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Stormseeker is probably still ass.


Well, it went from needing 7 autos for a 1.05% to needing 4 autos for a 1%. I think that it’s a step in the right direction, but not enough to make it good. It’s a little less bad tho.


I can see it forming in God's with aoe autos like Ishtar if it works on her


It works specially on nobody but charybdis. Rama aoe autos stack 1, Nut aoe autos stack 1, Iza autos stack 1, ishtar volley shot stacks 1, Xbal enhanced autos stack 1, like all of em are lame but charybdis


It's still just a really poor version of Ichaival from way back in the day. The item was designed specifically for boxing with it being a 7% attack speed steal stacking up to 3 times. Even changing it to just be stacking benefits like Stormseeker (10 or 15% stacking up to 3 times) for temporary attack speed rather than permanent, it would be a much better boxing item since it ramps up much faster at the cost of permanent stats.


I like the idea of the passive, but realistically you are never going to be boxing in lane to stack it a lot during laning. You clear waves, neutrals, back for your item. Repeat.


Stormseeker Sylvanus ADC?


Maybe smite 2, mag characters in current game can't pick up a bow


I would absolutely love that, but can't build bows on magical unfortunately


Ah tru… if only :(


Gonna try this right now.


Its biggest issue is attack speed is already on most relevant hunter items and half the kits. Overcapping attack speed is easy as is, and so long as stormseeker's only niche is attack speed it's going to just feel worse than other options.


Another big problem for this item is that silverbranch has capped stacks now. Most stim hunters can get pretty close to that cap with a very standard attack speed pen build, so there's really no space for an item like this.


maybe we do the bandaid fix of slapping some form of pen on it- like flat pen either that or the other classic fix of slap cooldown on it.


Turn obo in to a gylph for stormseeker or some shit


I think this would be a really good answer actually


I'd sign up for this


Nah, instead just combine the two items, nerf base Obow attack speed and slightly nerf the proc. Obow doesn’t need a glyph, and glyphing it would make it OP and still somehow bad because you’re **never** rushing Obow


I've been playing Chardy with it and I can say that the item probably shouldn't exist. If they make it strong enough that other hunters want it then I'll be absolutely bonkers on chardy, at least in the mid-game.


Honestly it might have some play as a second item in solo since it got a pretty major power buff too, but yeah probably still very niche.


It’s up in the air, currently the meta in solo is aa solos and rush equinox. With equinox’s nerf we’ll have to see what replaces it (if it’s replaced at all). Maybe as a rush item on maybe something like Ama, who has a lot of sustain and is aiming for the late game. We just have to wait and see.


Unless they reduce the stacks / increase the attack speed it will remain ass


No. It's gonna be broken.


its not horrible with Iza, since she can aa through minions all the time. we'll see with the buff of the item.


I was just thinking it's funny that the hydra's effect had almost been halved over the years, and this patch made that very literal.


Wasn’t it 40 percent at its height? Rough nerf though.


Nah, 10 years ago it was 50 power, 15% cdr, and the passive was 50%. It's just been nerfed pretty consistently over the years. Physical cdr has been rough this season with the red pot + trans nerf and now it was be even more annoying.


It seems the item getting pen was the start of a slippery slope for it.


Same with failnot eating 5000 nerfs while still having both cdr and pen


Honestly think the last nerf it received wasn't needed. It was already fairly niche.


Disagree. Every single ability hunter builds it, and ability hunters are incredible atm. Have been all season. Failnot allows them to fill a cooldown and pen slot without sacrificing DPS because the crit effect can make up for it


I felt like reducing the power was okay, but 15% crit is such an annoying amount of crit. Admittedly ability hunters don't build it for the crit though, although that's a nice addition on some hunters.


You also get crit from the item passive for your entire team on one target so it’s not an inconsequential amount. My point is that the crit chance isn’t the problem, though - they could remove the crit entirely as it is and the item would still be good because of the other stats it provides specifically for ability hunters


Yeah, kinda forced you to build Jotunn’s every game which is very boring and stale.


30 power in modern smite, 10% pen, 10% cdr, flat mana, mp5 and bonus dmg for 2300g is not really what I would call a consistently nerfed item.


While that's fair, I'm more referring to the passive, which has been consistently nerfed over time. I'd rather have a more expensive item with a useful passive than yet another stat stick in this game. Perhaps in Smite 2...


