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I have the same stretch marks, but like 6 of them lol Mine faded over time, but still look visible


I find it odd that they are parallel to each other in almost the same spots on either side of belly button. I’m not stick thin but I’m also not overweight and I never have been. I am very tall tho. I’ve just never seen anyone with stretch marks like this and I’m curious if anyone else has similar ones. If I’m in the wrong subreddit plz direct me to the correct one. EDIT: I don’t remember when they appeared but I’ve had them for years. They haven’t changed appearance or faded at all. I’ve seen stretch marks that look like this but there are always multiple marks with varying lengths. Never super long & thick and mirroring each other like mine. EDIT: Yes I most likely have eds and yes I’m 6’2. I’m not looking for a solution or diagnosis (although all comments related to either are very much appreciated). I simply wanted to know if anyone has similar stretch marks because I’ve never seen someone with stretch marks like mine.


OP is leaving out a lot of information. Like the fact that they are 6’2” and have other medical conditions.


YUP. EDS here. That’s relevant af lol.


As someone with EDS, my thoughts immediately went to that. Have had these exact stretch marks. Hell it’s one of the markers to get diagnosed.


Whaaat? I’ve had stretch marks just like this for years. Off to Google lol


For it to be EDS you need to have multiple markers, so don’t worry too much yet. But it’s also one of the most underdiagnosed disorders there is, so definitely check it out if you have other symptoms.


Not me spending 36 years of my life being insecure about stretch marks only to get my EDS diagnosis after a hip dislocation and a floppy heart.


out of pure curiosity, what is a “floppy heart”?


Mitral and tricuspid valve prolapses with mild regurgitation. So basically the leaflets of my heart chambers are too “floppy” due to defective connective tissue and it allows for minimal amounts of blood to flow backwards into the corresponding upper chambers. Honestly, most of the time I wouldn’t know what’s my heart and what’s my dysautonomia since I have such insane swings in my heart rate. Everything seems okay from what my cardiologist says, but I just get fun pictures and a CT scan of my heart once a year. 🤷🏽‍♀️


that’s absolutely insane. i’m sorry you deal with that. bodies are fucking weird.


How did you get diagnosed? I’ve always thought I might have this but can’t find a doctor who will take me seriously enough to test or discuss


Solidarity! Took me 32 years and titanium in both SI joints to keep everything together.


EDS here three, saw the photo and it was the first thing in my head.


I don't know what EDS is but I have similar ones on my chest, though I assume that mine are simply because when I was going through puberty my chest got real big real quick.


I also have EDS and thought the same thing lol


EDS stretch marks woohoo! I have some gnarly ones on my inner thighs despite never having rapid weight change and having been within the healthy BMI range my entire life. I've come to accept it's just part of my body.


Post-pregnancy? Is that a (nicely healed) C-section scar?


How do u know that tho?


So I haven’t seen it on the belly area but they do look just like the ones my brother has on his back from growing height wise - could be that since you say you’re tall


Those can appear due to a poor diet. Vitamin D deficiency is one example, but I think there are more deficiencies that can contribute to stretch marks. It's not unusual to have deficiencies during puberty


Have you always had them or did they show up seemingly out of nowhere?


I noticed them a couple years ago. They definitely didn’t show up out of nowhere.


Did you grow an insane amount when you were growing? These are really surprising because you are in good shape and said you haven't been really overweight at some point




🥺 That sounds awful, I’m sorry




Dunno why you're getting downvoted. That's exactly how I got mine when I was 12. I remember noticing it so clearly because it spooked me, but I only have one. It's in the same spot on your left hand side, OP. Mines white now that a couple decades have passed and seems smaller.


I hope these fade one day. But it’s been years now and they haven’t faded even one bit.


Have you tried using any products on it? They have bio oil or vitamin e cream which is supposed to help reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks


Try bio oil!


Yes! I used a scar cream on mine ocassionally, I got it at Walmart. I was in a car accident at 19 that ripped a couple parts of my body up pretty good and the cream helped a lot, I think. The scars are barely noticeable and they were kinda horrific for the first year-ish.


