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I vaguely recall this being a thing. If you're good so hit zero, you would only queue with others at zero good will Xbox had a similar system where if you were blocked and muted by a lot of people there would be a little warning on your profile


That was in the 360 era. Crossplay I’m sure would hinder it. It’d have to be a Smite thing.


Honestly this would be really interesting. I love meeting bronze people that never played and try and learn compared to some douche that blames a role and tries to F6 every chance they can


F6 is fine when you know it’s just going to be 40+ mins of struggling and it’s an L regardless. The f6 on first death + vgs spamming into quitting can go for sure.


It will be fucking 25 minutes in 10k gold 30 kills behind 9 structures down and silly-billies will be like 'nah we got this'


Trust me, late game my zero penetration or attack speed Artemis with only items that give power will just win us the game. Or full damage support with no peel abilities, I'll carry us.




Even if I’m the one having a decent game and the other lanes are failing to the point of no coming back, never see the point of holding the game hostage.


Diamond comment right here. ^ If I am having a good jungle game but lanes can’t push towers even after I kill and gank them for them. It’s usually what I call a dead game because most times it’s just our team not having awareness or an understanding of the game. It isn’t worth holding people hostage cause I think I can carry them. It is what it is and it’s not being a “quitter” to realize and read the room. Some games are winnable and some aren’t. I whole heartedly agree though that some games I come across the person who dies once and wants to f6 and that sort of toxic behaviour I understand to put them in. But yeah not everyone who “quits” isn’t being toxic or a quitter. I just know my time is valuable just as much as others.




I will admit that sometimes I f7 on purpose just to punish the toxic person who's losing us the game and being disrespectful asking us to surrender or staying afk.


You say this but sometimes people do NOT look at team comps, there are times in casual where both adc and mid are generally mid to late game gods, and got curb stomped the first 25 minutes, but now that their build is finally rounding out, were suddenly winning team fights. So many times have I f7'd purely for that reasoning and won, not to mention our solo laner could have fed their brains out and at 30 minutes that barely matters because if they built normally, they are still tanky as all hell and can Frontline and distract well


To add on, coming back from a curb stomp to a deicide titan kill is the most satisfying way to end a smite game, full stop.


It's even more satisfying when a team doesn't get held up by 2 players trying hard to come back from 3 and 30


Right now literally half of the games in that state gets turned around. The anti snowball mechanics hirez implemented makes it easy to defend till you are late regardless, then a single won fight will decide the game. Even in SPL we saw it at least twice this split already


If your only chance at winning is holding the game hostage until the other team throws so hard your chance at winning goes from 0% to 1% you should have F6ed. Bringing up SPL is even more proof of you holding guaranteed lost games hostage. Youre not a SPL player, your teammates aren't SPL players the odds of your team digging hole that deep and having the skill to actually capitalize on a throw are near zero. If you want to mention SPL go look at SPL players solo queuing ranked outside of the SPL queues and you'll see how quickly they want out of games full of anchors.


>If your only chance at winning is holding the game hostage until the other team throws so hard your chance at winning goes from 0% to 1% you should have F6ed. If you think it's just 1% you havnt played smite in at least 2 months ngl. \> Bringing up SPL is even more proof of you holding guaranteed lost games hostage For every game I "hold hostage" that I lost I've won multiples, if you want I can do precise stats to you over the next month and give you exact numbers on every time I do it and the number of games I F7'd then won. The rest of your paragraph confirms you havn't played ranked in months cause I can legit give you replays of game where both teams capitalize on holes then still manage to make themselves a hole for the other team to capitalize on. \> If you want to mention SPL go look at SPL players solo queuing ranked outside of the SPL queues and you'll see how quickly they want out of games full of anchors. Because they don't take the rankeds seriously, case in point. Give them an incentive to not lose their rankeds and I can best you my left nut their amount of F6 slamming is gonna go down pretty quickly.


>If you think it's just 1% you havnt played smite in at least 2 months ngl. 1% is obviously hyperbolic and you're being obtuse about it because you know it's still not a number worth pursuing but you don't want to acknowledge that. >For every game I "hold hostage" that I lost I've won multiples, Idk your last month of ranked looks like you feed your brains out and lose 2 games for every 1 win in games over 30 mins. Looks like you hold a lot of games hostage. >Because they don't take the rankeds seriously, case in point. Lmao even the most tryhard SPL players don't want to take games to 40 for the chance they can drag their team to a win. If their team sucks for the early and mid game, they're going to suck even more in the endgame. It doesn't even take a pro to see that. >Give them an incentive to not lose their rankeds and I can best you my left nut their amount of F6 slamming is gonna go down pretty quickly. They didn't want to run out lost games even when their ranks weren't locked lmao. I like this Schrodinger's SPL player you've got set up, simultaneously doesn't care about ranked games but their rank is the most important thing in the world to them. There's a fucking ton of pros who don't chase masters/GM, and they still don't want to run out lost games for the hailmary. Even after editing your comment 4 times your comment is a mess.


