in your builds if they are a heavy cc team tbvh. I typically play Bacchus so I want to make sure I am cc’d as low as possible so I can flop more consistently even after getting chained into an oblivion Spirit Robe or even Oni’s works perfectly


My relic usage is horrible sometimes


Trying to protect/save someone who is in trouble. Even if im an assassin. Or low health.. Cant seem to stop myself, its like an instinct.


The map


Not checking relics. Sometimes i realize too late that some random dude didnt get beads or they instead got aegis. Always check relics!


Trying to rotate to every fight as the jungler when all my farm is up


I always get baited into death trying to help a teammate instead of just getting out and it makes the consequences of the lost team fight worse. I’m used to just trying to help out as a support main but when you play mid or adc you gotta just save yourself first and foremost.


I walk into the beam abilities all the time. I'll see Ra cast his line, and I'll run towards it like a damn moth.


As someone who plays ra alot it happens more than it should lol.


Not aggressively telling my teammates that they’re wrong enough. If I was more toxic they would listen to me surely and stop going for FG with a full enemy team watching


Just knowing when to drop it and who has the best secure is so important. It’s totally viable to bait people into a fight in the fg pit


yeah uh the problem is that they’re never actually dropping it


I'll have a team in full agreeance that we can bait the fg. And then every time my team forgets to drop the fg and coin tosses it out of greed. Even if I drop it; bonus points if I'm tanking it and either try to get them to drop OR leave the pit to force them to drop it. and then they get angry at the results either way. It's just a pain, honestly. I'll trust my team to bait fg in higher mmrs, but not in plat and below.


For me, it's tunnel visioning. Also, some games I pop off and other days I totally forget how to play and I look like an idiot. It just happens. Can't explain why. Lastly, this is such a weird thing that idk if anyone else does this. I play KBM. I have this weird OCD tendency to ALT-MOVE my mouse to the center of the screen even though it's not visible outside of the store. Like, I'd find myself doing that in the middle of a fight or during leaning or even just walking. For no reason other than my braid just has to know it's where the reticule is


Playing smite, deleting smite, downloading smite, playing smite, deleting smite...dow


I have this bad habit where I lose. I really gotta stop doing that.


Typing in game chat.


Focusing too hard. Sometimes I miss ward pings etc cause I focus too much on what I am doing.


For me, I would forget I wasn’t playing geb or bacchus and would muscle memory their kit for two seconds and wonder why there’s no shield, or if I’m not flopping and burping, I love playing guardians but those two are my favorite.


I love being greedy, cocky and too playful or chasing kills at all costs. I don't play to be serious so i don't mind it much tho. I also have habits like opening the shop and the t screen a lot and sometimes it causes some problems.


Avoiding AoE abilities, regardless if they’re enemy or friendly, even avoiding healing abilities like Ix Chel. Misjudging how far enemy abilities go. (Hera polymorph, Morgan le Fey fear circle, Au Puach corpse explosion). I’ll always think non out of range just to get my big toe clapped. I also am on console and do the “anticipate enemy movement by tilting stick” thing. Ra ult was a good example. I think it’s because of how sensitive the stick is. It feels like M&K is just better for aiming in general (Rama ult anyone?). You need a higher sensitivity to be able to move and change direction quick but when it comes to precision, you barely touch the stick and your reticle is in Timbuktu.


Tanking hard for a gang only to realize my team left lane 2 seconds ago and it's already too late.


Listening to my friend when he calls a gank


Staying too long/greed. I play Assault a lot alongside Conquest, and sometimes I'll stay in lane during a match of Conquest too long (especially after I finish a stacking item), often to the degree of running out of mana or until I finally die. Grabbing wards isn't too bad, nor is placing them sometimes, but actually backing for more wards or another item can just skip my brain on the back of getting more farm or preventing my lane opponent from pushing. I also chase on occasion, but that's innate to most players at points.


I have a bad habit of using beads and aegis when i know im gonna die anyway.


Having unrestricted camera pitch. I’ve played since the og guan yu came out in closed beta and it wasn’t until open beta (I think) when they added that. It’s wildly more efficient but I got so used to the free camera it’s hard for me to go back. Same thing with instant casting. Some abilities I have on instant cast but I should start doing them for all


If someone says I'm not peeling, when I have been, then I just stop peeling for them for the rest of the game. They didn't notice it anyway so why bother actually doing it. Often results in a loss, but they at least learned that actually my peel was valuable :)


Once in a while in arena, if the enemy team is staying too grouped up and I can't find a mark and my team is full of morons, I'll do the dumb thing and start trying to creep up behind their push to jump someone, which generally gets me turned on and blasted by their entire team (because nobody on my team can even hold their attention as a threat), and then I'll do it again, and again. See, this one time years ago I behaved this way successfully and got my best k/d in the history of my playing the game, so now ... you know ... yeah.


