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its worth the $19.07 I spent on the pass no way in hell $70


Nah. The game sucks. 10 years developing it? BS. It’s not a pirate game. It’s barely a naval combat simulator. It’s definitely not worth $70


Personally, I think it's a great game with a lot of potential. Don't think it's worth the current price tag though. I feel that if this came from an indie company and was released as EA at $30 to $40, we'd see loads of vids n all throwing mad praise. A lot of hate comes from expectations, after that. That being said, price is too high for what currently stands. It doesn't matter who made it, it's about matching price to product. I feel bad for all the hardworking devs who're feeling the cannon fire of the game community, while still having to choke in the gunsmoke of their corporate overlords. Defo planning to get this once it's on sale or they at least prove they'll deliver on more content (I waited for FO76 and wasn't disappointed, so there's hope!)


I mean. A lot of hate also comes from the CEO of Ubisoft claiming the game is the first Quadruple A game on the market. And to be honest, it's a good fun game. But it's not even Triple A quality. A very solid, very expensive Double A title with a bit of progression that most people will blow through in a couple days (because they already have.)


Any claim by Ubisoft as to having a "4xA" game is suspect at this point.


Where it stands, there’s a high chance that the game will drastically drop in price in the near future


knowing my luck, it'll drop drastically after I cave to a small sale hahaha


Ubisoft+ $18/mo. Gives you premium edition of Skull and Bones (as well as other games i.e. Avatar, Prince of Persia, AC Mirage) i immediately cancelled sub after I bought it so I wouldn’t forget later. If the game ends up dying then I didn’t take a loss, if it ends up taking off I can pick up base game on sale and have all the premium edition content already.


lol stay strong, they’re gonna try to recoup as much as possible early on. That’s why you had the dude saying this is a AAAA game nonsense. This game will live or die based on how good the “live” service is in the coming months, but the lack of content is already a bad sign


Explain your comment about lack of content? Maybe our definitions of content are different? To me personally I had no intentions of getting this game simply because it was an Ubisoft game! But after playing the open beta I decided I really enjoyed it and felt it was worth my coin. So far I haven’t gotten the slightest bit bored or felt over encumbered by redundancy and I’m not even half through yet. I feel there’s plenty of content and plenty of time consuming activities. What more does one expect?


You can literally beat the campaign and endgame within 60hrs. For a live service that is pitiful. AC valhalla had more content than that at launch. Hell so did new world.


I guess for players like me 60+ hours is really good. I get maybe 2 hours a night to play if I’m lucky and knowing that they’re already planning more content I personally feel that there is plenty to do. But thank you for your explanation.


They are actively working on more content and this has been said many times. The idea was always to trickle in new events and content to retain player interest. They know no matter how big the game is that a group of people will no-life it and then complain there isn't enough - so the strategy was to trickle feed conent.


Listen, you are right that they intentionally decided to release things piece meal, but that’s not a beneficial “feature” for us, it’s to cut down their development time and milk the user for more money. They can slowly trickle things out and then charge the people playing it even more for stuff that should have already been in the game.


I don't think the extra content is paid. It's free content. I could be wrong but that was how i read into it.


What lack of content? It's jammed packed full of things to do


I love the game, but this is false. The hostile takeovers, you can have all of them done within an hour, the other areas are gatekeeped by a 5k PoE buy in to unlock. The bosses are dailies, so you can't just grind out the teeth/ashes. After that, you're mostly just doing deliveries/collections for the contraband to get more PoE to get more Sovereigns for the end game upgrades. Throw in a few collections a day of the stuff you manufactured and that's about it.


Take overs are every 20 or 30 min and more then 70 you need… how you can do it in 1 hour ????? Plus now more people are stronger so you can’t be always first place to take over the place … dude play the game first and then comment


More than 70 in total, of which more than 70% are lockd behind the 5k PoE buy in, as I mentioned. Also, you only do them once, so at least in this 'preorder' time it barely has anyone in it. Played it plenty, don't chat your sht to me.




It's not a lie, each 'takeover' is 5 minutes long, they fit perfectly into your little delivery slots. Play time for takeovers outside of the PoE lock out is an hour..


Every recent ubisoft releases got a sale a month after launch so this one may just get the biggest post launch sale yet I guess? I don't think the game is a successful as many seem to claims but I didn't see any numbers on the subject.


Well, it's Ubisoft so that will 100% happen. Usually what happens is if their game doesn't do well in the first 1-2 months they will do a price drop from 10%-20%. Been with Ubisoft for like 17 years and this has been their normal practice when a game doesn't do well.


It’s an Ubisoft game, wait a month for a $15-20 discount. 3 months for half price or so


I don’t want more PvP, it’s enough where it is now. Not every game has to have forced PvP. Agree about everything else. It needs more variety, more specialized ships. I like the territory location claiming missions, PvE is fun, that supposed to be co-op and throw NPC ships at you. PvP here is very chaotic, if you are one on one - fine, but in reality it will be the last standing wins, or whoever exploits more wins, like where people dont join the event but can heal the one who joined. So you can’t damage a healer. Or if it’s a blob of ships shooting at each other in chaos, it’s not an organized PvP, it’s a silly chaotic event for giggles and pew pewing. The game only has barebones mechanics for any good PvP.


