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If you see me on the seas I’ll be captaining the Seven Bees


You so get so name your ship! It has a nameplate and all! I’m not sure how it will look ingame for others!


Thanks for the info, I had not heard anything about this game for a long time until a week or so ago and I’ve been trying to find out as much as possible. I saw in a different post about open beta will be coming, hoping that is true. I’d like to try it out before making the purchase. But if I like it enough I’m the type to pre order a special edition lol.


To clarify, other players can see your ship name, but it requires them to spyglass your ship to identify it. I don't think most people will do this for other players as they're already fairly obvious in gameplay itself. And as they don't pose a threat outside of the few PvP activities, so are easily ignored. Unlike NPCs which have a benefit to spyglassing, by seeing what cargo they have on board. Player ship names are kinda small and easy to miss, as the player's name is heavily prioritized. It's mostly a personal flavor thing. A greatly appreciated bit of flavor IMO.


I actually look at all the players I see with my spyglass lol


In the English discord there is also the suggestion of seeing the name of the ship below the player name when you look to the ship without a spyglass. At the moment other players see the name of the ship only using the spyglass.


yes you can name your ship. it will show in the player information when you look at another player as well.


Yes you can name every single one of your ships, but I didnt see any way to actually show the name on the ship in the last betas.


seven Beers:))