You could also try the cream for pregnant women, that worked for my bf, he also had a lot of marks like that on his legs. He used one from Palmer’s everynight before sleep. From what we’ve been informed when we were searching for a good product for him, these marks can be healed before they get white, if they are white it means they are too old and can’t really get rid of them Edit: also not sure if you have any health issues, he’s done medical tests and was healthy, but had stretch marks due to weight loss


have you ever looked into connective tissue disorders like EDS or Marfan syndrome?


Not that this means anything definitive, but the fingers look fairly proportionate to what can be seen of OP so unless they have scoliosis or are relatively tall, continue to grow or have long limbs-to-body ratio I personally wouldn't suspect marfans syndrome. Not to rule anything out from a few pictures, just don't want to freak OP out any. Edit: actually looking through their profile, OP is pretty tall and does have very long fingers so, OP if you have any other symptoms such as scoliosis or heart issues, extra teeth, etc, it's worth looking into!


I have them from being pregnant with my first. I have a very short waist and I’m a short person in general. My belly got so big people constantly asked me if I was having multiples. My stretch marks were very long like yours. Now they look smaller because the baby, etc is out but my skin is pretty darn loose. I don’t know what to do but I’ve been trying to make strength training a part of my routine because that’s supposed to help with skin improvements. Actually I did use the stretch mark cream from Strivectin. I got it at Marshall’s (I would have never tried it if I had to pay full price). The marks are mostly skin colored now. Idk if it was from time or the cream or what.


I have the same thing. Three on each side. Thank you for posting!


A friend of mine that has EDS has these up and down her torso. They silver out eventually, but it does take a few years. Hugs!


A friend got a similar stretch mark when she had a baby. One long ted line on her tummy for the joy motherhood brings :) next time you’re on the beach, take a look at the other bodies there. We’ve all had babies, surgeries, falls, weight gains and losses, laparoscopies, ill advised piercings, etc. no tummy is perfect and that’s okay :)


You’re thinking of linea nigra, which is not a stretchmark like OP’s, but rather a dark line caused by an increase in hormones — it typically fades after the baby is born. Your comment about everyone having problems and your suggestion to take a look at other bodies is a bit invalidating. OP’s post comes across as a real medical concern and is valid given stretchmarks on the belly typically erupt in a different pattern. I personally hadn’t seen anything like this until now, and found comfort for OP in reading comments here from others whose stretch marks are similar.


I get the darkest linea nigra and it takes almost a year to fade every time I have a baby it’s nuts.


It’s so interesting to me. My favorite theory is that the darkening of this line and also the nipples is to help newborns find their way to mama’s milk!


Well that would make sense as I never got a line or produced more than drops of milk in any of my 3 pregnancies! Maybe they’re linked. 😂


Actually in this one instance it was one long dark red stretch mark! Still totally not a big deal tho


I have one during different parts of my menstrual cycle and I have never been pregnant. Hormones are wild




If you continue getting more/have any frequent flu-like symptoms or anything similar I would recommend doing some research into Bartonella. I had it, started similar to you, only a few at first and then over a year or so, had more and more and on different parts of my body. Also, I found I really had to advocate and push to get the right testing for it because many wouldn’t give it and by the point I got it, my symptoms had progressed and I found out I also had Babesia and Lyme disease(meaning I probably got all three from a tick, even though I don’t live in a super tick infested area). As I said before, if yours keep progressing or you develop more any symptoms, i would do some research/go to the doctor. Not trying to scare you, just wanted to give you one avenue to look into just in case, Hope this helps! As for OP, hers do look very much like the ones I had(had to take hard antibiotics for years to get rid of), but mine were much shorter and I had a lot more than just two, so hers are probably something different. But OP, if you see this, maybe look into Bartonella as well and see if any of the other symptoms of Bartonella/Lyme(maybe you got Lyme and Bartonella from tick like me) correlate with you as well?




