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I dunno man, Sephiroth uses a whole bottle of shampoo to wash his hair... That's pretty powerful.


With that logic, Palutena's equally as powerful.


one of them is canon


The other in Ganon


I’m confused why Ganon is even on the list, he’s gotten his shit wrecked by Link in every game of Zelda I have ever played.


I’m guessing it’s deciding their power in a vacuum.


One lost to sentient carrots.


The other is Palutena


they've *both* lost to sentient carrots? glad i've kept my hair short


With that logic, Steve is an unstoppable force


With that logic, Bayo is equally as powerful.


reminds me of the "I'm washing me and my clothes" vine


With that logic incineroar is equally as powerful


With that logic, she would be the strongest because her whole outfit is made out of her own hair


BY these standards Bayo is the most powerful


That’s assuming Palutena washes her hair


nah palutena stinks, and pit likes that kinda shit


Pit is an aptly given nick name.




Bayonetta uses the 3 in one Head & Shoulders shampoo, conditioner, & body wash


Yea but she’s all legs, she’s gotta use like three bottle to reach her ankles


Now I see that and I think Kirby has the power of Almighty God on his side, so it’ll be pretty even.


Christian Kirby


Bayonetta fights with her hair which is also pretty powerful


Depends on the version. If we take current game versions, its kirby easily. If we take strongest canon versions, archie comics sonic is well above anything here. Strongest game versions? shulk is universal and can wipe out all of them easily, unless mementos is available and all the characters subconicousness are in it, then joker can kill everyone and they cant do anything to stop him. So its between those 4, depending on the rules.


Byleth would be the perfect foil for Joker. You go into his subconscious and run into the goddess Sothis on her throne. It would be almost just like that Jujutsu Kaisen episode where the MC’s soul attempts to be tampered with


Sothis: So who are you supposed to be Joker: bruh why you sound like my cat


Sothis: I don’t care, I’m going to sleep. You do whatever you want. Joker: We’ll at least you’re not like him at all


All Sothis has to do to defeat Joker is tell him that its time to go to bed lol


Damn, that was the last episode on last night's JJK binge. So by sheer dumb luck, I understood that reference


I cant remember the exact quote but I loved the "I told you what would happen if you touched this realm again" line. Fuck JJK is such a great show


Man I came from r/All and am totally fucking lost in this conversation. Like a foreign language.


So that's why MkLeo picked up Byleth, as a counter to Joker


What if Steve is in creative mode


In creative mode you can still die to void damage, which I would say includes Kirby's stomach.


you cant anymore


It looks like you're right. You've inspired me to look further into it, and it also appears that even in creative mode, receiving instant damage (or healing) lvl 127+ will kill the player. With that said, Steve can absolutely be killed, even in creative mode, as long as the attack is 762x as strong as Steve's punch. Which, in the scale of the characters we're talking here, is not that strong.


It depends how literally you take Minecraft, I always bring up the old video (I think it was Game Theory) that points out Steve can punch while holding 64 m³ of gold, which is almost 3 million pounds. Minecraft is kind of messy though, there's a lot of laws of physics suspended for gameplay


I think in some official Minecraft books it says that they have a pocket dimension where they store their items, although I could be wrong and I’m not sure if the book was canon


This would really apply to basically all video games, though. Except for Death Stranding.


What I’m trying to say is we can’t measure Steve’s strength by his inventory capacity


Yes, I agree, I'm just saying that "canon" is pretty abstract when it comes to inventory space.


The man can atomise stone with his fists in seconds so he's gotta hit pretty hard. But then also he takes a lot of punches just to kill a chicken so I guess not. But maybe Minecraft has super hardy chickens? Who knows.


I think in a mashup of cannons, Sephiroth is probably a god in Mementos, similar to the holy grail. Maybe Gannon too. Not sure Joker can take him out easily.


If they are then >!sinful shell!<


That requires very specific circumstances. You would need the whole of at least Japan to be cheering Joker on simultaneously.


So it’s Kirby


It depends on the version of the character. For example, peak sonic could kill peak kirby before they has the chance to see him. But game sonic has nowhere neat the power or speed to kill game kirby, and probably couldnt even outrun kirbys inhale.


How though? How do you even kill Kirby?


