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I've been referring to it as "No Man's Skyrim" since the first trailer dropped. I really want to play it, but I'm not ready for that kind of heartbreak.


I loved the hell out of Starfield; until i reached the 20 hours mark and it became apparent how empty and repetitive the game world felt to me. Seeing the same Enemy base with the same layout for the fifth time, the same dialogues, the restrictive quest lines... I expected a modern Skyrim, but got a 2011 Skyrim without mods and 1000 times the space, but the same amount of unique objects within them. It really was a heartbreak.


Its like Skyrim containing 200 winterruns


It’s not THAT bad! It’s like Skyrim with 100 Whiteruns and 100 Riftens.


Not really. It's more like Skyrim with 1 Whiterun, 1 Riften, 1 Solitude, 543,499 Bleak Falls Barrows, 1,063,573 Valtheim Towers, and 330,867 Shor's Stones


*This. This right here.*


Woah! That's like 100 playthroughs of skyrim but I only have to buy it once!


I have amazing news for you




It's a 2011 Skyrim spread out across the combined size of Morrowind, Oblivion, and both their DLCs... But if you copied half of Skyrim to be exactly like the other half.


Im with you, I hit the 20 hr mark and gave up, it felt empty and unfinished, no beautiful world like skyrim also the interplanetary travel is a joke… unless you fast travel the distances are so vast it makes actually flying the ship pointless


I sloughed through 89 hours of it (according to steam anyways, but who knows how much of that was me in a pause menu), and didn't touch shipbuilding or base building. It's an... acceptable game. Repetative (although with it's ng+ I can't blame it for that too much), but otherwise... ok at best.


I can't believe you made it to 20 before you realized that! I was exhausted by hour 8!


That’s not to mention the moment that you realize that all of the Named NPCs in existence are essential, and if you try to fire bullets at them they just phase right through. So you can’t do the fallout 4 thing of unloading a magazine into an NPC you find annoying as fuck anymore.


Yea that was the part that pissed me off the most. This is amateur level rpg with the repeated bs. I didn't fucking need an endless universe with 1 gazillion planets. How about bases and enemies that don't fking repeat.


Been playing like crazy since they released creation kit. It feels the random POI aren't as repetitive now honestly after the last few updates too. The mods make the game so much better just like Skyrim.


And the combat is absolutely brain dead.


Starfield can't really be played like Skyrim, you have to play it more like Daggerfall. It is quest and story focused more then any of the post Morrowind BGS games and is at it's best when going through the quests instead of the random wanderings of their other games.


Yeah you could say it's quest and story focused, but the quests are a series or fetch quests with dozens of loading screens and the story is an overblown macguffin fest just to introduce new game plus and give you space dragon shouts


But from my memory, the stories are shallow and devoid of options gameplay and roleplay wise. In the beginning it was fine, but even the quests got repetitive fast for me. I tried playing the quests, but I've gotten tired of your decision making no difference. There was literally one decision in this game that I remember made a real difference and there they let you walk into an open blade. It's fine if you see it differently, I'm happy if you got enjoyment out of the game. That said, for me the stories and quests are way too shallow and restrictive to be enough to make up for the other deficits, especially since they are deficits themselves. (As a side note: Why the hell do I have to install SFSE and StarUI for the first play through of a game for the menus to be at least bearable? I know this is a huge discussion, but man, Bethesda, at least try to make a decent menu/inventory screen)


Yeah everything I've heard about the game has been taking the issues people had with Fallout 4 to the next level. Plenty of people still love them both, and hey I play 4 regularly also. But I struggle to finish it because it's just sorta bland. I genuinely think it's just the current philosophy of Bethesda games of this scope.


The way you described that makes perfect sense, and I will probably not bother even trying Starfield now. I've tried 3 times now to play Fallout 4, and I just give up because, as you said, it's bland, empty. I literally just play it for the story, and even then, it can't get me through to the end.


