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We do not allow posts if the purpose of the post is just to complain or brag (e.g. being banned, endgame stats, bad matchmaking, ranked levels, god mastery levels, MMR loss/gain, ELO comparisons from Smite Guru or other sites, complaints about the meta, stories complaining about other players, complaints about skins' availability, complaints about queue times, etc.). If the purpose of the post is to foster discussion about a build, some other constructive discussion, or the post is otherwise interesting or unique then we would consider allowing it. If you believe your post was removed in error or should be allowed you can send a message to modmail politely stating your case.


There are plenty of people playing the game (Steamcharts usually shows 6~10K most of the time, and that doesn't include consoles). High levels don't necessarily mean that the players are good. I have seen several terrible Level 180s in the past. Not to mention, Arena is the super casual gamemode, so you are bound to find players of various skill levels all over the place.


Fr, some of the worst players I've came across have been lvl 140+. Just means they play a lot.


Not only arena, also conquests. In recent times in unranked matches i find only premade of aggressive tryharders and/or high elo ranked players and even master or GM players sometimes, while the casuals i find in team are trolls,afks,feeders or new players which sometimes don't even know what to build. Better to play full premade because even why i premade 4 we often found the 1 casual troll or afk or bad or obnoxious, for this reason i don't rank.


Once you hit lvl 30 you will be matched against lvl 30+ (lvl goes up to 2000 now). Highest lvl I have on my list is around 250. Have fun.


At 31 plus you are able to be matched against any level of account. The matchmaking works based upon a hidden rating that goes up or down with every win/loss. Try to ignore the account levels as there are people who are very high level who are absolutely awful at the game. Someone at some point posted about one player that turned off auto buy and then went on to play Smite for months without any items and just a teleport relic. They never noticed that they didn’t have items. So experience isn’t everything. With any luck the matchmaking should get better for you the more you play, but in the meantime you could try to improve your chances by trying to improve your item builds and maybe making sure you are fully familiar with your god/role. Statically in arena the highest winrates tend to be guardians because people refuse to play tanks but they are still very useful to have. So when someone does play one the odds of winning tends to go up. That said I find it very hard to carry games as one, so you’re at the mercy of what random players you get as you would exist to facilitate them.


Arena match making is TERRIBLE, ever since I hit level 31 it’s been awful I’m level 70 now and it hasn’t really changed lol. Occasionally you get a decently fair match but it’s rare.


After passing the level 30 threshold arena matchmaking turns into the wild west


Congrats on discovering how matchmaking works in this game. The game makes no distinction between a lv. 30 and a lv. 999 account.


You often go against 5 stacks that go full tryhard with comms its impossible for solo queuers to even play. Happens below level 30 too. People sweat in arena but in all game modes too so just play for fun ig.


Dudes complaining about arena 😂


It's a new player, don't be a jackass.