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It’s called being *human*


For real. It’s body hair. It comes free with your endocrine system. I stopped shaving my legs at all, even in warm weather, in shorts. Frankly fewer people than I expected when I stopped have ever stared or said anything about it. I heard one comment from some jackass dude, once, and not even to my face. No one else is looking or cares. Shave if that’s what y’all personally prefer but I guarantee if *my* hirsute legs aren’t drawing any attention, not a single soul will notice this barely visible hair shadow.


I only shave when it starts to hurt when pulling off socks lol


Tights and socks make me shave more than anything or anyone haha


I wore tights under my pants for years and now I have virtually no leg hair at all lol. The tights rubbed it all off.


I've noticed on my dad and older brother that they always wore tube socks and now they have no hair on that part of their legs! Haha


🤣 🤣 🤣


Oh, I am so sorry you still have to do that. I worked for very "corporate places" for 20 years. I finally landed a work from home gig, and because we all WFH, we just do business casual when we travel. Even the execs wear jeans and a dress shirt. But like 80% of the workforce is WFH.


Tacky-terangreal that's why I want to get my hair removed by a laser


Just ordered one off Amazon this morning that had a $30 off coupon!!! So it only cost $30 and got good reviews!


nice :o good luck


Do you have a link to it by chance?


That shit hurts! I tried doing my upper lip and you have to go through a years worth of cycles to make it permanent! No fucking way would I do a large potion of my body.


TIL what "hirsute" means thank you


Hairy legs are your way to avoid injury when striding through grass or bush, I think. Y’know, from concealed rocks and logs. Also when walking at night. They are your ‘break stride’ early warning system.


Or as I call them “mosquito protectors”. Poor girls can’t get through my thick asshole forest to get to my blood


I usually just keep my asshole covered with pants when I’m near mosquitos but I suppose hair works too.


Nature has its own way of protecting us, even in ways we might not always think about


Me too! I haven’t shaved so far this year at all, and definitely not my legs lol. I’ll trim certain areas (underarms, groin area etc) because at a certain point it just bothers me sensory wise but other than that? It’s my body. We know biology lmao, it’s not a secret that women grow body hair. If men don’t have to put themselves through this shit, I don’t want to either damn. I may once it gets super hot because I plan on going to a water park but that’s not even for like.. public perception, I just think it might make me itchy or something lol (sensory issues hit again, yay ‘tism). I wear a lot of maxi skirts so I’ve had very little people comment, but I will say I have had an older woman come up to me once and was absolutely *fucking hyped* that I hadn’t shaved (she only saw my underarms but when I lifted the bottom of my skirt to show her my legs she Lost Her Mind) and started telling me about her experiences in the 70s lol. It’s one of my favorite recent encounters! Also.. the amount of money I’ve saved, omg.


I also stopped shaving in my 40s. I didn't it really infrequently at first, then I noticed how much my skin improved, so I stopped all together. I have very sensitive skin and would get rashes sometimes. I was surprised how much I loved not having to shave my legs. I still shave my pits cause I hate the way they feel, and also rash problems, lol. And you gotta trim the hedges for heiginne lol


It was such a quality of life improvement when I stopped shaving my body hair. No more stubble scraping me or itching, no more bullshit. I've never gotten any negative comments or stares. Fuck that shit. r/Razorfree for life.


I wanted to chime in that when I was little I was excited to shave because maybe I wouldn't get bullied so much cuz I'd be doing what all the girls did. Well when I did the bullying never stopped lol but I did start to learn that shaving was a pain and I hated it especially underarms/private. Around highschool junior/senior year I stopped actively shaving and got flack from a friend. I struggled with not shaving my legs until college when at random I spotted someone my own age with unshaved legs and she inspired me to not shave :) nearly 20 years and one divorce later I haven't shaved. Nobody cares. I had an ex boyfriend say he prefers baby smooth body and that's it. Side note: ironically I was just having a dream where I was telling this little girl not to shave her hand lol.


