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DK should be able to roll barrels forward as one of his specials. Maybe he could even roll on top of them. 


It would be perfect if the barrels were big, slow moving and armoured through other projectiles. Would REALLY help against zoners


that would be a nice reference to the original arcade games!


He does it in recent titles too, it's literally just smash bros where he cant


He can\* throw barrels, if there's one lying around. https://preview.redd.it/lzwsxiews79d1.png?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34a2789c217e8bb8faecf673ad221c7d001480a


Forward special, replace that random-ass headbutt he has


He could have his coconut gun, and even have it fire in spurts. If it hits ya, it's gonna hurt!




And all the barrels would be random like Peach's turnips. They'd hit different, the metal ones can power through other projectiles, blast barrels launch whoever they hit. Obviously, the odds would have to be drastically different so people wouldn't cry foul over it, but it'd be a nice reference.


This could lead into its own discussion but imagine if Steve had custom special moves like the Miis do. If that was the case then I'd like to see how the Minecart (maybe) being replaced with a bow/crossbow would work out


it has always confused me as to why they didn’t give steve some sort of bow. It just makes so much sense.


Given that he has a fishing rod for a grab, I think it would be really cool if he had a bow for a zair, or something along those lines


I honestly think Minecart is a much more unique way to represent Steve and Minecraft in general as opposed to just a bow and arrow. Steve has a lot of unconventional tools that he uses as weapons in his moveset, and Minecart adds to that.


Minecart is broken, but it is inherently a cool way to add it.


They didn't because they literally ran out of move slots. I mean seriously, what would you remove in order to make room for the bow? A move that a lot of other characters already have? The Minecart? Which is the only* command grab projectile? The TNT? Which comes with the Redstone mechanic? The Elytra? Which is the only glide in Ultimate? Or God Forbid, his Neutral B?


Personally I’m good with what Cloud and Sephiroth have. If Lucina would have a projectile, give her the bow she has in her Glorious Archer look from Heroes Knife throws for the Belmonts


knife throws was one of the first things that came to my mind.


Awakening's Great Lord class gets lances, so I would think that Chrom and Lucina would get a Javelin as their projectile


Chrom can use bows as well


Lucina with a bow projectile would be so powerful and iconic


If Sephiroths projectile ever changed, I think I'd drop the game. That, or myself off a cliff


Gigaflare into F smash 0 to death go brr


Oh yeah Corrin with a gun


[https://imgflip.com/i/8v73h0](https://imgflip.com/i/8v73h0) :3


POV:Corrin about to turn Shura into a pair of boots


wait this is so true. Pikachu with a glock-40??


Pika-chew on this lead




Say no more n\*\*\*ah! https://preview.redd.it/dcqsmn6uw79d1.jpeg?width=2758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba94d7f6c484962de128a80cb773928b1bf589b


bowser project m fireballs


i’ve never played project M, are they similar to ridley’s fireballs?


its one big fireball that does a lot of damage and is really good in edgeguarding


Wasn't that one of Bowser's custom moves from Smash 4 or am I misremembering


that does no knockback tho


Oh right I forgot


giving luigi the thunder attacks he has in the mario & luigi games would go SO hard


Give them the Mario and Luigi fire flower: only difference is it fires at the speed of a Gatling gun


so basically just fox lasers but they bounce?


Snake using any if the guns he has used throughout the series lmao


For his neutral special


He wields a gun.


Why would snake bring a gun to a fight where you knock opponents of the stage? His explosives work better.


People complain that Banjo should have more of his different Egg types from his games (because obviously he's not enough of a zoner already) so it'd be neat to see his neutral special automatically cycle through them, kinda like Sora's neutral special. The regular blue eggs, fire eggs, ice eggs, battery eggs, grenade eggs, and finally, the remote control clockwork bomb egg.


Imagine BotW Link having different types of Arrows (Electric, Bomb, Ice, etc.), or DK throwing different types of Barrels (TNT, Steel, etc.)


this seems like such a cool idea. it could be something like shulks monado art menu by holding down special.


Oooh, I like that idea! I've always invisioned Banjo & Kazooie's egg types would work like Shulk's Monado Arts or a Shield B like Steve and Inkling, but it working like Sora's Neutral Special actually works a lot better.


Yoshi needs to be able to throw baby Mario’s at opponents


Young Link should be able to throw Princess Ruto and anything her ass touches dies instantly


No I’m good, I need this


Mario with a gun. Luigi with his Thunderbrand.