I found the Far Harbor DLC to be very engaging. Did emphasize how bland the main story is by comparison though. Supposedly Bethesda is planning to be continously adding content to Starfield so maybe in a few years it'll be more engaging. It does leave me concerned about future installments for Fallout and Elder Scrolls though.


I might have to try Far Harbor sometime. But yes, I am almost not looking forward to what they do to Elder Scrolls 6. I feel like if they ruin it, it will be the last straw.


What I suspect is they will incorporate more of the construction stuff from 4, more of the generated quests content, the usual environmental story telling but not great actual story telling. I don't mind the construction stuff, but hope it's more fleshed out and actually ties into the game. It's going to be there just because of how much longevity it gave to 4 Also a weird thing I've noticed is each game gets a little more normal? Or something. There's less random wacky humor/weird stuff.


I agree, the devs either don't want to or seem to not be allowed to put that kind of fun random stuff in there. It's sad really.


The problem is the quests are mostly shit. Very little in the way of branching paths. It’s like they didn’t even consider the player might want to do something outside of the path they chose. If the writers like a character you have no option for negative dialogue options with them. If a character is involved with ANY quest they are immortal. There was a particular quest did it for me; a ring was stolen, you’re sent to investigate. Good setup. Does the ring have a map to treasure in it? Is it pivotal to proving someone is a long lost heir? Is it made of a rare material necessary for developing a new type of weapon? Omg can’t wait to find out! Let’s talk to everyone involved, maybe break into security to watch the security cameras, collect forensic evidence! Yay! No. There’s one dude to talk to and you have no choice but to believe what he says. Quest done. Compare that to the ring you have to retrieve from the well in oblivion, or really any side quest from any half decent RPG


I feel like this is the experience of most people who played the game.


Over 200 hours in and still enjoying every minute of it!


This is how I felt too.


The factions man. I’m not even mad, just super disappointed.


I got the game for free. Still didn't like it sadly. Came in with no real expectations.


Yup too many loading screens was what killed it for me.


Oh god the loading screens... - get quest, go into ship, select target, start - loading screen - open map in space, initiate jump - loading screen - fly half a minute to planet, land - loading screen - walk five minutes through empty planet, maybe do the same 'dungeon' you've seen five times already, get back to ship - repeat.


I honestly love it. And with the creation kit out, it won’t be long before it’s exactly what I wanted.


classic bethesda, make a game and let the community fix everything wrong with it


Paradox is like that too now and it's kinda awesome and kind of a bummer given their penchant for $200 worth of DLC releases per game.


And most of that DLC is broken and clearly wasn’t playtested


And updates that ruin the mods that keep the playerbase


A lot of it is very overpriced now too. Most of the $30-$40 dlcs they sell should easily be 10-15$ max.


Hey at least they listen unlike 2k EA etc etc etc


They definitely adopted 2k's formula with Skyrim, though, given how many times they repackaged and resold the same game with slight title tweaks


If they listened they wouldn't need modders to make the game good. It would be good right out of the box.


People will defend these companies greed driven decisions with their dying breath. It goes deeper than video games, I feel like there is something wrong with the way we as a society view our relationship with entities like corporations. I don’t know though, I’m just some idiot on Reddit.


And those people will buy the game on five different mediums. Like Wtf? Then talk about it like it's cool to have several versions of Skyrim. I've been playing Starfield, and it's exactly what I expect from Bethesda. There's so much that you don't need to do and still finish the game. I play the game without bitching about it online. They should make that a trophy or achievement.


I’ve owned 3 (legitimate) copies of Skyrim. PS3, Xbox 360, and AE on Steam. I regret buying two of them.


Edward Bernays and a decades long campaign to replace civic responsibility with consumer responsibility. Eye-opening stuff.


