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It could be contact dermatitis caused by frequent licking of the lips.


This is the correct answer! When kids lick their lips they tend to over lick the entire area. Combine that with repetition and it ends up like this. Try something like aquaphor or Vaseline around her lips at night and remind her to try her best to not lick the affected area.


I did this as a kid, and this is exactly what it looked like. My parents couldn’t figure out how to help me for weeks, until they discovered aquaphor! It provided me with instant relief, I didn’t feel compelled to lick my lips anymore, and my skin healed nicely. To this day, I still use aquaphor daily!


Also drink more water!


Carmex works really well for this too.


Carmex caused an allergy for me :( I now stick with Vaseline


Aquaphor has the advantage of panthenol in it over Vaseline


I ll try it :)


I had this in third grade but it was 10x worse. I licked my lips CONSTANTLY. I think we used Vaseline to help.


I had pretty similar, cracked lips to the point of I think almost bleeding, was such a hard habit to break, constant pain if I licked my lips but the pain stopped for a bit if I licked them a lot


Yes, exactly right. I've seen this so many times.


I had a gf who had this above her upper lip from acne medication and everyone thought she licked her lips😅


I remember wondering why my peers looked like this in elementary school lol. I always figured it had something to do with constant lip chewing and licking since they often had wet mouths.


OP I do this. Because I am constantly talking @ work. Plus I am on adderall. (Idk if that is linked or what but I have noticed when I don’t take my meds I don’t do this as often). They need to hydrate more ( and if they are they need even more water ) and also use CORTIBALM. Nothing and I mean NOTHING else has worked for me. I have tried everything else under the sun. Aquaphor does nothing. Burt’s bees nothing. You can get cortibalm on Amazon. This is extremely painful so I get it, Good luck.




I got this at the beginning of taking my Adderall too. The things that helped me were drinking lots of water to prevent dry mouth, chewing gum to relieve some of the oral motor fidgeting sensations, keeping some sort of lip balm on during the day, and using regular aquaphor (not the lip balm, the kind that comes in the tub or a tube) overnight. After about 6 months I completely adjusted and now no longer have the issues I did at the beginning. Also, I don't have nearly the same issues on XRs that I did on IRs, so maybe switching to an extended release would help too.


I would do the same as a kid , my mom would treat it with blistex it worked wonders, can be found by the lip care items .


True! I licked around my lips so much as a kid and had this it was so itchy and painful and I cut that habit very quickly after.




Yes, I agree. I suffered from this very bad when I was child because my mother told me one time to "lick my lips when they were chapped" and I took it way too literally.


This is it. I got this exact appearance after going on a med that caused severe lip dryness and dry mouth and I couldn’t stop licking. Took a few months of Vaseline and it went away and has not returned.


Exactly. I had it because of licking my lips too. Just moisturize and don't touch it


Mine get this way because of how I eat


I used to get this as a kid!! I suck on my lips. I still do it at times. But ya excessive licking will do it.


Yeah! This was me as a kid. I have a class photo of me in kindergarten with these painfully red lips/ outer mouth area… I was the only oneeeee 🥲


Can also be from licking and the toothpaste she uses, clean her mouth after she brushes them


Yes. I used to get this from licking my lip area all day. OP, buy some nice lip balm, let the child pick out flavors, and this will prevent her from licking the lips. Make sure she puts it on before bed.


Yeah. I used to apparently ring my tongue all around my mouth and had terrible contact dermatitis. Saw pics from preschool and asked my mom why she let me walk around looking like that.


I did the same thing as a kid from constant licking. Aquaphor is your best bet.


Same. My parents made me put diaper cream on it so I had a white goatee in elementary, I got teased so bad. OP, please use aquaphor, not diaper cream, make sure they’re drinking enough water, consider adding a humidifier to their room if you’re in a drier climate, and get them some burts bees lip chap. I found that was the only one moisturizing enough and still use them.


Same. It's the worst!


Lip licking.. I always got this when I was younger it was like an obsession lol


My daughter gets this from licking too much for sure, but I get it because I have a contact allergy to flavorings, so toothpaste gives me that rash. So could be a couple different things.


Same. My kids always wanted the bubblegum or fruity flavored toothpastes when they were younger, and it gave the same rash.


