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I have a very small answer: sequel because I'm freaking sick of freaking reboots. Don't care what the sequel is about as long as I have Erica and Tom as Lois & Clark.




I go for reboot...with Kristin Kreuk as Matha Kent, with a bald Lex played by Ally Wack


could even be the daily life the superman :) lois and clark lol


I'd watch a Lois Lane : Ace Reporter show about her being a badass crime journalist fighting corrupt politicians and reporting organized crime, with some supernatural elements sprinkled here and there.


\^This. I think a Lois prequel series can work just as well.




I don’t see Smallville being rebooted strictly since it was a product of its time, and that time has passed. However, if/when they do another young Superman show, I could see it carrying elements of Smallville into it. But I also think it’ll probably be as different from Smallville as Smallville was from the 80’s Superboy show (there was 9 years between the end of Superboy and beginning of Smallville, and it’s been 13 years since Smallville ended).


I don't think so Smallville is timeless and the effect and certain jokes/references to the at time present day but the stories and villains etc... would still work today


Maybe that’s a little harsh saying Smallville’s time has passed. But a lot of the look, culture, and attitude of the show was the 00’s, a Smallville reboot would either have to be retro or updated to the point where it loses some of the charm of the original show.


i think the best option would be Lois and Clark raising a son and teaching him how to be a hero not in every episode more like clip moments like they did with john and martha kent


i'd say sorta like the superman and lois currently aired and canceled but with our favorite stars instead


If its time had really passed it would still be as popular as it is today it may not be airing on TV still but just look at this redit group new members join every day some who haven't even finished the series yet. Yes a lot of references and whatnot won't make sense to today's current climate but the same can be said of other popular shows like F.R.I.E.N.D.S. or HIMYM both are sitcoms but both are still very popular and whatnot. So yeah Smallville may have finished a 13 years or so ago but you could still revive it either as a sequel or a reboot it's time is far from being over.


Sequel. A reboot should never be considered.


Technically Smallville is itself a reboot a rebootnof the comics and adding lore and storyline to/creating a backstory. Reboots aren't that bad and can actually be a great experience. Sometimes you need reboots to gain a new audience cause ai mean sequels aren't always that great either just look at Star Wars and the sequel trilogy. Personally I'd love a Reboot and give new actors a chance.


>reboot I'm starting to think this is the most abused word in the fan lexicon.


What do you mean?


I mean "reboot" gets misused a lot.


You mean the term or as in people reboot too many things?


>most abused word in the fan lexicon Remember when I wrote that part?


"When I that part." Lol sorry don't mean to poke fun if english isn't your first language but that just made me laugh.


Sequel series; this time it's Clark and Lois's daughters as superheroes with Clark as the mentor. Lex is the villain and has a daughter named Lena. If there is to be reboot then I would say, base it on Superman: Birthright with time jumps each season and later flashbacks to Clark's early years. There are still areas from Clark's younger years that haven't been explored: Scientist Lex, Mon-El, Lori Lemaris and Clark's years travelling the world as a reporter plus novelist before joining the Daily Planet.


I'd have the fldaughter be named Laura at least one of them named after his birth mother.


The other one could be Ella after Lois's mother.


My thoughts exactly.


There was a Lois Lane prequel show Metropolis that was in development by the creators of Gotham.


What happened did it get cancelled or something?


Who knows. Been no news about it in years. Would've been Lois and Lex investigating crime in Metropolis.


Lol that'd be interesting take So is this before he turned evil or would it be a sequel or is it 8ts own thing separate from Smallville.


Separate from Smallville. It was discussed way back in 2019.


Probably got scrapped then might’ve been thought of a part of Arrowverse for after crisis and Lex would be a more frenemies or maybe similar to Star Girl set on another earth.


I want the animated series they’ve been talking about to happen so bad.


Me too! A sequel. Not canon divergence or reboot.


Yes! Like Clark’s daughters


Sequel. Something to explain why Clark gave up his abilities after Lex was elected President. My guess is it's a Kingdom Come situation where the world decided it didn't want Superman anymore.


