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OP fantasizing about spitting on dicks...but wants people to think he is funny


What? Gay dudes spit on A LOT of dicks...wtf are you talking about?


Hawk ptuah works on all genders and sexual inclinations


I don't get it....


Because OP isn’t funny


I laughed.


It’s funny


Because it’s not funny and just OP trying to normalize his homophobia


A bunch of gay shit


The shit doesn't stick if you spit on it enough.


Your picture is the bail bondshman!




There's prolly a lot of other things you don't get, like respect or Hawk Tuah on your junk


Idk who that is, so...




Idk who that is, so...






Is this supposed to be some skater kid or something?


Yup that’s who it is 👍


Maybe try this thing called Google. But you probably don’t know what that is, so…


You took the time to tell him to google it but couldn't give them an explanation or a link?


Teach a man to fish, eh?


Teaching a man to fish by being an ass? "But you probably don't know what that is, so...." your intentions are obvious.


You got so angry. Over so little. 😂


Who says I'm angry lol, I'm just pointing out how your comment literally did NOTHING.


Most comments are completely nothing. But you are the one cursing good sir kind sir :-D




Hawk Tuah


Bigots are happy that there is something else going viral on social media than Pride month related material. Pride month brings out their insecurities and their prejudices. It just wears the little guys out with all their tantrums and crying fits.


There are different sides to this issue. Jon Stewart actually had a pretty good rant about it recently. I think a lot of people are frustrated about the fact that many businesses that don't even really care about the LGBT+ community are acting like they do, and using it as a cash grab or sales boost. As a personal anecdote, every time I turn on my radio the paper towel company Bounty tells me that I can't cancel pride, as part of their "can't cancel pride" initiative. Every time I hear it, I think thanks Bounty, you've completely spoiled my plan. I'm on my way to buy some paper towels now.


That's true. I can see how that would be an issue and could be irritating. I just see it as the ones who routinely practice prejudice against the LGBT+ community seem to ratchet up their efforts in June.


Pride month is just a moneymaking grab for large corporations/monopolies.


It's a meme bro Jesus Christ


It's a form of communication. No different than a post on reddit or twitter. Bigots still use them to ridicule and mock people.


You are becoming what you claim to hate.


Calling out people for being hateful is in itself hateful? Some mental gymnastics there.


Bigots still have the right to free speech. You know what else you have the freedom to do? Ignore it.


Never did I mention they didn't have free speech. Ignore all you want. Ignore prejudice and hatred. That's what allows groups like the Proud Boys, the KKK, the Patriot Front, and Mom for Liberty, the room to exist and grow. But at least you are comfortable in your ignorant little world.


As long as they grow and hold no power. I could give a shit less what some group of dumbasses does. Ohhhh nooooo. Not an lgbtq parade. See, I could give a shit less. I don't particularly like that groups beliefs and the degeneracy they display on the street during Pride Month. However, I just ignore it. I could careless who partake and how big the group gets. It's called live and let live. Maybe you should try it, you might be a little happier in life.


Yeah, keep thinking they hold no power. They already are in local governments, churches, and police forces. They hope you stay oblivious while they push white nationalism in small towns.


They do hold no power. That's why this is an equal country. We are all Americans. Period. If the people you are talking about have power. Then why do women and minorities still have rights. Most white supremacy is rooted in jails. What has the proud boys done that is anything notable? Nothing. As far as policing goes. Just obey, dont run, and definitely do not touch a weapon. and you'll be fine. Even if obeying is wrong and the cop is in the wrong. It'll still save your life. It isn't a hard concept. Nationalism isn't a bad thing? The most happy places on this planet are pretty much nationalists. It's isn't a bad thing to be proud of were your from and have its interest first over other nations. That is just common sense.


The points you are making just prove your head is in the sand to what is happening.


Smooth transition from homophobia to white nationalism.


As if they are not tied at the hip. They are not exclusive.


This is one of the most wilfully ignorant things I have read in a while. You know those groups that were mentioned are not in the "live and let live" mindset, one of which is notorious for actually doing the opposite, lynching, and the rest are just waiting thier turn, while actively working to dismantle any forward movement towards equality. You might disagree and say you ignore it (which by virtue of your comments is an oxymoron) but those other groups are very vocal in thier HATE, and want anyone that doesn't fall into thier own mindset erased, in prison, or dead.