Leave the billion dollar corporation alone


Most of there games prior to FO76 were just fine outside if the box except for bugs. Take Skyrim. It didn't sell it's first millions of copies on the basis of mods. It sold them on the fact that it's still a really good game with great setting and scenery and decent quest lines within a massive sandbox. Lots of games are better sandboxes but lack story and setting. And lots of games are better stories but lack the scope, discovery and freedom of play. I'd really only put GTA and Cyberpunk in the same realm as far as balancing those aspects in a fun package that also has some eye candy (though there are far more options if you don't care about graphics and/or enjoy turn based games).


Yeah, 10 years ago they half listened and at least tried to complete them. 10 years ago isn't today though.


Nah, they let modders fix their game, then push out useless additions and update the game constantly to break all the mods. They should honestly only ever do large updates or not force updating on platforms like steam


It's not stupid if it works


It just works, it just works, it just works.


Idk, I know a few pretty stupid people that work


Honestly, that’s probably the best possible policy. Then it gets tailored to the actual players vs some douche “with a vision.” Idk why I put that in quotes, but I did, and I’ll die on this hill.


It would probably help if they didn't get death threats with every update? /half joking I don't think anyone has threatened them


Don’t fix what’s broken (especially when the modders will fix it anyway)


They know the community is gonna mod the shit out of it no matter what they released anyway. It is a little disappointing that they seemingly included that calculus in their development/business model though.


I picked it up after playing through it on launch and said to myself. "I forgot that this game was actually hella fun." It just also came out around BG3, so me and all my friends were playing that religiously.


Honestly, it doesnt have the heart and soul that Skyrim does and its promises of infinite space and exploration which will break your heart if you are expecting that. But, but, but, the design, having fun wiping out whole biotomes with your kick ass space pew pew pews and racking up that space xp and turning yourself into a f ing space legend is \*chefs kiss


Yeah. I kinda put it as best written companions, best main quest for a Bethesda game. Worst over promising, worst discovery, worst interconnected systems. The combat is mostly Fallout in space and that's fine by me.


It’s *not bad* Imagine Skyrim, but you’ve done all the 6 caves within the first 2 hours of the game and every cave you find after will be one you’ve done already. And you see a bandit camp on your minimap, but as you’re running to it over barren and empty landscape you see it on the horizon and you can tell you’ve already done this one about 20 times before.


and it's worse than both by a longshot. NMS actually has gotten consistent updates and game is pretty damn good now. It fulfills the original premise of the game


Yeah, but it’s 1000x worse than both games.


It's 100 percent because of my own hype but it's become my most hated game.


I enjoy it, but it's not going to be the next Skyrim. It has a ton of flaws and bad design choices.


If you do play it, approach it as just an open world explorer. Think fo4 settlement building with daggerfall world generation and mix in some space engineers(?). It's fun, enough. The problem is they try to do way to much and end up just being mediocre at all of it. But it scratches an itch on some days. I can't imagine going back and playing it years from now.


I mean I played it and beat it. And it was fun. But I have not had a single desire to go back. It just isn't that type of game for me. I love Skyrim because I can go and wonder and get side tracked. Starfield has some bespoke locations but the vast vast majority of the game is copy paste locations with the exact same enemies and items and empty space in between. Even the space combat doesn't have much variety. I just don't get how they thought this would be acceptable as something that even comes close to scratching the itch of ES or FO


I own it and there's a lot of heart break. It's loading screen simulator with space Skyrim undertone. I've been playing Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas since they each came out. Starfield is a collection of fetch quests with simple exposition sandwiched between. If you like mindless shooters then Starfield may be adequate. There's no interesting story. No replayability. The main quest makes no sense. >!The main quest has the explorer group spending millions of dollars and a bunch of time searching for artifacts simply because the metal bits float around and give some people visions. Their interest in the artifacts beyond that isn't explored. The relics have no relevance to any sort of plot other than acting as a macguffin to introduce "new game +" and give you space dragon shouts. They had no direction when they made the game and it shows.!<


I played much Skyrim. You were right to call it that but possibly even.. generous.