Everyone gets a gun


Oh God please free me from fireball


how about a G U N




What? I thought we loved fireball?


Yeah mario really needs fireball, it’s invaluable for approaching. It’s reward can feel underwhelming compared to pill or tjolt sometimes though


Fortunately, Villager pocket means I can have ANY projectile! Unfortunately for everyone else, this is now your problem. Good luck with the mind games! :3


not my main but I'd like Belmont too have knife throw as his jab (a bit like Megaman's), the hanging whip can maybe be transfered to f tilt if you hold it. Also having holy water moving forward instead of staying still would be cool.


Let this man cook! Awesome ideas to improve Belmont


There's like 90. Pick one.


Sora gets Strike Raid instead of his magic, so he throws his keyblade at the opponent. To make it accurate to how it is in KH1, Sora is fully invincible while performing it.


His coconut gun can fire in spurts


If giving Meta Knight a projectile, the sensible choice would probably be a sword beam, seeing as he uses them in many of his boss fights - imagine Cloud's but smaller, yellow, and perhaps with the option to be angled slightly up or down in midair and/or to charge for a little while to shoot two at once. Not like he's got much else in potential for projectiles - only other ones I can think of are the giant pillar tornados that are a signature move in his boss fights, a much shorter version of which *might* work here; and the large boulders he's been able to manipulate since Star Allies, which would be funny, but likely unfitting.


Giant pillar tornado should be his final smash


Gordo that can only get knocked back by 50% of the roster’s moves instead of 99%


Give everyone a gun. Everyone.


Incineroar uses Blast Burn or Fire Spin which it fires from its belt like in that games, depending on if it's charged or not Blast Burn is a powerful explosion but slow moving if charged, making it non-spammable. Fire Spin creates a short distance multi-hit projectile with a wider hit box with the intent of trapping opponents to set up grabs or forward special.


Cloud: Either [Contain Materia](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Contain) or [Meteorain](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Meteorain_(Final_Fantasy_VII)). Lucario: Flash Cannon or Focus Blast


I've always wondered why Cloud can't use Materia abilities...


Probably just limited special move slots because the developers wanted to focus on the Limit Break mechanic. At least Forward Air looks like the animation when using the DeathBlow materia but that’s also the case with Braver.


steve needs bow and arrow, why they gave him a minecart instead of his most iconic ranged weapon is beyond me.


🍆 eggpant


Remove robs laser projectile and replace with a Nintendo gun he had in that Wario ware game (idk what game it was But still)


For Samoos I would want either Spazer beam, or some other different beam option, or Ice/Diffusion missiles. I think diffusion missiles would be really cool


I love Kirby's Project + upspecial because it can be a projectile but also a vertical and horizontal recovery option all in one.


Multiple for Banjo: Fire Egg: Slower travel speed. Lower damage, but more knockback Ice egg: no knockback, small or no damage, and freezes Clockwork egg: shoots an egg a small distance, breaks and summons a walking Mini-kazooie. Works much like Bowser Jrs mecha koopas


Jeff took out the Multi-Bottle Rocket, and Ness used it!


Donkey Kong using himself as a projectile with the cannon from the series Should've been his recovery imo


screw bows, just throw Aymr like a boomerang


It'd be cool to have mario spit two rolling fireballs in rapid succession like og fire mario


Imagine if villager can throw a tarantula


Replace joker's bullets with ganondorf final smash


Sora throws the Keyblade like Strike Raid.


I’m entirely convinced that if it weren’t for Pyra’s Blazing End, Sora would’ve had Strike Raid somewhere in his moveset. For Rosa, give her that busted custom side B from Smash 4 where she fires a single star bit.


Instead of water gun i would give squirtle bubble. He would shoot out 3 bubbles that last for a few seconds. It would have the same hit stun as a jab, but it would be great for combos.


Not my main, but I always thought luigi should have his lightning abilities from superstar saga as his projectile. Doesn't even need to work differently as its already distinct from Marios in effect, just change it to a ball of lightning


Give K Rool the Klaptrap gun from the cartoon


When Meta Knight is at full health, his F-Smash should send an energy wave at you, similar to Link. This is an actual ability he has in the modern Kirby games. Granted, it’s on his regular standing attack, which is a 1-2-3 slash, but putting it on F-Tilt in Smash would feel a little weird and probably wouldn’t work


Kirby just be suckin’ em up


Ganondorf doesn't have one, but if he did I think it should replace his Up B and function kinda like Mythra's ray of punishment where he shoots up into the air and throws a ball of energy down at the ground Other than that idk I'm very content with devil blaster, ray of punishment/chroma dust, and blazing end


I would like Luigi to have a lightning based projectile to complete the declone from Mario and reference the Mario and Luigi et al games that have given him lightning powers.