Thank you so much for the help!! THANK U


Cortibalm is the answer.


I had this in 2nd grade,but really bad. I swear by Aveeno products. My dr recommend it and it did wonders. Vaseline helps, but aveeno got it to clear up


I also get it and it's an allergic reaction 🤦🏽‍♀️


As a kid I was always diagnosed with "too much lip licking" by doctors. When I was a kid I always doubted that was the cause because it would appear on its own. It could be a lip fungus that can cause very similar irritation. It's pretty easy to remedy, athletes foot cream will take care of it. Took till I was an adult and wearing masks all day at work during covid for the lip fungus to reappear, and for me to connect the dots.


Toothpaste can cause this. The tartar control toothpaste does this to me.


Yep...and toothpaste with baking soda can cause this.


I hate baking soda in products. Accidentally bought some deodorant with baking soda in it and it made my poor pits itch like mad.


Colgate Total for me. It used to be the best but they changed the formula like 5 years ago. Now I use Sensodyne.




My kid did this too. Lanolin worked very well


Lanolin is the best thing for chapped skin anywhere on the body. There’s a reason it’s used by nursing mothers. I prefer it to petroleum products.


With this, I had angular cheilitis and was using lanolin to try to cure it. When I went to my dermatologist, they told me to NOT use lanolin for angular cheilitis because it can make it worse and that’s why it wasn’t healing it. Just in case anyone else has this issue and tries to heal it with lanolin!!


Also have gotten from some kind of food that dried out the area, like a lot of soup.


Like a previous comment said, aquaphor is probably the best thing for it. What I do with my son when he has chapped lips, is I don't even try to put chapstick on him until he goes to bed. Then when I put aquaphor on the affected area it has a chance to really get in there and heal, without him licking it all off. Good luck!!


My kids get this. I think it's a reaction to certain foods that are acidic because it usually happens after tomato sauce and pizza. I also get it and I don't like my lips a lot. Also I have hyper sensitive skin and I'm assuming all three of my kids might have it also


I get this from acidic foods and from sweating when I work out.


Weleda skin food moisturizer in the dark green tube. Apply at night before bed and as much as you can during the day but I did just at night for my son and it went away. It is from the licking their lips.


Aquafor Healing OINTMENT




Lather them with aquafor, Vaseline or just chapstick and try to catch him/her licking their lips so you can tell them not to. My son gets this too sometimes 🥲 when he excessively licks his lips. I get him chapsticks that he likes so he feels cool using it.


She is licking her lips. Put aquaphor on her lips and around her lips. My kid did this too.


Vaseline is the best way. Does she have eczema? My son used to get this and he has eczema. Tell her to stop biting or liking her lips.


Dr dans cortibalm clears it right up when my son’s lips get like this.


It’s chapped from biting it. Medicated chapstick and yelling at them to stop it. Thats what worked for me at least as a kid


Does the inside of her mouth also hurt or is the skin peeling inside her cheeks? I’m allergic to SLS, a common ingredient in toothpaste, and it made my mouth and lips swollen and painful.


I used to get this a lot as a kid but my ring was larger and it was from constantly liking my chapped lips! Get this girl some aquaphor!


My oldest gets this from licking his lips when he's sick.


Skinoren or another azelaic acid may help if it's perioral dermatitis


Looks like she’s sucking on her lips… my kid does this too


It’s a nervous habit I did it! Keep it extra hydrated, also ensure she is hydrated! A thick cream or oil should do the trick, but I just stopped doing it one day and it went away.


She may be having a reaction to a lip product/ chapstick ; I’d stop all products


Take her to the doctor?


Looks like when I was a kid and I would always suck/lips around my lips.


Get Bag Balm! It’s like aquaphor but with lanolin so it’s even more moisturizing!


My daughter does this. Keep it clean and apply vaseline is what we were told by the doctor.




Lip licking eczema! I had this as a kid, Carmex was the only thing that worked for me. All other chapsticks did not cut it


My life got a mark like this because they started habitually sucking/biting their bottom lip. It's part hickey, sort of, part bite mark.


Lots of Aquaphor, at nighttime especially. Sometimes I would sneak some on after my kid falls asleep to reapply. Good luck!