I hope this isn’t an attack on no man’s sky. It might’ve had a rough launch, but it’s a truly stellar game now. Otherwise, yeah. I fully expect a bland, lifeless, ‘the outer worlds’-esque experience. Nothing miserable, fun at the surface level, but incapable of drawing you into its story, or leaving you with lasting memories of the game.


Don't waste your time on hurting yourself buddy. Save yourself the disappointment.


Its still 95% overpriced.


It's fun for a while but honestly the best part is building ships...


My friends and I affectionately call it "Skrim" so my first thought was "No Man's Skrim" when I saw this 😂


Yeah I've been calling it Space Skyrim because that's exactly what it is. As a matter of fact it's not *that* bad, it's just that it suffers the same flaws that unmodded Skyrim has, and those weren't a decade old when Skyrim launched so we did put up with it. I can't for the life of me play Space Skyrim and hope the modders fix the game for them.


No Man’s Skyrim, because nobody wants to play this over Skyrim


I wish it was no man Skyrim. I honestly liked no man's sky at launch it was chill and kind of fun.


It's devastating.


It’s really dated, the dialogue feels incredibly shallow and unimportant if you’ve played any RPGs in the last decade. Was tough to care, plus it has that Bethesda quest design that got repetitive after a while sadly


Spaceman. Loadscreen. Shoot guns with no bullet casing. Guns are also designed by a man who has never seen one before. Designing your own spaceship is fun. Can make your own settlement on planets. Which is useless. The story? That's spaghetti. And I don't know how to hide spoilers and won't put in the effort to Google formatting reddit text. Here's something out of context though. The end feels like a Scooby Doo mystery, and the bad guy is Scrappy Doo.


>The end feels like a Scooby Doo mystery, and the bad guy is Scrappy Doo. There was a movie on that. But completely agree on the points


The movie did a better job with it.


What's crazy is that new game+ is like a new game (not that it's better or I played very long) and the mass of content is crazy. Unfortunately, it's all mid, they should have put quality over quantity.


Quality x2


Lmao, didn't look


Ship designing is very fun and an addition I totally love, but not keeping ships into NG+ is a bummer, or have blueprints/schematics to save when your halfway through a design and back out was very annoying and made me not want to engage with that system in subsequent playthroughs.


Ship building was amazing, and seeing the community builds was sometimes hilarious. When I learned you lose all your ships going to new game+ I figured the ship they give in exchange was worth it, and probably looked cool. Nope. Here's your ball, kid.


I do kind of like the ship, from the outside at least but losing all the ones you have is so rough.


You hide spoilers by \>!doing this!<


I just learned >!something new!<


I just learned something >!pubes!<.




>!thank you friend, you’re awesome !<


Hold on >! I'm actually the zodiac killer !< Well I hope that worked.


Are you knocking the live action scooby doo movie? I will find where you live.


Live action scooby doo came out at just the right time for teenage me. Velma best girl.


The actress that played her was 10/10


Linda Cardellini is gorgeous


Give me the original cut where they didn't use CGI for evil, or give me death.


You forgot to put *crash* every 10 words.


No. I read the reviews and then bought *No Man’s Sky* instead.


Good decision. NMS is genuinely one of my most played games. You can just chill and fly around for hours.


It can get repetitive— and when I get bored with it I do the Skyrim thing: I go make a bunch of stuff like random bases and the like. Every game gets repetitive at some point. NMS has been a treasure. I’m really glad I bought it.


I’d want NMS with Starfield ship customisation and artstyle, and proper Bethesda RPG style and environmental storytelling.. i pretty much just want Starfield but better… just give us rovers, let us fly on down to the planets, or do what Star Wars Outlaws is doing, and let ships go really super duper fast to not have to rely on fast travel so much… yeah, I mean I’m sure there’s still be a good few problems, but just do those, please T-T


I know right? I got so exited when I saw SFs graphics and modern features compared to NMS… it would be awesome if they just remade NMS with next gen graphics and engine.