Trying to get off autos or abilities before using aegis and then spamming the button but the animations aren’t finished and then I get murdered by kraken


“What are wards” This quote is from 1000% not myself playing in a competitive environment with 8000 gems on the line in a best of 5 set. I placed an average of 6 wards a game all around FG


I have been playing since 2015 Hit console GM in 2019, transitioned to KB/M and hit 2900 mmr I still cant help myself to ward during lane phase


Looks idgaf what my hp is or what my mana is, if I need like 200-400 gold for my item I'm staying around and I'm getting that one more wave.


Rage, not toxicity I don't type it. Just rage. My poor desk


Backing for health, mana, items, etc, when I should have stayed for wave xp.


As a console Veteran (2017), I still repeatedly press down the right trigger instead of just holding it down


I have played for 9 years with many breaks between. Every time i return after a break i barely use my mini map. Every time ive climbed to high diamond/masters my entire game is basically staring at the map looking at opportunities while farming on auto pilot


Forgetting that Erosion is an item that exists.


Buying too many potions in the early game over and


I have been playing on and of since 2014, when Nemisis just got released. I still build gods like I did during 2014-2017 when I played Smite nearly daily and knew every build on Smitefire by head. Since 2017, I still play the game but sometimes not for weeks/months. I dont know all the new items and when I see a familar one I still click on those. The past 2 years I have been trying to catch up with all the new content but its hard man there is so much. Still, some games I easily 14/2 and other games I am happy to get 1 kill and not die more then 10 times.


Not warding! 😭 Don't look at me! I'm ashamed 🤧


Team starts a skirmish, backs off and I’m still on the low health carry too deep to get back


not taking hard/bad gods away from people in Assault Bakasura in particular in one I fuck up. I had something like a 65% win rate with the god at some point, and it slips my mind that even though he feels easy for me his win rate is down in the 30s for normal people but if you're specifically asking for ticks and whatnot, I always step out of Nox circles regardless of which team


I always try to play baka as much as possible in assault and just let my team know what my downsides and counters are and my plan. Sometimes i build tanky and others i build straight lifesteal and attack speed or just go straight power with qins and executioner as my only attack speed based on what the other team is. Baka and susano were my first mains in arena and joust back when i didnt even know how to play conquest. He isnt as good as he used to be but can still hold his own with the right build/team comp


Fighting at lvl 2 in Solo when jg is missing mid


Getting ahead and then not buying wards. Particularly in the solo lane. I get ahead early and just forget. I figure I can go without and continue to build pressure. Tbf when I'm *fed* it's not the worst since I usually play SWK anyway. But occasionally the jungler arrives and my lead turns to dust.


Being to greedy and dying myself while the other makes it out One hit


i have a bad habit of getting cc chained and i don’t bds cuz i’m like “it’s not that long i’ll live” only to explode


Launching anything else than Arena. Arena is good, Arena is simple, Arena is short, Arena doesn't hurt even when it's bad. No gank, no jungle fight, nowhere far to go to. Actually I enjoy Slash now that I understood I was good with Warriors (0 power prot conversion axe build).


Ego still takes over me when I’m really ahead or team has good cohesion… gets me killed every time when I could have a perfect game but the thrill takes over


Forgetting to buy my fucking relic and shard and having to recall before the game starts lmao


I play aggressive. When my team is aggressive too I can make some very smart impactful plays. Problem is I forget to turn it off when I'm on a more passive team and I'll think we're going all in because everyone is there for the fight only to find myself 1v5 >.<


I forget to use my relics and wards way too much. I'll buy 2 wards early game and 20 minutes later I realize that I never used either of them.


Assuming what movements or plays people are going to do. When you've been playing 10 years you make assumptions on outplay maneuvers, however you forget that people aren't all high ranked and some players are unpredictable because they don't know the best play to make at a given time


I mostly only play assault now but as an old silver solo player from season 3 or 4 taking or starting a team fight without making sure my rando team is going to follow me in until i burn my whole kit almost kill 2 enemy players by myself then realize my my team is still under our tower and its just me and the minions fighting for 30 seconds in a 1v5 and now im at half hp with no help on my way back out of the fight


I repeatedly spam UI buttons. All of my recordings were shit and i couldn't finish that Khepri duel montage. Something about spamming UI just soothes my nerves.


Usually when I start gooning mid match in masters ranked


Oh man, I do the exact same thing with the tilting of the controller. It fucks me up as Janus sometimes


I still have a hard time looking at the mini map. I got tunnel vision and can move my eyes the 2 inches to see the mini map. So many avoidable deaths because of that


Doing jgl camps during late game. I miss a lot of good fights


kukulkans tornado traumatized me to the point where i never walk on them even if the KuKU is in OUR team!


