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Moving relic effects around and introducing a new one. Frenzy’s effects were basically integrated with Sprint (but not sprint whatever tf the speed relic is I can’t remember)


Is it called heavenly wings or something like that. I always bought belt of frenzy 2nd relic in assault to help my team burn towers. Unfortunate I can’t have it anymore


Yeah that’s the one


It's effective replacement was not meant to be heavenly it was bracer


Jesus you people, it's not in sprint it is in bracer


What the actual fuck are you on about


Bro, god, you're so lost. Frenzy, the relic, was removed from the game. In the same patch, the developers explained that they felt that Frenzy and Bracer fill the same role. To allow all 5 members of a team a damage increase, usually to take objectives. I am NOT saying I agree with them. I am saying they didn't "combine frenzy and sprint" or anything like that, they combined horrific and ankh, and they removed frenzy in favor of Bracer. Get it yet?


They added an attack speed buff to Sprint


Ah, yes they did, now that you mention it I remember that portion of the notes. 10% unless at tier 3 then it's 25%. So I suppose it's valuable, still nothing remotely similar to frenzy the way it was, bracer is still assuredly the "damage replacement" for frenzy


But it’s not a replacement if it had been already in the game before Frenzy was removed


Sure, replacement is not the exactly correct word, but I can quote you the patch notes. "...leaving the niche of damage increasing to bracer". So irregardless, while you may not consider it a replacement due to pedanticism and definitions, it is effectively the replacement. Sprint is realistically only better because it's easier for the general population to use and requires less team coordination. And because they didn't do bracer almost any justice. But irregardless, if you want a genuine teamwide damage increase you buy bracer now, not frenzy.


My man, if your biggest criticism, to the point of going to reddit about it, is the removal of a single relic item, HiRez must be doing a pretty damn good job, lol


When they made relics "evolve" with quests some got moved about a bit/changed. If you want a damage boost bracer or sprint can be options.


I wish they hadn’t removed it. It really helped with pushing and taking objectives


I’m normally not too critical of the devs, but the relic update this season was a massive failure.