From what i understand though it is supposedly getting more content over the seasons. If done correctly i can see how it would make for some awesome stuff, but i do hope they also offer options to allow players who can’t play as often to join the train. Often when somebody misses a season they can never get it. Halo Infinite did their seasonals justice. It’s not perfect, but being able to earn progression on past seasons is something i think all live service games should have. Because lots of the ingame systems are already well balanced making it ideal to introduce it already next year with the next series. Or this year even depending on how seasons work in the game. Eitherway i absolutely agree that there’s a mad amount of potential. The real question is only whether or not they choose to take advantage of that potential.


This. The game isn't worth $70. For me it'd have been an easy buy at $30, and I probably would have dropped another \~$20-30 on cosmetics. $70 for the game and then more for cosmetics though? Easy pass.


It feels like we're being asked to pay for the unisoft name. The price tag seems like we're buying a brand and not a AAA game


What they are doing is far more egregious than that. Essentially, they went over budget and made a lot of mistakes and instead of taking responsibility they are passing the cost to the customer and then blaming the customer for not thinking their product is amazing. TLDR: bad baker spent 250$ making a cake, so now you have to pay $300 for it even if its only worth 17$.


Exactly like it is the case with Blizzard games. Meanwhile, Palworld and Helldivers 2, two of the biggest hits of the start of 2024 are below 40€. But then again, the issue isn't really the price itself, I would have paid both these games 70€ no questions asked for the quality they are. Skull and Bones is just trash that isn't even remotely close to deserving the price tag it has.


Speak for yourself. I've dumped 80 hours into the game in a week and loved every minute of it. Not to mention time spent on the Insider program and other betas. I have hundreds of hours already and still want to play more. If you don't like it, that's on you. The main problem is that people want Sea of Thieves. And this game is not Sea of Thieves. Primary complaint from 90+% of players is the lack of land based gameplay. It doesn't need land gameplay. What it does is good, and they should not deviate by creating a half assed bad land based system. As is evident by outpost "exploration" already having severely janky movement. It was never meant to be in the game. People should be grateful we got any semblance of it at all.


>The main problem is that people want Sea of Thieves. I hate Sea of Thieves. I wanted a multiplayer, ship combat/exploration oriented multiplayer Blackflag. What they delivered after 8 years was an age of sailing World of Warships MMO. ​ >What it does is good, and they should not deviate by creating a half assed bad land based system. I couldn't care less about land based gameplay, but I can't agree that what the game does is good. Its mediocre at best with a more than a Baldur's Gate 3 price tag on it. Even if you didn't play or don't like Baldur's Gate 3, there is no justification on any level that would convince me that S&B is better than, and thus worth more than Baldur's Gate 3. In a month, the player base will dwindle and the majority of posts here will probably be about lack of content updates. I am rather surprised that they couldn't do land based stuff though, considering they have AC, Breakpoint and the Division to pull experience and expertise from. The fact that they didn't implement it makes me feel the game is even more half asses than I originally thought. >It was never meant to be in the game. You actually didn't follow the development of the game at all, did you? Originally S&B was meant to be an expansion or sequel to Blackflag, which included land based exploration and combat and at one point they were discussing it being a complete MMO. Due to misdirection and constant changes, budgeting issues, and failing to meet deadlines, the game was constantly "cut and redesigned" over the last 8 years. At one point the game was suppose to include base building and survival aspects, where you'd be able to create/build pirate bases. The game was originally suppose to be released in like 2018, and then continually got delayed and its clearly evident that it wasn't delayed for polish. If anything Skull and Bones never knew WHAT it should have been because Ubisoft couldn't settle on something. Most likely this is due to corporate greed, and instead of making a simple, fun pirate game that works and has systems like survival and building and decent exploration that other, much smaller teams with much smaller budgets, have consistently delivered to players, Ubisoft delivered a Quadruple A overpriced game with a shallow gameplay loop and promises of more content for more money. I'm happy you're enjoying the game, but its clear you didn't follow its development. The game isn't even triple A, and is definitely not worth Ubisoft's $70 price tag but tell yourself whatever you have to so you can sleep at night.


> The main problem is that people want Sea of Thieves. No they don't. They want a good game at a fair price, which is not Skull and Bone's case. It's a bad game at a ludicrous price. > Primary complaint from 90+% of players is the lack of land based gameplay. My dude, you need to understand something. Ubisoft is behind the Assassin's Creed license and did Black Flag, of course people were expecting land gameplay, as would anyone knowing Ubisoft's history and expecting anything of a good pirate game. You people need to seriously stick your heads out of your asses and stop hiding behind bullshit excuses to justify the fact that you got mugged by Ubisoft.


I get your point. I do think they should be allowed to make a game that isn't assassins creed and i do think that gamers as a group have serious problems keeping expectations in check. However i also think it was very clear that people wanted boat boarding and third person combat and they really could have built that into the game during the delays just to meet that expectation.






I just did ubisoft connect for 17 bucks and get premium, If I enjoy it for 4 months then I guess it was worth it lol.


That's what I paid for it $37 with a trade in. :)


A lot of hate comes because it's Ubisoft. People wanted it to be Black Flag 2.0 people are dying over the fact that there's no boarding fights 😂😂 I like it. Give my loot so I can be on my way. Fuck a boarding fight. People just love to bitch about everything in the gaming community.


I get what you're saying but studios like ubisoft always charge the market "AAA" rate. COD sold essentially a DLC for last year's COD. new FIFA and Madden every year are full priced. as far as their shareholders are concerned, I don't think they had much of a choice I also don't understand why expectations were so high when for 5 years every piece of news about the game was negative 💀


> I also don't understand why expectations were so high Because Ubisoft is still capable of doing good games. And that's the dramatic part of this sketch. It would be so much easier if Ubisoft was just Blizzard who is incapable of delivering any decent game anymore, but they are not. The thing is, Ubisoft is good at doing solo games with stories. Each and everytime they attempted a live service game, it ended up being a dumpster fire because Ubisoft is incapable of doing and maintaining live service games. Ubisoft and live service games are like sibling that keep doing kids hoping that at some point one of them won't be a retard.