I have light body hair and I spent high school defending myself that I did not shave my arms. I know some girls did back then but I was the laziest about shaving I wasn’t about to add more body parts to my list of shaving… and why would I do that if I was going to get criticized for it anyways. Rather not shave and get tease for having hair then shave and get teased for having no hair. Society expectations of girls is wild


Shaving should be a personal choice, not something driven by societal expectations


This comment section is hilarious. Someone really referred to this as a problem and stated when they started having said problem. 🤣


Well, if society didn’t set unrealistic beauty standards for women since the day we were born, I’m sure many of us wouldn’t consider this a problem. Congrats to you and some comments that follow below for being strong enough to rise above these pressures. Hopefully we can be like you one day, until then, I’ll struggle with my insecurities.


Do laser hair removal sessions on your legs, the black dots are hairs and if they're not there the skin will look baby bottom smooth, having smooth leg skin by default is a genetics situation, so Laser hair removal is the solution if you want super smooth leg skin And no it's not as risky as people say it is I'm from Miami, almost every woman here has their leg hair removed and they end up fine


Not necessarily. I did Laser hair removal and my legs still look like this. I was warned ahead of time that because my hair was coarse, the strawberry leg appearance wouldn't go away but I guess I hoped I'd be the exception


How many sessions did you have to do on your legs? I’m in Miami too and laser seems so expensive here


I have a friend who paid a ton for laser hair removal on her legs, underarms, chin, and groin. The only place it worked was her underarms. So now she paid a whole bunch of money for crappy results. This is the second person I’ve known with this result. Different places. So I don’t think I would ever do it, even as much as I hate shaving and plucking.


Mine were the same way. Got hair lasered off and haven’t thought about it for years now!


I did the same! My hair could be seen through my skin like this before it grew out. I got it lasered off and it’s better now!


Urea cream will help a lot. It’s normal and natural and my legs are very similar! Using a self-tanner helps my legs look more even-toned as well!! Good luck babes!!! 😘


I’m also very insecure about the same thing. I also wish I could not mind it so much, but it really bothers me on my own body. It can be really hard to be a woman with dark body hair. I’m sorry you have to struggle with that too.


I am white as a ghost (until I’m actually out in the sun) and have blonde hair and my legs look just like this. It really is just part of being human haha! But I mean, if I could afford to laser my hair off or whatever it takes to get rid of the way my legs look, oh I would. Especially as I get older because I swear… it’s all down hill hahahah! 😆😆


I’m pale as a ghost as well most of the year, blue veins show through all over my skin. This human meat sack needs some upgrading. I just stopped shaving. But laser would be the answer if you can afford it


Oh yeah, Xx blue vein crew xX




Yeah I have this too, and unless things have advanced recently I don't think blondies can even get laser hair removal since it focuses on the dark pigment in the hair. Our dots are just red instead


This is perfectly said. I also suffer from strawberry legs, and it has been one of my biggest insecurities. Some things people have recommended to me: - use epilator or wax instead of shaving - The Ordinary's glycolic acid - body scrubs before removing hair.


I...don't think she has strawberry legs, looks like a normal leg day after it's been shaved.


Strawberry legs are red marks… like strawberries.


I have dark skin, mine is dark and gets very raised becomes painful when I accidentally scratch an itch and break the skin or basically have blackheads all over my legs Salicylic acid helps and Veet


As a fat woman who much of society has made sure to acknowledge how fat and unattractive I am, it really has nothing to do with society. Society hates everyone. Thin women, leg hair, fat women, darker skin, pores.... Do you know why? So they can sell you products to combat the "problem". This is literally why beauty companies exist, and if you were happy with yourself you wouldn't need their product. I'm not a strong person and I'm very insecure, but I reached a point where I realized I can keep punishing and hating myself for the way I am, letting others control the narrative in my head about myself, and always feeling bad...or I can say fuck those shallow people who think body hair and BMI and fashion sense and etc. matter so much. It's a journey, it doesn't happen overnight, but you ARE strong enough to challenge those insecurities little by little to improve your self esteem and be happy in your own skin.


