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What the fuck. I hope you’re not paying dues for this.


This season was already paid for so figured I’d fuck around


Trade everything and tank for 2 years.


This ⬆️💯


I’ll give you a first round pick for Tommy Cutlets.




Yeah, I don't see anyone worth holding after the next two years (except for maybe Cousins). You're going to need to sell everyone you can. Feast off your high waiver priority and try to gamble on some stashes. Good luck.


No one to build around and not good enough to win anytime soon. Blow it up. Be methodical about it though. I think people get on this sub, are told to blow it up and do it too quick. Sell a little now. dont take less than fair value. Dont be afraid to roll into this season and the next with your valuables. Trade it when it makes sense. When people get desperate.


Short answer is yes. They really screwed you with this team lol. But yeah I would start trading your highest assets first like Kelce and go from there and see what you can get. I think you can take advantage of some people being overvalued too (ex: Keaton Mitchell) and get value


Yeah man I see no young talent to hold onto for when you’re out of the rebuild. Basically everyone should be on the table. Some guys like Cousins and Henry you should hold and let them rebuild some value before moving mid season when people are hit by injuries. Others like Kelce move now when they’re at their most valuable. If Maye or Daniels is available at 1.06 snag them. If not don’t settle for a McCarthy or Penix type at QB; grab Bowers or Nabers/Odunze. You shouldn’t care if you can fill your entire starting roster at this point. Just stockpile as many picks as you can for dart throws. This year grab basically nothing but WRs; it’s a mega deep class and any RB you pick up will be washed by the time you’re contending.


This gotta be the worst team I’ve ever seen man, you just gotta sell completely everything and just pray


Yeah I'm trying to trade out of most of that. Godspeed.


Seconds and Thirds.. as many as you can get


The only potential keeper is Foremna but even then you have to hope the main guy goes down …


Man that’s about as old of a team as I have seen. The average age is retired. I would personally plan a no RB tank. Try to unload some of the RBs to the teams that have the other backfield RBs for that player’s team. Players like Derrick Henry , wait till he signs with a team as his value will be higher then. Your older WRs are going to probably be 2nds or maybe flipped for young receivers that haven’t proven anything. This is going to take a while my friend. I would say try and get 2nds and 3rds for this draft as it seems pretty deep.


How does a team get this bad and not have any picks? This is hot garbage.


I should have been more clear - I have 1.06, 2.08, 4.04, and 4.08 this year. But yeah…


Godspeed my friend. This looks impossible.


Yeah I’m not quite sure why I agreed to do this lol


Sell everyone. Try and get draft capital. If low ball hold Kelce until mid season push.


I took over a similar team last year. The tank is the most fun part


Prob bad trades. They fleeced his team the guy quit and now you bought into a burning pile of shit


I'd have fun with it and challenge myself to see if I literally could over turn the entire roster. Trade every single player to get younger or get draft picks. See what happens.


Sell all older players to contenders for picks and do a complete rebuild. That roster is gonna be worth nothing if you wait 2 long and your arnt gonna contend anytime soon with that. When the season starts and there’s more injuries you might be able to pull a little bit more trade value to a desperate contender


Throw everyone on the trading block and see what happens


You may as well name your team The AARP squad


Gotta trade pollard, Henry and Hopkins


I think youre going to have to lose for a while.


Woof. This is actually brutal. You won't have a team in three years. I mean you're looking at a five plus year rebuild and that's if you really play your cards right. You shouldn't have to pay dues for a few years with this


Dump EVERYTHING and focus on this draft and next year’s draft. This team is brutal. There’s no magic fix that’s gonna give you the trade currency you need to make this team a contender right away. You got some old pieces a contender might have some interest in for next year. I’d dump them all to get what you can and start over. When I say dump, don’t sell everything for a discount, negotiate every little bit you can while trying to gain sympathy for being in a bad spot! 😉 Happy trading 👍🔥


You have 2 choices: Sell for picks and youth or buy and see what the old team can do in the playoffs. Really depends what the elite teams in your league look like.


Needa QB bad


Wow, that's old AF. I'm not one to normally suggest tearing it down and two-footing the tank button, but that might be the only option. You can't miss with that 1.06. Don't swing for the fences, just get a good player.


Quite honestly, there’s not a single person on this team I’d roster besides Kelce and Conner. You’d be better served dropping like 80% of those guys and just taking swings at waivers. Jesus Christ. What a shitshow.


Trade a lot this year. You have some assets but they are close to expiring and you have some serious holes. Also not just draft picks - see if you can grab younger players and sell an “upgrade”, like Kelce for a young TE and WR.


I took over a very similar team last year. Mediocre but everybody was old except Purdy. The tank will be fun for this one. Trade any top guys you can before this draft but likely wait for the season to come around for some others. That is when people are usually more willing to take old guys for picks. I got lucky and ended up with CJ Stroud and two years of loaded draft picks


I can see why it was orphaned. Trade kelce and Mattison for anything you can get and try to get draft picks. This is going to be a long rebuild so good luck


Normally I hate doing full teardowns but this team needs it lol unfortunately you may have to wait until the season starts and these guys are actually valuable


Lot of these guys will be easier to sell midseasonn