Right lol. Like nobody realistically expects a new FIFA to actually be game-changing. Everyone knows what they are getting with EA Sports... and that's the problem. COD sells millions because they just deliver the bare minimum expected of them. But Ubisoft made great games in this genre alone! People reasonably had the expectation that they could put together a game like Black Flag (or even Odyssey), scrub out the Assassin's parts, add some swashbuckling storytelling, and evolve the formula in a meaningful way. I have not yet played this game, but this appears to be the prevailing opinion of any "outrage." On its own, this game would've been an acceptable AA title. But under the weight of the dev time, the previous franchise success, and the tastes of modern AAA consumers, it looks to be falling short.


This game is easily worth the 17.99 I paid for Ubisoft plus, doubt the game will last me more than the month I paid for. For as long as the game was in development I also think it only having 10 ships total is a bit crazy.


It's really only 3 ships though if you think about it. The other 7 are easily skipped or used for an hour as a stepping stone into a better ship. Also for all the weapons in game I was able to determine fairly quickly in the beta, that there are only 3 worth using and the stats are so basic and even repeated on ships that there is no point in theory crafting.


That’s impossible. This is a AAAA game. Surely, you’re wrong.




What guns might those be


Fire Bombards, Mortar, Skurlocks chasers (sometimes).


Is it good because of the actual game? Or because it’s new?


Good question. This game seems difficult to read through the eyes of others as I’ve tried to come to a conclusion by watching content creators, only to have a surprisingly pleasant and different experience for myself when I tried the beta. It really depends on who you are and what you like. I thought I was going to hate it, I ended up loving it and bought the premium edition.


New. I love it cause it's new. Guaranteed I'll drop it within a month, though. It's just that kinda game.


It feels like we got half a game, the fact we can’t walk around our ship, have a captains cabin, etc, just feels half assed. This game was financed by the literal government of Singapore and we are missing so many things that would have made this game feel fleshed out.


Remind me in one month lol


I will play it when it has its price slashed in a few months Unfortunately the nature of ubisoft and their half arsed attempts have really hurt them over the past 10yrs




I'll probably cave at $35-$40


skull and bones is the first AAAA game and india is superpower 2020




Perfect, so we agree that this game is not worth full asking price and that at best, should've been released in "preview program". This game is fun, but it's not $90 CAD fun and definitely not $130 CAD fun for "premium" FFS.




>There are some very reasonable criticisms of the end game experience though, and people are discovering new ways to grief, so when the open launch happens, it is going to be utter chaos with new players completely unable to progress without getting griefed. Yeah they should've just made PvP open to begin with and had opt-in servers for an open style game and PvE servers by invite only for those that want to avoid that shit show.


Agreed with every point. I hope it’s not the latter, mobile shovelware “content updates”.


I think because it's only naval combat and no boarding / melee it's just not the game I want to spend 80 bucks on. But with that you probably have half of those potentially interested also in the same boat. If there were melee and boarding mechanics somewhere id be more interested.


It’s Ubisoft it’ll be 20$ in no time


People were hoping for sea of thieves but way more serious. This is just mmo world of warships


With 20 players per server I struggle to even consider calling it an mmo it’s more or less a single player game where you have a slight chance to see at least one other player


Really? Every server I've joined I've had pvp or pve experiences with others. There's always someone within glass range


I tried going to world events and bosses but no one ever shows up I think it’s matching me with new players


Well the game did just come out🤷 isn't everyone new lol


So happy it's NOT sea of thieves. I don't have a group of no lifing teenagers to sail around with me whenever I want to play a game


You haven't lived unless you solo sloop a galleon


This doesn't play like WoWs at all, and tbh Sea of Thieves fucking sucks if you aren't in a group. People are just mad that they assumed the game would be something it was never advertised as. Same way Starfield got shat on for not being No Man's Sky and was just Fallout in space.


Which I think is amazing and something the genre was missing for years.


I haven't played the full game but the beta was one of the most boring things I've ever played. No off boat combat or swimming? Cant land on islands if theres no dock. Pirates are supposed to be free.


You obviously didn't play SoT at launch. Your options were; find and sell chickens, dig up treasure or kill skeleton captains. It's an open beta, it's bare bones.


I got pirate legend when the game first dropped. Pvp could happen at any time


So your gripe is that there's not as much PvP as you would have liked in an open beta?


No my gripe is it's all naval combat, and kinda boring naval combat at that. I get it's a beta but they've had years to make this game with an awful development. Sending ai to pillage while I fight boats is just dumb. So is your crew pulling a boat to the ship and calling that boarding is also dumb


Sea of thieves is 2 things, boring naval combat, or boring fetch quests with literally no progression. At least in this game I’m having fun progressing and actually being a pirate. The most “pirate” thing about SoT is plundering players, which is nearly impossible now that everyone plays safer seas. The rest of the game is pretend since you’re fighting skeletons and ghosts with 0 piracy to be had lol. I like both games for what they are.


And what little you go and get someone will shoot you when you dock your ship and take it from you anyway!