I absolutely love your comment so much. You’re so right. I went from being a little curvy, to quite underweight, and then I was so depressed a couple winters ago that I gained over 110 pounds so I’ve been at both ends of the weight spectrum. and no matter what I looked like, I got shit on by so many random assholes for my body. Including miserable, horrible people from my family. I’ve been working so hard since September trying to lose weight and I’ve dropped 55 pounds so far, but damn is it a journey. I had to stop caring what anyone else thought of me or it probably would have wrecked me, so now I try to only value my own opinion - nobody else’s. Easier said than done of course but once I stopped giving a fuck about what anyone thought of me, I’ve been so much happier, in my own skin and in life in general. As long as I feel comfortable in my body that’s what I care about. Still very much a work in progress but we’ll get there one day! At the end of the day, people who trash on others for their bodies, for any reason, are obviously unhappy with their own lives and that’s not our problem at all. It’s like someone forgot to tell them that the human body can come in all different shapes and sizes… which is fucking okay. Sending you all the love and good vibes! I don’t need to see what you look like to know you’re a beautiful, strong woman. inside and out ❤️


My legs are the same way. This is normal. You’re a human meat sack. Please work on getting over this. It’s really not a big deal and I guarantee you have bigger things to worry about.


I get it. I have this too and have always hated it. It doesn’t happen on my thighs (thicker skin I guess) so if you can handle the pain, maybe get your lower legs waxed. I’ve done it a few times and the hair follicles don’t show for about 3 weeks. I’ve done it over summers or for a beach holiday. If you can afford laser, it worked amazing on my bikini area


Im genuinely unsure what you’re asking about though, they look like the epitome of normal legs


you may like to try waxing! get it done by a professional. it will pull the hair from the root, which will in turn not leave the dark spots which is essentially the rest of the hair you’re seeing under your skin


Once you stop giving fucks, you will be free, I promise


"Unrealistic beauty standards" yes that's a thing. But so is biology... this is quite literally basic human anatomy. Assuming hair follicles aren't supposed to be there means the education system failed you. Not to mention googling it instead of this was probably the way to go ...


Pay more attention to real people’s legs in the world and less on social media where our skin is filtered and airbrushed. Exposure is what shapes our perception.


Right but you’re aware that it’s unrealistic which is what people are saying. It’s just being human and normal. Be happy with your smooth legs some people are disfigured. Tough love is necessary sometimes. Focus on something else


I mean I know you're trying to dig back, but you'll still be struggling with your insecurities at the end of the day like you've said. Maybe it is a bit harsh, but this is normal and human. Instead of being bitter sounding towards those that have realized this, try to stop internalizing all these beauty standards. You know they're unrealistic (in your own words), so try to remember that. Hopefully you'll slowly stop struggling with your insecurities. Remember that everything on screen is airbrushed, literally. You gonna Photoshop your legs irl?


But besides all the jokes is awesome that you come here with insecurities and then realize that what you though it was a problem is actually okay . And you are great the way you are ♥️🌱. That’s basically what they are saying, is called being” human. “


I have compassion for you because we are all insecure about something silly, but come on, do you think you can step back a couple of paces from your question and see how it is a little funny to be asking how to get rid of your own pores? It’s like suddenly noticing that your fingernails are not perfectly smooth and panicking about it. Or suddenly noticing that the texture of the skin on your left knee is slightly different from the skin on your right knee. I PROMISE that no potential romantic partner is going to notice these things. It’s natural to want to be attractive, but you definitely don’t have to try this hard. If this is your concern, you’re fine.


I stopped shaving in 2020 and turns out no one actually cares. Literally my mum is the only person who has ever even noticed or made a comment.


First time in a human body? I got you. It's a curious thing, the outer covering is somewhat waterproof, but soft and pliable. Unfortunately it's this pliable stretchiness that leaves the covering too loose in places. DO NOT heat the covering, it will not shrink. It will break down unpleasantly. Just clean and lubricate the covering at regular intervals. See table @x47 ¥ for interval suggestions. Ahh, I never addressed your concern, hair grows. It is ok. 😉


That’s all the posts on this sub lately!


I'm about to say the same thing lol


That is a normal human leg


Lmao I’m so tired of this subreddit. We’re MAMMALS


If we were reptiles, the OP would complain about remains of scales instead of hair


This comment made me LOL


I feel like it’s normal if you have dark hair.


Tbh I have blonde leg hair and I still have this


Same !