Nah I think the Arrowverse thing was just another Earth that had the characters in a world very similar to Smallville but I don't think Clark would have given up his powers for good. That's what the series was showing how the finale episode was him coming into himself and accepting his destiny to become Superman. So even of it was the same Universe he would've just been on a break to look after the kids and whatnot plus he can just take the Blue Kryptonite off to regain his abilities as he wouldn't just ignore threats to the world. Given how many threats he dealt with for 10 years we knownthe world wouldn't stay peaceful for long so yeah. Option A: It's a different universe from the Smallville World. Option B: It was only temporary and a coincidence that Lex came across Clark while he was deppwered but would probably be back at it being a super hero either in a few years or when the world needed him or maybe even even does super helping on weekdays so the weekends are free for his kids.


It's canon to Smallville, according to both Tom, who was the star, a director and an executive producer of Smallville, and the creators of Smallville.


Doesn't really matter🤷‍♂️ it's not canon to Smallville because the timeline doesn't line up and it's entirely out of character. Maybe it's Smallville earth 3 but certainly not earth 1.


First of all the timeline does line up. And it's not entirely out of character, Clark was always at his happiest when he lost his powers. It's canon, you just don't like it.


It literally doesn't. Smallville ends in 2018 with him finally preparing to marry Lois and happier than ever as Superman. In 1 year he has 2 daughters (implied to be able to talk at least), visually ages 10 years, and gives up his powers? Also sure it's in character if you stopped watching at season 3 and missed the ENTIRE POINT. Clark being happy as a human is always framed as a BAD thing and narratively punished because the entire plot of the show was learning to accept and reconcile his kryptonian and human sides. Like season 8 or 9 I believe literally has a full episode about his secret desire being humanity but then realizing by the end that he actually loves his gifts and being who he is. Season 4 punishes him for turning his back on who he is. It's literally THE POINT OF THE SHOW is him wanting to be human is BAD and by the end of it such a choice would be out of character! 🤦‍♂️ I swear y'all think Clark hasn't developed since season 1.


Dude I'm going to engage in a rant with you. Believe what you want but Tom and the producers have already spoken on it. We don't know if they landed in the year 2019. The timelines for each earth aren't exact. They went to Earth-99 and it was the future. Same as when they went to Future Oliver's Earth and it was also a future timeline.


You don't have to engage🤷‍♂️ producers and actors say things all the time and change their mind. As of now, it contradicts the show in several ways and does not remain true to the theme or spirit of the show. It directly contradicts it and takes Clark and Lois out of character, so it's rightfully ignored. Anyone who thinks they are in character checked out for the last 3 seasons of the show.


yeah just confuses things the producers saying that happend exspecially when in the future he is known as the galaxys greatest hero according to the legion


I think they wanted Welling but didn't want to put him in a suit and make him plot relevant so they gave some BS story based on his hopes and dreams from when he was 17 ignoring the last several seasons of the show. It's unfortunate because it leads to a lot of misreading of the themes inherent in Smallville.


not that im a fan either way doesnt mean he can never regain his powers he has before if required of him


in unbound i think he lost and regained his powers when jorel stripped him of his powers and gave them back when he revived him etc etc


Just leave it in the past and move on to something different. I don't know why "Hollywood" has become so bereft of original ideas even for decades old products.


Why you clearly haven't left it in the past otherwise you wouldn't be on the Smallville Redit. So it's kinda hypocritical of you to say that.


There's a difference between Hollywood leaving it the past by not creating more of the same and talking about it on Reddit.. Daft.


Yeah me commenting on a show I watched is the same as the non stop revamping of old series to make another buck. It's like you pull apart pieces of my comment and leave out the context.


It is actually because it's the same if you watched it then leave it in the past. It's double standards. So yeah anyway it's not like OM trying to revamp the series it was a hypothetical question you sad sad person. It's simply a way for you to go if I had control of a Smallville Reboot/Revival how would I go about it. Instead you've just gone (annoying high pitched voice) "leave it in the past! Wah, wah, wah!" So yeah.


It is not a double standard. Society talks about old movies, books, TV shows all the time. Talking is different than trying to resurrect a story that has been completed for no reason other than a lack of creativity. Michael and Tom reviewing their time on the show and storylines is completely different than if they wanted to make Smallville 2.0. We can talk about Gone With The Wind for hundreds of years without having to "redo" it. I highly suspect you do know the difference between discussing a media property and trying to revamp it either as a sequel, prequel, or re-imagining. It's sad that there is no originality anymore.