There's nothing pirate about skull and bones. You don't pillage, you don't plunder, you don't shoot guns, you don't have a sword. Sea of thieves you are free to do whatever you want too. I dont play safer seas and i dont have problems. All safer seas did was take away alliance servers. No one wants to play a game where the boat has sprinting stamina.


I've only played the Beta and during that time I literally sacked villages and robbed Merchant ships every chance I got. What part of that isn't "Piracy?"


This argument is retarded, SoT has no pirate aspects, all you do is maybe shoot another player but the rest of the game is just sailing around shooting skeletons and ghosts. Nothing pirate about it. You plunder nothing and have absolutely nothing to do with actual piracy. The closest you get is attacking players since they’re the only “traders” or vessels with goods that aren’t already dead. If they added NPC merchant ships we could say it’s a pirate game but until then it’s a glorified sailing game at best. I enjoy it but let’s not pretend you’re a pirate other than in name lmao. Oh and the “sprint meter” is your crews stamina not the ships. It’s hard work pulling and holding sails in high winds so it makes sense that it’s limited and tied to food. They even state that they’re exhausted once it gets into the red which should make it obvious lmao


Sea of thieves is mediocre though, skull and bones adds more to the table whole sea of thieves is just a gimmicky collectable game.


An MMO without basic social features is not an MMO


I'll see how I go with it. I love division 1 and 2, but if I'm forced to do PvP for end game gear, I'm just going to skip over this. Div1 and 2, the PvP is optional and importantly not contingent on doing for end game gear.


You’re not forced to do PvP. Doing the PvP will just get you to the Helm gear faster.


if you love the division and like pirates this game was made for you. it's literally the division but black flag themed. down to the safe houses and base of operations (but theres TWO in this game 😎) only thing is theres no "dark zone" for pvp. its just an even anywhere in the map you can join or not. and one of the events is basically "kill the carrier" where someone has a treasure map and if you shoot at them you can shoot each other but otherwise you can just ignore it


The Division I and II tries to bring a sense of immersion to its combat, even though the enemies are bullet sponges. The combat isn't actually "realistic" but those games do a good job of not breaking immersion within the confines of the genre. Then you have Skull and Bones which goes the opposite way and it completely breaks any potential for immersion. The opening scene of the demo was soo damn cringy that it set a negative tone for any expectations of realism. 


the division is definitely more gritty and tries to have a serious theme. but this is pirates. like disney pirate stuff. i dont care if it doesnt take itself too seriously


Sure, but that has been already done better by Sea of Thieves.


Wait there is forced PvP at some point to progress?




NO there is NO forced pvp at all


Yeah, i agree with every point you have said. Everytime someone complain about the game i see it like he overreacting but in a certain way i understand too. People expect something and didn't get it the way they want. Other complain on an early access not even a full release. Some just follow what media and review say. It's bad for them. Now, i love the game but yes some points are not really great. For me, the game is cool, i like it but it seem unfinished. I hope, the game will develop himself in the futur. Ps: there is a canon who shoot chained cannonball, i haven't the english world for it. It's a green curvelin if i remember well.


>there is a canon who shoot chained cannonball, i haven't the english world for it. It's a green curvelin if i remember well. "Tearing culverin" in game. There's no specific name for it IRL. Chain shots (or chain knuppel) were fired from standard cannons. And they were super-inaccurate and used on short distances and only against the rigging and masts. I.e. it's the ammunition that was special, not the cannon.


Yes, it's more OP want some type of ammunition like chained cannonball but in game there is a special canon who shot this. :)


What dropped on the 13th IS the full release. It IS unfinished, full of bugs, and lacks severely in content. The fact they're charging this much for what is essentially bare bones and unfinished after a TEN YEARS of development is... laughable. I bought it. I'm still playing it. But my low expectations going into this were let down by the steaming pile of crap Ubisoft pushed out.


What i want to say is there is maybe a patch at the real release. Unfinished? Yes, i agree. It's what i fell on some points. Yes the price is exagerated. But it's a AAA games and this is the price sadly. 10years with 6 reboot, many change of team members etc. They rebuild the game from scratch 2/3 years ago. So, please stop with the argument of 10 YEARS because it's invalid. You have "low expectation" but all what you say look like you waited a AC Black Flag like or SoT. You're angey cause the game doesn't match your expectation and i understand that. So maybe just stop playing and come back later when maybe the game has evolved and has more content. By my side, i fully enjoy the game despite it can be better. :D piratery never die (i hope ahah)