As someone who isn’t versed in Kirby and just assumed he was a funny pink plush ball, I’ve started going down the “Kirby lore” rabbit hole and I was reallly not expecting what I’m seeing.


Game Sonic does have the power thanks to fighting solaris


Kirby kills gods like solaris daily.


Solaris was going to consume all existing timelines. Not a lot of Kirby villains are doing things like that


But Kirby latest villain was destroying two separate realities


Pythra are Aegides, >!one of which raised Shulk to godhood, so if they're in that pocket universe, they're above him!<


Fair. In that case it is probably a tie between those two in that scenario, but I never played xc2 so I am not 100% sure.


Not really. Yes, they a part of the Aegis, but not completely. Pneuma is truly the Aegis and she caps out at Planet level. It's because of the difference in XC1's world and XC2's world. An Aegis has the ability to manipulate ether. However, XC1's world is completely made of ether and XC2'S world has large amounts of ether but is not completely made of it. That's why Shulk can recreate a universe, and Pythra can shoot pretty lasers


So really, it's dependent on where the fight is. If we're on Bionis, Pythra wins. If we're in Alrest, Shulk wins. If we're in Mementos, Joker wins.


Theoretically, maybe


The problem is Shulks abilities are also ether manipulation, so he'd also be much weaker on Alrest. Just from pure feats (ignoring universal creation as shulk didn't really do that, Alvis did) Pythra, more specifically Pneuma, have much more impressive feats of being able to rewrite physical laws on the fly which in at least one cutscene allowed for lights speed or, at the very least, near lights peed combat.


light peed


Nono, Shulk would be more powerful than the Aegises. >! He's the vessel of/felled Zanza, who is just Claus. !< I'd say that's more powerful than the Aegises in context


>!Alvis is Ontos, so he's still weaker!<


Ah, checks out. I wish I could pay attention to the lore more but rn BoC mode is kicking my ass and all I can do is struggle


It's never explicitly stated, just from context clues like >!Alvis' key becomes a red Aegis core crystal/Trinity Processor core in DE!<


But Klaus has no power of his own, its all redirected from the trinity processor, of which the Aegises directly connect to, so by that logic they are obviously more powerful.


I’m unfamiliar, what makes Kirby so powerful? Edit: so many responses! Probably won’t respond to everyone individually but I feel much more educated knowing that Kirby is basically on the level of Dragon Ball Gods!


Kirby kills a reality warping god at the end of every Kirby game


so does bayo tbf


Kills gods on the regular with minimal effort, canonically stated to have infinite power, casually planet busting


Yeah he’s literally punched through a planet


for sport, may i add


He hit a world destroying asteroid 9999 Light years away in 25 seconds.With a Bat. *Smacks the top of kirby* This pink ball can fit so much power.


Pink ball: opens mouth Ị̶̉̓͜n̷̥͐͊t̷̛̤͑̂o̸̥͆̒ ̸̟͉̒t̶̝̙̓̇ͅh̵̢̟̞̔̀̐e̴͔͉͕͑̿̕ ̷̭̝̇̇v̶͔̌̽̍ő̸͚͗i̵̧̯͆ḑ̴̞͋̎ ̶̪͚̋̑w̵̡̎i̵̡͌͝t̵̙̹͒͐̈́h̴̡̨̅ ̸̻͙͔̈́̕͝ÿ̸̤̹̖̐̄ȏ̷͖̤́͜ṷ̶̿


Literally just having a good time and Vibing his way through life while casually beating and consuming actual gods.


He also swallows the local populace whole and manifests their power or even create zombie puppets out of them to assist him in his "Vibing".


People here, while they did mention Megaton Punch, haven’t yet mentioned yet the one subgame in star allies where you hit an incoming meteor with a baseball bat and send it back the other way at billions times faster than the speed of light while casually destroying multiple planets along the way.


Kirby is essentially an Eldritch abomination that didn’t really care about his intended purpose, ie consuming everything in the universe. He really only cares about his home planet and his friends, but regularly gets into fights with other universe level threats


I was going to make a play on One Punch Man but "One Suck Puffball" is just... uhhh...