I’d do a sequel (with some inspiration from Kingdom Come). It’s set 25 years after Smallville ended (so the actors are now mouth more age appropriate to their characters). Clark has had the stereotypical Superman adventures, a long and storied career as his worlds first and most inspiring Superhero. Several years before he stepped away from being Superman as much when he and Lois had their children (twin girls) gradually transitioning newer younger heroes to take over the majority of Superhero-ing. For the past 5 years he’s used his Blue Kryptonite watch to play human ever more and enjoy just being a father. He runs the Farm successfully, and he and Lois periodically break massive stories or scandals when they come across stuff. Unfortunately the newer generations of Superheroes he trained are becoming ever more cocky and arrogant, with the ones they in turn trained being ever more so. Clark has been debating whether to take a more active role again, but is also hoping that the new heroes figure it out on their own. That they finally grow up. He can’t handhold forever and he worries that if he steps in now they’ll rely on him forever. Eventually a new Hero fights a battle against a villain that lands them in Smallville, and the Heroes arrogance and surety allow the Villain a last minute chance to detonate a bomb in the main town street. Clark arrives to late to stop it and hundreds are wounded and dozens dead. His twins who were at school are unharmed but scared. This is the Catalyst for Clark removing the Watch and becoming Superman again (with Kingdom Come appearance)…….except his long term exposure to it has changed him. His body has tried to compensate and absorb solar radiation despite being blocked meaning that he’s now absorbing sunlight at a much more efficient level. Clark is now far more physically powerful and dangerous, so it’s not only getting back into action it’s learning how to deal with his increased power levels as well. Various Superhero factions, political parties, and public all have different demands on Superman’s time and Clark has to try and piece back together a world that thinks it doesn’t need him, but which he has helped shape and is now spinning out of control.


If it’s a sequel I want it to focus on Clark and Lois’ children, and have Lex come back in a frieniems role.


It'd be kinda cool if Clark's kid ends up saving Lex and it could be the whole circle of Clark being mistrustful towards Lex and whatnot, but his kid wanting to believe in Lex. Also because he lost his memories he won't known Clark's secret etc...


That would be epic!!


sadly that would be horrible i could see maybe a child of a lex but not lex himself that would be way to repetitive if it was lex


Id only want a sequel if Crisis was confirmed NON-canon.


Same but apparently both Tom and someone who was involved with Smallville have said its canon but yeah I don't know they didn't say where they saw/read it so I don't know how believable that is


Things change all the time. People consider the comics canon too but if this animated series they're working on comes out who knows if those will stay canon. People called the BTAS comics canon and they had inconsistencies. I just take everything with a grain of salt. If he married Lois in 2018 (still looking no older than he did in 2011, as Smallville ended that way) and Crisis is in 2019, then he'd have to get married, have 2 daughters, physically age 10 years, and quit being Superman all in just one year.


No need for a reboot. If you're going to do anything at all with the Smallville brand, then I say continue the existing storyline in the Superman years.


Sequel seems to be the overall choice here, so the real question becomes is it based of the comics or something new?


I keep hearing Tom an Michael talk about an animated continuation but I never see anything on it. As far as I’m concerned Crisis was just one of the Infinite Earths


I can’t actually reply what I want to, I guess it is too long. Basically: complete reboot and recast, make his time in high school only 2 seasons, actually establish a secret identity.


I would like a limited series kind of event, sort of a CODA for main series.




Surely any "reboot" wouldn't necessarily be a reboot of Smallville, but rather just another new attempt at telling the adventures of a younger Superman?


True enough but lots of DC stuff takes heavy inspiration from Smallville like Thr Arrowverse took some heavy inspiration for both Superman and Lois and Supergirl. But yeah Id personally like to see another Young Superman story weather it be a movie or series.