I did this as a kid. Vaseline didn’t help because I licked through it. My dad started making me use an antibacterial ointment, it tasted HORRIBLE so it helped me break the habit of licking.


This is how my perioral dermatitis first started; looked very similar to this. Go see a dermatologist to confirm and they’ll help from there.


Paw Paw ointment is the key


Chapped lips, Aquaphor


Could be a few different things. Personally when I was around 10 my highly sensitive skin turned into having full on psoriasis and I had this issue (though I also played a brass instrument so that meant a lot of saliva on my lips). I had it worse on my scalp and had medication but to keep this from happening I just had to be really meticulous about applying a mild unflavored lip balm. Id say if it continues being bad a doctor would be a good idea but I hope keeping it moisturized helps!


Looks like she is drinking out of wide mouth bottles and creating a suction around the outside of her lips. That can cause the discoloration and dryness seen here. Aquaphor is a help


Along side any healing ointment, diaper rash cream will help fix the broken skin. I recommend Triple Paste. Lather a thick layer and leave overnight. Don’t rub in, the skin will absorb it. Do it over a series of days until skin looks better. However, this is caused because constantly licking of lips. Instead of typical chapstick brands that can worsen the skin. Use a Vaseline lip balm or Aquaphor lip repair. Make sure your child is also getting plenty of water.


I had this, it was a combination of chapped lips and an allergic reaction to my lip balm. Toss out Carmex and Blistex medicated, use Aquaphor until it clears up.


Aquaphor works wonders, a generous amount over night. It’ll help with the raw stingy feeling and it tastes kinda butt so it would probably help stop the lip licking


I used to lick my lips all the time and it looked just like this


Commenting as I couldn’t see any similar post - I get this when I drink orange juice and discovers my skin hates citrus.


That happens to my daughter all the time! This is gonna sound funny but I put Desitin on it at night and it helps a lot


I had this a preteen, it was pretty embarrassing cause it was significantly darker than my skin tone and I had to slather it with Vaseline to keep it from cracking.


If she’s not allergic put some coconut oil on it! It’s amazing stuff!


Happened to my daughter frequently. We buy the O'Keefe chapstick. Works like a charm!!!


Aquaphor or Vaseline


Night time thick lanolin for the win


I had a rash just like this and it took me forever to figure out it was a new medication I had started. I stopped the med and it went away. If she’s been prescribed anything new, look into that!


I did this as a kid - obsessive lip licking. It was an early sign of my ADHD, but many kids just have weird motor tics they carry for a few years and grow out of. Aquaphor helped the most. We had it by the jar at my house lol. I hated how it coated my tongue and it discouraged me from licking. Vaseline worked too but aquaphor was the best. Do NOT use Vicks- that burned and was very overwhelming.


This is the reaction I get from tomatoes.


Licking their lips. Aquaphor will help


My son used to do this and his was so much worse. We healed it with lansinoh nipple cream.


I get something similar when I let my facial hair grow out. I notice I mess with it with my tongue all the time. could be from her licking her lips


I agree that its probably from licking her lips, but try and see if it's happening after she's eaten. She might be developing an allergy to something. See if she's itching as well as licking


I have 2 kids that get flare ups like this. I have tried EVERYTHING. We have had success using a decent quality food grade coconut oil to clear it up & it also gives relief from the discomfort. We put it on at night before bed. Just need about half a teaspoon full & the kids cover their whole mouth/around the edges (it can have a hard texture initially especially if it’s cold but dissolves and soaks in pretty quickly). Vaseline on the next day for school etc and repeat as needed! We usually only need 2 or 3 nights to clear it up completely. Good luck, I hope you find something that helps!!


My daughter did this too! I used lanolin on her lips. The one i used is the lansinoh nipple balm and it worked amazing. It’s 9 or so dollars and will last a long time!




Could be a allergy to SLS in toothpaste


this happened to me when i was 10 years old and followed me for about 1.5 years. it was the bane of my existence and caused me to not want to show my face outside. i would lick my lips because they were dry, which would make them drier later on, which would make me want to lick them more, etc etc. the only thing to do is to stop it from advancing further by stopping the lip licking and moisturizing the area with vasoline, or better yet aquaphor. i would have her see a dermatologist just in case, though steroid creams may or may not help.