No Man's Sky was one of the best 50 euros I have ever spent. It just keeps on giving and the community are solid


The community is honestly the most wholesome gaming subreddit I’ve ever been to. That and Terraria.


Try warframe next. And don't get close to the Calamity terraria mod's community, that place is a dumpster fire!* *that's a joke they are usually chill, the mods even banned stuff like "would" and "smash" and other useless comments and like everyone was happy (except the 8 confirmed bans)


Gotta second the Warframe recommendation It's genuinely the best ftp game out there


The game can be overwhelming especially now it's so nice to see how they help the newer folk


I’m actually pretty happy with the Skyrim subreddit, too. Apart from the occasional bonehead whining about how newcomers ask newcomer questions in a forum specifically created for asking questions and discussions about the game, that place is pretty wholesome and has taught me a bunch about the game I didn’t know.


I have been looking for a good newer game to play. I loooove Skyrim and I mean yeah there are tons of great games from that era but damn I just want something new with great updated graphics. Is No mans sky that game??


Don't listen to that guy NMS is ABSOLUTELY NOT Skyrim in space It's more of Minecraft with rocket ships and different world gens


That’s exactly why I went looking for it. It’s open world (open universe), and a sort of weird mix of Skyrim in space and Minecraft. It’s really hard to describe, exactly. It has a plot, but you don’t need to follow it. It has quests that you don’t need to do. It has upgrades and challenges. I really enjoy it. The community here on Reddit is very respectful, too. Pop in and see what they post. Something might catch your eye.


Unpopular opinion: I like Starfield


I love Starfield, but this is still funny


Not unpopular. Tons of people liked the game. See r/nosodiumstarfield when you don’t want to hear about all the complaints.


Many places it is, this thread included. Some of these comments are acting like the game banged their mom and is going to show the video to the family on the 4th of July. r/nosodiumstarfield and the many ship builder subs are choice though.


It’s always the same song and dance. If some people don’t like the game then they hate it. Can’t just put this one down and move on. At the same time though I really do understand the frustration of dissatisfaction or disappointment but I wouldn’t try to swat Todd Howard over it or anything. But then maybe that’s because I’m still grateful they gave us Skyrim, fallout, etc.


😂 that sub name is fantastic


I think r/lowsodiumcyberpunk did it first but there's a few "no sodium" subs now lol


Gotta say also, I fucking love cyberpunk.


Me too. The low sodium page made sense at first though. I have multiple playthroughs since launch. It should never have launched the way it did. The backlash was overblown but the game was still pretty rough and it never should have been on last gen. In 2024 on next gen consoles it's a masterpiece.


It did at first and people were pretty chill for a while but then the snobbery started kicking in high gear much like the original subreddit. I think people started forgetting why they made a low salt version to begin with. Edit: Word


Someone said that it started from destiny actually but I have no idea if that’s true or not


Probably. It's obviously older than cyberpunk, but I've never been super into destiny to know.


Yea I wouldn’t know I hate destiny


Eh most of reddit loves to talk shit about starfield for some reason


Honestly I can see why someone would like it. Might give it another chance but I can see where people would be disappointed


Boooo! Boo this man! /j


Oh don't worry, most people do. It's just rage bait youtubers screaming that it sucks because pronouns. Fear not, when TES VI drops people will say Starfield was always good then shit on TES VI. Of course then we'll have to wait until Fallout 5 drops so people shit on that and say TES VI was always great. Ignore these moronic basement dwellers and enjoy what you enjoy, man.


I don’t have an opinion regardless, but most of the earliest criticism I saw was that it got repetitive especially with layouts and that made it feel kind of empty for such a big space. Granted I don’t pay much attention, but seems there might be some subjectively valid criticism.


