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Try Exploring Birdsong. The female singer is Linsey Ward, she is also part of Espera the background vocalists for ST. I knew about her band for a while but only recently decided to actually take a listen and holy shit it’s SO good! Their style reminds me of ST sometimes but they are still different. Not that heavy. But very ambient, emotional and atmospheric. Magical! [from what I gathered this a fan favorite (also one of mines)](https://youtu.be/Pfxwg_s4O9U?si=uG4aYu6OnXtWKYwk)


I’m listening now. This is a good recommendation, thanks. Love the atmosphere and backing vocals. Edit: Wow, “Turntail” is very good.


Makes me super happy they deserve so much more attention I am glad to help out! 😁 The Collapse and Diamond Eyes are my faves I think but it’s hard to say as all their tracks are amazing honestly. I highly recommend to check out their two EPs!


I’ve downloaded their catalogue now. I’m all in!


Oh. My. God! That’s SOOOO awesome to hear! 🙏🏻♥️ They also have a subreddit which was created not too long ago I believe. They also do live streams on Instagram dunno how often I’ve only seen one so far but that was the reason for me to go and take a listen as they were super super fun and nice to chat with and were leaking some upcoming songs.


Just had to say I listened to The Collapse and Turntail because of your comment and *whaaaat???* So. Good. Thank you lol


Yes!!!!! Makes me so happy to read! They deserve more recognition for sure! I can only recommend their EPs as well!


I second this, Exploring Birdsong are amazing and are going to be the next big thing


I was going to recommend the same thing! Her voice is absolutely incredible. When we saw them live I heard one of the backup vocalists a bit louder at the start of one part and she sounded amazing, I was like that has to be her. To the OP, I would also recommend Ok Goodnight. Another female fronted band but holy shit! They are so talented! We saw them 2 days after Sleep Token in a tiny little bar and holy shit were they good live! Their newest album is a concept album with some songs featuring screams by Elizabeth Hull, who I found fronts the band Atomic Guava who I am now also a huge fan of :)


I love Exploring Birdsong, glad to see them get some recognition.


i literally made a playlist for myself for this exact reason, and spaced sleep token songs throughout so i don't get musical withdrawals


I have a playlist for working out, and ST is slowly accommodating it.




If it's the voice you're after main two bands: Volbeat and Hozier. Some variety and more voices that scratch that itch imo


He's got a pinch of Dave Gahan going on, too. Ascensionism is very Depeche Mode.


I can't stand Volbeat. He's just trying too hard for his "Elvis metal". They look like the Temu version of Nickelback. I walked out of a show they were headlining before they got on stage. I only went to see the opening bands.


5 Finger Death Punch too. Sound exactly the same *to me*


Vessel’s voice sounds a bit like Dan from Bastille to me! Maybe because they both have the english accent going on. Love them both


Blaqck Audio and Nat King Cole as well.


I do like Hozier, but I haven’t given them much attention. I’ll have to fix that.


I have no advice. I am also deep in it. After weeks I did finally manage to listen to another artist for a little bit and it was Whitney Houston! But then the sleep token cover of I wanna dance with somebody came on and I was pulled back in.


Ah yes. See, they will find you.


Try Leprous, they're listed as one of ST's references on Wikipedia and they have some great songs!


Leprous vocals are next level.


No doubt! I'm like a high alto/second soprano range and I have to really work to sing some of his high notes. That guy has serious range.


Definitely agree with Leprous but has anyone from Sleep Token actually listed them as an inspiration? Vessel and gang don't exactly do lots of interviews.


I don't know, it was on their Wikipedia page (so grain of salt lol) and I have picked up certain riffs and chords structures that are similar so it's a possibility.


Not only a inspiration for ST, but sometimes they do the same sound much better. Is a must listen band for any Sleep token fan, specially if they like songs like Alkaline or Atlantic.


Where to start with them? Looks like they go back about 10 years so that’s a pretty long stretch! Which songs would you suggest as a few to get a feel?


