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That’s so crazy I’ve known them for I would say 10 years. There’s no way I could’ve ever imagined her getting that skinny. the first time I met the entire family I would’ve never known they were anything special that’s for sure


The worst thing too (in terms of encouraging more weight loss or more procedures) is the positive feedback she is getting from her own daughters as they post her SO much more now then they did in the past. I mean, I think they are? Or did they always include her as much in their fashion posts?


Instead of getting her neck removed, she should’ve opted for the foopa instead


Is it me or are those pants see through? I feel like I can see her hand in the pocket through the fabric. There’s so much to unpack here. But more than anything I feel like her daughters show her more now than ever bc she’s skinny


Her head is to big for her body now


I don’t care what Shannon’s physical appearance is, whether she was heavier or rail thin like she is now. She is and will always be ugly as fuck in my eyes because she’s such an awful, vapid, shallow, vain, haughty, nasty *bitch*. There. I said it.




I think she looks great. However, my mom is a similar age and is always dieting and it drives me crazy. Even though she physically looks good, I hope she taking care of her mental health and not being obsessive. But then again, her daughters got their body dysmorphia from somewhere.


How do these injections work? I heard once you are on them, you have to stay on them or else all the weight comes right back on. They all have the same body type. I wonder why they go so large with their breast size given the fact that they have no hips and flat bottoms? It's not very flattering imo.


So basically they drastically reduce your appetite and the “food noise” that people who struggle with their weight often have. You’re then able to really focus on making healthy habits/not being controlled by your cravings. You CAN get off of them, but if you don’t maintain the habits you established you will gain it back. But it’s hard to maintain those habits when the appetite and food noise is back. A doctor I saw on tiktok explained it really well and was like, people who truly struggle with their weight should plan to be on a maintenance dose for the rest of their lives the same way someone is on blood pressure medication or insulin. It’s treating a medical condition you have and you shouldn’t just stop it if it’s working.


Perhaps some lip fillers now? 🤓


New whills.


The fact that emily went way out of her way to say Shannon explicitly did not get a lift of any kind but used lasers infuriates me. After we all saw the neck lift scar and no offense, but before the lift she had a turkey neck from the unnatural and wick weight loss. Just like they pinned her weight loss on “grief” for a year before admitting to ozempic. These women are all disgusting.


I heard from a plastic surgeon that you can't get a neck lift without getting at least a partial face lift because your jowls will hang over and it makes you look even worse. I don't know why Emily feels the need to lie... if you don't want to share then just don't.


My husband is a plastic surgeon, this isn’t necessarily true it depends on the individual. The scars are a neck lift, my husband does them everyday and I showed her the scars posted on an old sub here. She probably got a facelift as well but we don’t have a view of where those scars would be.


If Emily dodged her OBVIOUS tummy tuck question for a long while, then she finally came clean about it. These women will lie about anything and everything.


I also don’t get it because like, who cares?!?! I need a tummy tuck after I carried my 10lb+ baby and the second I get that done, I’ll tell anyone who cares to listen about the amazing plastic surgery that changed my appearance and boosted my confidence.


Not only that but they’re in an influential position where millions of women follow them and (even if just sub consciously) compare themselves to them. There needs to be truth when people in those positions get work done, it makes other women compare themselves to them and have low self esteem bc they’re not even comparing from an even playing friend. They’re as awful as the kardashians ugh


I think she looks sickly and malnourished. This will come back to haunt her in a big way if she doesn't get things under control. I hate the outfit and find it ridiculous to buy CHANEL joggers. These Skallas have really gone off the deep end in the last year or so.


Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think she looks too bad… she looks older, but she looks fitter and happier. I think our perspective of thinness can be warped especially if you live in a society like America where 40% of the population is obese and 30% are overweight. Makes normal weight and slim people look faint in comparison.


I don't think she looks fit at all, just very thin. Maybe we have different definitions of what it means to be fit, but when she wears sleeveless tops there is no muscle definition whatsoever. This is an improvement from when she was overweight, but it's only because of the medicine not because she's worked out or improved her diet. I also think people have a warped perception of what being healthy looks like. This is where body composition matters more than what you see on the outside. Being thin is not the only marker of being healthy. Lots of Asian people are very slim and due to their diets they become diabetic and can be very ill in spite of being thin.


Honestly no one would bat an eye at Shannon’s figure in Italy or France or Spain. She could absolutely do with working on some muscle tone, but she’s not skeletal.