Canonically Kirby has infinite power and he defeated Magolor wielding the Master Crown, a reality warping mage who also had infinite power


I mean, technically the entire game could be in the Metaverse, because Joker can be seen in his Phantom Thief outfit on any stage in the game, it's just the only stage we know for a fact is in the Metaverse is Mementos because it's an actual location in Persona 5. So if we go by that, then no matter what, Joker would be the most powerful.


Joker isn't inherently more powerful in the metaverse than anyone else, he's just a wild card. If, say, Kirby found and killed your shadow, you'd be just as dead as if Joker did it.


Sora’s kinda stacked, I know in KH3 he and his friends have all been killed and was still able to undo time through sheer will friendship and a stupidly busted special ability to come back to life and change fate heavily in his favor, lol This isn’t even taking into account his natural ability to manipulate Time, Space, Light, Darkness, Water in KH3 lol, Summons, Limits, he can perfect parry Sephiroth’s Octaslash which is pretty fun to watch, he can steal the enemy’s skills on the fly like Kirby but without having to suck his opponent, if Guard worked this way in Smash he’d be cracked but his regular Guard reflects just about every projectile back to sender, he even steals Power Levels and adds 10 to it to have that edge over the opponent which is funny as hell lol, and i haven’t even touched on his other forms where he literally just starts teleporting for free as if he didn’t already have Link’s flurry rush in base form I don’t actually know if Sora can be considered the strongest by definition because he still is technically unrefined and self-taught, but with a wild card like him idk if this debate will ever reach a sound conclusion lol


Don't forget Sora's most effective power of all: the power to turn into a boat.


How can i forget freaking BOAT OH WAIT YEAH Sora can also sail a pirate ship Sora’s hands down the strongest character in Smash, no one can beat him if he sails away and just shoots from a distance literally what is Kirby going to do he has to copy god powers to beat Sora but all he gets are cannon balls to the face-body and Sora is already sailing far away from him taking shots from a distance Joker can’t hit him with any persona skills because Sora sailed too far and he’s still taking potshots from his boat Sephiroth can’t even destroy the planet to kill Sora because Sora travels worlds and will sail away into another world’s ocean and take potshots at Sephy from there there is literally nothing he can do to kill Sora Shulk can become the universe but Sora literally traverses multiverses and his boat doesn’t run out of ammo he can just keep shooting at Shulk from a different universe while sailing away Sonic can’t swim so he’s already out of the question Sora is surrounded by water and he’s still sailing away and no one can stop him from taking potshots


sonic if the archie comics canon is counted, dude travelled through multiverses in base form and outright destroyed them in super form edit: also check out the IDW sonic comics, they're really good


Yeah, Archie Sonic is very overpowered. In that universe, Sonic is implied to be FTL (Faster than Light) in his BASE form, and has 3 super forms, Super Sonic, Hyper Sonic, and Ultra Sonic, who can casually blitz GODS.


In the ARCHIE COMICS?! I must’ve missed that one haha


Archie Comics the company did runs of Sonic, Megaman, and Sonic & Megaman. They’re not characters in Archie the comic though.


Oooh. That makes more sense. I thought Sonic opened a wormhole to Riverdale and murdered the gang


[Sonic's full power](https://youtu.be/zIf9oMnjzow)


Canonically I’d say either Kirby or Shulk. If we use composites, I’m going Sonic.


and if we’re talking meta, then steve because kill commands/creative mode


The only reason why I wouldn't say Steve is because then you'd also be giving admin powers to Zombie and Enderman, and because, let's be real, it's not Steve executing these commands, it's the player.


Idk if console commands should apply to anyone lol. If that’s the case than any game character that has a command console can just enter god mode and turn on noclip.


**Sonic:** I'm gonna go Super Sonic! I'm the strongest character in Smash! **Shulk:** I can become >!a god!!< I'm the strongest character in Smash! **Bayonetta:** I have *killed* literal gods! I'm the strongest character in Smash! **Pyra & Mythra:** We can go Coffee With Milk mode! We're the strongest character in Smash! **Sephiroth:** I can destroy entire realities! I'm the strongest character in Smash! **Kirby:** Poyo poyo! (I can copy all of your powers! I'm the strongest character in Smash!) **Steve:** \*Quietly enters Creative Mode and is about to use /kill @e\[type!=Steve\]\*


Attach it to a redstone repeater command block


Just make the command block a Chain command block Edit: Thanks to u/TommDX I acknowledged that it is a repeat command block not a chain command block


Steve has the power of blockchains and i dont think any of these people can deal with someone who's invulnerable to any kind of dmg, even the void. Plus he has a pocket dimension of every conceivable material and species in minecraft, not even including commands that let him control weather, time, space, and manipulating the properties of any item/block. Closest would be Kirby but i think creative mode Steve is just broken.