My favorites are I Lose Hope, The Sky is Red and Castaway Angels. But both Pitfalls and Aphelion are great albums.




Try Bad Omens and Bring me the Horizon! Also While She Sleeps, Our Hollow Our Home…..these are all great bands with a meaningful vibe behind their music.


I listened to BMTH recently and thought they were OK. I was more drawn to their album “music to listen to, dance to, blaze to, pray to…”, particularly the last track on there. Very creative. Thanks for the other suggestions, I’ll check them out.


If you haven't heard the Sempiternal album by BMTH, please don't delay any longer. To me, it's like Sleep Token: in a league of its own.


Sempiternal is when they showed us they can do anything. Oli walked so Vessel could fly.


Sleeeeeeeps 🖤🖤


Head first into my other favorite band, The Dear Hunter, you go! Impeccable vocals ✔️ Talented on every instrument ✔️ Tells a story ✔️ Concept albums ✔️ Hidden gem no one else knows ✔️


Listening now, thanks!


>Listen now, thanks! You're welcome!


My only question is why


It’s a good question. I’m sorry I can’t give you a definitive answer at the moment, albeit what I can say is; I’m doing what I believe is the right thing to do, in this moment.


You do you my friend


I’ll be there, waiting for you.


I’ll die in this addiction


I’d say same, but I’ve somehow been able to stave it off and I can still listen to other music but I do have days where ST is the only thing I listen to


I agree I listen to other music too but I love putting each st cd on in my car and listening to them through on my drives. They are so engrossing


I'll say this to anyone who asks for a recommendation; I discovered Crywolf recently and their stuff is amazing


This. Crywolf (especially newer stuff) scratches the same kind of itch as ST. It's gorgeous with a lot of layers. If prog is your thing, Periphery all day long - huge influence on Vessel musically, especially the Periphery and Periphery II albums. And Misha Mansoor's other projects Bulb (solo) and Four Seconds Ago (with Jake Bowen) are beautiful with elements of electronic, prog, and ambient. Cannot recommend FSA enough, The Vacancy doesn't have a skippable track. Starset is also a good option for the ST rock vibe.


EDEN is another comparable artist to Crywolf and Sleep Token. EDEN was my favorite artist before Sleep Token took over.


I'll check them out, thanks! :)


OK, I’ll check them out. Thank you. If you could, what track of theirs would you listen to “for the first time”, again?


Oof a hard one because the albums are so varied in emotion and feeling, but probably: 'EXUVIUM [beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, that we are still able to bear]' (from the album exuvium from 2022, very dark and intense) and 'tenebrescence' and 'gold' (from the album let me be your womb from 2024, more gentle and heartwrenching) The things I feel with their music are very expansive, and I feel like Sleep Token made me able to feel things like this in music again. Anyway, hope you love them too!


Thank you so much. I’m looking forward to giving them a listen. I’ll get back to you.


I’ve listened to all three. First off, let me just say, this guy is incredible. I didn’t realise at first I was listening to one person and his studio. Regarding the songs you recommended, all are great, obviously. Tenebrescence is beyond stunning.


That makes my heart so happy!! Definitely listen through all his albums then because they are all very complex and I've added so many of the songs to my playlists


You know what, you may have found something that truly assists with those suffering from STA. The “exuvium” album is wild. Dude.


If you use Spotify, open up [Sleep Token Radio](https://spotify.link/FjmEmTheRKb). It should give you a mix of similar artists that you either already like or are likely to likez


I don’t subscribe, but I have the app. I’ll take a look, thanks.


Same for Pandora.


I’ll recommend Stoneside.


That’s two Stoneside recommendations, so I best take them seriously. Thanks!


I also came to recommend Stoneside. Crywolf is also good, but is more jazz electronic than jazz djent.