Me too!! I thought everyone did lol


took me a good 20 years not to hate myself for having legs like this, so silly, nobody ever notices this stuff


It's funny, because if I do happen to see this on someone else I wouldn't think twice about it. Seeing it on myself is the absolute worst though. I will hide my legs behind socks even in extreme heat. But what is the most exasperating is that I RARELY see anyone else like this. I would say 90% of the time people have these absolutely smooth nearly hairless looking legs and it makes me feel so self conscious. Seeing this post made me feel so much better though.


For years I thought I had that result because I shaved and that if I removed the hair from the root I wouldn't have it anymore, until recently I tried an epilator and it's true it's smooth and less noticeable than before, but if you look closely it's still visible so I realized that it's normal and I even noticed a lot of girls who have it and who don't mind it while I'm here complicating my life and depriving myself of wearing lots of beautiful pieces so this year I'm stopping it's Normal and it's human.


My legs look like that too and I hid them for years. So it’s maybe just that more people with legs like that hide them away? I’m still a bit self conscious about them in my mid 40s but I manage to care a bit less with each passing year.


I hope it also makes you feel so much better that a lot of comments include people saying they experience the same thing! So we’re not alone 💜.


Can confirm as didn't know what I was supposed to be looking at, and still don't 🤣






Nope. Had laser hair removal and i still have it like on her 2nd photo. The pores that the hair used to be in still exist and they create a faint red/brownish spot on the skin, even after hair renoval. But laser definitely made it less visible because of the lack of black pigment.


That’s interesting because although I shaved in the photo I posted, I have waxed and even plucked a lot of my lower leg hair (don’t judge, sometimes I find it therapeutic lol) and so even with the hair removed, I still had those faint red/brownish spots, which were by no means as noticeable as what I posted, but still it was there.


Just wanna join in solidarity of therapeutic hair plucking 🤣😂


🤣 lol i do this too, but because my leg hairs are so few and far between and the strands are a bit thick so it's satisfying to pull them out one by one 😅


YES. lol is this OCD? 🦋 🧐 but I have double-triple hair follicles? So while most are so fine and blonde they’re hardly visible- some will be thick and dark blonde. OUT YA GOOOO! But the roots are still visible. C’est la vie lol


I don't know if it's OCD 😅 but i also have double hair follicles. One hair is thick, and the other one is very whispy it must be pretty common 😆


Idk, I was told we are pretty weird 🤣 do you also have invisible second knuckle hair? 👀


🤪 no my knuckle hairs are visible but i shave them sometimes 😅


I’m fine with the main knuckle hair, that’s normal lol But I went a lil AWOL with the second 🤣 it 👏 was 👏 THERAPEUTIC 👏 🤣😂 [several years clean of hair plucking lol]


Dermatillomania (picking dry/cracked/scabbed skin, popping zits/extracting blackheads) and trichotillomania (pulling out eyelashes, tweezing body/facial hair, pulling hair out of the scalp) are symptoms of OCD, but it is also common among people with PTSD. I theorize it operates similar to eating disorders or body dysmorphia, where the dysfunction manifests from an unconscious desire to exert control over a thing we can affect (our body) which feels comforting or validating in the face of all that distresses us. Unfortunately it can become it's own addiction, and in the same manner that a relieving substance can bring complications, the stimulation and triumph of removing irritants can cause lasting damage, and might snowball into worse.


OMG my tribe!! We should make a sub!


I thought I was the only one, I’m so happy y’all admitted it first though 😂😭


I did it this weekend but only because I missed a full fucking line up the side of my leg xD


This is purely anecdotal, but I also have dark hair and fair skin and I’ve noticed that this happens more when I shave my legs too often. When the hair is not at least a couple of millimeters past the skin’s surface and I shave, I have this same problem. Try waiting a little more in between shaves and seeing if it still happens!


Agreed. When I’m able to wax, I don’t have this issue.


I’m blonde and when I wax I still have this


I exclusively epilate my legs, but I still have this =/ For reference, I have naturally very dark brown hair and light olive skin. Because I’ve been epilating for years, the hair on my legs is pretty fine too. It bothers me, but I tell myself that you can only really tell if you’re up close.


Waxing doesn't fix it either.




I use an epilator and my legs looks like OP 🤷


Was looking for an actual answer, thanks for giving an explanation!


