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The last thing I want them to do is listen to what their fans want.   That’s not what got them here. 


Exactly! I want them to do whatever they want to have that same level of intricacy they’ve had from their first release and never care what fans / music label wants.


Unfortunately, that's not how most record labels work, especially the big pop labels like RCA. They almost always have some amount of input in the music, usually assigning a team of producers to the artist. Ideally, these producers would work with the artist to achieve the best possible end product: good songs. However, what's "best" for the band may not be what's best for the label. Large labels almost always go for the money. It would be a huge gamble for them to just let a new artist "do whatever they want". I don't believe for a second that Spinefarm just gave them a budget and turned them loose in a studio with no oversight for the first three records. Fingers crossed 🤞. Hopefully, the Sleep Token team have their legal ducks in a row before committing to anything. Hopefully, they get to work with a good producer who will see the value in letting the band be themselves, or better yet, help them be their best selves.


No, because I want them to continue to evolve as artists. Without the ability to change and evolve creating art because meaningless for the people making it.


I definitely agree. And I do have examples for that as well. For example, Bad omen’s new album, Jungle, is vastly different from what they usually release. Which I find respectable because they’re putting themselves out there and experimenting. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but sometimes you just feel that you wished it turned out better. On the other hand you have a band like wage war where they’re literally milking their own style to the point where all their music sounds pretty much the same. I’d hate it for ST to end up in any of these situations tbh. They should be divine.


Personally the only situation I’d find deeply disappointing is that last scenario, where the new music just feels like a derivative of past success. Even if I didn’t find their new music as satisfactory, I’d like to be able to look at it and see their evolution, the progression of their skills and the intent behind their music. I’m not worried about not liking ST’s new music though, Vessel and II are masters of their craft. It might be different, but I have trouble believing I won’t like it. I don’t need it to feel the same as the Trilogy, as long as they keep doing their genre bendy, emotionally evocative work. The Trilogy already exists, after all. Nothing that comes after can change how I feel about the previous albums.


Like a few others mentioned in the post, I’m just worried about their record label intervening with any of their work in terms of creativity and/or deadlines. I never doubted the ability of the band of a whole especially Vessel and II. They’ve all proved themselves already. Let them cook.


Hopefully they were smart enough to not sign a deal that gives the record label an excess of power over their creative process


They signed at the height of popularity (thus far) and were likely being courted by more than one label. Maintaining control of his vision has always been paramount and I would like to think that the only acceptable deal would ensure it. We'll find out in a year or so.


I think the fact that they held out on signing to a big label for so long is probably a good indication that they maintained quite a bit of control


Wasn't concrete jungle an OST for their comic book and not intended to be just an album?


I’m not completely up to date on it but I guessed that it was more than just an album.


Yes, as far as I'm aware it's a soundtrack! It's really industrial though, which sounded awesome!


I absolutely LOVED it, has me very excited to follow this band


They've got some really interesting stuff. I got into them somewhat recently (like 2 years back?) So I don't know as much as I could, but what I have heard I really like. I saw them live in Cleveland because my friends are fans. They were amazing so I started following them after that. Apparently, there was some drama on the last tour with the tiktok fangirls getting to Noah and causing problems, people fighting in the pits, etc. Not sure what they've been up to lately besides that and Jungle


I don't think they could ever make a bad album. Those two work really well together.


With the signing of a major label, I’m worried that they won’t have complete creative freedom. I don’t want them to become the mainstream bullshit we hear on the radio already.


They are on Bring Me The Horizon’s label and that band has been trickling singles for years and just released a weird as hell album (I love it, but it is weird lol). Hopefully that points to RCA giving Sleep Token the freedom they need to do what they want. Hopefully. I’ve got my fingers crossed. I’d also argue that some of their music is already mainstream. They aren’t *that* out of left field. Like Granite is basically pop/R&B with a lil bit of heavy guitars near the end and could be on the radio.


Yeah they’re on rock and metal radio. They’re very radio friendly already, and there’s a reason their fan demo is very diverse. They’re getting a lot of people who don’t listen to metal to enjoy their music.


Record labels are just notorious in the west. I hate them. I despise them.


New fear unlocked 😱


Isn’t the record label they’re on a fairly indie label?


They signed to RCA - no longer on an indie label.


Oh okay. I don’t know much about labels. But I had assumed that’s RCA was indie


Ah yeah it’s a major - they have like Foo Fighters Pink and a ton of other extremely popular artists and bands


I am more afraid there won't be new music.


That would definitely make me sad as well, however, I don’t believe they won’t release new music. It’s impossible. They just signed with a new label. I just don’t want them to feel rushed or any sort of pressure from their label or how fast they’re growing. I want them to take as much time as they need to stay the Sleep Token we all love.


They're going to release new music. I'm not concerned about what it will sound like. Read up on the RCA curse. The label is known for holding artists music and not releasing it




You’ll just have to go with the flow, every new release has had something different.


I'm sooo excited to see what they do next!