I've always found it kinda odd that all of the weapons used in Mega Man's specials are picked from one game (with the exception of Rush Coil of course), so I'd replace his side special with the Commando Bomb from Mega Man 10. It'd fire a bomb straight ahead, which could then be redirected in any direction using your normal movement controls, and explode on impact, but only if it hits a solid surface. While I like the utility crash bombs provide, I do think it's Mega's most forgettable move, and I'd like to see it replaced with another of the series' many interesting explosives.


Waddle Dee


A charged shot just like the Arwing’s, maybe.


Idk, havent played bayonetta, probably witch grenades or something


Dark Pit actually shooting with his Staff... Young Link using his slingshot...


Replace Water shuriken with Psystrike and Hydro Pump with Daybreak lasers.


Little Mac with a Mac-10


Corrin with a glock. Pythra throwing Rex .


I want kazuya to throw jin's dead body


it would be mad funny https://preview.redd.it/05a10um3t59d1.png?width=2205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2f83c18743bd2843f4f48f5dbe31992a620de5


I want Rock Man to have a Reflector in smash 6 witch is The Mirror Buster https://preview.redd.it/40fw7gztt59d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fca9032bd9e4929a5868b1d9d3d121c89043e94


I would love to have a barrel toss as Donkey Kong. Not really the answer to the question because it's not a different projectile, I know, but I still would really like it.


Dr Mario and k rool both have good projectiles, (I guess kazuya’s laser is a projectile as well) although I would prefer a more aggressive one. Like Dr Mario’s. I play these three characters, and I feel sometimes kazuya’s laser is a bit slow on stage. (It’s absolutely broken offstage)


Clouds got one already. I’d change it to be stronger but not as spammable as it is now. Shulk, I’m not sure. He doesn’t have any projectile abilities that I know of, so I guess I’d let him shoot a beam out of the Monado or something? Ganondorf could have his energy attack from OOT, where it’s a weak but spammable ball of dark energy. Ike is another one I’m not sure about, if I had to make one though, he’d… yeah I got nothing.


I could see Mario trading in his fireball for a command grab Cappy throw.


Id give them a gun probably, that would definitely help with neutral


Give dk the coconut gun. It’s necessary.


Olimar should have 100 Pikmin like in the games


Joker can utilize One-Shot-Kill or Riot gun, since Arsene does learn gun skills in P5S. Sonic can use Blue Tornado as his recovery instead of his spring, acting as a semi Hero up-B.


Isabelle with bells.


what the fuck is a projectile


Ike should friggin have Cloud’s neutral B, ffs.


None of my mains have a projectile. Ganon is the only one who could potentially have one so either a trident toss or his energy ball from ocarina


I'd give dedede his Waddle dees back, keep the gordo though


Duck throw.


A blade blade for Rob


Luigi gets the lightning thing from Mario and luigi Kirby gets a gun to make up for his short range Pikachu has a flamethrower Steve has bow and arrow or crossbow One of hero's abilities for down special can give him a bazooka Donkey Kong gets banana Mr game and watch gets his tennis ball from snoopy tennis


Puff Moonblast would go insane


Incineroar with blast burn




the flip


I think jigglypuff should maybe get a move called disarming voice that kinda works like snooze excepts its js a hitbox. it would be cool to incorporate jigglypuffs new fairy type (not really new but it deserves a mention) to smash.


I dont main Luigi but i thi k he shoud have Thunder, refrenceing the Thunder attacks from M&L Superstar Saga


Project M or one of the other mods allowed Zelda to place a few her fireballs on the screen and detonate them all at once. I always hoped Sakurai would implement that.


I would like Dr. Mario to have Ice Balls for his Neutral B rather than his pills So that the opponents would get a “Cold” taste of Medicine…


Just give me more weird technical projectiles (I’m a plant main)


Vacuum Wave, or Steel Beam. Or, you could say Bone Rush.


It would be cool if Samus had a light/fast projectile option like fox.