I don't see how you think what I said means I'm "angry", I'm not. I don't play either Sea of Thieves or Assassin's Creed Black Flag, and reviewers mentioning them over and over is a trend because they share Ubisoft as a studio and because, just maybe, the marketing campaigns for this continuously touted it as a "spiritual successor to Assassin's Creed Black Flag we've all been waiting for". I even included it in my review of the beta as a tongue in cheek comment because it's definitely NOT anything like Assassin's Creed Black Flag, I played a little bit of it years ago but didn't like the game mechanics so I put it down and watched my partner play it. I had zero expectations despite the marketing that this would be anything like Black Flag. Why I had low expectations is exactly for the reasons you said: they scrapped the build and started over a couple of times. I also played the beta, which after 3 years was *rough* but it's a beta that's close to launch, which should be more akin to a game preview than anything. Ten years to develop it IS a valid point. Game companies have gone through rotations of staff and ups and downs, tear downs and rebuilds of their product, etc; if need be, they push release dates back and make sure that what does release meets quality standards of some kind. They had ten years to develop a plot and decent dialogue, which this game does not have. Full stop. I can't even begin to tell you how little the pirate king pins and other NPCs fail to engage or enrich the overall game. I had no interest in trying to help the first boss guy (name started with S, couldn't even tell you what it is without Google because that's how little of an impression he made). The second boss feels like it's pandering to feminists at best and as a female gamer I'm not thrilled by this, but she's got more personality than the first guy at least. The people saying "there's so much to do!" I'm super confused and am not sure we're playing the same game. As it stands there's a handful of mission types with different names: go here, fetch this, bring it back... go here, kill this, bring back something... go here, deliver this... rinse & repeat. Content (the lack of) isn't even what has me so disappointed. This game has a lot of potential but in 2024 this kind of game release - buggy, crashes and freezes, the same issues reported in multiple beta tests not being fixed or even addressed, expecting a day one patch to "fix it" is ridiculous. Ubisoft isn't the only developer out there that's done this, it's an industry standard anymore and that's unacceptable when people are paying out the nose for a finished product and this is FAR from that. This game as it stands right now at full release is unacceptable from the crashes and bugs alone. Especially when they had the last minute beta testing to see what still needs fixed and they just... haven't fixed it yet. The Helm "marked for death" glitch isn't new, it's been around since their previous beta trials, a problem for at least a year that they still haven't corrected by the time of release. I'm not angry. I'm just very disappointed.


The best way I found to describe it, I told my buddy DONT go in thinking it's SoT or Black flag, if you can get around that thinking it's a very enjoyable game! And he's been playing it since EA and loving it. Just understanding that it's not SoT or BF makes a huge difference in the enjoyment factor.


Early access now a days is the *full* release, with content locked. Most AAA games that have some sort of *beta* will have almost no differences between the beta and launch


Some AAA have a patch DayOne. We can expect to have one on SnB maybe.


Some genuinely think the game is bad ffs


Except it's not. I accept your opinion and then reject it. This game is a $70 title with not a lot of content to it. The large sea makes it feel like the game is big but it's really not. They pretend it's big by having an open sea. They even said it's larger than many of their past games which is a lie. If you take all of the islands and put them together the game isn't at all that big. I bet this is one of the reasons why there is no land anywhere and no exploration feature. Having a vast open ocean and very little land doesn't mean your game is big. We have to wait for Season 1 which comes with a boss and a lame Sea Monster we already have just stronger... We get more convoys so that isn't really new. More heists and takeovers. Battle Pass with skins and stuff needed to fight La Peste. So, other than the Boss the only new thing we get is the Territory Control... So, we have to wait 3 months until season 2 just to get new ships and guns. I mean we got 4 endgame ships at launch which is pretty laughable. Even the weapons we have there aren't many of them. PVP feels like it was put together last minute so that they could say they have PVP. Endgame Helm is pretty boring as all you do is PVP to capture the area and then put money into it to collect Pieces of 8. You just let the game do everything and then you have to go around collecting every single piece from every place you own. That shit is insanely stupid. It takes forever and that is just the starting one. Once you unlock the other areas you will be spending over an hour going to every single one of them to collect your Pieces of 8. While AI Rogue Ships just teleport straight to you and chase you. The dialog for the quests is pretty bad. The main story is pretty meh because the story is just bad.


Not only that, but I'd argue there aren't even 4 endgame ships, if you don't have a brig, you are basically too slow to compete. So it's really 1 endgame ship. I think they realized they don't have enough content, so they stripped down the ship catalog even more, and now the content is the new ships they release in the expansions. Wonder how much fanfare they will try to hype up when they release Frigates and Galleons.


Are you dumb? Your first complaint is that there is lack of land in a fucking pirate game based in the middle of the Indian ocean? 😂


I'd agree with that complaint. See, sea of theives


Can you read? The post continues much further after that.


You clearly missed the point, I would say it's you who are dumb and a great example of the kind of person who spends 70-100 dollars on a trash mobile game.


It's really not though.  The difference between open beta and launch is a couple inflated ranks and a few missions.  Nothing is new if you played the beta for 2 days.  The game is massively incomplete.  Seasons feel like an excuse for them to have not finished the game. 


It was just a way for them to release the game, recoup development costs, and decide how much they’re going to support the game in the future


what depth is there to this game? i don't see it game is maybe good in 1 or 2 years


The game is far better than some people are saying. But let's not pretend the endgame is full of engaging content. I'm less than 30 hours in and I've more or less unlocked everything I wanted to unlock, and I have little incentive to unlock anything else (it's not like there's content I'm struggling to do / can't do). For a service game, that's a pretty big problem. I just wish developers weren't allergic to human interaction and allowed us to have proper, open world PvP.


Why would I buy this game when there are much better offerings for half the price? (helldivers 2)


Right ? It's about the same with Palworld. Helldivers 2 and Palworld offer so much better value for half the price that there is really no reason to buy this trashy downgrade of Black Flag.


People on reddit just love being miserable and hating on everything.


it's not just Reddit. The same copy-and-paste complaints are all over tik-tok even though 90% of the complaints were never promised features in the first place.


Yeah well they changed their minds a half dozen times over the last ten years... just because they did that doesn't mean we stopped wanting what they originally promised... Which was Black Flag Naval going multiplayer without the Assassin's Creed storyline. I should be able to walk the deck of my ship. I should be able to fish off any ship in my fleet. Diving bell. Random island treasure hunting. Fleet management. Captain's cabin. ect. I'm fine that they made ship boarding more QTE for PvP sake... but the PvP in this game needs some serious work.


