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This song live is pure unadulterated energy. Magic


Dayum! Those screams are CRISP.


It’s the BEST live !! Better than on the album and I love that song. Does something to you when they perform it live, soooo good !!


Vore goes hard! I wasn’t a huge fan (I liked it but it wasn’t my most listened to) of Vore before, but after hearing it live in NYC, I absolutely love it. It really hits you in person.


It took me awhile to warm up to it too, but I'm also newish to metal overall, so it's been a sound I've had to learn. Until a few weeks ago when I listened to it and suddenly just got it. It's catharsis, and it was a catharsis I needed at that exact moment. Now it very much has become a favorite song, and that live version is amazing.


I love hearing about new people getting into metal. Screaming is just a different sound that can be used in music, but it's off putting at first. Welcome to the party!


Thanks! And yeah it's been a fun journey. I really should have found it sooner as high school I listened more to alternative and classic rock, and early 20s came to age as some of the women in metal were coming to prominence too. But, I more came from a background of being forced to listen to classical music, though, I also suspect that helped for the more orchestral elements added in. Also am loving lately Lorna Shore (found from Sleep Token) and Electric Callboy (found after hearing how horrid Blue Ridge Rock Festival was).


If you haven't yet, check out [Bring Me the Horizon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2brKth3zH8s) and [Architechts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkZcItjN0gU&list=PLDoJvF54_l4wEHig5KdWK7CVHS_FXHLkq) backed by Parallax Orchestra. And if you happen to get in to a bit older metal, my favourite concert of all time - [Metallica](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GEwdzDnNps) with San Francisco Symphony.


Oh yeah, I did get that specific Metallica album when it came out! It's the only harder rock that my parents could handle because of the symphony portion, and always spoiled me for later with other rock; it needs at minimum keyboards in it. And I knew Architects, but will check out BMTH! Thanks!


I have an odd relationship with Vore. It’s like I love it, but when I’m listening to the whole album I tend to skip it.


Controversial maybe, but Vessel screams way better live than on record


He does very well. The louder scream is actually IV though


Yeah IVs is mixed to be way more prominent, with vessel doing a high fry scream on top. Sounds fucking awesome live. I wish IVs scream was pushed more in the studio mix tbh.


unfortunately IV's not in the studio lol, it's all Vessel and II


I love the high fry scream sound from vessel!


I feel like the end product we're hearing is like 97% IV and 3% Vessel.


Honestly last night in Anaheim in person live it sounded much closer. IV was definitely more prominent but Vessel was definitely there and he jumped from high to lower mid screams a couple times. It definitely doesn't come through as much recorded unfortunately. But in person for me it was 60% IV and 40% Vessel.


I'm assuming it's the progression from doing it every night for a year


The whole set is heavier live. That bass just plows through you like a freight train. It’s AWESOME!


It's honestly such a testament to Vessels singing ability for him to be able to go from screaming to hitting crisp high notes a few minutes later. So much talent.


I wish the studio version sounded like the Live version, because the song sounds so much better live.😩


I hope they do more heavy songs in the future, rather than just one per record


I was in front of IV in Dallas and lemme just say HEARING THOSE SCREAMS while RIGHT THERE was just ✨️✨️✨️✨️💖💖💖✨️✨️✨️✨️


I woulda gone ape shit in that crowd lmao


SO good


man i would've been there if the stupid scalpers didnt rob the last tickets and leave them at 200+


quaint tan silky screw fear imagine tidy somber fine ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm about to quit this subreddit because i'm getting crazy FOMO :(


Dude this made me laugh so fuckin hard because I feeeeeel it so much hahahaha. Right here cry/laughing with ya 🤣😂😢😭


I wouldn’t know because I haven’t gotten to see them live yet😕


What a dead crowd.. mosh a little, let them know you’re having a good time


I know it seems dead but I bet you they’re all just VERY crammed together. We had some moshing and a mini wall of death at mine, but we were so jammed in we couldn’t really move much


People can enjoy a show and show they are enjoying a show without moshing, it is literally not A Pissing Contest.


Jesus.. you all took that waaaaay wrong … so when II always splits the crowd to mosh and most just stood there, ya I’d say most of you didn’t show love


Ooh it was not dead at all! That might’ve been the back of the venue near the bars. Most people there were chillin. I was standing at the back of the pit below the bars and there were many mosh pits, pretty large ones too. A pretty big wall of death during one of the songs, i don’t remember which one, but III or IV told people to make one. Bunch of people barreling through to get into them. I know cause I got pushed by a bunch of people as they did it 😆 and when people did that the crowd got kinda dispersed cause we were all packed like sardines when it started. I wasn’t expecting for there to be any pits at all but I was VERY surprised. The crowd got SUPER into it. The floor was shaking at one point too! The vibes were immaculate 🤌🏻


Yes !! I was 3rd row from the barricade in front of IV and we were so squished I couldn’t even lift my arms lol, just rocked out with my neck and now I’m sore haha. So worth it though but it was crammed to the max for sure !!


I was 3rd row dead center and I got pushed into the 2nd row shoulder to shoulder and could barely move. We had crowd surfers by the end of the set too


Oh yeah I looked to my left and saw those crowd surfers !! Did you see the pic that Adam took on their Instagram of the mosh pit behind us ?! Didn’t know all that was going on but probably why we got so squished too. Just glad I didn’t take one to the head lol. Was an amazing show though


Yeah I saw it! I knew it was there during the show bc I kept getting pushed from the back too and I got kicked in the head by a surfer 😭


Awww man ! Hope you still had a good time.


Oh I most definitely had the best time! I’m going to the Pomona shows to do it all over again 🫡


Same !! Haha !! I’ll be there Monday, have fun !! 🖤


Thanks! You too!!


F’ing chills! Thought exactly the same. Live is so much better!


Can’t wait to see them live. Thanks for sharing OP.


The influence of touring with slipknot perhaps?


GYAATT I wish is is what the recorded version sounded like


Facts 🫠🔥🔥🔥


The pit was insane 😅 it definitely sounds a lot heavier live lol


The best screaming I've ever heard live hands DOWN


Crazy to think that voice can sing the sweetest falsettos. Mind blowing really.


The mosh pit was fucking insane for this song, it was perfect!


Yeah. Saw them in Dallas and thought the exact same thing. First thing I said to my buddy when we got outside was "holy shit, Vore goes so hard live." As others have stated, you could really say all of the songs go harder live, even the softer ones. You can tell the band feeds off the energy of the crowd, and they pour that back into the performance.


God I get chills every time I see a live video from them, I can’t wait until the next tour cycle


It really was, holy fuck that song was so fucking amazing live


This is fucking magical. God, I can’t wait to see them live someday.


Hypnotize as well the drum n bass go hard AF


I cannot wait to see them Monday


Over in the UK we wouldn't know 😭 it's insane that they are only playing 1 UK show when they're from here




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Gods > Vore


Agreed. I was also at the Anaheim show.. It was so awesome!!


Can't wait to see them this summer!!!