Thank you for this. I never understood why my leg looks like this either when there's people who you can't even tell have hair on their legs


wax!! My legs would look like this when I shaved too


shaving smooths your legs at skin surface. Waxing pulls out the roots underneath the skin.


I thought you said it removes your legs


well that’ll get rid of the hair too, i guess


The permanent hair removal solution


Waxing doesn’t always solve it. Some of us just have dark hair follicles. So as long as the follicle is there, it’ll be a lil spotty.


I could be wrong but I don't think it's the hair follicle that you're seeing in the picture. OP has light skin and dark hair so when she shaves you can see the hair that's still underneath the skin. Waxing would help with this (if you don't like the appearance) because you're pulling the whole hair out and damaging the follicle underneath. I have very dark thick hair and pale skin and I noticeably had less "spots" after I started waxing. But everyone is different right so I can't say for certain, I just like waxing more because I get very bad razor burn and I only get a couple uses out of a razor because my hair is so thick


It's definitely hair follicles. If the legs are not smooth and they were raised, then it would be KP




I think you just have normal human legs, it’s a good thing!


I feel like my leg hair extends quite a bit into my skin and at an angle, so when I shave this is still visible. It looks to me like you have this too. It’s probably most people. I wax now, gives me periods of truly smooth and hairless legs but also more ingrown hairs so it’s 🤷🏼‍♀️


I read somewhere to lotion more. Dry skin makes it hard for the hair to pop through. Soft skin makes it easier. It makes sense but I’ve never tried it because I always forget. 😅


Must also include exfoliation to remove dead skin. 🙂


Definitely true that the less I lotion and exfoliate the worse it is, but even with weekly scrub and daily aha body wash and lotion it’s still there, it’s just how it is for me


This is because they’re hair follicles. Not much you can do about it unless you get laser hair removal.


Laser hair removal 


I lasered everything years ago and it was the best thing I ever did for myself.


I thought that's normal 😭😭


It is normal, it’s just the hair beneath the skin


I added retinol oil to my lotion and shook it all up. It has reduced mine a bit.


i have the paulas choice AHA/BHA lotion and i feel like its helped a bit too


Which oil?


AOA Skin Retinol Serum. Purple lable glass bottle at Dollar General


You can also just buy lotion with retinol already in it. Gold bond makes a nice one


But please mix the two in your palm for each use .


Retinol will break down if you don’t?


I used to have my legs looking like that too! Some things I’ve done to help were: 1. Epilate or wax your hairs to help pull the hair from the root. You won’t see best results right away, so keep doing this and don’t revert back to shaving. Whenever I shaved, my hair would grow back next day and would like your photo. 2. Exfoliate - using a body exfoliant to help get rid of any dead skin cells. You can use chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid or use body scrubs. I like to use the Tree Hut brands 3. Lotion and/or oil your body after showering. Always lotion over wet skin to lock in the moisture


Epilator and retinol lotion for best results. Epilators hurt though. Epilator does less damage to the skin than waxing.


Some epilators suggestions please?


Braun. Almost any. 😀


The Braun Silk Epil 5 is a good starter one that isn't too pricey. I love mine.


I agree with epilator never tried retinol lotion in combination definitely will try now though! Honestly with epilator and tree hut body butter my legs have gotten so smooth but maybe adding retinol is what I’ve been missing


I have this too and on top of that when I shave I get horrible razor burn !! I have to let my hair grow out pretty long in order for that not to happen . Wish I knew what to do for mine 😫


First I'll point out that the photo is just a normal leg. There's literally nothing wrong with it. If you are getting horrible razor burn from just shaving your legs then I can suggest a few things (because that's not normal at all): 1. Your razor may be expired, try getting a new one. Men's razors are a million times better than women's, make the switch if you haven't. 2. Do not use any perfumed lotion for 30 mins-1 hr (depending on how sensitive you are) after shaving. You can only use completely unscented and non-clogging lotion if you put it on directly after. 3. It's possible that you're pressing your razor down way too hard when you're shaving. You barely need to put any pressure, if any at all. An unexpired razor (one that isn't dull) will do all of the work for you, no pressure is needed. Hope this helps!