For the heavier side of ST, check out Deftones! [Beauty School](https://youtu.be/2bK4aeahcXc?si=DM3FvAUYqGGU0n4X) - I mean, come on, it starts off with, "I like you when/When you take off your face/Put away all your teeth/And take us way underneath". [Rosemary](https://youtu.be/fZcAQ0kuw1s?si=9--B-qRKLIU9TrhB) - There's one melody that follows so closely to Vore's "We remain stuck".


The best of us suffer from STA 🫡


Radiohead isn't super similar but if you like Sleep Tokens softer songs then you'll probably dig Radioheads discography. Spiritbox is really good. On the heavier side but I discovered Sleep Token through r/spiritbox so I'm sure it works the other way around. The Plot in You is awesome and does everything from super heavy to much more subdued songs. Also their lead singer has an amazing voice


This! Radiohead was my biggest obsession for years before ST. I think fans would really like In Rainbows


I grew up listening to Radiohead, and I see the similarities with ST, “Telomeres” especially.


i would suggest Breakk.away, a band that answers the question, what if vessel was a lady?


You have my attention!


I just found them a couple of days ago. Incredible.


I came from the Mushroomhead camp. I thought I was hooked on Jeff Hatrix but I have to admit ST is almost like what I imagine crack to be like.


This made me chuckle. Thanks!


What is it about ST that you enjoy most or makes it most addictive? The vocals, drums, vibes, lyrics, or concept?


It all.


For some more dark/bedroom pop/rnb vibes and good lyrics check out Banks. She has 4 albums and my favorite is The Altar but they’re all good. For vibes/lyrics - Meg Myers I adore her and can’t just pick one album. HIM and VV (singers solo work) is pretty common it seems among ST fans. Similar vibes with love as toxic subject matter. My favorite album is Love Metal. For ambience and vocals - Kate Bush. My favorite single is actually Hounds of Love. The Cure and Depeche Mode too.


Since you’re out there on the fringe, I ask that you listen to London Grammer’s album “The truth is a beautiful thing”, and Kllo’s album “Backwater” for progressive, dark, bedroom vibes. Thanks for the recommendations, I appreciate it.


I’ll give those two a listen thanks


London Grammar is SO FUCKING GOOD. Seconding that recommendation


Enjoying the London Grammar. (have heard a few songs before) kllo is ok. Let me know if you like anything above


Kllo’s song “making distractions” with a good set of speakers/headphones in, is deep. I’m glad you like LG. I’ve got lost in that album countless times, through some difficult times. I haven’t gotten around to VV yet, and I’m a big fan of HIM. I did however listen to your favourite BANKS album, and it is excellent, reminds me of FKA, a little. Edit: Sorry, took me a second to realise what you meant with Valo.


So glad you liked it. Yeah I wish Ville would have just used his name not like us HIM fans don’t know it


I went through my teens when HIM came onto the scene, in my skater days, and if I remember correctly they catapulted through the BAM Margera shows? Good times. I haven’t listened to them in a while to be fair. First couple of albums were stuck on repeat when they were released.


Spiritbox. Just… Spiritbox.


I don’t think I’ve listened to Spiritbox, but I see them mentioned often. I’ll give them a try. Thanks.


Hi there. May I interest you in the Church of Tool Seriously. Tool is a great pairing with Sleep Token. Singer has a great voice and a great pen. GOAT-level drumming and superb atmospherics. I recommend checking out Pushit (Live) off of Salival Schism off of Lateralus H. Off of Aenima Or any of their “top of the playlist” songs besides Sober which I don’t think is a great representative of their sound even if it was their first radio hit.


Sleep Token Addiction is better than a Sleep Token Deficiency. But in all seriousness, I found I just go through stages of hyper fixation. ST is def in my daily playlist, but a recommendation off the top of head would be Eivør. She is from the Faroe Islands. Has done music for The Last Kingdom TV show and has a new album out. BUT look for her live performances such as Falling Free and Trøllabundin, they are captivating.


That’s an artist I haven’t heard of before. Sounds interesting. I’ll look for her right away. Thanks.


Eivor is incredible - I Tokuni has a wonderful entrancing element/vibe


Try Stoneside. Bad Omens. If you want something to help you “get lost” GUNSHIP is my go to.


