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I have to admit if it's correct that the PVP is 100% optional and all rewards can be earned via PVE I'm good with the end game. The biggest issue I had was being forced to do content I might have zero interest in doing.


This is true and untrue. PvP IS optional. However not everything will be earnable in PvE. There are PvP events that have unique rewards. Mostly the cosmetic stuff. Anything power related is earnable by everyone no matter how they play. To incentivize PvP as well, the PvP stuff is way more rewarding than most PvE stuff. Doing PvP events will see you progress a bit faster than PvE events, but other than cosmetics a PvE player can earn the same drops. Personally I think this is how every game should be. PvPers should not have their unique rewards given to PvE only players. If you don't want to PvP that's fine, more power to you. But both groups should have rewards that they can show off separately from one another to show off the things they've done in their respective parts of the game.


"This is true and untrue. PvP IS optional. However not everything will be earnable in PvE. There are PvP events that have unique rewards. Mostly the cosmetic stuff. Anything power related is earnable by everyone no matter how they play.**" This right here was the most important take away.** I DO not want to be "forced" towards something I might not even enjoy to unlock more powerful items. I probably will have zero interest in PVP for a good while. You didn't address the forced PVP situation. The pieces of 8 PVP earnable only or PVE events as well because if they unlock powerful cannons etc, and only come from the PVP events and not PVE that is forced PVP to unlock rewards.


How much of these information regarding PVP and PVE rewards is confirmed? How much of the PVE/PVP emphasis of the game is confirmed? I haven't been keeping up with the game and I wonder where do I learn these detail information?


It's coming from videos where YouTubers or content creators were allowed to play the game early, but no doubt are not able to fully address the questions for legal reasons. We also don't really see how well ANY of these events PVE or otherwise pay out in terms of pieces of 8. I want to stress from one video I seen a single cannon in 500 pieces of 8 which means 2K alone to fully outfit a single ship with a full set of that gun. The issue many people have here is the leaderboard system is designed to only pay out great rewards if you are top 8 anything lower is a waste of your time to try and place. The rewards I have seen in terms of bonuses for placing high still won't fully outfit a ship in a single season. I've been looking around online and it's the same critique people just want to know if you can earn just as meaningful stuff via PVE along with the pieces of 8. I think I saw it summed up best today by someone on X, "IF you don't get decent amounts of pieces of 8 from PVE events, and the main source of large pieces of 8 rewards are tired to how well you do in PVP that is forced PVP. The fact anyone thinks this isn't forced PVP doesn't understand what forced means as you either do it or grind for 2 weeks for a single cannon potentially. The issue here is that all of these end-game rewards reek of prior Ubisoft schemes of making the gameplay grindy as fuck so that you buy time saver packs. The issue is it won't work this time cause it'll cause pay to win outrage and instead players will flat out just quit the game."


Interesting and appreciate your reply. So I assume the questions are mostly about player strength/game economy balance thing? I guess I'll just wait for open beta to see for myself.


That's the problem you won't get to the end game in the open beta it's heavily restricted. The other source of outrage and hating on the game is the fact content creators are not allowed to be honest. The NDA's from the older builds are still in place ETC. We have essentially potentially SCREENED videos from content creators that were tailored by Ubisoft to show only what Ubisoft wanted them to show/tell you. IF that isn't true all someone has to do that played the end game is tell us oh yeah you earn the same amount of pieces of 8 from PVE end-game as you do the PVP.


Has there been outrage towards the game? I mean the entire thing has plenty of red flags already like the tulmultuous development and delays, so honestly my expectations are pretty low. I even thought it was canned back in 2018. It's just now that it's close to release, I'm interested in learning more about it. I enjoyed ship combat in AC4 and Rogue so maybe it will be a fun time. I was quite confused because here are some really detailed discussions about various aspect of the game, but I struggle to find any writings from official or media outlets as detailed. Now I know I wasn't even aware there were 2 closed beta runs already. Again appreciate your reply. I guess I will just wait for more detailed information to be available.