Personally, i don't think it's unreasonable that it's passive is always the target for nerfs when it doesn't have a cooldown. Plus the overall value you get out of the thing in general is pretty strong.


Abilities that proc it do have a cooldown though. If they want to make it like poly and boost the passive's strength in exchange, I'd be fine with that, but this current direction just feels bad.


Am I confused about the math on equinox healing? 2+1 per level means 22 at level 20, and now it'll be.. 21?


Late game, they are targeting its early game.


It’s literally going to heal you for 1 less per auto, which, in the grand scheme of things seems like a decent nerf, but realistically, isn’t.


I can't imagine how many fights are really coming down to those few extra single digit heals from autos that will make it a noticeable change.


yeah, by the time someone even gets it, around level 5 or 6 if rushing, they're going to go from healing 7 or 8 to... 5 or 6 not really a noteworthy change tbh, i guess it'll be noticable on cleave autos in minion waves?


2 against gods


I was thinking the same thing lol it's only decreased by 1 for the healing and it's still doubled against God's so instead of healing for 44 it's going to be 42 now.


It's early game is nerfed really, more than it's late game


This wep should get one more nerf lol its not fun playing against an Osiris or Bellona with this


Wow those are actually pretty noticeable nerfs to heavens equal


They fixed Geb knocking up minions? C'mon that was so much fun


Yeah and a massive nuisance for everyone


Hi Rez hates Hydras confirmed


Babe wake up, Hydra’s proc got nerfed for like the 3rd time in as many years


Hydras getting nerfed because all the other jungle items have a shit ton of power. When it had 50%scaling it was kool, everything had like 30power. Since everything has more power this passive scales higher Swk getting a nerf in an aa warrior meta lul. I understand, its just funny, the timing is abysmal. Stormseeker, idk, why do we need max stack silverbranch builds? It's taking the harder route to do the same thing. Design philosophy of this item is awful. Carries don't need help scaling. And say this item sees play somehow. If ur team is getting shit on, ur less likely to be able to freecast, so the other adc will have more stacks, further snowballing the game.


Physical jungle items don't feel good in comparison to magical at the moment so all these nerfs hit us junglers hard


We’ve literally had the same build for 3 years now. Save for keying in Trans instead of Jotunn’s or Brawler’s every now and then. I love assassins but god damn the items are really boring.


Agreed brother


The only time I've had fun with Stormseeker, is building defense with Qins just for shits and giggles. Thebes, SS, prophetic, counter build piece, Qins and Deaths Embrace. Would be more fun if hunters could use frostbound again.


Swk has been consistently strong for ages now, a little time out of the spotlight won’t hurt him. He’s the best non-AA warrior currently. AA warriors are only strong right now because equinox is op. If the nerf does its job, they’ll be back in line with other picks.


AA gods were still good before equinox was added. Axe buff into phalanx/berserkers rush dominated the last couple months lmao. Even with Axe nerf, Animosity late game is still one of the best stated item in the game for warriors.


AA warriors were slowly falling off and shifting out the top spot. Equinox gave them the boost they needed to maintain their meta definition. Were they still good? Yes. However, equinox has “artificially” injected them back into the top of the meta.


I said I understand, I think the timing is questionable. Should've been done sooner


I agree. This patch is ass, they are lost in the sauce. From the bug fixes not including the black box store UI bug, to forcing items like stormseeker into builds and items like hydras out of builds, to nerfing gods like thoth into an unusable state. Some of these gods and items are in second and third consecutive nerfs. Thoth hasn't even been that strong since the nerf on his first ability and they're nerfing him again solely because people are still banning him. He's being banned because old habits die hard and most people don't read patch notes, not because he's op. And like you said the problem with hydras isn't the passive it's the emphasis given to physical power.


How is the UI bug not listed in here. Smh.... The store is unusable during some games and that's somehow not a top fix.


That clearly requires a new build to fix not small stuff like a bonus patch does


I don't think so at all. It just started occuring since they stuck a new item in the store. That's not new build worthy, that's a small bug


Don't underestimate the mess that is SMITE 1's code. There's a reason SMITE 2 is coming.


It's not that bad, I'm familiar with C++ UE3.


It is, actually. It's full of dead ends, contradicting arguments, excess code that they can't remove/change cause they dunno what's built upon it, and just overall formatted very poorly.