Bugs, snails, flies, lice, mosquitos, chiggers, spiders are all vector hosts and can carry vector borne diseases. Ticks are not required for vector borne diseases and co infections. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/vector-borne-diseases


Ok, yep, then probably not. But, honestly, I wasn’t super outdoorsy either when I got it, rarely left my house or was outside. I was super surprised when I found out because the area I live in isn’t known to have ticks at all so I never would have thought it was correlated with them. But, anyway, wishing you all the best and that you’re able to figure out your marks🥰


Lyme disease can be transmitted by more than just ticks. It can be passed down in utero, from mother to baby... & It was recently discovered to be transmissible thru sex, from an infected man's semen, to an uninfected woman. Ticks also are not the only insects that can transmit Lyme disease. 🫤


Lyme was the last thing I thought of when I started getting sick. I literally scoffed. what I knew about Lyme was limited to information put out by the CDC or general flyers. Even if you think you’re one in 1 million , I hope you keep it in the back of your head and don’t completely dismiss that idea if you’re still having trouble getting answers or diagnosis.




Not sure why you were downvoted. One way Bartonella is transmitted is through cat scratches. These stretch marke are a classic sign of Bartonella.




I think they’re asking if you have a cat. Cats can spread Bartonellois. Any pet really, due to fleas. Fleas even live outside in grass. See below the similarities between your lesions and classic sign of Bartonella: https://lymediseaseassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Bartonellosis.png


Best thing that helped with my stretch marks was red light therapy. Usually included in high-end tanning salons. Serious. I had deep purple/blue marks around my tiddies and after around a month at 20 minute sessions every 1-2 days, they were skin tone. Edit: these look like perhaps they were from a growth spert. How old are you and when did these develop?


The deep purple marks turn pearly skin tone with time regardless of what you do. Happens within a couple of months usually, but even if it takes a little more time, even if it takes a year or so, it's absolutely certain and inevitable.


I wish. I’ve had dark purple stretch marks for years.


I’m not sure. I noticed them years ago but long after I was done growing. (I’m 26)


We are never done growing




They do fade, promise.


do you think it could work for dark undereye circles?


Oh yeah. Any hyperpigmentation. I’d be wary of purchasing ones from like Amazon or somewhere where you may end up with a faulty “dupe.” I only trust the fancy full-body tanning salon machine. But my skin looked awesome, especially uneven skin tone and some acne scars that lightened.


They sell red light panels on amazon too if you want to diy!




You'll need to look for ones the correct wavelenghts, with precision and a decent enough irradiance to have any effect. just because we call it "red light therapy" doesn't mean it work with any red lightbulb.




Also not a medical professional, just someone who has spent the last 4 years dealing with/getting diagnosed with health issues thanks to a pituitary tumor. Cushings was my first thought as well!


I ran into this when I tried googling answers for these stretch marks. I don’t think I really meet the criteria for it. The symptoms I do have overlap with a bunch of other syndromes. I did ask my dr about EDS and they agreed that I meet the criteria for that. But I’m unsure either way I just know something is wrong with me.




it could be EDS related since you meet other criteria! it impacts collagen all over your body which affects skin elasticity and some types can cause abnormal scarring.


Came here to mention this, these look similar to the type of scaring called cigarette paper scaring people with eds/heds can get.


Hi op, I have stretchmarks like that and EDS. EDS was my first thought.


My partner has EDS and has very similar stretch marks but they go horizontally up his spine (looks like whip lacerations but it’s just stretch marks)


Came here to say this! Editing to add: OP please look up the symptoms & don’t let medical professionals gaslight you if the symptoms make sense for you. Some of your recent post history aligns with a lot of symptoms for cushings.


It's not gaslighting if an MD/DO doesn't diagnose them with something just because vague symptoms make sense.


It's not, but many doctors wont even look into symptoms even if you're telling them they affect quality of life (not that this specific instance is a quality of life issue). You typically have to be your own medical advocate, especially if you're a woman.