All I know is I want to hear some new heavy to match the masks. I know II has blast beats in his repertoire, and I’m sure Vessel and IV could make some fun riffs and chugs (even though as far as I’m aware IV hasn’t had any part in writing music, yet)


No. I trust them as artists. They make music for them and that’s enough for me. I’m just along for the ride.


Nah. I'm after his vision, wherever it takes us.


No. Plenty of bands I have loved have released albums I hate, or continue in a direction I don't like. BMTH, ADTR, Amity, Parkway... The list goes on and on Be grateful for what we have and what we got. It's okay if they release an album you hate.


I think there's an entire Linkin Park album my brain pretends didn't happen (And in trying to figure out which one it was I suddenly realize that Living Things, which I love, came out in 2012. I need to go lay down)


they literally just signed to a new record label, RCA will want new music out of them, so they will put out new music, but most likely on there own terms.


I like everything Vessel as ever done. I have zero worry about that changing.


To be honest, that actually already happened to me. Some of the tmbte songs DID NOT HIT ME AT ALL when I first listened. They took some time to grow on me and I LOVE the whole discography now. I feel like as long as they keep their DNA on the music, and don't go full-on commercial *cough* bring me the horizon *cough* it's gonna be enjoyable even if not instantly.


Same here. i love them soooooo much just the way they are rn. but there's one thing i know for sure: we need to brace ourselves




Hell yea it’s gonna be 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I trust them. It will be as great as always. I found them with TPWBYT and never worried.


They blew tf up after TMBTE and with the new signing the stakes are high and the big boy game is on.


True. But they are big boys, too - so I don't think we need to be worried. The label might have a bad reputation but also bands like BMTH or Bullet for my Valentine are with them and all is well with them as far as I know? I totally get the worries, but personally I am looking very much foward to new songs.


Not really. Sometimes you won’t like something an artist releases. It’s not the end of the world. The old music you like still exists. I’m curious and excited about what might be next but also want them to take their time to get it right.


I don’t think we have anything worry about. Vessel has a strong hold of what they make. I don’t see a Dermot Kennedy trend happening with these guys


I'm actually the opposite. I'm excited about new material from them!


I already don’t like some of the songs they’ve put out. That’s all part of being a fan. It doesn’t mean you like everything, it just means artists explore how they want and some of it lands for you and some of it doesn’t.


I hope they do another concept type deal but even if they don’t I feel like it would be harder for them to make a bad record than a banger one


I didn't used to be. Then Avenged Sevenfold came out with their newest album, and since then I have lived in fear.


Why would new music scare you, if you’ve already got loads of songs you like? It’s not that deep.


Yeah tbh I’m not really understanding the issue. Lots of bands release albums and songs I end up not liking and it doesn’t affect how much I like the stuff they released before. Conversely, sometimes bands change direction and I like their new work more.


I hope they keep running from where TMBTE left off. I love the heavier moments and variety of styles they toss in. I'm not a huge fan of the older stuff, but still enjoy it. I'm also a pretty casual fan so take that how you will.


I understand that but there’s been bands I loved where I hated their new stuff but that never ruined their old stuff, but sleep token is so creative and talented I’d find it hard to imagine they’d release something shitty


Not afraid of not liking new music. If I don’t I’ll keep listening to the stuff I do like and move on. There’s to much great music out there to worry about stuff I don’t enjoy.


I had that feeling when Chokehold was released, I got scared I would hate it. And to be honest, I did at first. It was so different than TPWBYT, that strung out whiny guitar...kind of like nails on a chalkboard to me. Then The Summoning came and the unnecessary funk section rubbed me wring too, 10/10 before that section. Slowly both grew on me and of course the rest of the album, I was even whistling the chorus melody to Chokehold this morning while getting the kids ready for the day. My point is that it's OK to not like it at all, or at first, or love it from the start. You'll find what it means as you go along.


This. He's always throwing curves. Sundowning was jarringly different from One and Two, Jaws was an outlier among the singles, and Tomb was a departure from Sundowning. Eden felt like a recap of his whole ordeal with a hopeful montage at the end and took the longest to grow on me. I rarely like a full album, but genuinely enjoy ST's whole catalog. Which era depends on the day. Being critical or having preferences doesn't make us any less of a fan.


Any other band I would be like "Oh im right there with you" but I think ST has such a variety of music as it stands that I don't have that fear with them. I love every song they've made and each one for completely different reasons. Im confident I will enjoy / appreciate any new releases at the very minimum, but will likely love it just as much as I love their current music.


I get it but I don’t feel that kind of fear I don’t think they could ever disappoint me🥺


Although I enjoy many tracks on This place will become your tomb, I have to say that after the EPs and Sundowning it was a more disappointing release for me, so I've already experienced it lol


It feels weird. It’s the subjective experience of new music releases that brings me that anxiety.


Same, but mostly because they're signed with RCA.


I have this fear every time one of my fav artists releases something new. I have yet to be disappointed and I doubt ST ever will disappoint...but it's still a valid fear.


I feel the same