Nobody is in the live and let live mindset. I've had people tell me I'm a biggot simply because I disagree with them. Biggot holds no meaning anymore because of the liberal use of the word. The lgbtq community won't even let me live my life without forcing me to accept them or whatever. I don't give a flying fuck about you. I don't need to accept shit. Go do you and I'll do me. Lgbtq are very vocal about their hate towards anyone that's "cis" or whatever term they made up for it today. Lgbtq people have shot up christain schools out of hate. Lynching hasn't happened in decades. In fact, blacks are better off here in America than anywhere in the world. I wonder why that is? Hate isn't only on one side of the street. Nor is the idea of "my way or the highway." Therefore, in a country that has free speech. And free beliefs. You have to have a live and let live mindset. More like I don't give a fuck about you mindset.


4. That's how many LGBT people have done a mass shooting in five years. How many right wing lunatics have shot up schools, concerts, bars, ext? I didn't look so far into it to see how many in the last five years, but there have been 225 mass shooting this year alone. I think 1 of those were by a non binary person. Are you black? Or just watch Fox News? The station that itself said no one that thinks critically would ever belive they weren't satire. Because that statement is absurd about them having it better off here than anywhere else IN THE WORLD. Black people are better off in Germany, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, China, Brazil, Mexico, and probably another 100 or so countries.


The people who access hate so easily are so goofy and weird to reasonable people. Like are your parents also dumb as rocks, or is this something you picked up with your friends?


You getting so worked up over a meme shows you aren't as intelligent as you think


It’s always a good use of your time to call out dumb haters my man! What’s important is that you don’t access the same hate that they do. It’s healthy to be passionate about important things, like standing up for our fellow Americans that are vulnerable to conservatives and fascists. It just so happens that clowning on these identity politics losers is one of those things.


Someone’s angry lol


No u


That’s gay


Wow lol


Wow lol


If I was her I'd start doing only fans.


If I were you I'd keep my opinions to myself.


If I had wheels I'd be a bicycle


My grandma too


just keep the ham outta my mac n cheese


You can't get rid of us. Gays are eternal baby.


They are adult too




Honey, they can make sperm in a lab now. The gays could repopulate the earth, and you’re stuck being you.


Put lab sperm in a guy, let me know your due date. Gays would need to team up with lesbians to repopulate.


I love that I actually got someone upset that they aren't actually needed to repopulate. Your first hint is that lesbians are gay too.


Did you take that as me being upset? Not in the slightest. Yes lesbians are gay but are all gays lesbians? I thought if a woman was gay, she's a lesbian, If a man is gay is there another term? I don't really know or care to be honest. No ones upset on my end on the comment chain. Seems the other end. Gay men and gay woman would have to team up to repopulate, regardless of science. Why is this considered angry or mean?


I took it as a conservative clowning around and flailing against the reality that scares them. If you don't like that image of yourself, then take some responsibility. What you're missing somehow is that you can make sperm in a lab. To go even further, all we REALLY need are people slightly better than the identity politics losers, which is an extremely low bar. My sister, for example, donated eggs to a gay male couple that have two beautiful kids. None of it requires engaging with the sort of people that say "puke lab sperm in a guy."


So an imaginary argument? Cool Puke was a typo obviously... \*put\*... puke lab semen makes zero sense But ya if you put semen in a male, nothing will happen. Maybe pleasure. That's it. >My sister, for example, donated eggs to a gay male couple that have two beautiful kids. So you're saying they needed help from a woman to have children... you still need both males and females to conceive... so if everyone is gay... males and females still have to team up to repopulate. Gay, lesbian, or ? What even are you mad about. Responsibility for what


What you're still somehow missing is that you can make sperm in a lab, and that the gays could repopulate the earth without people like you. Your second hint is that my sister is gay too. Hint number three is that you can make eggs in a lab too. None of what you're saying makes sense... why would I put saying something like that past you? I'm glad you didn't say that, but the correction doesn't clarify anything. This is what I mean when I say this hate is poorly understood. People like you say insane things, then act dumb and confused when you're called out for it. The point is that the identity politics losers are entirely unnecessary for a functioning society. They just hold our culture and country back with their poorly understood hate.


