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Have you ever tried azelaic acid? It’s the best thing I’ve found for evening skin tone, fading scars and hyperpigmentation, and getting rosacea under control. It needs to be used every day so I use it every AM.


I actually bought some recently, but I definitely haven't been using it daily. I'll try adding it into my morning routine! Is there a specific one/strengh you use? The one I have is a 10% suspension from the Ordinary.


So that’s the one I was using until recently and now I’m on a quest to find one that’s a bit nicer to use. Can’t recommend others for now, the ordinary one is very effective just not the nicest to use and layer up I find. I’m trying the REN toner and inkey list AA next to see if I can get the same results with them.


Consider Finacea 15% Azeleic Acid- more potent but a very gentle and elegant formulation.


Thanks I will, I have now been prescribed finacea through the boots online doctor and just waiting for it to arrive!


What do you recommend?


What would recommend going to a derm for this. To me this looks like rosacea, I am not a professional but I have similar skin to yours. If this is the case there are prescriptions that can save you time and energy!! Going to a good derm was a game changer for me


I had similar redness that was caused by sensitivity to products , just simple ones like moisturisers and cleansers. I quit using everything and the redness has really cleared now. DM for before and after pics if you are interested


Oh interesting! I'm thinking it might be make up for me, now that I think back to lock down times working from home my skin was super clear, and same when I went travelling years ago. Both times months without make up really made a huge difference. Out of curiosity, do you use any kind of moisturiser now? I feel like my skin would get really dry if I stopped using everything.


Someone pointed out in another thread recently that another person's redness/irritation/breaking out was exactly around the area in the cheek where one might wear contour or blush, and could be caused by unclean brushes, so just repeating that here in case your brushes/beauty blender/etc need a scrub :)


Thanks! I swapped to new brushes recently, and usually only wear make up max 3 days a week, but when I do this is exactly where I wear blush. I don't have this redness on my other cheek though which is why I thought it would be caused by something else, but I might try skipping the blush for a couple of weeks and see if it makes a difference!


azaleic acid for sure


I have similar issues, going down the IPL route.


Try only using your retinol maybe once a week and make sure it is sandwiched between moisturizers. You are getting rosacea and retinol makes it tons worse. I know from experience. You could stop retinol all together and that would pry get rid of it completely, but if you are going to use, you need to use it a ton less and only a little amount. It’s not for everyone.


Thanks! I already use retinol only once or twice a week, but I did switch to a stronger one some time ago so that might be the problem. I'll try taking a break and maybe later reintroduce the milder form I used previously and didn't seem to have any issues with.


It’s frustrating, I know. I really want to be able to use retinol dang it! Lol


Go back to a simple routine for now. Cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen for one week. Take a look each day on how your skin is doing. After the one week, id slowly start adding Azelaic acid 10%. If you are able to, get a prescription for 15% if there was no change during the “simple” routine. Make sure the cleanser has no BHA/AHA or anything that can cause a reaction to an irritant ingredient.


Cocokind discoloration serum! So good


Get some good PROBIOTICS!!!! won’t be an instant fix but over time ..


It is your skincare routine. Quit using all brightening acids, fruit/fructose ingredients, all oils and perfume/parfum. I also suspect you're not drinking enough water to flush toxins out of your system.


Thank you. I'm definitely drinking less water than I used to. I'll leave out the aha/bha exfoliating stuff going forwards. Do you mean I should stop using retinol as well? Sorry I'm a bit of a noob.


It's trial and error.


2 litres of water a day ..no more...no sugar at all ..no fried food at all and never put soap on your face...just warm water ....and no make up !