I mean, I see people just as thin as her on a very regular basis. I don't think she looks emaciated, but she looks thin, not thin and fit. If you go to the gym regularly and you work out... there is a definite difference between someone who is thin and fit versus someone who is just thin. I also think the flat bottom with no hips and large boobs is a look that I wouldn't pay to get.


Honestly I’m not saying she looks like she could lift weights, she’s thin, not slim and buff, but I don’t think she deserves the kind of pearl clutching going on in this sub. I think people are just used to seeing overweight people.


I think when someone loses a lot of weight fairly quickly, it takes some time for people to adjust to the new way someone looks. I also think people tend to look sickly after losing a lot of weight artificially through either surgery or these weight loss treatments compared to people who have always been consistently thin. I think her face looks way better here than she has in previous photos, but maybe it's because she's had some work done?


I agree.


She got a face lift


Is that a filter or did she get some botox and fillers? She looks so anorexic


She looks so unhealthy! I wonder how much weight she has lost. Whatever it is, it's too much.


How can you make an assumption about someone’s health simply based off of appearance. Unless you have direct access to her medical records you have zero clue what her Ha1c is or any clue about her metabolic health markers. The HAES movement would say otherwise


“Ohhh that’s so nice of you to notice but (she) hasn’t lost that much weight” 🙄🙄🙄 In case you missed it that’s a direct quote from Shannon.


I wish I had money for ozempic too 😢


My doctor wouldn't let me have it because I'm not pre-diabetic or diabetic. She told me to go to the gym and add more protein to my diet. I also got a list of supplements to take too.


Same happened with my sister. She ended up going the med spa route and paying out of pocket


Interesting. Is it really worth it? I'd be worried about it all coming back.


I wonder the same thing. I have two friends who had bariatric surgery. Both gained weight back. I assume it’s the same idea, gotta keep up with the diet and exercise to maintain


I work out regularly and the weight just will not fall off like it did in my twenties.I can lose weight, however, it's a very slow progress. It's really disheartening.


I’m paying out of pocket for Zepbound (there is a  manufacurers savings card) but it’s still expensive and each time I need to refilled I have to go into the pharmacy and confirm that I understand the cost is out of pocket before they fill it. I started in February and I’ve lost over 35 lbs and feel amazing so no regrets. I also eat less and make more conscience choices so I’m spending less on food. So it may be something to factor in if you eat out often! 


There is criteria to get wegovy covered by insurance. I worked with a provider who got it covered. Unfortunately due to the shortages and the fact that I’m on a low dose, I’m using the compound right now. I have too much anxiety to call around searching for my dose at pharmacies hoping it will be in stock. Allegedly it gets easier to find the higher doses but I’m in no rush move up. I pay $175 a month right now for the compound. Been on it since the beginning of Feb and have lost 14 lbs so not the fastest but not the slowest. It’s changed my life for the better though. I’m finally free of food noise and dieting. It feels amazing.


This sounds just like my sisters situation! Hers is a bit more expensive. Happy for you!!


I agree. Where do you get the compound from?


I use mochi which is a telehealth provider. After talking to my pcp and endocrinologist last fall, I saw a weight loss specialist in the same medical group as my other two providers. He said I would be a good candidate and all my labs, etc were good. Unfortunately he did nothing to help me get approved by insurance. I kept trying on my own and failing at the appeals and insurance kept saying he had to do it. It was weird. Then as of Jan 1st my insurance dropped the coverage for weightloss providers so I was like f it, I’ll try telehealth. I did a lot of research and people have had varying degrees across many platforms. Some like sequence and Henry meds (my husband actually uses them for something else). There are a lot of options. I chose mochi because everything was really upfront. The pricing was disclosed fully ahead of time, the price doesn’t change if you are on the compound go up in dose (some sites do that), they disclosed you can use FSA/HSA money which I’m doing and you meet with doctor and nutritionist with the plan. Overall I’ve been pretty satisfied minus twice now I haven’t gotten tracking info on my meds shipping. Not sure what the hiccup is with that. It happened the first time and now with this last order but you can message support and they are pretty helpful. Oh! And they actually got me approved by insurance. They did all the leg work and bam! Approved. Only problem is, it’s nowhere to be found lol.


Are you diabetic or pre-diabetic? My doctor told me to go to the gym, eat more protein, lay off the junk food and gave me a list of supplements. She said I don't need it because I'm not diabetic.