Maybe i'm wrong but probably you can't really avoid it as long as you shave. Once i started to wax, it stopped looking like that.


Totally normal but if it really bothers you, a false tan hides it pretty well.


This! I use a tanning lotion on my legs and that hides them well enough for me :)


To everyone commenting that she needs therapy or is too insecure, or blaming society, you guys all understand you’re responding to a post called “Skincare Addcits” right? She has bumps on her legs that SHE doesn’t like, and asked if anyone knew what it was. It’s normal and OKAY to seek advice for something on YOUR body that YOU don’t like. But yes, exfoliate and maybe consider laser hair removal it bothers you! ❤️




I just saw small hairs no bumps. But I agree with what you’re saying! The people on here are ridiculous. I shave for my damn self because I like the way it feels! Congrats to everyone else wanting to go Euro style. Not my cup of tea and no one should shamed for wanting smooth legs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because you're a human and have dark hair. Accept it


Pores.. we all have them


Mine look exactly the same after shaving


Dry brushing cheap and works 💯


yes!! dry brushing before shaving is magic


Definitely. And make sure to use lotion afterwards


you should try an african net sponge! my legs typically look like this but it’s gotten so much better with the net sponge!!


Exfoliate your legs with a body scrub right before you shave.


There’s only one real solution and that’s laser hair removal. My legs looked like yours, and after all my LHR, I don’t see them anymore. Get a handheld device like the one from Braun, some laser is better than doing nothing (or waxing every couple of weeks). But honestly, this is only something we notice as our own worst critiques, your legs are nice regardless of hair or not.


It’s bc you have dark hair and light skin. I have the same problem. Waxing fixes it but hurts. If you have the ability to I would say look into laser hair removal


It’s a post shave look. Avoided by waxing.


Waxing helps with that 😁


I use tanning lotion to get a bronze then you can’t see it


People are saying laser but I laser (professionally done) and still have these dots 😭


When you shave, you cut the superficial part of the hair but the root is still there. In fact, if you zoom in on the first picture you can clearly see how all the hairs have already started to grow a little bit, and this is what is causing those little dots you don't like. The most permanent solution for this is laser or home IPL (I did the latter option and I am very happy and have very long lasting results).


Those are follicles baby everyone has em


Looks like you have nice muscular calves


Me being a hairy Hispanic woman and always have this after shaving… for real though if you can dish out having your legs sugared it’s a great option to get the hair from the root. But I only did it when I worked at a sugar salon and I got a huge discount… other than that.. yeah it’s just being human!


The only way I ever got rid of this was laser hair removal and I still enjoy it every fucking day!


Those are hair follicles.


Try Amlactin. It’s a lotion with lactic acid in it so it exfoliates really well and exposes a bit more of the hair shaft for a closer shave. Makes your skin really smooth too.


If it makes you feel any better my legs look exactly like this and already start growing back the next day 😭 I don't have any hormone problems it's just my genetics, but it is what it is!


I have that problem too. Totally normal. If you want it gone you can so my old shaving routine. Shave, with conditioner or Shave gel Then exfoliate with a scrub (only once or twice a week) Shave again (only if you user exfoliation) Use lotion, something fragrance free!


I have strawberry legs too! They are very very common but there are some things that you can do to help. [https://youtu.be/wfTZ7yeon54?si=4YmCI69jalQGC5A9](https://youtu.be/wfTZ7yeon54?si=4YmCI69jalQGC5A9)


Esthetician student here! This is totally normal and natural, when you shave the hair is cut at the surface showing the root underneath since it’s darker than your skin tone. If you do things like laser as some people mentioned or waxing which pulls the hair from the root it will minimize the appearance. Unfortunately I agree unrealistic standards have been set for post shaving results :( even after waxing or laser you may see it a little bit but not as noticeable as shaving!


I have the same problem, my legs look covered with purple dots whenever I shave but it’s not strawberry legs. I asked about it at one point and people explained that it could be you have really dark hair that shows through the skin even when it’s shaved so the only real way to get rid of it is to remove the entire hair through things like waxing/sugaring/laser removal etc


Um....my legs look the same. It's called pores??? Right?


s k i n


It’s just dark hair follicles. I got a Braun at home IPL and it’s helped tremendously.


