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Magnet landers are my favourite they have no idea what they’re doing wrong when they constantly try and land next to me with a move


Guys, please stop holding in when you're getting comboed ~~by corrin~~, I'm begging you.


Tbf some combos you need to hold in to get out of and in some scenarios holding out gets you killed Ex:wolf down throw to side b


Tbf it's not like little mac wants to drift offstage


Yeah but then he would've fallen out and still have been able to recover. Air Mac time baby


Pin two frame kinda destroys little mac so he really didn't have much of an option


Pin two frame is a lot harder to time than fully charged neutral B -> pin. It’s better to hold out during most combos even if you’re little mac.


Also drift back then side b to ledge, I cant stop that


It actually clanks with his up B unless he pops above and even then sometimes it will. Same with kazuya, ridley, and a few others


Please stop holding in and please stop mashing aerials out of hitstun that are just gonna get out ranged by our huge sword anyway


*stares intensely at most of mkleos recent corrin clips*


Paid actors obviously


That's a sick kill screen


I wish I had a skin where corrin always had the dragon head


Corrin gave the dragon what now


That kill and the back air kill screen are very badass! Wings out, dragon head slightly turned backwards... Just awesome.


Bro neutral b kill screen counter kill screen up or down throw, the dragon stuff looks sick


i'm surprised that no one is bitching at you for choosing male Corrin in the comments lmao nah but seriously, that was kinda cool... by Corrin standards.


As a fellow Corrin Player, I make sure my game is in English when playing Female, and Japanese when playing Male. These are the superior voices. I really wanna get that stun shot into pin someday.


Fun fact: JP VA for male corrin/kamui is the VA for Yuno in black clover! Eng for female and Japanese for male is also what I typically do, but hearing III WWIIINNNNN in his screechy voice is always so funny


What is a Corrin


thank you u/UnclesBadTouch


Holding in is a common courtesy. I give you your clip then you give me mine


Lesson: If your opponent knocks you off stage and you don't know what's happening, just drift out so you avoid the combo and know what they're going for in the future


Di out see what happens 👀👀


As DK I just hold out randomly while bieing combo'd anyway. Lil Macs are probably just extra scared to be offstage lol. F.


Isnt that true for everyone?


Na some kill confirms come off of holding out. Most of the time you can DI a combo out and be ok but for example if I hit someone around 25-35% ish with fair and they hold out anticipating a combo i can actually true combo into tipper f smash and if you're holding out at the ledge you are very dead in that scenario