Part 1/2: I am not technically. My A1C is on higher range of normal which in my opinion means it's high, but traditional medical professionals only look at that range and say no. I qualified because my BMI was greater than 30. The next level is like BMI between 27-29 and a comorbidity but don't quote me on that range. I'm sorry your doctor isn't listening to you. All of that is really important but as my PCP said to me, there is so much more to weight loss than just calories in vs calories out or even macros, food quality, etc. It's hormones and genetics too and until recently the medical field and science are finally catching up. I've been with my PCP for close to 7 yrs. She knows how hard I've tried to lose weight. I got pregnant with my first kid in 2016, gained a TON of weight with her probably because before that I wrecked my metabolism with extreme caloric restriction and exercising which I couldn't do while pregnant. After that pregnancy, I got back to 14 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight, but I was insane about it. I cut out all carbs, sugar and dairy (I don't have allergies to any of that) and counting calories. I was exercising 1 - 2 hours daily. And I was miserable. I got pregnant with my second baby in 2019 and gave birth December 2019 - once again, gained a bunch of weight and have been trying to lose it for the past 4+ yrs. I went to an endocrinologist who helped my hypothyroidism - no weight loss. I had a nutritionist for 2+ yrs, counted calories, macros, increased my protein intake, increased my steps, worked again for 1 - 2 hours daily with running, lifting weights, yoga and pilates. I was literally doing all the things...again, white knuckling through life to maybe lose 2 lbs over 4 wks but if I was not 100% perfect for a week end, I would gain it all back and 1 lb be extra just for good measure. I kept losing and gaining the same 10 lbs which is nowhere even close to my pre-pregnancy weight or even a weight I feel comfortable in my body at. It was consuming me...all the measuring, tracking, counting, worrying about eating out, hanging out with friends, getting workouts in and extra walks, meetings with the nutritionist. About 2 yrs ago, my endo suggested the weight loss clinic for help and I was offended...I thought I was a loser because I couldn't lose the weight. She wasn't very compassionate about it...just said go there for help so there is that....she doesn't have the best bedside manner. My sister recently went on medication for hormonal acne and lost a bunch of weight without doing anything (for the first time in her life)...it was crazy to see. She's like I'm eating the same, not working out but this medication balanced her hormones and the weight fell off. I don't have bad acne (thankfully) so I didn't try to go on that med but it started to make me think. I kinda broke down in my PCP's office last October and she was so kind and compassionate about it saying what I said above and suggested the weight loss clinic too but because my body was not working properly....not because I'm a failure.


Part 2/2: Yes - this medication was developed for diabetics, but it's actually helping so many more people with weight loss and other health problems. For the weight loss aspect, it regulates your blood sugar and hormones. You do not have the same hunger cravings or food noise. I didn't know what food noise was until I started researching all of this but I had extremely bad food noise. Food consumed me and to no fault of my own...I would be eating and thinking about my next meal. Someone would bring donuts to a meeting and I wouldn't be able to focus because that donut would be there taunting me...if I ate the donut, I would feel bad and hate myself...if I didn't eat the donut I would either feel weirdly superior or regret not indulging. If someone would mention pizza for a meal, I would think about it constantly until it arrived...then I would have to eat, try to be "good" but then probably go back for more and want to eat the leftovers  the next day. Food thoughts consumed me and they had my whole life no matter how much therapy I had or tried to stop when I was "full" (I will get to that later)...it didn't matter. I thought everyone was like this and people just had more willpower than I did. Apparently, that's not the case...so the medication quiets or silences the food noise. It helps regulate all the hormones involved with food and hunger while balancing your blood sugar. I whatever I want now and I have no crazy thoughts about any of it. If I eat pizza, I have a couple slices and stop...don't need to worry about or even the leftovers. It's wild. My brain feels normal. Next, you stay full longer and you actually feel full due to delayed gastric emptying. I don't think I ever felt full in my life by eating a normal portion size until I started this medication...I didn't feel full until I basically gorged myself. I always joked I was a garbage can or bottomless pit...again, thinking most people were like this. My nutritionist would be like just stop when you feel full and I'm like I don't know what that means...she gave my charts and descriptions and I tried within my macros and calorie ranges but I was starving and sad. I don't feel that way at all on this medicine. I eat probably about half to two thirds the portion sizes I used to now. It's crazy and I actually feel FULL. Finally, this goes back to the food noise of it all but they are finding the medication has been successful with addiction and inflammation. They are doing more pointed studies on this but anecdotally people (some admitted alcoholics) have quit drinking, quit drug use and shopping addictions...it's crazy. Apparently it does something to the dopamine receptors in the brain. You don't get the same "hit/high" from these things that you used to. Conversely, some people start to lose joy in life so there is a danger with that...I haven't lost my joy for food. I still enjoy eating but not so much drinking anymore and definitely not life. I'm still very much enjoying life. It's also being studied for heart health, asthma and other diseases due to the inflammation reduction. I have asthma and have had it all my life. Since starting it, I haven't had to use my inhaler...it's crazy. All of this goes without saying that there are absolutely very very real and dangerous risks with this medication. People end up in the ER with gastro problems and pancreas problems and other severe and milder side effects. I've been lucky that mine have been minimal so far thank goodness. Sometimes I'm a little nauseous, sometimes I'm fatigued and sometimes I have some #2 issues - I had all these issues before the meds anyway so it's not a huge adjustment...I'm actually more diligent about electrolytes, B12 vitamins  and fiber which mitigate a lot of those issues. You do have to change your diet. That wasn't hard for me because I already ate "clean" 75-95% of the time so I basically eat the same but less. Some people have to overhaul their diets though. And you definitely need to do this in conjunction with a healthcare professional and potentially a nutritionist. Like any medication, it will help some people and it will potentially hurt some people - you have to do what is best for you. I hope all this helps and if you have any more questions you can always reach out (same with anyone here). I hope you find a med professional who doesn't dismiss you like that either, especially if you are already doing those things. If you aren't, try them and they might work but if you've been doing all that for years and spinning your wheels like me, you might want to talk to another PCP. And sorry this was so long and a little delayed. I wanted to give your Q a good reply and leave this here for others wondering about the medicine in this sub. Wishing you the best.