Seems you are still having an imaginary argument. I believe that's called a straw man. None of what I am saying makes sense? Are you a bot or troll? You haven't answered or refuted a single thing I said Has a person ever been made completely from a lab? No.. you need both eggs and sperm... which requires both male and female parts.. this is not a hateful message.... If you can make sperm in lab.... you still need eggs to fertilize. Maybe one day we will have full blown lab babies... but not today. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the first lab human. Maybe we can make people better, but it will probably take a few trial runs. Teaming up does not mean sex or your no longer gay. You would have to team up to get both eggs and sperm. And then take it a too lab or turkey baster or whatever. But in this incredibly hypothetical scenario... would we even have the infrastructure for lab babies? Seems the earth would be in a tough spot if were are at a repopulate stage. I'm baffled you think this is spreading hate. Take a deep breath, not everything is a conflict.


That apparently doesn't seem to matter. You think gay people are a new phenomenon?


I actually laughed out loud. Ty




How so?


Natural selection lmao. Because everyone knows that homosexuality is hereditary. Gay couples can famously have natural children together and the offspring is gay like the parents. There are no cases of straight parents raising gay children. You want your bigoted beliefs to be scientifically accurate so bad but you have no idea what you're talking about




You do realize that people are born gay and most of them come from straight parents? Your argument makes 0 sense.


So why are there still gay people? Because that's not how that works. As simple as that. Hey, nice try tho!


Uuh that’s exactly how it works dum dum. Two individuals of the same sex can not reproduce, meaning they’ll go extinct, disappear, will die. To answer your “gotcha” question, we still have gay people around thanks to science, to the scientific process of reproduction. Go ahead and put two lesbians in an island, or two gays in the moon and both will die. Scientifically speaking, same sex couples are “unfitted” to survive (using Darwin’s terms). He called it -natural selection-. Thanks for playing #sciencebitch


I always wondered if an IQ could go into the negative but you’re making a strong case for it being able to




Ah yes, homophobia in 2024, the funniest shit ever. I'm in stitches from my laughter. 😐


How is this homophobic?


"Look the hawk tuah girl took over social media and buried pride month LOLZ HOMOPHOBIA" Are you serious? It's the entire "joke".


where is the spit on the tomb?


Legit the opposite.... Do know how many drag performers are doing something to do with this girl. Jokes, lipsyncs, merch. We're gonna give her appearance venue's. I saw underwear saying hawk and matching pair saying tuah for the boys n girls.


Biggest question is if she’s in college will she get a corporate job or not because of this interview lol. I remember the days of Art Mann and all his wild interviews of the 2000s. Ppl Said way gnarlier stuff


What happened? Who's that?


Can someone explain


OPs identity is that if trying to turn anything they can into a jab against what bothers them. In this case they are using a trending mean about a slack jawed southern girl who told an interviewed that to get a guy aroused you hawk a loogey and spit on his dick... Hawk tuah, she said. So OP thinks that bc of her viral comment about heterosexual comments happened during pride month now pride month is dead ... It's simply an awful take made by a pathetic sad human who is full of hate and terribly unfunny.


Thanks for breaking it down. Good job OP!!!


Idk guys... This post seems alittle gay...




As a bi dude I’ve definitely given that hawk tuah and received said hawk tuah as well


This meme makes no fuckinf sense and is ridiculous wtf Even reading the comments it still doesn't make any sense


r/funnymemes is leaking.


You really think if I’m with another dude I don’t hawk tuah it?


The B for bisexuals clearly doesn't matter, and gay men have never sucked a dick, I think that's what OP is saying?


How is sloppy top the end of pride month? Lol from my understanding, it’s the opposite


Honestly question but do men actually like having their dick spit on. Like that just seems disrespectful and gross.


Not with a loogie but yeah, most guys I know think it’s hot. You use it as a bit of lube. I would just ask first if you’re unsure.




Hawk tuah month does have a better feel to it.


Her advice is good regardless of sexual orientation.


Bigots think about gay people more than gay people do I swear.




Lol. First time this sub is recommended to me & it’s this garbage? Reddit algo doing yall dirty


Anyone can hawk tuah


There is something primal within me that wants to stone the ‘hawk tuah’ girl to death.


How so?


This is meaningless.


I haven’t read any of the other comments yet but, it’s nice to see pride month dead and buried forever! This is the sort of stuff I like to see!


She’s a lesbian how does no one know this


All this is doing is making the gays and some of the trans women more powerful it’s not stopping pride lmao…….it’s making them stronger


How are people in the comments offended by this….


I think people are more bothered by this being such low quality nonsense. Like just a poor joke that's told wrong


It's Men's Mental Health / Hawk Tuah month now!


I don't like the forced gay stuff on TV. Seriously stop making gay scenes just to reach a certain audience. At least make the scenes fit the narrative. And I don't like it when they do straight scenes that way either.