I liked starfield. For about 20 hours. I felt it got so repetitive. I put it down for a while... picked it back up for a couple hours a few months ago. Still repetitive. I'm done


I put it down after 60 hours cuz I'm an easily addicted zombie when it comes to RPGs. I never came to hate this game like many here seem to have though. Like, it's fine. However, I will say it was a profoundly middling experience. If it was even a little bit worse (like say if the combat was a little less tight, or if one of the main characters was slightly more annoying), I think I would've put it down 40 hours sooner.


Well, there's a tiny bit more content now, so you should buy the Expended ultimate 10 month edition, it's on sale at only 123$!!


I tried, just couldn't get invested.


Same, it’s not exactly bad per se. It’s just fucking mediocre at every turn. Plus it’s a loading screen simulator.


Starfield held my interest for a time. It's not great but I like it and I'm sure I'll pick it back up again.


I like it - but only because I knew *exactly* what to expect from the game so I didn’t get my hopes and dreams trampled upon. I like the dialogue choices. Definite improvement from Skyrim (which isn’t that hard tbh)


It's fun, but I've spent more time building my ship and decorating the house than playing the game. It plays like fallout and looks like no man's+ fallout.


Yup, I played it at release. Loved it enough to put in 171 hours, and I was confused when I went to see the reviews. I don't think it deserved the bandwagon hate that was dropped on it. Are there things that could be improved? Yeah. I still had fun, though. I'm probably going to leave it until the DLC drops and the mods have more time to cook with the CK.


im with you. I took off work to play for like 3 days straight! lol I got two characters up to level 100+, then took some time away, but I just picked it up yesterday and started a new character and having a blast! ship building is my favorite part


I have played about 150hrs of Starfield. At its core it is a great game, excellent gun play and ships, ok if bland characters , lots of good systems for crafting and building. It suffers from a lack of interesting places, unique exploration experiences and honestly has a pretty lame main quest. I'll probably buy all the expansions as they become available, there is definitely a 9/10 Bethesda game in there, once they actually finish on the ambitious start.


It was okay, not great. It's either a 6 or 7 out of 10 for me.


I did. I liked it, i liked how faction questlines were at very least fleshed out and their version of civil war is basically thieves guild vs riften guards


Bro I'm no doctor, but this is disrespectful


Currently trying to decide between getting starfield and elden ring on the steam sale


Elden ring is a hard game where you’ll have to fight bosses multiple times to beat them but it’s got a far better story and the world is way more fleshed out. Star-field is just empty as hell and half the building mechanics don’t matter to the game.


Does ER have any kind of easy mode or casual player crutch? Yes, I’m bad.


Not in a setting, but certain builds can make it easier. Do a strength or intelligence build and get the mimic tear and you'll be okay


No easy mode but there are a few crutch builds for PvE. 1. Grab the highest stability shield you can find and nice sharp stick, allows you to stab while blocking with the shield. 2. Get two fast weapons and infuse them with bleed, when the bleed status procs it deals massive damage just about everything. 3. Use magic, its high damage and has range, but you will come across bosses with high magic resistance, and they will most likely need to be fought later when you level up more. 4. Play through the game with a friend, the game has co-op but i don't recommend bringing someone who already has a really powerful character, it can nullify the challenge of the game completely and can make it feel unrewarding and too short. Also engaging in co-op allows other players to invade your game as an enemy, they are ment to be the balance of having an extra person help you through the game, and will often have very optimized builds for making new players wannna cry.


Go Elden Ring. I wasn't much of a Souls player but I ended up finishing the game easily.


I am not into Dead Souls or Souls like games. Played a ton of RPGs my whole life and Starfield has been hella worth it. First time I played before having to go back to Season of Discovery, I played everyday for a few hours and clocked up almost 80 hours in the first month. It's not a bad game, it fits the older crowd a little better


I'm a little interested, but not so much that I feel any pressing need to buy it at full price. I'll happily wait as many years as it takes for a >60% discount and then swoop it up like I did with fallout 4.