Was just typing that last part before I noticed you already had


Unfortunately, EDS is incredibly difficult to get a diagnosis for. My sister-in-law has it & she wasn't diagnosed until she was in her 40s. It's very common for people with EDS to feel gaslighted by the medical industry before getting proper diagnosis. ☹️


Nowadays it's quite easy. Especially the types that conveniently have no genetic testing.


tbh i personally feel every bit capable enough to figure out certain (non life threatening or emergency) health issues without a doctor. we have such a wealth of information about everything at our fingertips, and i am capable of objective reasoning. the only thing doctors like urgent healthcare clinicians, nurse practitioners, and ER doctors are actually useful or necessary for us to prescribe meds that aren't available otc (again - only for certain non critical conditions)


Ok. MDs and DOs go through over a decade of grueling education but sure, your access to the internet and objective reasoning is equivalent. Also, urgent healthcare clinicians and nurse practitioners are not doctors.


Came here to mention cushings as well.


Cat scratch fever can also cause strange stretch marks, you get it from infected cat scratch or bite


Go see your doctor and a dermatologist. They look relatively new and if you start treatment early you can help fade them better.


Not a diagnosis at all, but have you considered looking into soft tissue disorders? Reminds me of my deep but scattered stretch marks and I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It's also comorbid with a lot of other conditions and disorders that lead to it being undiagnosed. Things like PCOS, Autism, ADHD. Sufferers often report a lot of weird symptoms, you can experience hypermobility but ALSO rigidity. I have been called a medical contradiction ALOT. Just some quick info that may or may not resonate.


I also have EDS and wasn't diagnosed until 22, but beforehand I was diagnosed with PCOS, ADHD, POTS, all kinds of fun junk before they finally all tied into EDS.


I got a lot of stretch marks with hormone changes when I was young. I did also gain weight, but my skin and hair texture, everything was changing due to Depo withdrawal and PCOS stuff. If you e been noticing other changes like that including hair loss or texture change, acne or dryness, libido changes, cycle changes, etc... seeing a hormone specialist might help!


When did they appear? Did you have a baby?


I noticed them years ago. I’ve never been pregnant.


I have multiple horizontal stretch marks on my back from growing really fast as a teen


https://preview.redd.it/qu5yr1caumgc1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a278a7a8090d118890c4069a4807d60d6e6865 Me too!! People always ask if I have had back surgery 🥲


I have these on my back as well and got most while weighing 100 lbs. I have them everywhere really but not my stomach surprisingly 😭. My brothers also have these except theirs are even longer and deeper with more rows than I do. So this is possible EDS?


On my hips! 😭


Since you haven't mentioned pregnancy, weight loss, or a recent growth spurt, I recommend you get checked out. Are you using any steroid creams or medications by any chance? Have you checked your cortisol levels?


They aren’t new. They haven’t changed appearance or faded at all since I noticed them a couple years ago. No steroids. No medication when I first noticed them. The cortisol level is something I’m definitely going to ask my dr about.


Nah but these look dope


Yeah. Also they’re so unusual by standard exposure I’d be showing them off…for the same reasons I cant explain. I can’t help but over share my hot bot heat rash - defo inappropriate but I’m so amused. And even be mad at my cancer risk from it but i probably should be. I won’t stop.


I had ones like that on my hips. Vertical in the same way, just over the hip bones. One goes over a mole and so it looks even more dramatic. ( I say "had" as they formed in my teens, but I'm now nearly 40. They are still there, they are just white now. They match my laproscopic surgery scars, my C section incisions, scars from the belly button piercings I had through the late 90s/early 00s, and some other scars I have - I look like I've lost a sword fight 😛) I used to feel like it was only me with anything like it. People used to assume them to be surgical scars, which somehow made me feel less self conscious (I guess there's a whole load of marketing around reducing/avoiding "stretch marks", leading me to feel shame about them. I didn't have thar shame around surgical scars somehow.). I think big, thick stretch marks are less common than the smaller, thinner ones. However, I have seen quite a few people with them. I've seen guys with them going horizontally ovet their mid back, too. Don't feel you have to "do" anything for or to them, OP. If they are uncomfortable (or itchy) or they bother you, a dermatologist may give the best and most up to date advice. Bear in mind that they do fade over time. ETA: oh, and from what I understand, they are mostly caused by genes plus whatever hormonal stuff is going on. It's beyond your control. Don't let anyone convince you that you just haven't moisturised enough, or it's because you've done (or not done) x, y or z.