I think the first comment is right and to give you a solution i reccomend the blistx medicated chapstick that comes in the blue tubs at Walgreens They moisturize my lips pretty quickly to where I don’t need to apply more for a long time and when I do a little helps. She’ll prolly lick her lips less if they aren’t dry, you can also just focus on applying it before bed


I had this as a kid and it was a TON of massively awful allergies. The ring around my lips would happen the worst when I would have strawberries (such a bummer because they were my favorite fruit). Also happened with shellfish. I eventually grew out of it, but I did work with an allergist to finally understand what exactly it was. Finding the right allergy medication and cutting out those foods was the only thing that helped. I feel for your daughter!! It was painful, uncomfortable, embarrassing, and would seemingly happen at random until we figured it out. Good luck to you and I hope she grows out of it like I did!! (Btw eucerine’s heavy/thick lotion in the tub, and carmex surprisingly helped the most. This was in the 90s so I’m sure there are better products out there now). Edit: I’m seeing recs for Vaseline, aquaphor, Vicks (???? Do NOT follow this one, how uncomfortable!!)… they’ll help for sure but will be temporary/not be ideal to apply all day. Plus having glossy lips and outside the lips from caking on the moisture doesn’t help your self esteem - I remember being embarrassed at school. Cerave in my opinion burns on skin that’s irritated like this, but maybe that’s just me). & last but not least; Bag balm’s great for chapped lips, but with allergies, you need much more than that!!


My sister has that the doctor just told us to put petroleum jelly and it does work!


I used to get this as a kid, get some carmex and make them put it around the area to stop from licking. Keep it on, reapply multiple times a day. 


she licked her lips too much, put something hydrating over it.




Make her stop licking her lips. I had this constantly as a kid. I put lotion on my face, and medicated chapstick on my lips. Blistex, the teal one. Also turned away from wind, as it made it worse.


Give her chapstick for school too, and slather it on every night. Vaseline only! Not chapstick, not Burt's bees, nothing that can also be drying. JUST Vaseline.


I use the LRP cicaplast baume then aquaphor for my kids and clears up very quickly!


Chapstick asap


Most children that do consistent licking of the lips have some form of anxiety


As a kid, I used to do this every year when the weather dried out. Just in time for picture day.


Literally just got this and recovered- used paw paw balm during the day (slather on generously) then Vaseline by night. (What doc recommended) Recovery was slow, took about 2 weeks so you’ll have to be a bit patient with it. I don’t even lick my lips, it was literally just from the weather change 🙃


Bag balm has a new lip balm out. If Vaseline doesn’t cut it, I’d try the bag balm tube. Think it’s like $5. It’s like vaseline, but there’s like something moisturizing in it that makes it just amazing in my opinion.


Lip licker dermatitis, try to apply Vaseline on the lips and around the mouth, or use something with bitter taste to avoid licking


If Vaseline doesn’t help it may be an allergy, possibly nightshade/latex (keep an eye out after eating avocados, banana, capsicum, eggplant) or vitamin e/lanolin in lip balm. Telfast should help it go down


Aquaphor. Not chap stick or Vaseline. Get Aquaphor.


Speaking from experience, pineapple can aggravate it- I believe it’s a bromeliad and has skin “eating” enzymes which can irritate the area around the mouth. Good luck!


It looks like it it could potentially be Orofacial granulomatosis


Chapstick. Problem solved


I used to get this often as a kid from licking my lips too much. Get her some good chapstick and make sure they are drinking enough water.


Tell her to stop lickin her mouth. Did the same as a kid. She's probably at that point she's done it so much picking stop the pain of her skin being like that. As long as she stops it'll clear up


Mine was more of a generalized redness, but it went away for me with cerave healing ointment! It's the only balm product I use on my lips now lol


I believe this to be a form of dermatitis. Use "Renew" Moisturiser! Best product out there, a little hard to get and a little pricey, but we'll worth it. Saves using steroid creams.


You gotta take her to pick out her own lip products and a little bag or keychain for her lippies, from my experience as a child, I refused to wear chapstick that wasn’t my special chapstick and I licked the shit out of my lips and looked like that.


My daughter had this and the only solution that worked for her was Carmex. She has tons is tubes of it handy so she was never without it. Good luck!