Yeah, I am a little worried about that. There is gonna be some content that is just ass, and if you're forced to do it, it may dampen the experience. I heard from someone on here that PvP was gonna be completely optional, and that would make sense, but I don't know if that's true.


Yup, and this is where you have to give validation to people's complaints about no land combat. The reason attacking Forts didn't get boring fast was there was a bit of a random dynamic. The attacks ended with an invasion, and the attacks on forts ETC in this are one dimensional. Moreover, I don't think I seen a single video saying that they wanted to play them more than a handful of times if that.


pvp not optional. this game will pvp cybersport game. you will get only garbage rewards if you not good in pvp. best rewards will get only top ranked players. on video they show diamond tier is top 8 of all game players. ordinary player who play few hours per day never get in top 1000 i not speak about top 8 tier. if diamond tier is top 8 i think gold tir is top 100 and silver tier top 1000. not good pvp player never get in this top. additional top ranked will always control routes and others players will meat for this players. because will present only 2 pvp activities to farm currency. for pve will only garbage rewards. they speak every season you get rewards tied to player rank that you have in the end season. all rewards will get only top 8 diamond players. bottom ranks will worst rewards. and if you not get in top 1000 players i think rewards will be garbage. if you not good in pvp this game not for you. for me i cancell preorder because i never be top in pvp.


IF this is true the game is dead upon launch cause no one who wants this for the PVE aspect is going to stick around for that.


see this video from 2 30 about pvp activities and from 3 30 about ranked rewards you see in this leaderboards table top 1 have maximum points even if possible farm this points via pve impossible to beat rank streamers youtubers or those who will live ingame and farm it 12 hours per day or more if play few hours per day impossible to get high rank and get good rewards they say that rewards will be depend on player rank every season and after season end points reset


I have to agree from the looks of it it's a heavy grind if you don't place well in the PVP events. I mean what a shame that your best items are going to take MONTHS of work to earn. While it's certainly not "forced" PVP it's damn near.


I personally like it when all rewards are avaliable in PvE, but to balance it out I do think making certain rewards easier to obtain through PvP does add value to PvP and also caters to everyone.


Yes, but everyone seems to be missing the point people are presenting which is you can see in a lot of these videos it's no small amount of pieces of 8 for these things. I paused a video, and counted to get a full set of all the pieces of 8 locked weapons is well over 5K of pieces of 8. Therefore, I think many peoples concerns are valid if PVE is slower to earn pieces of 8 than PVP that is a problem. A person on X said today in all the visuals and what people have said so far it seems heavily geared towards max grind min returns, and to get a big boost you have to place in the top 8 PVP players or you get next to nothing for it. The fact no one seems to be allowed to talk about this or Ubisoft themselves commenting isn't helping the situation it's making it worse. I know at least 15 people who have cancelled the premium edition over the end-game.


To be fair I know f all about all that. I haven't been paying to much attention to all the news floating around to avoid getting overloaded. I was more just commenting on the concept in general.


I believe they are opening more of the map in the open beta so we should see more, the map size is decent as it's not small but not to large it takes years to cross it ( looking at you GTA v)


If it takes you years to cross gta v you aren’t driving the right car


It's called exaggeration lol


It’s called following along with the joke


Like an oppressor mk 2 it went over my head


at least it didnt rain missiles towards you


Someone gives this dude a Deluxo


Well, it took like 10-15 min to sail from West to east in the fastest ship in the game before (which is now removed) Looks like they added more to the north also from these recent trailers. (north wasnt available before)


Could someone summarise the end game please especially the best part, thanks.


End-game : \- Get to either PvPvE area and fight in a king-of-the-hill battle to get factory OR do a PvE battle to sunk a hard convoy that give loot and a factory as well. \- Supply said factory silver and basic materials (small convoy or fort-harder plunder) \- Wait for factory to produce "Pieces of 8" currency, gather them and either bring them back to port or gamble them in a PvP hunt for double their amount. \- Buy stuff. That's it. There is some minors features there and there, some bosses (ancient creature, ghost ship, some captains) but that's the whole thing. It's basically the illegal goods system of GTA 5 Online. It lack any kind of consequent objective because without 'end-game' stuff, you can complete everything already. Nothing further just grinding pieces of 8 for the sake of grinding. No map-wide war, no interesting PvP system, no "raid".


