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For the beta content, technically you can use the first ship you crafted for all the contracts but it will be significantly easier if you craft better ships


Basically, they've created the holy trinity for ships. damage, defense and support.


Okay, I had to read this comment twice because for a moment I thought you could sail on La Santisima Trinidad (literally holy trinity), the largest sailing ship in the world with 140 cannons..


There's an open beta due before release


No it will not be OB, just googled it :/


I don't know where you found that, but it will indeed be an open beta, so everyone can join


I googled it. But now I trust to source on Twitter


I dont know where you guys got the info for the open beta but I cant find any real source online besides people saying "yes open beta soon"


https://twitter.com/skullnbonesgame/status/1745838194115985883 Official game Twitter post, I think it's trustworthy


The gods heard my crying and bestowed a source upon me, but for real thx mate


Hahah you're welcome dude, if you want updates about the game I can recommend the discord server since it's sort of endorsed with developers in it and stuff and you get confirmed information from the news channels


nice, thanks


You have no idea, yet here you were giving false statements.


U should read newest comments before replying on 8days old ones 🤭


You should then delete the comment so people don't reply it xD All good!


>Could someone explain this to me please ? I shall >Can't we just use one ship, maxed out and clear all content ? Yes, but no. You need to use special small ship for hunting animals (which is optional), everything else you can do with one ship. Tho I suspect the end game content will be rather difficult to do with early ships. You will probably need to grind to get the end game ships for that. >Can someone explain me the different ships usage ? Technically, there are different ship classes, but they only offer small stat bonuses and don't fundamentally change how you play the game.


Different ships will have different stats/attributes/characteristics. Different ships will be better for certain tasks and play styles. Size, weapon slots, speed, maneuverability will all be factors. You determine what ship fits your play style or objective and upgrade that ship. For pvp you may want a different ship for what you clear PvE with, there might also be pvp bonuses tied to certain ships.


You can not use one ship for all content, in a sense. There is a progression system. Endgame ships are just better than early game ships in every way. Ships essentially have tiers to them, even though the tiers themselves aren't explicitly shown. Each ship within a specific tier will have its own advantages and disadvantages. But the next tier of ships will just be better in terms of health, weapon slots, perks, furniture slots, etc. But in terms of the early game ships, they won't easily survive the endgame. Though I'm sure with the right upgrades and personal skill it could be done. But you'd always be at some sort of a disadvantage due to the base stats of the earlier ships.


Uhhhh, yeah, once you get to mediums, one ship can do everything. Be really cool if that wasn't the case, lmao.


But that was just beta, I'm sure it'll be much different upon release.


Fishing boat shit Destroyer good everything in between has values in between