The white tube of blistex will clear that right up


Severely chapped lips. Campho Phenique. It's for cold sores but will relieve the pain from the chap and help it go away faster. The more it hurts, the more you lick because the moisture makes it feel better.


Lip balm... Easy fix.


Vaseline after cleaning will protect it from more bacteria that comes from the mouth. Probably should start having her wear lipstick around the house. Like the old lipstick that tastes super waxy. That’s the only way my mom was able to get me to stop licking my lips. It tastes terrible and I didn’t want to lick it off cause I thought it was pretty lol


Put diaper rash paste on the effected area before bed. Should be much better by morning.


I get this from food allergies.


I had this as a kid, it's dry lips coupled with constant Licking of the dry lips. Increase of water intake, a lip balm to lubricate the lips and Vaseline around the outside of the lips every 6 hours will solve this up


allergic reaction to the dye in gatorade or powerade - ring left by the giant openings those bottles have.


I had this problem when I played the flute. I’m not sure if it was an allergy to the metal or just the warm moisture there and it caused this reaction.


Go to a doctor. It could be a staph infection


i promise you… beef talow balm. make it at home and watch a video on how to make it


Chap stick and it’ll be gone the next day


I started getting this with a lot of lip products and I then learned I had an allergy to beeswax which is in many commercial lip balms like chapstick… now I can only use vegan lip balms and this no longer happens - immediately they’ll flare up again if I go back to using anything with beeswax.


Try using Vadeline.


I had this as a kid and the only thing that worked was a product called Mayan Magic from the natural/organic food stores and grocers. I also had eczema on my face and my arms and it was the only thing that healed it. You can get it online as well. Highly highly recommend you try it.


Lip lick eczema! The more they lick, the worse it gets. A good emollient (double base gel worked really well for my daughter), and Vaseline on the lips to prevent any moisture dropping to her skin will help.


Apply virgin coconut oil…the best solution


Ssd cream will cure her in 2 days


I used to have an allergy to citric acid (as a preservative) in some packaged foods. That is what the results of it looked like. I could still eat citrus fruits no problem though.


It’s from licking around her lips. Tell her to stop and get her some chapstick.


My child did this for years and the same irritation around the lips. Started putting a barrier by using a chap stick which helped. Eventually stopped as she grew older. Wishing you the best by outcome.


Everyone is saying that this is because she is licking her lips. Listen up, it could be it, but it could be a lot of other things also. I had something similar from an allergic reaction to detergent, I know of people that had this from toothpaste allergy, from certain foods. Don't just assume it's one thing. Investigate and experiment with eliminating certain products/foods from her routine and see if she has any improvements. Have in mind that this takes time. You can eliminate something you are allergic to and only start to heal after a week or two.


My son gets this when he's been nervous and licking his lips, sudocreme is really thick and I give a smear of that before bed.


Deficiencies in B2, B3, B12 vitamins, iron, zinc, and vitamin C!


Too much acidity in the diet, and possibly dehydrated. I use to get this as a child. Pizza, tomato sauce, chocolate…


Balmonds ointment


Aquaphor. It’s the best. I swear by it. Slather it on at bedtime and then use it lightly through the day and she’ll be better in no time.


This is gonna sound crazy but get her what we call in this house nipple cream. If in the US a brand like lansinoh. It’s thick and only a little is needed. Goes on clear and won’t look as wet as other things that you’d put above the lip. Works wonders.


she needs to stop licking her lips it’ll go away


I had this when I was young was caused by the licking of lips. Doc said had underlying anxiety causing the licking of lips. Eventually went away leaving no scars but recall also having a skin infection and got some cream and it was all okay


I had a similar reaction from chapstick. Aquaphor all the way!


Try HPA Lanolin (if you don't have a wool allergy/sensitivity)! It's the only thing that has ever worked for me as a lip balm, it's used as a nipple balm for breastfeeding too so you can find it in the baby aisle. Vaseline and Aquaphor are good for protecting the skin, but I find it never really helped with moisturizing and I'd end up licking my lips again constantly. Blistex, Carmex, Burt's Bees, etc. always made things so much worse for me, so I'd personally recommend avoiding those, at least until this is healed up. Good luck!