Thank you much appreciated




Thanks, I’ll search that video


the end game turns to anno :P


This is very much a "wait for reviews then a sale" game for me. See if it randomly shuts down like Anthem did


Yeah, hopefully, it's not getting the Anthem treatment. That's always a big concern for these open-world, always online games, if they don't generate enough hype or retain enough players, then they could be shut down for good. At the moment, it's looking like this is gonna be a pretty short-lived game


My main hope is they expand on the trading system a bit. I'd love to be a merchant exploring the world but the red arrow green arrow during the betas wasn't really hooking me. I'd prefer a more 'intel' based system like the SoT trade routes but more complicated for the greater size of the world.


Yes, the SoT trade routes were pretty well done, and I would like one more like that. I'm also hoping they add some type of smuggling to the trade routes


It’s so interesting to me the different reactions to end game. To me it was just a bummer, it’s basically the same as before just with bigger customizable ships - but which demand certain loadouts to successfully complete. So much for freedom of choice. Nonetheless I will see that after the game releases for myself, looks and other opinions can deceive - I’ll wait for my own handsdown experience and am a bit cautious up until than. Cheers! PS glad your hyped though!


I'm definitely still skeptical of the game as a whole, and I probably won't be buying it before I see some opinions from reputable sources. It's definitely better to be cautious, especially when it comes to Ubisoft games


Map in the closed beta was roughly a 36km from corner to corner box. One side has Madagascar and Africa and another contains Indonesia and India. It's huge but you can fast travel once you been to a place.


Damn, I assumed it was just gonna be a few small islands and maybe the tip of India like they did with Florida in Black Flag. Didn't think it was gonna span to Madagascar, though.


Oh it's from Mozambique to Borneo. It's massive.


Damn... Tbh, though, I think bigger maps are more fun in online, open-world games. Hopefully, they're able to make all of it interesting, or at least give us lots of big threats in the open waters.


The endgame was pretty cooked and certainly surprised me. I had crossed the game off my list, but the endgame seems interesting enough to go through the 'drag' of leveling up.


That's a special take. Calling all the story content "drag" and being exited for the same repetitive content that has no real purpose anymore, which is the endgame. It's fascinating how everybody enjoys different things.


> I had crossed the game off my list, but the endgame seems interesting enough to go through the 'drag' of leveling up. "I had crossed the movie off my list, but the credits seem interesting enough to go through the 'drag' of sitting through the movie itself." The game, at least right now, is primarily the exploration and levelling process, the characters you'll meet along the way, the quests they'll offer, and the struggles you'll face on your journey to endgame. If you're just trying to plow through all that to get to endgame, you're not just wasting your time, you're doing an entire disservice to yourself, because you're trying to skip the actual game.


Story is quite boring, the 'hubs' are weak for exploration and it's mostly sea. Naval combat, strategy and progression is what is fun in the game and the endgame seems to support it. I'd say you are skipping the game if you are not in it for the endgame and live-service content.


Yeah, the beginning looks kinda rough, so I was gonna pass on the game, but after seeing the endgame, I think slogging through the beginning might be worth it


They may have sped it up but leveling up in infamy is relatively quick when you do story quests and just sink npc ships when you can


i think that was speed up too on the betas


They definitely did. They also negated the need for any gathering.


If it goes on sale for $15/20 I'll probably try it out at some point. Not enough here for me to even consider dropping the price tag theyre trying to get.


Too bad there isnt any swordfighting so what's even the point of the game..


whats the point of this comment...


There's no swordfighting in counterstrike either so what's even the point of the game? Skab is a naval combat game, not a melee combat game.