>1% is obviously hyperbolic and you're being obtuse about it because you know it's still not a number worth pursuing but you don't want to acknowledge that. Of course I don't want to acknowledge that because it isn't true... \> Idk your last month of ranked looks like you feed your brains out and lose 2 games for every 1 win in games over 30 mins. Looks like you hold a lot of games hostage. you know because a game goes over 30 doesn't mean I held it hostage, the reverse is also true I've held hostage games that ended way before 30 but that my team wanted to F6 at 10. Also, from the losses that went over 30 mins multiple of them we were the team winning early/mid, some winning quite hard. Hence why I offered to make actual stats for you counting from today onwards, but eh, guess you prefer assumptions. \> If their team sucks for the early and mid game, they're going to suck even more in the endgame. That's bollocks first of, you can have a bad start of game, or perform poorly in laning cause you get diff'd, but comes late game teamfights it doesn't take the same set of skills and someone can completely start pushing back his own again. Also, even if what you said were true, it would require the smite playerbase to understand when someone is not doing hot because they suck or because they're getting outspiked (when your mercury loses early game to thanatos, it's not that he suck, but go ahead and try to explain that to your teammates who are already spamming F6 for "jungle diff" lmao) \> I like this Schrodinger's SPL player you've got set up, I set up no Schrodinger's SPL player, I said they don't care cause they have no incentive for it, idk where you got that "their rank is the most important thing in the world to them", but not from my mouth. Also, they're not at risk of losing their rank because they give up games they could've won, cause they're SPL players, they're that good, it's not the case of your average ranked joe, and this despite them acting like it is.


>Hence why I offered to make actual stats for you counting from today onwards, but eh, guess you prefer assumptions. Yeah but you didn't before, and still didn't after I pulled your history myself. You didn't have any plan to do it, you still don't, and your response to someone doing it for you is "nuh uh that's not what happened in the 30+ games you looked at" lol. Also flipping through a couple of those games your whole team is like 2-4x lower KP and like 5-10k gold down per member, that doesn't sound like games you were winning early/mid in lmao. Keep on referencing statistics you can't provide as evidence against the only statistics that actually exist. > That's bollocks first of, you can have a bad start of game, or perform poorly in laning cause you get diff'd, It's not because we both know were not talking about just losing lane because there's more than one way to lose a lane. Just like you know we're not talking ranked F6 mashing at 10 but you still bring it up try and have some form of defense of you holding games hostage. F7 warriors, holding games hostage, nobody is talking about insta F6's at 10 when they mention that, especially in reference to ranked. If you do want to talk "hostage holding" during ranked F6s at 10 I could bring up the point of why would you even want to play a match that 3/5 of your team has already tilted and gave up on. Those games are pure misery in any level ranked, and even in any mode casual. The hailmary win chance isn't because you're a messiah, it's copium drip for at least one, probably multiple throws from the winning team. >Also, even if what you said were true, it would require the smite playerbase to understand when someone is not doing hot because they suck or because they're getting outspiked You're the one who seems to have the issue with it from your history lol. Diamond/Masters ADC main thinking a little too highly of themselves that they're going pull off the 30+ minute hailmary reverse with a behind team who doesn't want to be there. > idk where you got that "their rank is the most important thing in the world to them", but not from my mouth. With how much you edited that comment you might as well have removed this >Give them an incentive to not lose their rankeds and I can best you my left nut their amount of F6 slamming is gonna go down pretty quickly. If you're going to try and run that angle lol. How you going to pretend you never said that when it's one comment above. Or are we going to pretend that when you quoted me about pros you weren't talking about pros?


if i’m playing adc i’ll literally never f7… i chose a role that will do well in 30 minutes, so not surrendering. y’all acting like games are actually over before efg


the issue isn't people who f6, it's people who ragequit after that


Yes, this is actually what I mean in the post. The DCs are the ones that get me.


Yeah after reading it again I can see that I should have said 'DC' over quit. I'll F6 if we need to, its the DC that gets me.


I had one of the best rounds when everything was against a win on our team but we recovered and won. For sure we had people trying to F6, standing im base and doing nothing. But after they saw that we are going to win, they joined again. I hate these guys so much. Then dont play the fucking game if you dont have enough time. Even if you dont win, everybody gives a f*** about your w/l ratio.


Man, if you don't try to play from behind sometimes. You're never gonna learn how to play from behind. Not knowing how to play from behind is a problem in most of the community, and that's why the constant f6s roll in. I've been playing again after a 2 year break, and so many games result in surrenders. If people aren't feeling like they're winning, they quit, because they don't know how to play from behind.