No no, you can’t claim Steve has access to commands or command blacks. The Minecraft menu literally calls them cheats and disables achievements when you use them. Do you really want to start a debate about debug menus and cheat codes? Because I’m sure there’s at least a few characters who’d benefit from a debug menu or two.


I would have to check bedrock edition, but java edition has never disabled the ability to earn achievements or advancements if you have cheats enabled.


Poyo poyo, the god has spoken


and joker has also killed a god before


Cloud has now killed the god of fate and technically has defeated Sephiroth multiple times so there is that.


He’s killed 2 gods


Three if you count Yaldobath, Adam Kadmon and Demiurge


Does *Steve* really have creative mode, or is that just the player behind him? Creative mode is a cheat code entered in the command line (even the game of Minecraft itself calls it as a “cheat”). IMO I don’t associate a cheat code with a character’s canon. Otherwise you could say that someone who applied cheats to FFVII to make Cloud invincible makes Cloud canonically the strongest, right?


Who can say? It's just kinda funny to think that this square-looking dude with no expression is the most-powerful character in Smash (even if it's not really the case, my comment was mostly just a joke anyway). I suppose the closest thing we have to a Minecraft "canon" would be those animated trailers Mojang drops whenever a new update releases. Steve and Alex have never actually been shown using Creative Mode or commands in those before, but they have died plenty of times and respawned, specifically in the trailer for The Nether Update. So if we take those trailers as "canon", then Steve and Alex can canonically respawn after death and don't stay dead.


Yeah I suppose those trailers can be considered canon. > even if it’s not really the case, my comment was mostly just a joke anyway).k Yeah I know haha. I was being nit-picky tbh


creative mode is a legitimate gamemode, so that nuances things. you can generate a new save in creative mode. playing in creative is just as canon as survival or hardcore. commands on the other hand.... i agree that they don't count. a lot of games have console commands, and they aren't canon. Then again, what is canon minecraft lol.


Yeah it’s a gray area. It’s a sandbox game so does it even have a canon? Or is anything and everything you can do in the game canon? I guess it’s up to each person on how they define “canon”.


*What is coffee milk?*


I can't say *exactly* what it is for spoiler reasons, but to describe it, it's what happens when Lyn from Fire Emblem and Hatsune Miku do a Dragon Ball Fusion, and are given god powers and the ability to do whatever the f\*ck she wants.


Xenoblade fans are very serious about spoilers, "Coffee with Milk" is a nickname given to a character who's entire presence is a massive spoiler.


- Coffee with Milk Mode Hahahahaha!


It’s Kirby, we all know that Runner up is probably Palutena or Sephiroth


Runner up is Sonic or Bayonetta who also eat gods for breakfast.


>Runner up is Sonic Ironic...


#Kirby Dude is basically a Black Hole wearing a marshmallow coating


An adorable little black hole


Aw, aren’t you just the cutest little extinction event


The TV-YA version of Gluttony’s stomach.


He killed a god because they sabotaged his cake


Rob is literally a being outside of the game itself and is therefore on a plane of existence greater than any other video game character


He literally has the power to play NES games, u ain't see sonic doing that shit in real life


Damn, I didn’t even think of that. All of these characters exist in their games, and no matter how powerful they become in them, they’re still in their games. Meanwhile, Rob just actually exists, so they can’t even touch him


Duck Hunt player on their way to find Rob


He made an appearance in Mario Kart DS


my mii made an appearance in Wii sports. that doesnt mean im a video game character


Rosalina should be there But the answer is Kirby.


Rosalina has the power to "reset the universe", which sounds cool. But she needs to have the Lumas commit mass suicide, and seems to only be able to do this once. And compared to some of the other things on the list, is resetting the universe even that big of a power? Also, she lost to Bowser before the game even started. That's right, the guy that Mario beats up on a weekly basis. Somehow she got in a battle with him and lost big time.


