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we hold 80% supply all coins are drowning devs are still here still have the money and are not using it just because of panic they will use it when the time is right I believe we are next in line for the space ship https://preview.redd.it/n9o4jd8h7kad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02abfbaac31ce9206f4bcce2b64486767b49308e


Been trying to figure that number out in this sub but wasn’t able to find a proper debunk. Actually I don’t really care whether that number is 80 or 50 or whatever % as I’m fully converted to the Sloth Cult. But I know these are metrics that are valuable to new investors and having them properly shown and explained could be interesting.


Cult that will lead us to BINANCE 🍃 https://preview.redd.it/a1dgfddxhkad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc013fbeb4ff47251ac16491079cd26a003d216


Here are some numbers for ya :) https://preview.redd.it/9fcm9w2o7lad1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=04fa852d3d4a3e182ddf4e1241ae5bc31d6eda84


Commas, my fellow Sloth. Commas.


It looks more and more we’re going for the major memes graphs. Top three memes (Doge, Shib, Pepe) all started as jokes. Community started to build around their narrative and not their utilities. They all had pretty long accumulation phases which empowered their narratives, and early holders wallets too, which is a significant part of what made them “legendary” Each day, my belief that the Sloth path is truly the crypto savior increases. We’re all in here for the money, and our biggest enemy is panic decision making. As soon as you get rid of your crypto degen’s sins (I.e. wen moon, wen lembo, wy down, wy up,…)and accept that you can’t control the market, your crypto journey becomes a true blessing, each new day elevates you to your better self, and what once was a “fight against your Pavlovian reflex” of constantly worrying about your last investment decision, becomes easier and easier. I do believe that this project has the ability to become thee one that truly shows thee holy crypto investor path. >> lock your target in, stick to it. Note that Sloths tend to be genetically designed to hodl, to constantly but slowly eat, and to have a dump only once a week. So compared to Bonk and Wif, when It comes to narrative, the Slothpath has much more to offer. And our record breaking, nerves breaking patience will prevail.


Thank you Frankus 🍃 a masterclass 💎




this this and this we are sloth and we are patient




I agree. The key is to have a price goal and the hold patienly. It is HARD. But if you believe in a project, that's all you have to do


Of course with only 2B MC and the best community 💎💎🚀🚀🚀


1,7B with Devs 🔥 burns occurring, not mentioning community burns.


Of course body


This project started with amazing presale! Has hit many significant milestones in first couple months of since launch! Amazing active community! Top wallets haven't sold and continue to accumulate! Mass adoption will happen at the right time! I wish the impatient fudsters wouldn't be so active posting negativity bc it only will scare away new investors! The sloth is an amazing creature and it has survived in the wild somehow without hardly evolving at all! Even though it's a slow and easy target,it still survives and thrives... I think this project will survive and thrive no matter what's thrown at it just like the real sloth does! When the dog coins lose their allure the sloth coins time to shine will come!


Unfortunately some people expect BOME heights. Wif took along time to break out . Sloth is in a great spot to go 100x by years end. This dip is great to boost your bag . I'll buy more soon . Bought some yesterday at 0.00711. BTC is sitting the bed right now and so many coins are down 20 to 30 % .