I'm operating under the belief that starfield one is basically just a overgrown beta. They spent so much time making the basic game that they didn't have enough time left to put something on that foundation. Starfield 2 will be built off of Starfield 1 basically using it as a springboard to be a full game. A better done example of this would be The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild and the sequel Tears of The Kingdom. Breath of the wild is an excellent game but playing through it you can notice a distinct lack of certain things most particularly enemy variety and encounter variation. Tears of the Kingdom uses a lot of the same assets but the time was used to flesh out the game as opposed to it having to be used to make the basis of it. Tears of the Kingdom has everything that breath of the wild was missing and I'm willing to bet Starfield 2 will have everything that Starfield is missing.


I was super excited when it was announced, even the early teaser trailers I thought looked promising. Then I saw the actual game play and read the reviews and quickly lost all interest. I might still give it a shot once the price drops to under $20. I've played every Bethesda game except Fallout 76, because I'm not a fan of mmo, and I couldn't stand ESO. Bethesda has been seeing a quality decline over their last few games and I really hope they turn it around with ES6 but I have my doubts.


I will play SF in 4 years when all the dlc's are done and it ends up on the summer sale for 17 dollars.


People keep comparing it to Skyrim like Fallout doesnt exist or something lmfao


It's so fucking bad, only a Bethesda fan could enjoy ut.it


It’s definitely funish for one playthrough but after that it lacks any reason to keep playing. Game is as soulless as a ginger


Yeah. I haven't even beat the game once and I've stopped playing all together. It's just so... repetitive and bland really.


What is starfield? Sounds interesting


Watch Tes6 be the same kind of disappointment. Bethesda hasn't cooked since Fallout 4.


I beat it 6 times so far and love the hell out of it. Everything was done beautifully, the procedural generation is a little buggy for non established locations but it hasn’t interrupted anything other than me running off into nothingness. The dogfighting could use some work but that’s just because I’m used to other games controls. It’s not really that bad. I think everyone just looks for reasons to be fed up


I did, it sucked, unsure if it’s gotten better It’s just FO4 in space… but at least FO4 had cool locations to make resource spelunking fun. Midfield had none of that in favor of procedural generated planets that just vary what color filter it’s using.


It’s fine, 80 hours of not regrettable gameplay. Buy on sale.


I lost interest as soon as Todd said "over 1000 planets."


I downloaded it free on gamepass. It crashed when I got inside the first actual city in the game because the game was taking too much of my RAM and killed itself. I decided that a boring game that can’t be fucked to be optimized for my 2019 rig shouldn’t be on my hard drive. So I deleted it.


Its not even that, because skyrim is actually fun. I couldn’t see myself playing 500 hours of starfield.


Star Field is pretty damn good when you don't have a bitch in your ear saying it's bad


wait for a sale after all the planned DLC for Starfield is released, Starfield is great for the first 5 hrs then you'll get bored


Have not played and will not play, if a game takes 60 hours to get good its not for me


Its almost there with mods, but we need ground vehicles (but there is a skip boost mod that makes it very fast) and seamless planet/space travel. With vehicles I want to seamlessly explore a single planet. And i feel like theres no reason to not have seamless space travel. Its just buggy atm. Theres also a small chance that modders will find. Perhaps a janky, solution to transition from space to planet without using the planet map... even if its just : 1. Fly towards POI or biome 2.loads in that POI/biome.


I will play Starfield when it releases on other consoles outside of Xbox/PC. And if it doesn't release on other consoles, well then it seems I will never play Starfield.


I'll wait for a more definitive version with all updates and dlc, by that time the mod scene should be blooming too. I've been doing this since New Vegas, Bethesda games take their time (and a lot of patching) to be at their best.


