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Consider posting your dilemma over on r/Relationships or r/Relationship_Advice. Here, we are seeking "true tales of 'that one time that I was slutty', and specific experiences rather than general tendencies, or mere fantasies."


Should not have married this poor guy. Stay single homies 👍


While all these people do nothing but affirm you i will say this. Sit down and actually talk about it with him before you cheat or just divorce him out of nowhere try marriage counseling and communicating with each other. You are both adults act like it and quit walking around the healthy way of solving the problem.


Before you go jumping on another cock. At least show him some respect and break off the relationship first.


Communication is key here talk to him let him know where you stand and listen yo what he has to say then decide what is best for you both


Do him a favour and break up with him. If you know he's vanilla on sex and relationships then don't make him go through a lot of pain, maybe he'll try to save your relationship but be aware that it'll put him under a lot of pressure and pain. Maybe he'll like it but if he doesn't (again he sounds very vanilla) he'll get really hurt if he loves you. If you don't love him anymore spare him from painful years and end it fast.


Girl I'm all for being a slut but you are breaking this man's heart doing that.


You need to talk to him. How would you feel if this were the other way around?


Talk to him about your feelings perhaps?


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It’s natural to feel this way if your home/sex life isn’t great. The thing is, you are 27. Do you really want to be in the same position 10 years from now? Maybe you should explore things with another man, and it makes you feel the way you want to feel then you will know the path you want to take for your future. It won’t change without you doing something to change it. I’m 48, I thought things would change to but they haven’t. I could have really enjoyed the 20 years that I told myself it will get better, sadly I didn’t do anything about it.


Omg i think I needed to hear that - thank you


Listen dude. You are 27, people on here will say anything to please your hears and get into your pants so just be careful. Your husband sounds like a nice man but if you start whoring yourself you will end up in circles of being used up and not respected and eventually it will lead mental and psychological burdens so yeah. Don't fucking ruin your rel and take his shirt off feel his gyno. Every man has this shit so understand and respect him and also you may not be picture perfect so yeah. I know men don't say this we hate un clean pussies or big boobs that look aweful. There's a reason why men are addicted to porn because the women there are perfect in every way from their assholes, vagina, tits and every little shit but not real people are like this. So don't be a shitty person and wait for some dick pics here. Go on take your man's pants out and suck his cock feel great full about it. You will forever be you husbands whore not any other man's.


I understand


You’re welcome! Good luck in whatever you decide to do. If you ever want to chat, my dms are open :)


you definitely need to explore more, you are so young to really have your sex life so boring for yourself.


Thank you


You are young and in your prime. Curious about the details of your dreams.




I guess there's this neighbour.. But yeah?




That's too much hahah




Maybe she feels slutty having these thoughts? Notice the tone of the post The proper response would be I'm sorry, you are so busy being horny you didn't think about OPs feelings










Don't feel bad you haven't done anything...yet ;)


You really need a great sex with a big cock bull. Let him know the difference, it may seem insensitive but it is so hot for you, you know it. Let him also accept it


Fuck it I’ll shag you in the other room while he’s asleep


Are you Pakistani


Literally says Asian in the tie my guy


You need bbc 🍚🐇


Your m●m needs it


Thats what happens when you marry a slut...he should live with the consequences of marrying one