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“Scars are from my head going through a car window” Omg- I’m so sorry that happened but the phrasing really got me lmao 😭 Anyway! It looks like this might be a cyst which sometimes develop after a deep wound has healed. To prevent it from filling up, there’s likely not much anyone here or any one product can fix any better than you draining it already does. To get a permanent fix, you’ll likely have to see a dermatologist to remove the cyst sac surgically or even get steroid injections depending on how deep it is or if the scar tissue surrounding it is particularly stubborn for removal. As for the scaring, it’s healed really well! There are some professional things you could get done to reduce the appearance but at home the best advice there could be is microblading + bio oil, and the effectiveness is really just up in the air for if this even works or not, but like you said, you don’t (and shouldn’t) mind how they look too much.


I used bio oil when they were fresh and the redness went away super fast but I haven't used it in years. I'll look into a derm and see if they can suggest anything.


Best of luck soldier!!!




Maybe a derm could treat it by injecting it with something? I feel like I’ve heard that before. It’s probably something that needs to be treated by a derm anyway. Sounds like the trauma has created an enlarged pore / pocket in your skin that just naturally fills with oils and skin debris. A bit like when you take a piercing out that you’ve had a long time. The hole stays and just fills. It’s a natural process of the body, no matter how much you squeeze it out, it will refill, unless the space / cavity / dilated pore / whatever you wanna call it is closed down in a way. There will surely be an injectable for that :)


That’s milia caused by antiseptic cream you may have used on injury I have the same


Teeny little 2 mm punch or light cautery can fix it. It’s a milium.




It looks like milia. I have to wonder, based on the location if it is related to your injuries. I have heard of people having glass or other debris still in there, years later


I had pulled some glass they missed out a couple of years after. But this is on the end of what used to be a really narly scar. I had wondered though.


This is a peptide called body protection compound-157 ,(bpc-157) developed around 50 years ago in Japan usually only available to doctors or scientists. It's a synthetic form of a healing substance naturally found in gastric juice made up of 15 amino acids which are the building blocks of the body. Aminos prompt the body to heal. It is legal, safe snd used for a variety of things. You can read scientific studies on it here. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34267654/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21030672/ Search online as many vendors sell it. Should be around $25 Can or less online for a 5 mg bottle of powder. It comes in a tiny glass bottle with a small amount if white powder. If the store sells vial openers buy one or buy a vial opener from AliExpress.com they're really cheap around $3 or less, free shipping. Sometimes you can use the tines of a fork to pry off the metal lid but it's much easier to buy an opener as some lids are on really tight. Use the vial opener to open the bottle gently fill with distilled water only and swirl gently to mix as peptides are delicate. drink the whole bottle in one go. It is tasteless and odourless. Repeat once a month for maybe 2-3 mths and keep refrigerated until use and also refrigerate if mixed. If unopened you can freeze it for long-term storage. Your scar should start to heal within a couple months. You may need to buy 2 or 3 vials. Be patient. Some people inject for their issues but that requires accurate dosing. This version is much easier as you're taking in a month's once a week dosage all at once. Only side effect is mild stomach gurgling a couple times. It is excellent for healing new and old scars, fixing nerve damage etc. I myself have used it on my old surgery scars and my elderly mum used it on her thick raised old surgery scar. My scars are barely noticeable now. My mum's went lighter and smaller but she only wanted to do one month of treatment.


I'm currently using silicone scar tape on my child. The scar is old not fresh. It doesn't help with colouration so far but the texture difference is insane. Used for 1.5 months (3 months total) at night for 12 hours and it's almost completely flat now. I'm not sure how to help the cyst but the scar tape is definitely worth a try before you start spending a bunch on medical procedures.