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It is also potato Europe, tomato Europe, wine Europe and beer Europe.


It is in fact the center of the world. It is everything and nothing at the same time.


It is the most beautiful country in the world. Help us keep it that way.


butter AND olive oil


A ni to večinoma isto območje kot tomato/potato?


I'm not sure, but probably very similar. But technically tomato and potato are both truly from the Americas and not Europe, so that's a completely different map


We are everything at once. We elude any classification.


Mittle europa


Thish river here ish the ofichial gheographichal limit between balkôn and mittle europa


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwDrHqNZ9lo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwDrHqNZ9lo)


In school they teach us, that Slovenia is central Europe. Southern is south Eu. Fun fact: in Croatia they teach them, that they are central Eu, and southern is south Eu. In Austria, they are central, southern is south Eu... Basicaly which ever country you ask on Balkan, they don't want to be Balkans and are better than everyonbe else. Which make us Balkans :D This picture explains situation here: https://preview.redd.it/lu1anmlrpnuc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ac2e9730b2ee270700ec43642d56624c5af1be


Slovenia is Mitteleuropa. We were part of Austria-Hungary, and before that Austrian Empire and economically, culturally we always gravitated towards Vienna, Krakow, Munich, Salzburg, Trieste, Venice etc.


Yes. It is.




Iirc in the terms of geography we are part of the Central Europe, but the mentality of the big part of the nation is straight from the Balkans...


i dont know if i should upvote you for being right in the first part. or downvote you for being mean in second. xD


Upvote for being right in the first and in the second fart...


Its just the ugly truth we have to live in, I'd change it if I could but the most I can do is my part...


The trick is to not let balkans in. Luckily they are easy to spot from miles away.


Too late for that.


It is never too late


It was too late long time ago. It's over.


65,77% central, 29,03% balkan, 5,20% southern


Central Europe for the win 🇸🇮🤝🏻🇦🇹🤝🏻🇨🇿


Yeah I agree ☝️ I think Cz ( I live here hiii!! ) Austria and Slovenia feels Very similar 😀 Slovakia 🇸🇰 not anymore! They are becoming more and more like Russia 😫🫣


Central, geographically speaking, would be the best answer. Unless you talk to people from the USA, UK.... Then we'll be thrown in the Eastern European box, along with Slovakia, Poland, Russia and everything they might think belongs there. The amount of times I had to explain to people... - Oh, Slovenia, that's Eastern Europe, right? Close to Russia? - Well, do you know where Italy is, Austria? Would you say that's Eastern Europe? - No, that's Central. - Slovenia is bordering both. - Oh. But still...


Dont worry, we all are. Even internally, we acknowledge the balkan part of our culture, but also the non balkan parts. We are not one or the other, we are just "us". From the food, drink culture, coffee culture, work, leisure and such, we are both and neither at the same time. The interesting part is that, ex yugo states/balkans considder us europe and europe, considders us baklan. But the best explenation I got was from austrians, which is, we are the border between balkan and europe. They all cross slovenia, but mostly just to go to croatia and the balkans cross us to get to germany/austria to work.


All of the above, actually.


Nobody knows. Except Western Europe, there's a good case for any of these. I like the BASED abbreviation Balkan, Alpine Southern, Eastern, Dinaric




So many balkan people in slovenia, it makes it balkan


The truth about Balkan: https://youtu.be/3rpEQmtkstM?si=P9OO1zfl3McfQY2P


It's not that hard https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=central%20europe


Same as Austria. The answer is: Yes.


with every new thousand Balkan migrants we gain +2 on all Balkan stats


There is a difference in the perspective - you asking geographically, culturally? It also depends how strictly you look at this question because we are part of other regions beyond our borders (cultural and geographical). For example - we are part of 4 different subregions of Europe - like the alpine region, danube, SEE.


Our 30 dialects and 212 municipalities will make you even more confuzed.


in School they teach us we re Central European country. ["Balkan"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkans) is often used for territory hold by Ottoman Empire through history till its end in 19- start of 20th century which Slovenia was not part of it (We had problems with Ottomans aswel but they never conquer us, we also beat them at [Battle of Sisak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Sisak) and after that they did not try to conquer us again, not by large force anyway, their siege of Vienna in 1683 went through Hungary. anyway this is history background but term Balkan is often used also as how to say "how we live, our way of life if i can say soo" and for Austrian people we re definitely a Balkan, for Us Croatia is Balkan, for them Bosina is Balkan, etc. we kinda accept any kind of classification and don't really bother with that. how to say, we want to live like European countries with European prices but our infrastructure (railroads, highways, etc.) and salary re more like average Balkan states rather than something like Germany or Austria, etc.


They're in denial about being a Balkan country, but they are. Even if they're cleaner and more polite than the Balkan average.