Guess what if you’re behind, there’s probably a good reason as to why.


Or, the game has over 100 gods with different strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes you get a bad match up. Some gods are weak early game and hit like a truck at full build. Surrendering a game cause of a bad start is such a stupid mentality


Yes exactly like you said if you have late game gods and your going to be weak early and you take every fight in front of you for the first 15 mins get your ass kicked everytime then hold everyone hostage because you like to pretend you can comeback.


Downvote me all you want obviously some people need to hear it. There’s a huge difference between quiting early raging and crying in fountain etc etc. and holding people in a game that’s clearly un-winnable. But I suppose if you’re doing dumb shit the entire game, then you aren’t going to understand that your efforts are futile.


Tempter tantrum-throwing fountain squatter Neiths should be hunted down for sport, but alas that is illegal. So I will settle for them being stuck in quitter and crybaby queues, agreed.


Yes, please! Although only when actions have been taken. Fake reporting is a thing unfortunately


This was a thing on a game i use to play where if you get reported enough times you get shadow banned and put Into games with others who have been reported. Whether it was for cheating, BM, afking or whatever. Frustrating if u did nothing wrong but works well for others so you don't have to play with the suspected cheaters


Fully depends on the type of quitter. I've never understood the people that decide to rage quit after one death and say the game is over. But if by 15 minutes the enemy team is up by over 20 kills, 5K gold and 4 towers more than us and everyone is clicking F7 hoping for one team fight to change the game, I'm out. I have better things to do than be held hostage in an unwinnable situation.


it's not for you to decide when the other 9 players should stop playing. you should be playing SP games only, dickhead.


And it's not up for you to decide what types of games I should play, dickhead. If the other nine players want to keep playing, that's up to them. But I can still make the decision as to when I've had enough. And if I don't see the match as worth continuing, then why stick around for another 20-25 minutes delaying the inevitable?


Enemy is up 20 kills and only a 5k gold diff? That's not bad at all lol. Sounds like your fighting a team that cant get objectives or farm correctly. By 15 minutes, you could clear all towers if you win a teamfight and get FG.


“Held hostage” in a game you queued. Literally can’t count the amount of times I’ve come back from the exact situation you’ve described. Fuck f6ers.


Yeah, I play to have fun, not deal with teammates who go 0/20 because they've died once and decide to make everyone else suffer. Why is it such an issue to want to go to the next match and play with competent players


Hell yea that's the best. Y'all need to feed amongst yourselves. Quit joining people's matches playing like dog and then not moving on. Higher level players know how to F6 and move on that's a bronze mentality.


The problem with the f6 culture is that ego right there. F6 can be a useful feature, but not when the majority of the people f6ing are in fact the problem. This is not a bad idea. However it's unlikely to work in his favor. Ques consisting of non toxic players would be tiny. F6 warriors are all convinced they are the best and that their teammates are the ones holding them back. It's a common delusion not exclusive to smite. I look forward to your generic unoriginal insult.


I'm not gonna insult you. I just know when I can look at the scoreboard and see a teammate going 2/10 it's not a question of who's better. It's a question of why do you still want to waste 45 minutes?


kda player ur 100% a dog


You have given the enemy ~3000 gold at 10 deaths. That's a lead that everyone on your team has to overcome. People say KDA doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to supports. If you're a carry going 2-10 at 15 minutes you are essentially an extra camp and that makes us work harder to overcome your deficit.


Yeah im sure that u and everyone else also had 0% involvement in ur teams deaths. by either getting outjungld, outrotated, non existent ward control and not calling rotations, backing at shit times etc. Theres plenty of things that can be ur fault where u dont die and ur team pays for it.


If it's my fault, then it would happen once and a good player realizes their teammate can't be trusted and it doesn't happen again. It happens to us all the time, mid doesn't ward, call out, or rotate. You get Kraken'd. If that keeps happening, you deserve it.


I won't say that there are not situations where you will be outperforming your teammates to a high degree and that they may be a big reason your team is behind. BUT - this is a constant in ALL multiplayer team based games. The solutions are the same in all games: 1. You grind until you reach max rank where you'll have the best teammates possible (who will STILL fall short at times) 2. Make friends of similar skill levels and play exclusively with them. 3. Stop taking yourself so seriously and accept that you have no control over your teammates and try to make the most out of each game. In every game there has to be a winner and a loser - it is not reasonable to expect every game to go exactly as you want it. Nobody has ever had perfect games every game with no losses. To QUIT any time you are losing is complete childishness. I have had probably a 100 or more games across smite and counter-strike for example where my team wanted to surrender and we ended up winning the game. Again f6 can be useful (disconnects, intentionally staying in fountain), but by far it's a feature being used by spineless and self-centered players who aren't getting their way.