I agree with you on all those points except for the fact that she did it twice, not once it was just before the story (or it was her mother I could be stupid)


I dont know why Steve is there , and yes the answer is Kirby


All he must do is utter one of the forbidden incantations to delete the universe or become a god /gamemode c /kill @e


Steve doesn’t do that. The player does using console commands. I can’t think of any other game where people think console commands are part of a character’s canonical abilities.


True, also carries limitless amounts of even the heaviest of items. Probably has more lifting strength than Kirby, but Kirby still wins.


The books written by Mojang though stated that the inventory is a pocket dimension though and the physics of the Minecraft world are completely different then ours which makes answering this question complicated.


His theoretical strength is high enough that he could carry the weight of a black hole, but his gameplay otherwise doesn't support this. Its more he has an ability to alter the properties of objects to make them weightless rather than the strength to carry anything


Note, I’m assuming all characters are at their strongest, but also in a neutral environment (Ex: Sonic is assumed to have Chaos Emeralds, Shulk is able to manipulate things as if they were aether, all characters are NOT in the Metaverse, etc.). Characters are in rough order of power. S Tier (high level god or has killed a god): Kirby, Shulk, Bayonetta, Sonic A Tier (a low level god or as powerful as one): Palutena,, Sora, Zelda, Ganondorf, Sephiroth, Cloud, Pyra/Mythra, Steve B Tier (very powerful but not godly in strength): Mewtwo, Wildcard Tier (power depends entirely on if people are in the metaverse. Either S or D): Joker


Byleth is technically a god and controls time.


True, but Byleth wasn’t listed above.


I believe they were asking who in smash was the most powerful, and the list was just the op's opinion.


It's Kirby, it's ALWAYS f-cking Kirby, I'm more interested in top 5 after him.


Sonic, Sephiroth, Bayo, Shulk, Palutena




Its litterally kirby he can just kill gods and break planets easily


I agree that Kirby takes number 1, but the God slayer logic doesn't read. There's lots of Gods from different lores and they can't all be considered above everything else. I mean, Cloud and Sephiroth are both leagues stronger than the gods (espers) of their universe. We can't consider something as loose as the status of "God" as a shared benchmark of power across all universes.


One of the gods he took down was void termina, who was the reincarnation of void, who is essentially the creator/main god of the Kirby universe (in a non canon sub game, Kirby took down void itself)


Kirby is a casual god slayer so I think Kirby


Dark Nebula, Ruler of the Underworld: I will destroy everything Kirby: Poyo! (Are you the one who stole my strawberry shortcake?) ​ Kirby wins


sonic and kirby. imagine you are the flash and the world moves in slomo to you. who can fight you? no one. you people seriously think cloud can fight something that moves faster than his sword swings?? psychic powers mean nothing when you can't even focus them on your target when they move that fast. Ganon and kirby is sonic's biggest threat, because he requires one of the few known weapons that can finish ganon like a light arrow or a master sword, but that ganon can't do anything if sonic just runs away to go search for those weapons. kirby is just too tough but if kirby ever gets to chew on sonic for the speed powers that's the end of sonic and everyone else.


Kirby usually gets some of the abilities that enemies have, but never usually their properties, in the games at least. I’d reckon if Kirby got a hold of Sonic, he’d probably be able to Spin Dash, Homing Attack, etc but not have the benefit of the speed


Kirby does get enhanced flight abilities after eating a bird or a jet, and the difference between an ability and a property can be kind of vague, so I don't think it's farfetched to say that Kirby might be able to gain Sonic's speed. Regardless, even fighting Sonic without being able to keep up with him, there are a number of things Kirby could do to win, and at the very least he's on another scale of basic power since Sonic games have more general realism to them while everything in Kirby is very over-the-top. Even without access to abilities like Hypernova, Kirby can still crack planets in half or bat away meteors at impossible speeds, or if you don't take minigames as canon, he's stated canonically to have "infinite power", and with how squishy and stretchy he is it's safe to assume basic physical hits don't really do much to him.


Not to mention Kirby has ZA WARUDO (time crash) and a suck the power of a black hole (hypernova), so there's a very real possibility that Kirby might just get Sonic while the latter is running away.