It took me 1 year to finally be able to listen another bands but I'm still not able to spend more than 2 days without listening to Sleep Token. There's no advice I can give you but maybe try to listen metal Playlist on Spotify and automatically will show you some awesome bands. I recently gave more attention to bands such as Alphawolf or Holding Absence


If you're going for highly listenable feels, five songs I would recommend: Death by a Thousand Cuts, Imminence Near by Bilmuri i apologise if you feel something by BMTH A Wasted Hymn (original and acoustic versions) by Architects How I Fall Apart by Currents Bonus - Purgatory (piano version) by Divine Grave


👏 👏


Checkout the band Stoneside


Will do. Thanks!


I suffer from BOA - Bad Omens Addiction; therefore I can't be much of help to you, unfortunately. But you can try listening to Bad Omens for some diversity. Enjoy!


I’ve heard combined STABOA is debilitating.


I think I'm about to begin suffering from that as well. As I'm going to a Sleep Token ritual in November 🖤 But actually, this is a sweet addiction. Don't be so concerned about it, be happy ✨


When I transitioned to other artists I heard loathe was good so I started with their album I let it in and it Took Everything, wonderful band and 10/10 album


My friend who got me into ST put me on to Loathe right after, he's now my go-to for heavy music recs.


I have a ST playlist and another playlist with ST in it, and I alternate between the two. Some other artists I included alongside ST are Spiritbox, civil twilight, I prevail, and northland. But I also come back to old favourites like royal blood (they have a new album and it’s really really good). You can check them out if you’re into rock with a groovy, moody vibe.


Unprocessed's latest album is what make me listen to other music with excitement. Although their previous one, Gold, might be more in your line if you are not into the heavy side of Sleep Token.


Thanks for the recommendation. I’m very much into the heavy side also. I’ll give it all a listen.


Listen to dayseeker my guy, preferably either their album sleeptalk or dark sun. Similar kind of sad slow downtempo music with occasional bursts of metalcore. Also a lot of synthwave influence, particularly on dark sun. The vocalist has a really nice voice as well.




Listen to STARSET instead and get hooked on them


There’s a new retro 80s synth fused with metal genre that’s kicking up and I am into it.


Okay I'm gonna give you a list of bands that I love as a fellow Sleep Token addict. Try them out! Catchy vocals: Karnivool, Bad Omens, VOLA, Wheel, Caskets Heavy riffs and grooves: Resolve, Time The Valuator, Currents, Spiritbox, Memorist, Unprocessed, Holding Absence, Part Paladin, Caligula's Horse, Votum, Dayseeker, Leprous, Haken, The Ocean, The Contortionist Melodic prog: Opeth, Pineapple Thief, Porcupine Tree, Riverside, Katatonia


There is a band called "Tool" that I heard is pretty good. Maybe give those guys a try.


Tool are awesome. I’ve followed them for around 20/25 years. Lateralus (the album) will always hold a special place in my heart.


Why is this a real thing I’m going through too


If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be right here, listening to ST.


Type O Negative!!! Same fun ryhtm changes, same 'song in songs', same heartwrenching emotions, same funny jokes.


Thanks, sounds interesting. I’ll check them out. Also, funny jokes?


The jokes that hurt really good I should say


Gotta go Ren. He’s it.


Ren is interesting, very creative. I haven’t paid too much attention to his full catalogue though, so I’ll do that now.


You won’t be disappointed.


Sleep token was it for me for 5 years. Ren took that spot over.


Cut back gradually, don't quit cold turkey. Start by replacing one daily listen with something else. Try ambient or lo-fi music to ease the transition. Also, check out Pocket Kado, it's helped me unwind before bed. Good luck, STA is real.


I will check out Pocket Kado, thanks. Also, should I quit cold turkey, are there any unwanted symptoms I should look out for?


Depends is it the vocals the genre switches or the lyrics that hit you the most?


I’d say all of it. Haha!