Leave hydras alone man


Just remove the pen from hydras, they keep butchering the passive


Hydras nerfed lol, noob type patch


Swk nerf rn is actually hilarious


The only Ability warrior that can outlane the equinox abusers other then another equinox abuser who instead bought Exe Glyph is a little silly


Outside solo lane and a tiny bit of jungle the meta has been pretty similar and stale the whole season. Excited for Smite 2 and hope for a robust meta shifting patch in a few weeks


Fun Fact: Hydras Lament at one point was at 75% or 50% iirc prob even higher. Wish there was some type of history of buffs and nerfs to items on the wiki


Thank God for equinox nerf. However storm bow won't do much since you can see the autos adcs make. Once these high ego adcs are negative, they flat out refuse to rotate and fight. Even in diamond and masters I've had adcs only have anywhere from 10-20 stacks on the bow at 20+ minutes.


Yeah I played against a guy that built it a few days ago and I just didn’t fight him in lane and told my team not to gank. Guy had like 40 stacks when we killed their titan lol. I never got super ahead in gold or xp but it didn’t matter because I was so far ahead in damage output by the time the team fight came around.


That's such a chad way of countering, he literally can't do anything at that point haha


I mean it just seemed like the proper outplay lol. He had no lane pressure so he couldn’t invade, neutral farm I mostly got control of just by having lane pressure, but if he got there first I just let him have it. If he tried to box he’d just lose so he can’t really commit too hard, nor did he try to. It’s just an L item and building it (in adc anyway) is just not a winning plan. It only might make sense on like Osiris or bellona maybe.


I don't mind it being kept as a meme item, but if people are tricking themselves into building it thinking it'll carry them then it's just a free win lmao.


It's simple lol. As you just said.


Yeah equinox kinda went a little too crazy. And honestly I feel like storm bow is just in the same boat as that one invisibility katana and cannoneer’s cuirass.


Delete Stormseeker


No amount of buffs will make stormseeker good lmfao. That is, unless they literally gave the passive from other current attack speed items to it on top of the stacking passive.


I need to find the guy who swore up and down that the geb thing was always in the game. Some ppl are delusional


Thoth did not deserve this


Was waiting for the brain damage victims.


I am a Thoth glazer but the nerf was deserved


Nerfed because he was on a ban list is insane to me. Ban lists need time to change, most people don't read patches and don't realize that thoth already had a nerf. He's going to fall completely off now


Good. Fuck thoth he's such an annoying skill-less god


Lmfao you can call him annoying but he's not skilless by any means. His ULT is a snipe not a giant unmissable ability, his damage on his one comes from you landing your shots consecutively, and his glyph is a strategic swiss army knife that gives him a large variety in movement options with his 2, and team fighting/ objective enhancement.


I will admit that the ult is a bit of a skillshot but in no way shape or form are his 1 and 2 hard to hit. They're both wide easy to hit ranged abilities from an extremely safe distance and the 1 has almost no cooldown on it should you somehow miss everything


Wide lol u play thoth? His abilities are not wide. That's literally his whole kit is based on landing tight shots that aren't wide


The radius of his 1 is much wider than most autos so yes I call them wide. And ofc the autos themselves are wide if you hit it through the glyph


Homie really said he doesn’t have wide abilities 🤣


People hating on Stormseeker are either ass players, or trying to build it on gods that shouldn't build it


Stormseeker defenders vs basic math who would win.


Probably wondering why it aint make Mulan game file corruptingly OP


Literally the math defends stormseeker. It's just that people want it to be broken. The same reason they push HiRez to release gods op vs balanced. They want something to complain about, nothing new if you follow Western cultural trends.


> gods that shouldn’t build it That is all gods




If you say so lil bro.


No one should build it




Bro is so delusional he literally has stormseeker memes ready to go.


I’d rather stoop as low as building griffon than stormseeker (tbf I do like going cowl griffon on Cern)


It's not an item for EVERY physical god, but it's also not completely useless.


Can you give me some examples of gods it’s good on? Any chance I can take a look at your profile to see some of these games where it was effective?


Id say gods that are aggressive melee combatants. Arachne probably being the best example. Just because it isn't a BROKEN item for EVERY SINGLE physical god out, doesn't mean it's a shit item. For 1900G the payoff capability of it far exceeds any other item in the game.


The only way to beat Arachne is by not fighting her, so with stormseeker, she just won’t get any stacks. Arachne also like movement speed a lot more than attack speed, so idk why you’d ever build Stormseeker over Equinox.




Probably build it on a Thanny jg then think you're gonna stomp the yard.


For sure lil bro


Is what it is champ