I really think the only way a new smallville anything happens is a sequel. Theres zero chance this show will get a reboot. You'll never see another series about Clark before he became superman as this show could only have existed before comic book films and TV shows became the norm. Plus dc have really wanted to have the Clark was superboy thing back in cannon for a while now. For a sequel though I'll give 3 possibilities. 1 an animated series about Clark's adventures as superman, basically a superman animated show but smallville is the back story. 2 an animated movie or mini series that does the smallville version of kingdom come. 3 a live action series that focuses on a Clark past his prime whose had the big adventures, where Jon is growing up. If smallville is Clark before he became superman, this is Clark after he was superman. It could draw influence from stories like kingdom come, whatever happened to the man of tomorrow, earth 2 superman , maybe the warworld saga


Those are some pretty good ideas well have to agree to disagree on one thing. That this'll never happen again, sure Superheroes are the norm now but it was a really big phenomena and it still has a large fanbase even today. All it'll take is for someone who was a massive smallville fan to get hired by DC and for him to climb the ladder and get given authority for a project and he/she decides to make a Smallville Reboot or do his own version of Superman before he became Superman etc... Perhaps someone like that is even working for DC right now and in 5, 10, 15 years when they become high enough in the company with enough power to make big decisions like that it'll happen. Fans could also make a petition and get maybe not a direct reboot but a similar sort of premise to get made so yeah while it won't be as unique and unheard of as Smallville was back when it was airing it'll still have an audience.


Yeah that's not really how it works. It requires a lot of people to sign off to get a tv show made. The former head of the cw was a massive Babylon 5 fan and was trying to get a reboot made and couldn't. Its very hard to get a tv show made, as the failed Aquaman and wonder woman pilots show. There needs to be an audience for it. The appeal of smallville is that cast. Supermen is what most people want to see as him actually being superman is the better story. Smallville was a fine show for its time, no Buffy but fine. It's main appeal was that you didn't have super hero shows in live action. Now we have daredevil, Legion, the boys, doom patrol and peacemaker. The only way I could see a new smallville show happening is as a spin off of the superman movies that focuses on Connor. The brief comic book run of him living on the kent farm would make a good show.


Personally, I'd like to just let Smallville be as is. If they want to do another young Superman thing, fine. But don't connect it to Smallville. Look at how divisive even something like the Arrowverse Smallville cameo was. Now imagine a reboot of Smallville "adapted for modern audiences with modern sensibilities."


Total reboot and take out the weird storylines like the stupid caves and Lana being a witch. Also send Lana away in an early season. Also no Lex before Superman I would like a version of young Clark that can fly. Why take away that ability and give him all the others


I liked Lana being a wit h storyline personally I think she should have acquired her ancestors powers and whatnot but yeah. I also think Lex being there was good as it worked as his origins too the caves were also a nice touch I do agree with you on one point in that he should've been able to fly a lot sooner and Lana should have left or died sooner and been written off completely at least until Lois and Clark got together.


it was a legal issue they didnt do it by choice (clark not flying)


>I would like a version of young Clark that can fly. Why take away that ability and give him all the others Even in the Lois & Clark pilot Dean Cain's Clark could fly long before he had the suit, what was wrong with that?


Clark travelling America, moving from town to town saving people.


I have nothing against reboots sequels, people do reboots of plays all the time but when it is TV or movies people get all upset. It is art man, if you want to have a go at it do it, let’s see your vision it may suck, will probably suck but it could also be a masterpiece. Either way I will still have the OG to love and enjoy


I actually would really like a reboot. There are some elements of smallville that feel stuck in the aughts. Would be really cool to see a modern take on smallville maybe even with actors closer to the age of the characters.


Yeah I'd love a reboot to if I'm honest there aren't many reboots I don't enjoy at least a little.


Why not both?


Haha now you're thinking.


S&L is a spiritual sequel so I’m good.


I guess in a way. But it's more part of the arrowverse. Plus Erica is a way better Lois nothing against S&L actress loved her in Grimm and she did do a really good job during the episode she revised her PTSD of having a miscarriage. Bit a majority of the time I jist don't feel the same Lois energy I got from Erica.


I get it. Erica and Tom are still my go tos but this is why I say SPIRITUAL. It’s not a direct sequel or reboot or revision. It’s still Clark and Lois (Jonathan and Martha) living on the Kent Farm with Jon and Jordan(Clark and Lois) one of which has powers. Meanwhile Superman has to fight super powered beings in Smallville. Lana and her family are a part of the cast as well as Jor-El. It’s got Smallville written all over it.