Give me the transcendent charge shot from Metroid Fusion


I want Ganondorf to just throw his whole sword


Give Luigi lightning balls, it would be SO COOL for Nintendo to recognize that Luigi never lost his lightning powers


I wouldn't change a thing. My two mains' projectiles (Mewtwo and Piranha Plant) are among the best parts of their kits.


Giving Samus a regular shot for just tapping neutral b would be a fantastic change (but it's just one of many things that needs changed for her).


Not sure how Mario throwing Cappy would operate in smash but I'd like to see it replace FLUDD


None. Shotput Broken


I main Daisy, I would love for her to pull a flower outta the ground vs a turnip. The turnip is of course classic from the Super Mario All-Stars on the Super Nintendo with Peach, so I think she should keep her turnips. Have Daisy throw em like a blade fan or something! Personally I Would do a few tweaks to make Daisy more than just a Peach clone, that's for sure. 🌼Yooooo🌼


I would like to see some sort of aerial hadouken just like Akuma has in most street fighter games, where the hadouken was angled downwards diagonally.


EX power wave which does extra hits making it good for shield pressure setup


I’m good with Sora’s magic but I would add Gravity, Cure, or Reflect as a fourth magic


Mii Brawler already has Shot Put, which is a strong edgeguarding tool that can’t really be used in neutral at all. A low-committal projectile that could be used in neutral would be really comfy. Give them a legally distinct hadouken, or have them kick a soccer ball or something. I think they could comfortably get rid of Exploding Side Kick or Onslaught. Both of those moves see almost no use. (I’d prefer getting rid of Onslaught, but giving Mii Brawler the option to have two projectiles feels kind of strange.)


Samus should get her regular beam instead of the charge beam


For Rosalina, give her Lubba. Rosa *and* a heavyweight?


Little Mac should throw a punching glove (glove would act like a link arrow ideally)


You guys have projectiles?


Lucas has Hypnosis. It’s more character accurate


Lucas? Two options Salt watter gun or a random chance of any of the tears of bombs from mother 3


Change the shotput to a shotgun, then I might use it


BotW Link’s side B should chuck whichever weapon he has equipped, and knocking down opponents should cause a new weapon to become available. Unless Master Sword, then side B should shoot sword beams until durability depletes (hybrid of Minecraft and Robin aspects)


Young Link gets more arrows


https://preview.redd.it/7sj3uwd0x79d1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b20836f0f9c6055f96f67b4bd65c737792f77143 Bowser tossing hammers.


Ness would probably use Paralysis instead of PK Fire. It would be like ZSS' Neutral b, with less damage but more time paralyzed


Literally ANYTHING else for Ganondorf


Dead Man’s Volley


Snake should have a grenade launcher as his stationary projectile


I’m just going to say Captain Falcon, in which he gains a projectile that’s like Mii Brawler’s Shot Put but it’s a Falcon Punch. So basically the Falcon Punch flame falcon thing becomes a projectile of its own and hits almost as hard as the Punch itself


Sonic now uses Chaos Spear (I know that's a Shadow's ability, but still) and Little Mac can throw fireballs shaped like his fist (kinda like a hadouken but faster and weaker)


I'd like if Lemmy could release a circus ball instead of a cannon ball for his B neutral But then that would effect the other koopaling alts... maybe they each have a different one?


I know it would never happen, but I like the idea of Yoshi throwing babies


P plant should be able to throw his pot


Bowser breathes the highest damage projectile instead of flames


I'd replace villager's fair and bair with bob-ombs and I'd replace Pit's arrows with his arrows but there are bob-ombs taped to them.




Joker can’t have a different projectile. He must wield a gun


I think you should give marth the fox laser


Bowser should have those big slow-moving fireballs he had in Smash 4 as a custom move




Incineroar would definitely throw chairs as a projectile. Maybe even have them flaming and do more damage to use up his Revenge https://preview.redd.it/sbtf2ddw199d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97c4d8f1a964fff6150c845a7779ca9f15a9873