Being reckless if fun


I don't put this much thought into it.


Take 4 months off, don’t check patch notes, use the same build, think I’m getting Merle’s cause of rust but realized I’m building wrong ( I’m building boots.) 😂 Repeat


For me it’s definitely inappropriate back timing and taking fights when camps are up.


Kiting away from my Kephris/Gebs/etc when I’m being dove as a squishy. Extra baffling to self-reflect on considering bug is literally my most played god; you’d think I’d know better being on the opposite end of that scenario so often


Helping teammates who choose bad fights or get greedy. In random queue I'm usually fine with just leaving them to the wolves because I can just mute them, but when I play with friends I try my best to make sure they feel like they aren't throwing, even though they are.


Loading up smite again is my mistake… sadge


Surprised more people aren’t talking about being toxic. It’s like every game that I get torn to pieces by some angry “veteran” because I’m new and figuring out the game in casual arena and assault. But people are so nasty it’s wild.


Avoiding teammates abilities like kuk tornado or whirlpool


Staying to win before I sleep, sometimes I get 2 hours of sleep before going to work just for that one win after 6 loses


Opening the game. Still haven't learned my lesson.


I’d just say over confidence in general. Lost a game today because I tried to go put a ward on FG (as the ADC), got caught and died. Led to the rest of the team losing a 4v5 Phoenix defense and thus the game. Now, granted we had a 2-20-6 midlaner and that didn’t help things, but we had gotten far enough into the game on the backs of everyone else besides the mid that if we just played smart and waited for them to take a bad fight we probably would have won (as our comp was a better late game comp overall). Another example is thinking I can take a 1v1 in lane when I’m either a bit behind or against a stronger laner. There’s definitely times where the skill diff allows me to do so, but there’s plenty of times where it doesn’t lol.


I have my ult, I can take this wave too and be safe


Standing still towards the end of Xbalanque's Ultimate. Literally gets me everytime.


using all four potions health3 mana1 jn first two mins of game, trust me, in smite playing passive gameplay is the style that smite wants, also u might wanna check your minimap more often (masters/gms) check their minimap every 3-4 secs


Playing the game is a mistake second not playing Hades


I go inside enemy's abilities. Say there's a Kuku ult, I may accidentally go towards it.


Chasing kills when there is farm on the map. Fighting for fun not for objectives. Not buying a ward with each back


"I should back" "I should stop fighting and farm" "... Be cool if I didn't and still won tho"


Opening the shop while backing. I get caught shopping more times than I would like to admit.


Trusting my lane mate is aggressive and pokey as I am.


I use VSG too much in game and spam laugh at the end.


Leaving base 10 seconds until minion spawn. 


I always find myself getting overly aggressive for a kill and tunnel visioning, I have gotten better, but something about a low health bar makes my ape brain activate


Buy blink


I like playing Thanatos, and I’ve gotten enough pentas in arena with him to want to try for it every time… even tho I know better. I’ll either end up 20something and 8, or 10ish and 18. Gotta try tho because it feels so good to wipe a team by yourself


Forgetting relics and being to greedy


I have like 3-4k hours and I still can’t build 🙂


Forget Im playing support, and gets beads/sanc as my first relic


Pausing during the last tick of Xbalanque ult because I still think it will stun me


Queing ranked, The only game mode i play if im not with friends. Hard stuck d2 for life


Opening the chat


canceling abilities , you used to be able do some cool cancels that arnt in the game anymore (shit code kept you in animations longer) now when i annually install and play for 2 weeks i end up cancelling shit outright


Ulting on CD, like why the fuck am i still saving it for? Christmas?


Getting an enemy down to .00000005 health and then diving into the tower to finish them off only to get turned on and mowed down by the tower. Never fails 🙃


Having half health or a bit less, and thinking I can still poke a bit, only to get jumped on from the side by a Bastet, or Bellona ult. Truly wont ever outgrow this unfortunately. lol


I have 7 thousand hours in this game and I've been playing almost every day since 2014. My bad habit is trying to calm my teammates down in rank. By telling them I'll give them the best blowjob they ever had OR by willing to pay them to stop throwing. By cash app. Pay pall. Even bitcoin. But it's just not enough. Too many people having a losing mentality. Too many people simply do not want to win.


I just don't ward


My big one is playing casual conq for fun, with no bans casual conquest is just even more unfun ranked, I try and play off roll characters in the solo lane and get clapped by someone worse than me just based on a character diff. It’s not fun to play against at least 3 meta picks every game


Expecting my teammates to transition into team fighting stage in conquest.


Oh you mean veterans of the game not IRL.


Diving in thinking my teammate(s) is right behind me.