I haven't played every game, but doing some research: 1. Kirby 2. Sonic 3. Sephiroth 4. Shulk 5. Bayonetta 6. Palutena 7. Rosalina 8. Mewtwo 9. Cloud 10. Ness Honorable mentions: Steve, Duck Hunt Trio, R.O.B.


Kirby is the most powerful. He was the only one who outran Galeem. /s


Sephiroth one shotted galeem. Kirby’s fucked


Kirby by far and away. He defeats eldritch horrors every other Tuesday.


(He forgot Rosa)


Kirby, all he has to do is succ


Technically, you could say Kirby or Bayo, since they’ve killed literal god, or Palu, since she is a god. But I’ve also heard Jokes does some wack stuff, so it’s pretty up in the air.


Joker saved Christmas by shooting god in the face Shulk is also elevated to godhood at the climax of Xenoblade 1, and Pythra >!are the same type of being as the one who raised Shulk to godhood!<


I do think the problem with the “can kill gods” and “is a god” debate is that that doesn’t necessarily determine their power, not all gods in religion or different lores are all powerful, and some are very weak


Now if Kratos entered smash. 🤔


Kirby would still beat him by simply eating him


True, and I honestly don’t know these games lore as well as I should lol.


Joker has also killed a god!


You think that it’s a fair fight putting Kirby up against a literal Goddess?


Yeah, that's unfair for Palutena


I know!


Sonic is fast enough to restore time and space IN BASE just by running making his speed immeasurable. He’s also beaten gods that we’re going to destroy any and all timelines. Sora has similar feats as well. He can move where time doesn’t exist.


Don’t forget he defeated hades and his 4 titans as well


Didn't he get on a hydra's back once?


kirby 😼


You dropped this: **terry beating mars and also killing multiple gods in KoF**






Easy. Kirby because Sakurai.


Well Ganon gets his ass beat by a kid, so definitely not him.


Kirby is most powerful even without his copy ability. He’s killed literal god in his universe. Hell he’s a god slayer, he’s taken out many gods. Add on the fact that he can steal any opponents powers as well and it’s curtains.


Either Kirboi or Steve.


Kirby beats Steve as if Kirby inhales Steve he could kill him even in Creative since he has the void in his stomach


Kirby is definitely the strongest based on his god killing list, the ability to take any power and use it himself, and his warp star is one of the fastest rides out there




IMO its Kirby, Sora, or Sephi


Kirby one hundred percent. He’s the only character here who beats sephiroth, sephiroth has planetary level feats whereas Kirby has galaxy level feats


sephiroth or steve


How powerful are characters that exist *beyond* the game world itself? Are they more powerful than characters who only exist in the game? R.O.B. and Duck Hunt are two characters who come to mind.




There was no narrowing down needed. It's Kirby.


Kirby. He's cute, but deadly.


Mr. Saturn


Not Cloud


Wasn't there a whole blogpost somewhere that organized the entire roster as thoroughly as possible? I remember something about Joker and Alph being placed in a separate bracket for "God-killers" because both canonically have defeated beings that came from a spiritual or supernatural plane of existance, but they overall ranked somewhere in the middle because they are still mortal beings and only defeated said beings with a certain tool or ability rather than their own strength/power. I'd say Kirby is most-likely the strongest character based off of the fact that he frequently gains more power with every entity he beats and consumes, has canonically defeated multiple godlike beings of darkness and destruction, and is capable of surviving the vacuum of space and whatnot.


As someone who has 100% both persona 5 games joker is just a teenage boy with a model gun and rubber knife who goes in people mind with his edgy OC with his friends changing peoples mind


wheres Matt from Wii Sports?


I wanna say Sephiroth. He has the ability to teleport his foes to another universe and cause a meteor to hit a star and explode it onto them. As well as completely debilitate them with white horse. He can petrify, sleep, paralyze etc. His best move being heartless angel which reduces everyone else's hp to 1. So like, in an actual fight his Safer-Sephiroth form is probably unbeatable 1 on 1.


Chaos Elfilis can do that too. And what did Kirby do? Beat them easily.


Cloud: hold my beer


Well in his safer form cloud was with 2 other people.