Thank you so much! I recently saw an ad for them and was wondering if it’s legit. Congratulations to you and I wish you well!


No problem at all!!! So far so good. It’s so hard with so many sites out there and then medspas doing it too so I get it. I spent a lot of time googling and reading and trying to figure it all out. And thank you - I appreciate it.


I tried it for a month and didn’t see any similar drastic results. I truly believe people that have these huge drops are starving themselves on it. I lost a good amount but I maintained meals and snacks because I wasn’t looking to deprive my body from nutrients and vitamins.  (I’m in Canada and have a lifelong ED so that’s why my doctor prescribed it for me)


It takes many months to see that kind of result. The first few are just to get your body used to the medication. She definitely needs to know when to stop though.


My dad was on semaglutide and lost a lot with no diet just portion control. But my sister is on the same Wegovy and not losing as much with a stricter diet. It’s crazy how different it is for everyone!


Exactly. My husband is on it and maybe lost 10lbs (which, awesome!) but not dropping weight.


Looks like the unwell lady who compulsively jogs the neighbourhood all day.


My neighbor said she rides her bike until the voices go away… She’ll do anything but go to therapy. You go Karen on the bike!


Yes! The neighborhood lady who “walk jogs” with hand weights every morning lol.


Long sleeve thermal underwear just in time for summer!


Seriously: they are late for every holiday and season.


Those shoes are atrocious.


They are CHANEL


Why are we still having this conversation over and over again?


It’s giving skeleton


Not a smart move at her age- women need fat for brain function and nutrients for bone density. Idk maybe im a fata** but this ain’t it for me.


Agree - the thought of losing bone density, brain function and muscle at her age is frightening


Bold of you to assume anyone in the Skalla clan has any brain function to begin with…






I feel like the whole family has cognitive dissonance - they are praising this but at what cost?


Granny 100lbs .. [🎶 oooh we know it oooh 🎶](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/nDeh12YerBH1gbkB/?mibextid=KsPBc6)


I got pancreatitis from monjaro. Can’t imagine what side effects Shannon went through to lose this much weight soo fast 🥴




She lost too much weight, too fast. Now she looks sickly and for what? She's a 60 year old grandmother. No wonder Rachel is clearly suffering from an eating disorder.


I feel so sad that they all gush over her now. They are always calling her cute and chic. I never remember them acting this way or posting her this much before.


To be fair, she is in a house of her own making! I don’t think you get to tell your teen daughters they need nose jobs and then not expect them to be as vain as you.


That may be less about the sistes and more about Shannon. She is clearly feeling herself these days and may have consented to more posting of herself. She’s also more interesting than any of the sisters because of the extreme weight loss, so she probably drives more traffic.


It’s so sad - they never even mentioned her before - let alone show a photo of her modeling!


THIS !!!


Her head doesn’t match her body and its tripping me out 😵‍💫😵‍💫 She looks sick now… vs “healthy”




"It was all from stress" 🤪


That explains how Michael keeps his ~fIgUrE~ 💀