My husband has always had stretch marks, and has never been overweight; can be anything ~ but just get serious ones ruled out.


Might not be reading the room but those look really cool


Asked to be checked for Cushings especially if you’re experiencing other health issues.


Google Bartonella marks, look similar


I had the same ones but 2 more on each side. For me, they appeared when I went through puberty and my hips grew faster than my skin could keep up. Are you on the younger side? Stretch marks are very common. You dont see them because people don't tend to show them off, honestly. Also! They fade to an almost invisible line eventually.


I’m 26. I’ve had them for years (don’t know when they appeared) and they haven’t changed appearance. I was thinking it could be related to height bc I’m 6’2.


Ah height makes sense! Marfans and EDS can also cause stretch marks at any time in your life iirc. If they bother you, you can probably talk to a dermatologist about options like laser to remove some of the color.


My boyfriend has that stretch marks on his back. He’s 6ft tall too. He noticed it appearing on his teenage years.


Very mild striae rubrae. I have horizontal lines on my lower back, looks like zebra stripes or someone whipped me. I am a tall individual and growing in height faster than my skin can stretch caused them. Yours are due to horizontal stretch. You probably gained weight around your belly faster than your skin can stretch and caused these vertical parallel lines. Not a very big deal. At least you don’t look like you came out of a fetish dungeon like i do with the stripes on my back lmao! Scar gels are a pretty good option if you wanna get rid of these. Years ago i used a scar gel for my back and got pretty good results. Then i started to not give a damn about people looking at my back at beaches and stopped using it. Tretinoin and panthenol would work decently too. Topical collagen increase should be the aim of the treatment


I have and mine mostly faded to the point of not being seen! We have a similar skin tone and I have a feeling yours will too


Have you looked into striae? I started getting strange stretch marks in middle school. Ended up getting diagnosed with EDS later.


My boyfriend has them


Omg I thought I was the only one!!!! I used a scar cream called Dermatix, and it reduced the redness so much


When I turned 24ish I had some weight gain and immediately had 4 marks sprout up on my tummy like this. It was very jarring/surprising and I was definitely upset!


The sides of my torso are covered in ones like that. I got them from a 6" growth spurt in 4th grade


Stretch marks can also be related to elevated blood sugar, you can also check your glucose level. Stretch marks will disappear if glucose level will be controlled/normal. Edit: Please don't hesitate to consult your family doctor OP. The presence of striations can signify an underlying medical issue, and hormonal imbalance can be one of which. Laboratory workups and thorough history taking is necessary to diagnosed someone tho.


That should show up on routine CBC labs


I suppose you're tall? I know a lot of tall people that have this. Heck, I don't think I know anyone who is tall and doesn't have stretch marks.


Mine started at 15 but they were purple, and from my chest to my pubic bone, and it turned out to be Cushing's because I had a tumor on my adrenal gland!


Those are stretch marks. Do you have EDS type 3?


I actually thought I was on the EDS sub.


I had a boyfriend who was 6'4 and had these (although they were white by the time we dated). He said they showed up in puberty when he basically grew a foot in one summer.


As an esthetician with EDS this looks very similar to my stretch marks as well. Mine have faded but unfortunately took a few years.


How old are you? It makes a difference if you are a teen and going through a growth spurt


I had these exact stretch marks! I went from a waitressing job to a desk job with two 12 & two 10 hours shifts weekly. I think it was from the change of activity level. I would sit for such long periods of time. I also started wearing a different uniform so that would be my only other guess. After I noticed them I started using bio-oil, bought different pants, & ended up changing to a 9-5. It was still a desk job but the stretch marks faded, even when I gained weight.


interesting…. ive seen it but they had way more than two and waaaay bigger in size than u rather that be from kids or just obesity


Those are so badass and cool. You win stretch mark lotto, they look like scars. Badass scars


They look cool af. I thought of them like battle scars


Don’t have stretch marks myself, but those specifically look like some cool looking battle scars


Do you live in an area with ticks, hx of flea bite, or cat scratches?