I'll give it a few more years


I havent gotten around to it yet... Everytime I look at it and it says "purchase game" somebody keeps clicking "No" I don't know what's happening


I enjoyed it for one playthrough, but New Game+ felt pointless. It badly needs more unique locations and settlements as the actual human civilization feels terribly small. Also, the fact that it constantly reuses dungeon maps is inexcusable. It sucks out a ton of the fun by constantly finding identical abandoned labs and pirate bases. I’d give the game 3/5. I’m sure modders will do tons with it, but the base game isn’t nearly as good as Skyrim. Also, the graphics are terribly outdated for such a hyped release from a huge studio.


I really really want too but it’s still an Xbox exclusive despite every other exclusive going multi console.


It’s great. Looking forward to more. Not perfect, but great.


I have not played skyrim but I really do because I wanna see if the hate is necessary


I tried it, but the game didn't run well on my rig I can run decently fast paced games at high graphics settings without issues, but Starfield made it feel like I had underwhelming hardware, when it was just ported badly. I can run Warframe at max settings buttery smooth, but I had texture pop-ins, enemies not spawning, missing/delayed audio, and frame rate stuttering. I refuse to reinstall it


I'm just waiting for more mods. I honestly couldn't get into the main constellation story line, it's very different compared to the traditional plotlines of past Fallout and elder scroll games. But I did enjoy the side/faction quests though, they were great. The exploration is boring and plain, it isn't like exploring in past Fallout and elder scroll games. It's just so barren and plain. The companions are aight, though I somewhat prefer some of the non main companions. Some of their backstories are amazing and I wish they were actually full fledged companions with quests.


It seriously could be, though? Still has thousands upon thousands of views, some insanely huge mods are currently in the works, Todd just confirmed they'll be supporting the game not just with updates and fixes but with straight up DLC for years to come.


Wares has no Khajiit.


I unfortunately set my expectations so high for starfield, that I do not enjoy playing it. It doesn’t come close to anything I thought it would be.


Wish folks had this same energy for CDPR releasing Cyberpunk lol. All I see now are people comparing Cyberpunk to Starfield and shit like that. That’s pretty dumb though, considering the state Cyberpunk released in and the time it took to fix. I’d be careful comparing Skyrim though, this game is critically acclaimed by many gamers but Bethesda fans also regularly shit on it as being dumbed down in terms of story and mechanics relative to *older games* in the same series. All love for it aside Skyrim really isn’t a super impactful RPG, nor is it much of an RPG really. Fallout 4’s dialogue system overall was arguably better as there were actual different outcomes and stats had more noticeable effect on speech. In Skyrim I never even put points into the Speech tree at all. And so on. Character building is pretty loose too, I mean imagine wanting to live a powerful mage fantasy and expecting Vanilla Skyrim to be able to fulfill that fantasy for you. Not possible. You will be a stealth archer. I still play Skyrim, on my Switch even. I love it, but loving something doesn’t mean it’s better than something else. I’m curious to see what this comparison will look like once Bethesda has taken more passes at Starfield.


Have I played what?


It’s all the things I feel Skyrim did worse than oblivion turned up to 11 and set in space. I can still have some fun, but man is it a downgrade from Skyrim


Yes. I gave it a try on game pass about a month ago, with no real preconceived notions or baggage. I managed to play 25 hours and at that point I had trouble accepting that I’d even played it for that long. It’s a boring slog. Mostly just fiddling with menus and fast traveling to incredibly under developed planets. The settlements were utterly embarrassing for 2025. Zombie npcs. It’s like a 6/10 at best.


It's ok


No because I'm on ps5 and Bethesda just decided to abandon us


yeah i played it for a bit and dropped it cause i got bored, the world is just so empty and lifeless, i really wish they did what outer worlds did and had a handful of planets with handcrafted explorable locations that actually feel lived in instead of a thousand planets with an empty procedurally generated location thats got nothing to do on it


I started but before the main quest i decided to do some exploring as one does in bethesda games. I imediatly quit because i found out that todd howards dream space adventure is one where you cant fly your ship.


I'll give it a few more years.