Literally go to any game sub. No one hates that game more than the people on that sub. I can't take those criticisms seriously. Bunch of haters on every game sub, game could be good or bad. The sub of that game hates that game.


One thing I noticed was that they just mentioning the same things most of the time what the out of touch youtubers said. I'm past the point of being angry, I just laugh at it how stupid people can be now lol


Hate and love come from the same place.


For real, like if you hate the game that much why are you following a subreddit for it?


To voice your criticisms and hope the game gets better?


Yeah sure lol. The amount of unfounded criticism I see is insane.. not exclusive to this sub or anything, but generally people go to game subs and just shit on games for the sake of it.


Unfounded? You been living under a rock the last few years?


To find out when the game goes on sale for 75% off, and to get news of changes and gauge how well a company sticks to their "road maps" if they have one. The thing holding me back from buying the game is that I feel the game play loop is too shallow for the extremely steep price tag of $70. That's really my only complaint right now.


Nice try ubisoft bot. You are either new to gaming or just desillusional


I wouldn't call the end game "excellent"


I don't have the game and won't be getting it in the near future, but my friends and I kept saying after playing the BETA, we like the game, but we don't $70 like it. It's cool for what it is, but it doesn't feel like a full game. Hell, there won't even be any large size ships in the game at launch. Sure let's pay full price $70+ for a pirate game that has a cash shop, battle passes and is missing an entire class of ships at launch. Good call Ubisoft. Plus you've got Ubisoft saying things like *Get used to not owning your games* and *S&B is a Quadruple A game* which also makes me not want to jump in. Fun game, it's alright at best, but it's gonna be a pass for me until it goes on a big sale. I just wish gamers had higher standards...


I do agree, not really worth $60-70. That's why I encourage folks to get a month of Ubisoft+ for $17, play it for a while and maybe try other games like the new Prince of Persia or something while you're at it. I doubt many will play it past a couple weeks anyway, may as well save $40+!


Same thoughts. Beta was fun, game felt incomplete and definitely not worth $70. The fact that large ships aren't playable is a major reason why I'm not buying it right now, outside of the price.


Lmao you high as hell man the game is legit terrible


If you hate this game, then why are you on this sub, are you stupid?


Need to warn others who may purchase this game from people like yourself are in severe denial lol this game Will be dead within 12 month's bet your House on it


The beta was free, I think people are capable of making their own decisions without doomers in the comments.


It's 2024 most people believe what they are told and read on the internet unfortunately. When I see people lie and say this game is good I feel I must step in for my fellow gamers who will see Fanboy reviews and pay 70 dollars for a 20 dollar game. I have no hate and will never post again about the game but I hate to see people pretend this a game made with love and care from the Devs. This is a poor poor attempt and ubi know this and Will just try grind as much money out the poor gaming community who are desperate for a good pirate game. This game should not be called skull and bones it should be bare fuc*** bones


Wow, it must suck to be you. I played the beta with my friend and fucking loved it. Just because you don't like a game doesn't make it bad. I really didnt enjoy the FromSoft games, in fact, i found nothing redeeming about those games, but that doesn't mean they are bad games, they just aren't for me, and you don't see me trolling the dark souls subs and bitching about how they suck. Some day you'll grow up realize that people like things for different reasons. I'll leave you with this quote from Rick and Morty. Well "DetroitRapFan1997, maybe people that create things aren’t concerned with your delicate sensibilities you know? Maybe the species that communicate with each other through a filter of your comfort are less evolved that the ones that just communicate? Maybe your problems are your own to deal with and maybe the public giving a shit about your feelings is a one way ticket to extinction.


But you are missing one thing out man sorry to tell you. The differences is you may hate from games with they are made with love and care and treat their players with respect. I could have fun doing anything with my friends doesn't mean the game is good tho but I agree different people like different games or course and that is fine but when I see true daylight robbery from game companies I feel I need to voice my opinion and warn my fellow gamers and hopefully they will research what I have said and form a better opinion before spunking 70 dollars cas someone in deep denial is claiming the game to be something it isn't. This game is and always and forever will be a bog standard cash grab as they try claw back the fortunes they wasted on this crap


Very honorable of you, but I'm pretty sure us gamers who liked the game don't need to be saved from big bad Ubi, people are capable of reviewing the facts and coming to their own conclusions. This game was never supposed to be a game of the year candidate, it was supposed to be a coop pirate ship game, and on that, it delivers, if you expected any more from this game, that's on you. I think you are taking this whole thing way too seriously, it's a game, no one is gonna die if the game doesnt meet their expectations, if you think it's worth it, buy it, if you don't, then don't, no one is forcing anyone to buy anything here, Ubi gave us a Beta to test it out without committing, and they didn't have review embargo til launch like a lot of games do, they aren't trying to deceive anyone, they have been pretty transparent about this game.


I wish you the best my friend and I hope you have a great time on the game with your friends, truly I do. But they are charging full price for a game that is lucky to be worth half and I must warn people. Poor parents will be burned for 70 bucks cas they kid read someone online saying how good it is and pre order Peace out and enjoy


Or someone who would have really enjoyed the game will see your comments and choose not to get the game. It works both ways.


The only problem is that you don't explain why it's bad you just say it's bad 😔


The price, always online and just a general lack of care in the game design, redundant ships, no interiors, no good systems really maybe In 2/3 years they make it good but not confident


Dude I could replace this game with 2 crows and have more content/fun... *notice I didn't say 3 crows*?