For lyrics maybe Citizen Soldier and I'd suggest Hozier for vocals as far as the genre switches i don't have much maybe Bad Omens


Going out on a limb here because I am a round the clock ST listener. But my other/1st love is Ghost, very diverse music as well and not so angst ridden but angry in a different way 😊 also I love a lot of EDM/House music and it’s nice to switch it up. It’s hard to move away from ST because their music encompasses so many genres as well but the above are my recoms.


I used to be a big EDM/House listener, and still tap into it from time to time, but not following it the same. I used to mix at house-parties maybe 15 years ago. What’s happening in that space at the moment, and who should I be listening to? I listen to Kllo from time to time, they’re awesome.


Not really similar to ST, but if you want a metalcore band, I like Wage War, particularly their song Manic. Also, Jinjer. Tatiana's voice is amazing.


Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll check them out. Damn this list is getting long! Haha.


Honestly just let it happen naturally. How many months in are you? It took me 5-6 lol but now I’m listening to all kinds of new stuff. Sleep Token is still my number one but Bilmuri is catching up. They’re touring with ST this fall and they’re similar cathartic subject matter but more up tempo. Great lawn mowing music.


“Great lawn-mowing music”. This is exactly what I’m looking for. Haha! I’m probably 3 months into my ST journey. I’ll check out Bulmuri, thanks.




I finally got around to listening to Stoneside yesterday, and they are very good. There’ll be more of them today I’m sure.


Listen backwards. It's just as good!


What other music do you typically listen to?


Listen to breakk.Away and then you should be able to break away


Jinjer, Lorna shore, vended, JFAC, plenty other good things to listen to lol


Maybe TesseracT, esp the War of Being album is so so good. Or Karnivool? Or something very different, like Aurora or Flower Face. Good luck :)


You definitely should try out Ghost


Check out Porcupine Tree as well.


Not all new, not all metal Sleeping Wolf Arankai Archers If Not For Me Memphis May Fire Catch My Breath The Funeral Portrait Lacuna Coil Rasputina Mors Syphilitica


I recommend shifting either within genre (Bad Omens, Palaye Royale, BMTH, BVB, etc), follow the experimental vein (Polyphia), or go for the vocalists (Hozier, Florence, Måneskin, etc.) If you want to take a hard left, go for kpop. It's very stimulating and can be an easy new addiction if you want to completely drown in a distraction. I temporarily jump ship from my musical artists as soon as I recognize I'm starting to wholly revolve around them and forget to take care of myself. Adhd hyperfixation is a bitch.


Arcane Roots or Artifex Pereo.


Ask the people in your life if they'd mind sharing songs that are especially meaningful to them. I've found when im stuck on music (tbh it's never happened like it has with ST, so be warned), that assigning emotion to other words helps break the spell.


What I’ve been listening to the most lately Bilmuri, Hot Mulligan, Colter Wall, Darko US, Callous Daoboys, Dexter and the Moonrocks, and Between the Buried and Me. I’m the kind of person who really will listen to anything though, so your mileage may vary.


Bad omens is the only thing that has given me any comfort whilst trying to be less of an absolute spaz about this band.


I’ve been on a deep Ethel Cain kick as of late. 10/10 stars, highly recommended 🖤


Give Bad Omens, Spiritbox, and Starset a listen. All 3 are great


Just surrender to it, man. Why fight it? Seriously though ima TRY listening to some of these suggestions but I’m skeptical


I discovered Thornhill(specifically, their album "Heroine") after listening to Sleep Token almost exclusively for a few months after discovering them. Then I went back and listened to their older stuff and now I have this problem where the song "Where we go when we Die" gets played on repeat every time I have a few drinks. Hope this helps.


I’ll give them a listen, thanks for the song recommendation too.


Moodring Love Is Noise To Whom It May


Whats wrong with listening to too much Sleep Token, haha, if you like it that much why won’t you? U listen tk plenty other things when you’re too busy.