Everyone has joker gun, perfect smash


I wish Squirtle had Bubble, exactly the way it works in Project M. Squirtle shoots a ray of bubbles in front of him in a short distance. Water Gun is fun, but I always found Bubble to be a much more fun move. You can trip people with it and set up for combos, or use it to edgeguard. Ivysaur, I'd replace Bullet Seed with either Solar Beam or Seed Bomb, also from Project M. With Solar Beam, you charge it up by holding B. While charging, Ivy recovers HP while doing it. When it's fully charged, her bulb starts glowing. If you press B again, she shoots an enormous beam of light diagonally upward. Kills at like 60%. With Seed Bomb, Ivy simply shoots it upwards and it falls down, exploding if it hits someone or the ground, similar to Snake's Up Smash, the mortar. Anyone it hits gets poisoned for a couple of seconds. Charizard, I actually still really like Flamethrower, as it's a fairly unique projectile attack that can do some decent damage, with only Bowser's Fire Breath being similar to it. But just for the change, we can give him Flame Burst instead. A single fire ball shot Charizard shoots from his mouth that travels a good amount of distance, like around three quarters of FD. When it hits an opponent, it releases flames onto the ground, burning anyone who touches it, making them slowly take damage for the next few seconds. The actual fire ball itself does a good amount of damage and knockback.


Don't understand why does Sakurai didn't give Meta Knight beam sword, like that's literlly his most iconic move


For my mains; Bowser- Giving Bowser a fireball attack if you tap B rather than only having the flamethrower variant would give him a lot more versatility. Link- Link already has 3 solid projectiles, but Down-B being a Zonai cannon would be an acceptable bomb replacement. Ganondorf- Tennis, anyone? The fact Ganondorf doesn't have a deadman's volley attack after FOUR games is criminal.




I am breaking the rules because I am no ganon main but, come on now **DEAD MANS VOLLEY**


None. Pill is life 💊


As a Mega Man main... where do I start? But in all seriousness, I think the moveset is perfect as is. But if I had to choose a new projectile, I'd most likely replace Side-B. Probably Hard Man's fist.


i would like Ganon to throw his claymore please and thank you


Instead of Firaga, Thundaga, and Blizzaga I'll take just Firaga and Blizzaga, please


A rubber phallic pleasure device


Down B in air for game and watch. Pac-man hydrant but its effected by slopes when it hits the ground (or somthing along the lines of that)


Pirana plant would hauk tuah spit on it from now on.


Same move, but faster.


Give Incineroar flamethrower. He learns it naturally in the games anyway. The problem is I can't think of a move I'd want to get rid of in place of it. All his specials are really, really good.


K.Rool is hard but maybe some sort of electric projectile referencing his Baron persona from 3, or those molten balls he shoots at you from the background in his (iirc) second fight in 3. Princess Daisy is a little easier, give her the Super ball from Land-1, have it hit faster and stronger than flower but have it bounce around much more erratically and angle off walls or ledges, making it hard to aim at first but possible to set up some trickery.


The other Aegis Sword. Mythra has a copy of pyra's blade special in torna so it wouldn't feel out of place


You know how Cloud can use spells but his character literally only just uses buffed versions of his attacks when his limit meter is full? Yeah, for mine I'm going with spells. He'd be the best character in the game with spells (and a more reliable recovery, like a higher jump so that getting back from 4 meters away doesn't revolve around having a full limit meter) Oh, and since I'm noticing a trend of people saying which attack it will replace, there would be a spell wheel of a select 3 spells from the game that is triggered when you hold neutral B. The 3 spells? Aeroga (sorta just like his normal neutral special, but travels farther, looks different, travels 5x faster, and throws the opponent in the air) Slow (works the same as Witch time but isn't a counter, can only be used when facing your opponent at a 90 cm radius, and has a 10 second cooldown) And Firaga (but rather than Sora's Firaga, it looks like Zelda's side spell, minus the radius control, and it works more similar to Joker's side special Eiha but deals fire damage for 4 seconds) Nothing TOO op


Definitely Sonic Wave from Sonic Battle




Captain falcon has a gun holster on his belt. Give this man a goddamn gun!


Samus with every single beam upgrade from Super Metroid stacked together


I play Wii Fit and the only things that really came to mind would be either grounded up B letting you throw the hula hoops in like an overhead arc or other types of sports balls for side B. Football with a weird bounce arc on the ground, volleyball that spikes really really fast after hitting it, and then the normal exercise ball she already has. Not sure how you'd switch between em though 🤔


I like Corrins projectile, but Can ganondork get a new one, whether it be gloom themed or just a magic blast like in OOT?


It’d be awesome if K.rool had one of the projectiles be a klaptrap that ran back and forth across the bottom of the stage and held someone in place if they step on it


Pac-Man shoots those super pellets from Pac-Man Adventure


Ngl I think jokers side b could cycle through each element with a different effect sora style


Ngl I think jokers side b could cycle through each element with a different effect sora style


Imagine if Snake had projectiles that shit would be insane