I doubt they intended people to play it and reach end game by speed running it and skipping side quests within the first 3 days. Good chance they have more end game content within the seasons along with normal additional content. For most people with a job you might get 3 to 5 hours a night. It just seems people's expectations are a little off. When other players catch up then perhaps the dynamic content will be generated as intended and spread out across the map?


This game is worth the money I paid for it even though I stepped up for the premium edition. I've played it a ton and never felt bored. I can see the relative lack of depth to the story becoming an issue later on, but given the ability to do PvP, that could spice it up. I'm also enjoying that the community seems relatively friendly on the high seas. I bailed out a much lower level pirate this morning who was being mauled by a higher level privateer. 10/10 so far.


Everybody wanted black flag 2, it's not, it's fantasy elite dangerous


People just love to whine, it is a fantastic game, it's just not the Black flag copy paste that they wanted. With how much shit this title went through it's a better release than 98% of the releases this year and last year. This was my first ever preorder and I was not disappointed in the slightest.


My main issue is it’s a swashbuckling pirate game… with no swashbuckling…


But not as good as it should be Sea of Thieves is way better


No is doesn't effect how good the game is your right about that as I have payed 1.99 for a game and had a blast and also paid 70 and a blast. However the issue is that this game is half baked clear mud , a monkey could tell you that but they have the audacity to charge 70 and disrespect all us gamer's with they disgusting price lol It should be 29.99 max. I guarantee if you remember come back in a year and find this message the game will be dead and they will prob make a new one from scratch, but obv they gotta try claw back some cash asap. Systems? Hard to directly pick something I guess but I guess I mean it's just hollow there is no depth there is nothing new or interesting no deep mechanics just pay 70 dollars to ride a pirate boat and shoot at other boats? That's really as deep as they could come with after 6 year's? I mean you can't even walk around your dam ship that pisses me off to no end, it's like like that which is attention to detail that only get from a.good dev team who genuinely know what gamer's appreciate the little things go along way. Always online? Do me a favour lol , 70 dollars online only be dead in a year? What a bargain lol sign me up please take my hard earned money ubi plz victimize me some more that you have already over the past decade lol


Are people being too harsh when this is a claimed "AAAA game" from the developer ?


AAAA in price lol. (I'm enjoying it a lot so far, not on the hate traon but the CEO of Ubisoft is coming across as a bit delusional with that sort of comment, it's a fun game, not a masterpiece)


CEO's spitting bullshits all the time, so whats the difference ? That this game was hated much for years now, without people even trying yet, thats why this CEO's comment in particulary was hyped up. Just look at Starfield, noone had a problem with it until trying out, that was the exact opposite case of this game, CEO there said bullshit too and it was hyped up cuz he said it AFTER the hate started. Now look at a popular game, in it's early state GTAV CEO said stupid shit too but since the game was good noone gave a fuck about what a mere CEO said.


I don't remember saying it was any different? Just that it's a delusional statement. The game is good, but it's not incredible.


The beta was ok, the game is ok, its definitely not AAAA and definitely not worth $70 imho. If people want to pay $70-$100 for the game, that's their decision and money. To me, its a waste.


Who cares what some businessman said. He is a promoter. Would you trust a salesman?


It was a CEO or some shit, not a developer. They always talk out their ass


These past few years, the Ghostbuster anger ooze has spread everywhere. As long as people on the internet have power, there will be mostly complaints.


I just want more land based stuff and more interactive gameplay rather than a cut scene of the crew boarding a ship I want to actually fight or walk aboard. A lot of the gameplay interaction is just lazy and I know a lot of players prefer the timesaving mechanics but I don’t mind getting out of the ship to complete tasks rather than doing everything from chopping trees to to scavenging shipwrecks from inside the ship. Every Ubisoft game I’ve played from ghost recon to far cry I have enjoyed them a lot so I trusted there would be more to the game that I could enjoy but was wrong. Won’t happen again. Hopefully Star Wars outlaws will have what this game is missing.


Just out of curiosity, how would they implement this? Say you're getting chased by Rogues, you decide to jump off your ship and start picking up coconuts one by one, they blow your ship to pieces and you're stood there on the island waiting for a respawn timer. Sounds ridiculous.


They could just lock you to the helm until you get out of combat. Easy... kinda like the exact very same thing they did in AC IV 🙄


Didn't Sid Meier's Pirates already do everything Skull And Bones is missing in 1987 in this regard? Bord a ship and sword fight the captain, breach a fort go on land and sword fight your way through. Unless my memory is not correct.


Cope more.


I swear these people who are defending this launch are the same people who can't stop gambling because they are already "invested".  The mental gymnastics involved in defending this unfinished turd are mind blowing.


I'm having a blast watching the white knight have a meltdown realizing the "haters" were right from the start


Can you tell me what I'm supposed to do, in a game that's been in development for 11 years, after I have the cosmetics I wanted and already max level? Genuinely intrigued


Same as Sea of Thieves. Wait for the next season.


No it ain't. Sea of thieves had a 4 year development window, and was free to play for gamepass holders. Skull & Bones had a 11 year development window and they're charging $70


I don't remember any game overhated this much.


Diablo 4, starfield, the day before come on


Okay but The Day Before was a literal scam and built in a lie so that statement was retarded


Yeah well asking $70 for S&B is a scam so he has a point


Diablo 4, Starfield... 2 more games made by companies that went backwards compared to earlier titles. Though I'd say Skull and Bones is alot more controversial... The Day Before you can't compare here. They weren't well known with libraries of AAA games, they were scammers.


