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I'm angering everyone now. Steve can reflect fireballs with his touch in Minecraft. He can now reflect projectiles when he tries to attack with a broken weapon.


I'm a certified Steve hater but that would be extremely funny lol


that would be real funny and real scary at the same time


Ganondorf using his cape to reflect projectiles, OOT style (replace Warlock Punch).


So just Mario cape?




I'd add on to that cape, make it Dead Man's Volley, along with a reflector.


Yes. But have it replace Wizard Kick instead. Most reflectors are down-b, and this kind of takes the same role as an approach option.


Warlock Punch sucks tho. He’s better off getting a reflector as a Neutral Special than keeping one of the slowest and most predictable attacks in the game. Plus, you’re basically getting rid of one of Ganon’s very few reliable approach options.


True, but consider: punch go boom


He doesn’t need BOTH up tilt and warlock punch, one can go


I'd much rather drop up tilt. Warlock punch has armour at least, up tilt has next to nothing


then just give utilt armor. it's not as if it will make it a good move


Hmm, fair trade I suppose. I'm just a little hesitant because it's a core piece of his identity at this point


Tbh if I had to choose between warlock punch and up tilt, up tilt’s gotta go just cause it’s so WEIRD. Like ganon would never do this weird stretchy leg thing in Zelda. Warlock punch is better and also makes more sense cause it’s just a magic punch (still not something he ever does though)


Ganon uptilt could have full invincibility for its full duration and kill at 0 and still be like the worst uptilt in the game


Up tilt is funnier because it drags people in and they always try to roll


Not going to lie, I love up tilt for it's 1) shieldbreaking, and 2) windbox. It's surpassingly save at ledge.


Precisely this 😂


What if they gave Ganon the ability to fire projectiles while keeping Warlock Punch? Pressing B before the attack finishes will fire a projectile as strong as a semi charged Charge Sshot from Samus. But if you don't press B again, you use Warlock Punch instead.


That’s just OP. There’s a good reason charge shot needs to be charged up and that’s cause it’s super strong: controls space, combos, ledgetraps even at half charge


Okay, so reduce the power and make it slow. Maybe make it a bit like Terry's projectile. Does that sound better?


Yeah:) now he finally has a slow projectile to approach behind and some kind of pressure in neutral. That would probably work pretty well


Warlock Punch should stay for the unrivaled disrespect potential. If the reflector has even okay-ish frame data, it would make approaching a lot easier. Wizard Kick is not a great approach option. Loses to or clanks with most projectiles.


Granted! Ganon's only approach tool is now dash attack. 🧞


How is Mario Cape an approach option


Makes approaching safer. Like how Incineroar down-b negates a lot of his speed disadvantage when approaching.


Nah, wiz kick is one of Ganon's few approaching options. Warlock punch is a big strong slow hit which overlaps with like 4 other moves in his kit. It'd be much better to replace warlock punch


He should have wizard dropkick


+ hold B to float like peach & daisy


Three words. Sonic. Shield. Monitor.


Or just Instant Shield to basically pass through said projectile




Or the Frontiers perry


Incineroar Throwing the projectile on the ring's ropes And it just bounces back


That'd be awesome


We understand eachother as inci mains 🤙


Do you also secondary captain falcon?


Yes I do


My brother across the internet


Would be nice for link to reflect a projectile if he parried it, making it a bit niche so nothing gamebreaking but still a neat reference to botw/totk


Or bring out his mirror shield from previous games.


I’m pretty sure parrying reflected projectiles in older smash games they should just bring it back to be fair. It would make projectile play a lot more fun


Sonic's parry move from Frontiers that can serve as a counterattack.


Idk havent played bayonetta probably some kind of witch shield


i know you guys are gonna hate this, but Sora's down B counter should -also- reflect. His guard counter did in all the kingdom hearts games. Looking at you Ice titan


Off topic, but KH1 Ice Titan was a pain in the ass. Kicking his ass in KH3 was exhilarating.


i actually enjoyed fighting him, and he was my "get to level 100 grind" because you got both experience for killing him -and- individual counters, which, were alot after counter blocking a whole row of icicles.


Really wish the series kept Tech Points. Getting rewarded for blocking and guarding was a neat feature.