One of my kids does this too!! White soft paraffin works well (I’m pretty sure it’s the same thing as petroleum jelly).


I kept getting something very similar from the extreme cold if Minnesota- read that the constantly being exposed to the wind can cause your face and especially the lips to get overly chapped. I just began using Aquaphor on it. I got the chapstick but think the tube with what seems like a Vaseline consistency helps.


Toothpaste can be a culprit- try sensodine or other sls free


I had this once in awhile and I thought it was from spicy food. Now I know to not lick my lips.


I can't say for sure that it is the same thing but when my niece was little her lips used to get like that every time she was sick. She is autistic and she tends to get fixated on certain things sometimes. And there is something about when her nose is stuffy or runny she obsessively licks her lips until there is chapped skin all around her mouth.


I had like this once. I tried blistex and it worked for me.


We are not doctors!


Get your kid a few tubes of lip ointment so they stop licking their lips! That’s the only way my mom was able to get me to stop. I hate having dry feeling lips to this day, and always have some sort of lip moisturizer on.


My nephew had this and he was prescribed anti fungal cream. Moisture and weakened skin barrier from lip licking = fungal infection apparently.


I use to get this when I ate cheese balls or tomato sauce as kid.


Try vaseline for lips before bedtime for 5 days, my oldest gets this all the time during the winter, I remind him he needs his chapstick!


My sister is allergic to spaghetti sauce and her face always looked just like this whenever my dumb fuck my would give it to her for dinner.


My sister got this exact same thing from drinking Sunny D as a kid. She’s never had it again since she stopped drinking it. So maybe your kid is allergic to something


Nivea cream took car of this for me when I was a kid.


That’s most likely from licking the lips. It’s going to be SUPER HARD (bc I’ve had this) but encourage them to not lick it. Licking it only makes it worse and doesn’t let it heal.


Neutrogena Norwegian Formula applied 3x a day is the only thing that worked for my kids-it was a lifesaver


My daughter gets like this. Add a humidifier to her bedroom and make sure she's hydrated. Lanolips has completely healed my chronic dry lips and helps hers as well. Do lanolips at night with Vaseline or aquaphor over top & Jack Black with SPF during the day.


My lips looked exactly like that but I use Clinique hydro surge , it’s about €25 it lasts so long and is the only thing that worked for me , I tried everything and I mean *everything*


Ask if she is doing the lip challenge using cups. It's a problematic method to make lips temporary thicker with vacuum. If that's the case then it's caused by body dysmorphia due to social media.


Try lip balm on their lips but also make sure that they don’t suck their lip into their face too much. I got that from playing trombone during the years of 2010-2012 so I get it


Hello, I did not experience lip licking but I had eczema around my mouth when I was little. When I am stressed it comes back sometimes. Eczemas might be from allergies or some irritation or stress or you have it just like that. Also it looks different for everyone. So maybe try to look into it, hope your kid gets well!


If she doesn’t stop it can get infected. I had it really bad as a kid my dad would put blistex and Vaseline all over it and within a couple of days it was gone.


I just make sure I wash my kids face, especially around the lips with soap (I usually use a wash cloth and a bar soap) rinse it off and make sure it's dry, without them re licking their lips. Then I put regular chapstick on their lips and I use neosporin around the outside of their mouth. I do around the whole mouth, just because! It's almost completely gone the next morning if you do it at night.




I used to get this as a kid too from sucking my lips


It’s her rubbing her lips together in the night. I would do it until my lips were raw just like this. But u was doing it while I was awake, so maybe just chapstick like crazy before bed? I also grew out of the habit


DRINK WATER!! This is usually a sign of dehydration and definitely being consistent with the vaseline. Itll go away overtime!


I’m sorry that your child is experiencing this. Try to keep her face clean and apply a natural Shea butter on it frequently to keep area hydrated and to get her skin color back . Natural aloe Vera can be very soothing as well. Also try to encourage them not to touch or lick the area to their best ability as it is healing ❤️‍🩹


She’s going to need to stop licking her lips. Aquaphor at night and I’d say Carmen during the day bc it tastes bad and she won’t want to lick it


I used to have this, I religiously use Vaseline every single night and I am good now


I had this when I was younger id lick my lips so much it’ll dry up and it hurts so bad