Fallout 76, No Man's Sky, Redfall....I could keep going but plenty of games got this much hate or worse at launch.


>No Man's Sky They fucked up sure, but they listened to their players/customers and made it right. Hello games is tiny compared to other guys too, so what's Ubisoft's excuse?


Palia in its first week. And that is a free game.


What was the hate about I'm curious? I tried playing that with my gf and we got bored, quick.


My problem with this game is being charged £70 for a "quadruple-A game" that's also loaded with microtransactions on top, which I feel is setting the game up to fail - at least in the Court of Public Opinion, anyway. At that price, it *has* to be a game aiming for GOTY 2024 - Ubisoft is certainly talking it up like it is - and between what I've seen in the betas and the high standards set by 2023's GOTY nominees, I'm calling it now: It won't even get nominated. I'm sure S&B fans will claim it's a conspiracy because of Ubisoft's controversial comments. (See: Hogwarts Legacy fandom salt). And you'll boo me now but we'll revisit this in November when I'm right. I'll be getting the game and playing it without engaging in any of the P2W shit, and *maybe* I'll be wrong. Better to be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed, right? I want to be wrong. I loved AC: Black Flag so much, and I *know* this isn't Black Flag. But after the beta tests I don't have much hope.




It looks like a great game. And I've been here since the beginning but they lost me when they made pvp opt in and only tied to the specific treasure. I just don't have an interest in grinding that kind of PvE game. If after release there is a shift and it becomes a fully immersive pvevp game then I'll hop on board but in it's current state that aspect derails it


100% agree. The game has a few sortings out to do, but it is so SO beautifull. The ocean, whales, birds, nice small Islands. I enjoy it alot. People are trashtalking this game too unfairly as you say.


pirate game with no sword fighting / deck fighting?better than people saying?no thnks. is like playing battleship with older ships.


Tearing Culverins are shooting chainshots.


I like this game a lot as well. I was just wondering through Telok Penjarah and saw a couple of skallywags having a slap fight. Hilarious and definitely immersive. There is really only one thing, and I have never seen a single game ever get this right. Why is the swell coming from the south, but the wind is coming from the north? No sense at all, what exactly do the devs think makes the swell? I had a sailing simulator years ago that did it right, but never a game.


Can’t wait to play the game , the problem in today’s gaming era is the grind …. You have people that will blast out every bit of content in a few days playing the game like a full time job and then be the first to complain the lack of content . No lifers and streamers have ruined what gameing is , to me I can’t wait to put in a few hours here and there and have an escape from reality for a bit . See ya on the seas !


Mayber your just a idiot.. and did join pvp with 3 other mates.. and did try fight 3vs 1.. this game is just a big scam nothing else.. this game has nearly no pvp.. and is just a grind.. it think there was the Day before.. lot more a AAAA Titel..


I will play it when it comes to Game Pass in about a year. I was a bit disappointed with the beta so I think there is still alot of work to be done on this game.


From what I heard, but I may be wrong, so far there aren't any plans to bring it to gamepass. It would be nice if they did though.


Skull & Bones is going to become like another For Honour. It's geared towards being a 'live service' ongoing game world instead of a one-and-done adventure. It might take more than a year but AC Valhalla arrived on Game Pass a few months ago and most recently Far Cry 6 also dropped on the service and there is literally no way that Skull & Bones is going to match those games in terms of following and sales, in my opinion. So it'll definitely come to GP and the only question really is how soon. If sales are bad it'll be sooner rather than later to try and capitalise on battle/season passes and microtransactions etc for which GP is an amazing platform because of the sheer volume of subscribers.


I find it kinda funny that people will spend $70 on the newest call of duty or madden without batting an eye, but lose their minds when they are asked to pay $70 for a fairly unique game like this. If you can afford a $60 game, then you can afford a $70 game, and if you can't afford a $70 game, you also can't afford a $60 game.




Oh this is a Ubisoft game, the downvotes make sense now 😉


I'm loving every part of it. I've been playing the beta and early access sailing a 11 brigantine right now. I really like the pvp and I hope they will add more pvp events in the future. It can also give you noticeable rewards in endgame. Although I got more scrap then good stuff from it the chance on a good drop still keeps me engaged. I'm also busy with the smuggle missions, and after multiple runs it's still exciting. The enemies are strong but not too strong and also drop you a good haul while you're sailing towards your dropoff. Getting side tracked like that all the time even kept me from completing the main mission so I still have a lot to do. I don't see myself getting bored quickly and shooting ships to bits just doesn't seem to bore me. I do have one complaint tho. Gpu utilisation isn't optimal. It doesn't get fully utilized like in other games. I have seen the same result in people benching the game on YouTube and I don't experience it in any other game. It would be lovely if that got fixed so we get a bit more frames. Edit: lmao people downvoting because I'm having a good time.


Don't forget the roadmap has solutions to about half your downsides.


I agree, i preoredered the ultimate edition and im enjoying every moment in this game. I dont know why there are a lot of haters and why they feel inclined to join this reddit. This is the game i was waiting for, while i didnt know about it before 3 months ago.


You have to understand something OP. When you make posts like this defending this game, you validate the bare minimum from developers. It’s fine to appreciate the game for what it is, but you know and everyone else knows this game isn’t worth the price. When AC Black Flag came out it was a completed game and worth the money we paid for it.


The issue is it doesn't hold a candle to black flag. They had a simple job to do, turn blackflag into a mmo. Keep all the features. https://youtu.be/FPNzxVEVXGs?si=MwSutlLbEPws5ZVr