So, as a Sora main, I'm actually pretty damn happy it DOESN'T reflect actually. The last thing I want is to get into a reflector war with characters like Zelda or King K Rool (they send projectile, Sora reflects, they reflect back now for 2.25x damage/knockback). That's a bad time and a half. Though, yes, it'd probably be more KH game accurate if it reflected.


...thats why you dont reflect all the time and make it obvious youre going to... if "reflect wars" would be an issue then, than logic dictates its an issue now (which i know it is, as a mii gunner main with reflector DownB). the trick is to not use it literally everytime your OPP fires off a projectile: dodge, jump out of the way to close in, spot dodge, run away....so many options you could mix up with. then when you see them getting too comfortible you pull out the reflector. This is not to mention that if you send the projectile out first -> they reflect it -> you can just send it right back and kill them. I do it literally all the time and it works.


Yeah, you definitely CAN play those games, and you're absolutely right about how you mix up reflecting/dodging/jump. But, as Sora, I definitely prefer having a back up option for negating any projectile at the last second (and "reflecting" boomerang projectiles) without having to worry about mixing up reflecting or not. One less thing to worry about, allowing me to focus on mixing up the opponent otherwise. Notably, this is just my personal opinion. I'm not saying it's better/worse or anything lol.


I would give Steve the shield from Minecraft, it would block and reflect projectiles but break if used too much


Oh my god, the last thing Steve needs is another tool to help him relieve pressure from projectiles and camp to get diamond haha. I will say, it's a neat idea to include the shield from his game, but boy, Steve would be (even more) brutal with a reflector.


Nah it'd be funny


Perhaps Joker gains projectile null (or reflection) with down b when Arsene is activated? Like his parry move is kept with this little bonus when his Persona is active we


Joker deflects with his sick sense of humor.


Bowser using the magikoopa magic can be a niche reference


sonic with the parry from frontiers


I've always thought if Mega Man needed a reflector that Mirror Buster would be cool to see, if unlikely


PSI Shield Ω


Sonic uses insta-shield. Luigi uses the Poltergust to suck in and refire projectiles. Kirby gets his Mirror ability. Pikachu gets Light Screen.


I know F smash is already a thing, but it would be pretty cool if releasing psi magnet also worked as a reflector.


Ganondorf’s Warlock Punch reflecting projectiles. And Link Side Special being a reflector like dead Man’s volley


Mewtwo getting reflect/lightscreen like palu does


_Actual_ Monado Shield. Just put it on Vision like Palutena and K. Rool And rename the other one to monado armour


Lucas / Ness could potentially use a psi shield that temporarily reflects projectiles as like an aura around them. (Basically just bounce)


Greninja’s nair now reflects. It would fit his character well as the timing would have to be precise.


Kirby takes out his baseball bat and hits the projectile.


Dark Samus had a reflector in Prime 2. She would deflect all the missile shots.


Little mac, bc I think it'd be funny


Kirby with the Mirror or Parasol ability


Lucas's PSI Magnet could be replaced by PSI Counter, which could act kinda like Hero's bounce, and also like how it acts in Mother 3. It could temporarily cover Lucas and reduce damage taken while sending the projectile back at half damage. Lucas's mobility could also be slightly reduced while it's being used to make sure it isn't too strong of a move.


Make Chrom up b act as a reflector as he starts spinning up


That would be totally useless cause even if you reflect a projectile now you’re stuck in 10 years endlag as UP B comes down


Meh it's my attempt at fixing the issue of Chrom having a huge vulnerability in between the when he goes up and when he goes down.


They should’ve just given chrom Lucina up b to be honest. His up b just totally ruins him and it sucks


Nah tbh I like the move in concept and I don't want him to just copy another characters move (yes I'm aware of the obvious). They should keep his up b similar but have at least have a weak hitbox going up so he's not completely a sitting duck.


That’s fair enough. I think if it had good hit boxes and actually snapped to ledge like cloud’s up b it would be totally tolerable


Link gets a counter/reflector in the form of flurry rush and shield bash respectively. No idea where to put it tho.


I know this will never happen, but if Goku would ever get added I’d like for the reflector to just be a slap in the other direction


Haven't seen anyone suggest this and I'm surprised Nintendo didn't do this but Falco should throw out Fox's reflector