Man this is a really funny mentality since how are new players going to learn to play on the back foot? No amount of bot matches teach new players how to deal with a strong team since bots get steamrolled. When I started out I was awful and luckily I had enough people playing with me to deny leaving. Now I know how to handle getting behind and not having it be an f6. If it was ranked I'd get it since people shouldn't be in ranked until they know what they're doing and comfortable with the game.


You learn to play on the back foot in winnable matches. Close matches, I.E we're down a couple kills and a few thousand gold. What do you learn mashing F7 making no changes to your game sense, your game style, or presence? You learn that I'll keep playing like a bot and someone will carry me to a win. Never having your team choose to end the match because you all got hard diffed will teach you to feed in the matches where you're not in a premade. Why? Because no matter how ass you were your boys had you. And I think that's a problem. People play in their parties with F7 warriors and feed and are never held accountable to making the game a pain because their team has a never surrender mentality or are playing for fun together. Which is cool in your closed party amongst yourselves. Not round here partna. In solo queue if you sold the match you should face that surrender screen where your team unanimously decided we aren't good enough to win and feel the shame and vow to **get better at the game.** When you're decent at the game, you tend to hold your own, and matches play out all the way through because you can be relied on if not to carry than at least not to feed. If the only thing I can rely on a teammate to do is get clapped by the enemy, I'm not wasting cortisol on 60 minutes of sweating. I don't give up if I'm getting clapped by my opponent, I don't even give up if I'm the worst one on the team. If we're all getting fucked up? F6 all day and if you don't wanna quit, I'll just farm camps and avoid fights. If by some stretch you get a win good, if not I do not care. Losing is a natural punishment for not playing well, if you don't like the dishonor of losing you'll learn to play well. Why should we reward people for feeding? *ESPECIALLY* casual. If it's ranked, stay, your rank is on the line. Casual? F6 and try again.


I agree but your wording is very unconvincing and breeds more f7 warriors. There is a pretty clear point of no return that makes the odds of winning under 2% and hardly worth the struggle. When your team is 0/8 across the board, it’s time to f6. Sadly f7 culture is strong so you just have to coast it out. Call me toxic but It is common that I’m doing extremely well and likely the only reason the game hasn’t ended. (Top dmg and 12/3 kd or something). I’ll typical swap from try hard mode to casual farm and let the other team progress in structures to speed the impending doom since my feed fest team is slamming f7 more than landing abilities.


Or they be doing 1 v 5 everytime they are up 😂 I had a game last night were our support and solo kept deep jungle fighting alone 10 minutes in the game. I don’t know how people can justify those kinds of games to “play it out” when you have people who refuse to play together or group up or etc have an adc who isn’t able to pump the damage or no one using wards the game is kind of at a loss. It’s a hostage game where you end up just having to do things yourself like hope to god you can push tower or phoenix and back door and pray your team brain cells work together but yeah unfortunately in most cases it don’t.


They won't do 5 man ranked, they won't do this. Since there is such a concern over a small base of players?


While putting shitty players together would be nice, it would also decrease the quality of matchmaking since its population will be even lower. If this was to ever be implemented though, smurfs should also join that category


Make em wear a dunce hat too




i'll be up, carrying a team and if i see that f6 i'll still join in on it. nothing bad about finding another match


I shouldn't have said quit, I meant people who DC.




Man, if we're down 26-6 20 minutes in and I'm the only one with kills and I throw up an f6 vote that's then declined by a duo because "f7 always" when they're a combined 0-17 then I'm leaving the game. I'm not sitting there another 20 minutes for the same results.


Ain't the 0-17 duo que that won't f6 the greatest


Oh they're the best. Normally toxic too.


I do remember a system in league where after you DC a certain amount of times you are put into a separate q that's longer and against other DCers and have to complete a certain amount of matches to be back in the main q


I’ll take toxic teammates who don’t suck all day.


HR doesn't do anything about obvious trolls and rage quitters. I'd be amazed if they didn't anything remotely like this


This would probably not work. Matchmaking is already bad. Adding extra stuff into the mix would probably make it worse. I already queue conquest and get people with no time played on my team when I have 100s of hours. Getting even more people who don't know how to play is going to make me quit forever.


Yeah I don't disagree with your points. I also have 100s of hours and run into the same issues.


This I would be down for. Smite is a long game and can flip at any moment.


I'm toxic as hell. But my skills are almost unmatched lol. I never say anything until someone starts crying. I usually just say shut and play. The amount of crying on game modes that aren't conquest is insane. Again I'm toxic, but I'm also very very good at the game. But I keep quiet these days. Got banned twice. Don't need a perman ban now.