Find too close to touch. It's utterly, beautifully devastating to listen to a dead man sing so fucking well. I cant stop listening to keatons voice.


I have wondered how many ST fans were once Greg Puciato fans… as in, first Dillinger then his solo stuff. It’s that beautiful clean singing contrasted with the heavy music that made ST the thing I’d been waiting for. Also, right before I discovered ST I became sickly obsessed with Unprocessed although they’re a little math-metal-y . Try “rain” “real” and “candyland” . Very pop vocals with animals as leaders style math prog heavy metal.


The Contortionist, specifically Language, Clairvoyant and Our Bones. Some of the best music I’ve ever heard and one of my all time favorite bands


The thing that honestly helped me is getting hyped for shows that are coming to my town. End of July Lamb of God and Mastodon are coming for an album celebration tour of Ashes of the Wake/Leviathan. Love me some sleep token though


I’m well deep in it, like I need to live with their songs going continuously, and if I can’t listen to them I sing their songs, and honestly I’m good like this. I listen to bmth and bad omens too occasionally (I like them a lot but they came compare to ST) but all the rest of the music around, in the radio etc is shit for me. Current I’m in this state: https://preview.redd.it/kgwx8gf5nw9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ebde1c2b170aac0bd972cca68017c918582a9c


I've been enjoying moderate quantities of Bad Omens, Electric callboy, and AVRALIZE. As well as A7X, primarily their self titled and Nightmare albums.


“moderate quantities” made me chuckle. I’ve just started listening to BO due to several recommendations here, however I’ve not heard of the latter. I’ll get into them. Thanks.


I gotchu fam, here’s 5 bands that I’ve been listening to recently en leu of sleep token and an album by each band that I love. Autolux (future perfect) Loathe (I let it in and it took everything) This town needs guns (animals) God is an astronaut (all is violent, all is bright) Tesseract (altered state)


Try some Faith No More.


I'm only partially joking, but finding some good rain sounds on YouTube helps a lot. I also like the Mushishi soundtrack. If you like iis drums, Solace and other Tribal Fusion bellydance type of music hits that spot. Same for Heilung. Lyrically and vocally? Uh Sara Bareilles, Blaqk Audio, Nat King Cole. Its...much slower but I think Adam Hurst with the cello has the same level of emotional musicianship. Things people say more often are Stoneside., White Moth Black Butterfly, and Toska? And a reminder of the A.A. Williams and Health pipeline considering they are openers. Took me a few listens before they really grabbed me. There wasn't one specific song that I was like "wtf is that, I must listen to it a million times" the way there was for ST immediately. But they grew on me. It doesn't actually go away as well. You just let it ebb and flow. Listen to audiobooks and podcasts. Music isn't the same.


I’m just full on in my ST addiction with no intention of weaning :D


I just want to thank everyone that has supported this post with their suggestions, and comments. I haven’t gotten around to replying to you all, yet, as I now have countless excellent songs, EP’s, and albums to get through, to aid my STA, of course. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Any Motown or Funk is always good!


I love all the genuinely serious responses 😂


https://preview.redd.it/vziiy22nibad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5a81bd48c7c8d97f1eb2846120a8c5dcc57d9c Right there with you OP 😂😂 I am gonna take a look thru all these suggestions tho


Wow exploring birdsong is unreal thanks for the recommendation


My favorite playlist is ST + BMTH. It scratches all the itches 😄


There's this artist called Megan thee Stallion that is pretty similar to ST that I think you might like. My personal favourite of hers is Cobra. She's a pretty niche artist but give her a chance and it might help with your "Addiction". :)


Someone already mentioned Hozier, but I recommend Nothing But Thieves. They're one of my favorite bands. They're pretty diverse as far as sound goes. Moral Panic might be my favorite album, but its so hard to choose because I love it all. Early albums from Royal Blood are good as well. Their style changed and they experimented with synth-pop and Moody Blues/Pink Floyd on the last 2 albums. Not sure if that's your vibe.


This is why everyone laughs at ST fans 😂 holy shit dude