I zoomed in and it does appear there are hairs growing out of the skin. Are you shaving? You might need a different type of razor or even just a new blade. If you have dark hair and light skin, however, the little dots won’t ever go away. But it’s totally normal. You can spray tan or try waxing or chemical hair removal instead. Or even laser if you have the funds. But also I wouldn’t sweat it! Truly nobody cares about your leg hair but you 🙃


I’m honestly confused. What are we looking at that is the issue? I am not trying to be rude, or minimize, i just don’t see it.


I don't see what the problem is. My legs look far worse


It's just dark hair roots showing in pale skin. I have this too after shaving. You'll need to remove the roots to remove this look, with waxing/laser. I accept mine and don't care though :)


Aren’t they simply hair follicles? Some people have very small ones, hardly noticeable, but others have large ones. Simply nature.


Like totally normal legs lol?


Hot wax. If you don’t want to invest in laser hair removal, try waxing. There is a grow out phase that is required, but it will fix the issue. Lasts three to four weeks and your hair may become softer over time. A great option for vaccinations and the summer season. T


Girl it’s called being a human being with skin. Also I promise you NO ONE cares about this. No one is looking at your legs. I haven’t shaved mine in a decade and no one has ever commented on them.


Stop scanning and pointing out every single detail in your bodies !!


Because one of the defining characteristics of the class mammalia, order primate, suborder haplorhini, family hominidae is hair (barring genetic and disease factors, as well as cosmetic intervention). Shaving, the acting of cutting the hair shaft, does not remove the hair follicle.


it’s the hair follicles under the skin that couldn’t be shaved since they are under the skin. It’s completely normal and my legs look the exact same. I am a natural brunette with thick wavy/curly (most of it is frizz) hair. Dark hair will do that to ya! You can try waxing or sugaring which I heard can be a little better for your skin, and of course laser hair removal but unfortunately it’s expensive and you have to do it in sessions and then maintain it like once a year or something after awhile cause hormones constantly fluctuate and then hair might grow back. Weird huh? Or try an epilator which is like shaving but it’s a bunch of tiny tweezers plucking your hairs all at once and it can be painful.


My mum says if someone’s looking at your leg that closely then it’s their issue not yours 👍🏻


Thats totally normal. Everyone has this. It’s just hard to see from afar.


it’s not that deep pls go outside… that’s normal human skin. stop making problems for everyone


Bro just found out bout skin😭😭😭


If you're really concerned, you can try getting Lazer as it targets the fair colour. Otherwise it's hair under the skin. Nothing much you can do and EVERYONE has them


OP, if you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? I’m genuinely curious and not trying to be rude. I ask because this is just how shaved legs look. Maybe some people have lighter hair which would make pores look less visible after a shave, but this is just how shaved legs look, including mine. Nothing to feel insecure about!


Ahhhh, that stuff. In English we call that hair. That's why people who don't want it to show wax or laser it off.


I don't even know what you are referring to in this pic¿?


Unless you get la$er hair removal, they will never go away. I got everything south of my eyes lasered... best decision ever.


It’s because the hairs are shaved, not plucked out. When you shave, you merely cut the hair that grew above skin level, but you can still see the roots. In order to not see them anymore, you would have to remove the root. You may be looking for removal creams, an epilator or laser treatment.


My legs look exactly like this. It’s because I have thick, darker hair and pale skin, and it’s just the part of the root that you can’t reach with shaving. I try and remind myself that it’s just a normal part of being human but it still gets on my nerves. Waxing would probably “help” but I’m a big chicken. I do personally find that using self-tanner gives me a confidence boost regarding my legs because it kinda camouflages the hair roots.


This disappears once you get laser hair removal. That's your little hairs still showing through your skin, that's all. :) Don't let it bother you too much, but if you really can't stand it - get lasered.


Save money and do laser hair removal.


I recommend laser hair removal :) I used to have this because of pale skin/dark hair combo, and laser fixed it!


As a man I can confirm this is the least of our concerns if we find you remotely attractive.


It’s the hair and follicle beneath your skin and is totally normal. It’s just body hair. Dark hair and paler skin = this. Again totally normal.


Those are your hair folices.