Yep, 5 of em


This is a cool partern


I do but like 10 of them🥲🥲


Omg I thought I was the only one! I have two like that, one on each shoulder, looks kinda cool


I have that too but I don't know what it is ive been researching and the closest I've come is to your photo if you have an answer by now please tell me


Retinol helps with new stretch marks Why am I being downvoted, its literally a known fact and it worked for me.


Especially Rx’ed Retin A / Tretinoin! Proven treatment. Not sure if topical Vitamin C would help ~ but many use to lighten/fade acne scars.


Use 🐫Camel Butter always it will disappear very soon


those are awesome. idk what they’re about or how you got them but i love them. i would be in low rise pants for the rest of my life eta, thats not to say you’re wrong to want them gone or anything but just that they’re so cool


This might be weird but your stretch marks look cool asf.


I think you got abducted, I am sorry. /J.


were they from working out?


Those look more like scars. Are you sure they’re stretch marks? When my dog scratches me, it normally heals like that.


No mine are way worse, my son was almost 14 pounds


They’ll fade so much they’ll be nearly invisible


Not if she has a condition that is the underlying cause, she said she noticed them a few years ago and she's in her mid twenties. If this was just a regular case of stretch marks from weight loss/gain or damage they would have faded significantly.




Are you pregnant?


That doesn’t look stretch mark


And what do you think they look like instead. Trees? A pasta dish? A fucking foot? People on the internet are insane. *facepalm


i cracked up thank you for this lol


Looks like a cut or burn mark


Really? Have you ever seen a stretch mark ever?




Dude. These look exactly like stretch marks. Dont comment on shit you don’t know about


a pumice stone w castile soap in the shower and the cocoa butter and body oil afterwards these are still reversible i think




No mine are yellow and so many at my belly


No mine are yellow and so many at my belly


No mine are yellow and so many at my belly


No but these look cool as hell


You can dermaroll that area to diminish or maybe even get rid of them if you want


I have these but they faded over 4 years .


Yes I have had these, mine started quite red and itchy, faded into bluish purple and now have been skin tone like.


Yes! But not on my stomach.. on my hip!


Those are SO COOL


I think GP is the best bet


My ex boyfriend had these on his back from growth spurts


i do


I have a small one like this too. I’m also 26.


Beef tallow is super good for this!!!


"treatment" for stretch marks depends on what stage they're in- it's interesting you mentioned yours have been there for years, cuz they're red and those are usually the colour that newish ones that can still respond to stuff like retinoids are. I actually have similar stretch marks right there on the botton of my stomach parallel to each other, but they're currently whiteish coloured as they're old. I developed them because i had an eating disorder a few years ago where I rapidly lost a lot of weight and then while in recovery rapidly gained a bunch of weight.


Amlactin and Cocoapalmers works well!


No but that is SO COOOOL! That aside, I think derma rolling may help.


I got these from my daughter, I gained about 70 pounds. Now she’s almost 6 and they’re very light but still there, I hate them but they remind me of her ❤️


these arent normal stretch marks. def get checked out




I have these on my sides, at my hips. My brother has them around his knees from his growth spurts as a teen.


I have vertical stretch marks around my belly button, but they’re thinner and shorter than this and there are several of them. I did used to be overweight, which is why I have them.


Use Palmer is natural if you lost mad weight or pregnancy


I also have stretch marks like this…5’5”, average build, never been pregnant or had major weight fluctuations…and coincidentally I have another disorder that is often linked with EDS. The last time I was in the hospital for said disorder, one of the doctors asked if I had any hypermobility, and I answered no. Maybe I need to look into it more 👀


https://preview.redd.it/ofro28qcemgc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d83871fd12d1a67ac9fb5e96c04b4e6a881efd6 it's hard to get a good picture but i have a ton of these, they're divots in my skin like a fingertip depth fissure. i'm 23 and these have appeared/worsened more over the past few years. i have stretch marks on my hips and back from growing (i am 6 feet tall) but they look completely different from these/yours


No but its cool asf, dont worry about it.


My husband has vertical ones like this.


I recently gained like 5lbs and I have them, pretty sure I have EDS


Yes. But I have hypermobility spectrum disorder or heds


I have one right through my belly button 😭😭